Precision Sports Science: What Is Next for Data Analytics for Athlete Performance and Well-Being Optimization?
:1. Introduction
2. Elite Sports Performance Optimization
2.1. Data Analytics for Performance Improvement
2.2. Equipment Design and Selection
- performance enhancement,
- safety improvement, and
- injury prevention.
2.3. Betting Industry and Sports Analytics
2.4. Team Members Recruitment and Selection
- Creation of baseline profile: establishing a control or baseline profile for each team member involves a complex array of parameters, creating a multi-dimensional hypersurface analogous to biological homeostasis, which also includes an athlete’s baseline homeostatic state.
- Monitoring wellbeing and health: Emphasizing the importance of athletes’ health and psychological state, this principle acknowledges that athletes perform best when they are physically well and mentally unburdened. Neglecting this aspect can have severe consequences for an athlete’s wellbeing.
- Objective assessment of training interventions: This involves critically evaluating the effectiveness of training interventions, moving beyond dogmatic practices to individualized adjustments backed by quantitative analysis. The complexity of correlating interventions with performance outcomes necessitates a deep understanding of the underlying processes and the importance of peer input and review.
- Tracking performance over time: analyzing performance fluctuations to identify potential causes is crucial. This multifactorial analysis considers environmental, physiological, psychological, health factors, and biological variances such as circadian rhythms, highlighting the need for rigorous and constant monitoring and analysis.
- Aligning performance abilities with competition demands: This is controversial and often leads to friction and pressure on coaches and officials. Providing evidence-based constructive feedback can help mitigate the psychological impact on athletes. Although the analysis may still involve uncertainties, it can also provide coaches with the necessary confidence to boost their work.
- Addressing deficiencies and enhancing strengths: Balancing the improvement of weaknesses and the enhancement of strengths is complex, as athletes’ abilities are influenced by numerous factors. In some cases, weaknesses may hinder the development of strengths, such as a power athlete’s lack of endurance affecting their ability to sustain high-intensity training.
3. Elite Athletes’ Wellness and Wellbeing
4. Current Off-Training Wellbeing/Wellness Profiling in Elite Sports
4.1. Physical Activity (PA) and Sedentary Behavior (SB) Profiles
4.2. Sleep and Circadian System
4.3. Nutrition and Eating Behaviors
4.4. Menstrual Cycle (MC)
4.5. Performance/Training Readiness
5. Future for Individual Profiling in Elite Sports: An Athlete-Centered Analytics Approach
6. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Exel, J.; Dabnichki, P. Precision Sports Science: What Is Next for Data Analytics for Athlete Performance and Well-Being Optimization? Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 3361.
Exel J, Dabnichki P. Precision Sports Science: What Is Next for Data Analytics for Athlete Performance and Well-Being Optimization? Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(8):3361.
Chicago/Turabian StyleExel, Juliana, and Peter Dabnichki. 2024. "Precision Sports Science: What Is Next for Data Analytics for Athlete Performance and Well-Being Optimization?" Applied Sciences 14, no. 8: 3361.
APA StyleExel, J., & Dabnichki, P. (2024). Precision Sports Science: What Is Next for Data Analytics for Athlete Performance and Well-Being Optimization? Applied Sciences, 14(8), 3361.