Printing the Future Layer by Layer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Additive Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0
:1. Introduction
2. The Basics of Additive Manufacturing
2.1. Overview of Additive Manufacturing Processes
2.2. Materials Used in the Printing Processes
3. Current Status of 3D Printing in Industry 4.0
3.1. Technological Evolution in the Context of Industry 4.0
3.2. Adoption Rates and Trends
4. Advantages and Limitations
5. Applications Across Diverse Sectors
5.1. Recent Innovations
- High-speed sintering (HSS), a creation of Loughborough University, represents an innovative approach within the powder bed fusion (PBF) category, employing infrared heating to specifically sinter polymer powders. This method allows for quicker production rates and the possibility of mass-producing functional polymer parts. HSS is transforming 3D printing by making it feasible to produce complex, tailored components on a large scale affordably. Because of this, it is now a preferred method in many industries, including aerospace, the automotive industry, consumer goods, healthcare, and medicine [46,47,48];
- Advancements in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) for additive manufacture of metals place a strong emphasis on material innovation, process control, and monitoring. These developments are intended to improve part quality, decrease porosity, improve mechanical properties, and boost production efficiency. Examples of these developments include monitoring the melt pool, using optical tomography, scanning each layer as it is deposited, applying multi-laser processing, and introducing new materials [46,50];
- Directed energy deposition (DED) methods have developed to use both powder and wire as raw materials, broadening the range of materials to metals, ceramics, and composites. This expansion increases the variety of designs that can be created and makes it easier to manufacture bigger parts. Additionally, integrating subtractive manufacturing with DED AM methods further enhances surface quality and dimensional accuracy, particularly for large components [46,51].
5.1.1. Multi-Material AM
- Conductive inks: Conductive inks containing metallic particles like silver or copper are used for printing conductive traces and interconnects;
- Dielectric and insulation inks: Dielectric inks are used to form insulating layers that are essential for separating the parts of a circuit, whereas insulating inks offer the structural support and strength needed for the printed item;
- Functional inks: Functional inks, such as magnetic or optical variants, add specific functionalities like sensors or antennas.
5.1.2. Beam-Based Metal AM
5.1.3. Stereolithography and Microwave Sintering
5.1.4. Bioprinting and Tissue Engineering
5.1.5. Two-Phonton Polymerization
5.1.6. Hybrid Technologies
5.2. Inventions in 3D Printing Technologies
5.2.1. Robotics
5.2.2. Digital Twins
5.2.3. Virtual Reality
5.2.4. Automation
5.2.5. AI-Assisted AM
5.3. New Materials
6. Current Challenges and Future Prospects
6.1. Technical and Operational Challenges
6.2. Present Obstacles Faced by AM Technologies
6.2.1. Bioprinting
6.2.2. Micro–Nano-Scale Fabrication
6.2.3. Additively Manufactured Electronics
6.2.4. Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
6.3. Anticipated Advancements and Research Directions
6.4. Industry 5.0 as a Way to Overcome the Challenges of Industry 4.0
6.5. The Role of Additive Manufacturing in the Future Landscape of Manufacturing
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Process | Definition According to ASTM 52900:2021 |
1. | Binder jetting (BJT) | Process in which a liquid bonding agent is selectively deposited to join powder materials. |
2. | Direct energy deposition (DED) | Process in which focused thermal energy is used to fuse materials by melting as they are being deposited. |
3. | Material extrusion (MEX) | Process in which material is selectively dispensed through a nozzle or orifice. |
4. | Material jetting (MJT) | Process in which droplets of feedstock material are selectively deposited. |
5. | Powder bed fusion (PBF) | Process in which thermal energy selectively fuses regions of a powder bed. |
6. | Sheet lamination (SHL) | Process in which sheets of material are bonded to form a part. |
7. | Vat photopolymerization (VPP) | Process in which liquid photopolymer in a vat is selectively cured by light-activated polymerization. |
AM Advantages |
AM Disadvantages |
No | Advantage | Description |
1. | Exceptional speed | CLIP prints are just as precise and smooth as DLP/SLA prints but can finish printing up to 100 times quicker. |
2. | Superior surface finish | The lack of visible layers in CLIP prints improves their surface quality, making them comparable to parts made by injection molding. |
3. | Exceptional properties | CLIP-printed parts are waterproof, have uniform properties in all directions, and are stronger than those printed with SLA/DLP. |
4. | Versatility for prototyping and production | CLIP is appropriate for both creating functional prototypes and conducting entire production cycles. |
5. | Structural integrity | CLIP can seamlessly incorporate different cellular structures within a single component to provide varied performance traits. |
6. | Versatility | Printers using CLIP/DLS technology support a wide variety of materials, setting them apart from many other types of printers. |
Material | Picture | Characteristics |
ESD | ESD Fiberlogy filament protects sensitive electronic components from electrostatic discharges, reducing the risk of damage. | |
CPE ANTIBAC | This innovative antibacterial filament boasts high mechanical strength, temperature resistance, and antimicrobial properties, making it ideal for various applications. | |
PCTG | PCTG filament, a variant of PET-G, offers enhanced impact strength, temperature resistance, and clarity without needing a heated chamber. Its low shrinkage ensures high dimensional stability, making it ideal for novice 3D printing enthusiasts. | |
CPE HT | CPE HT filament, a modern copolyester, stands out for its high mechanical and temperature resistance. Unlike its counterparts like PETG and PCTG filaments, it excels in withstanding high temperatures, reaching up to 110 °C. Additionally, it exhibits ongoing high resistance to chemicals and lipids. | |
FIBERFLEX | Flexible-filament 3D-printed items have the following characteristics: excellent resistance to chemicals and abrasions, low temperature resistance, and high impact resistance. | |
FIBERSATIN | FiberSatin filament offers a solution to the visible layer boundaries common in 3D printing, providing a high layer bondability and a semi-matte finish that gives models a refined appearance. It serves as an alternative to silk filaments, offering a distinctive matte finish with a touch of glossiness. | |
FIBERSILK | FiberSilk filament produces 3D printouts with a distinctive metallic shine, highlighting intricate details and enhancing aesthetic appeal. It has a low visibility of layer boundaries and high impact strength. | |
FIBERSMOOTH | FiberSmooth, a type of PVB filament, offers easy post-processing by smoothing it with isopropyl alcohol (IPA). This process partially dissolves the model, improving layer adhesion and hiding layer boundaries, leading to a glossy, porcelain-like surface. | |
FIBERWOOD | Available for over a decade, it combines wood particles with resin, creating beautiful prints that smell like real wood. |
Concept | Definition |
Internet of Things (IoT) | IoT links computing power and network connections to sensors and objects, using different ways of communication such as between devices or from a device to a gateway. To fully tap into what IoT can do, it is important to deal with issues related to security and privacy [186,187]. |
Artificial intelligence (AI) | Artificial intelligence is about computers copying smart actions with minimal help from humans, commonly seen as the science of making machines that can decide things on their own without people telling them what to do [188,189]. |
Cloud computing | Cloud computing is a new technology that can save industries from managing their own computer hardware. By sharing resources virtually, clouds can serve many users with different needs using a single set of physical resources. This can save costs and offer an alternative to owning hardware for both industries and scientists [190,191]. |
Cyber–physical systems | Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are a new kind of system that combine computing with physical actions, creating new ways for people to interact with them. By leveraging computation and communication, CPSs extend the capabilities of the physical world, emphasizing the significance of communication and control in driving future technological progress [192,193]. |
Augmented reality | Augmented reality (AR) merges virtual and real environments by enriching real-world objects with computer-generated information or objects through various technologies. By harnessing human capabilities, AR offers effective and complementary tools to aid in manufacturing tasks [172,194]. |
Simulation | Simulation serves as a potent tool for decision-making. As digitalization advances, simulation methods become more relevant, offering comprehensive, efficient, embedded, and cost-effective solutions [195]. |
Autonomus robots | Autonomous robots have the capability to identify issues and adapt their tasks independently to maintain smooth operation of processes. However, the level of a robot’s independence, from being controlled by humans to operating entirely on its own, influences how humans and robots interact [196]. |
Concept | Definition |
Customization and personalization | 3D printing allows for the creation of products that are highly customized and personalized, fitting the specific needs and likes of individuals. This fits well with the people-focused approach of Industry 5.0, making it possible to produce unique items that more closely match consumers’ expectations. |
Agile production | Unlike traditional manufacturing methods, which often require expensive tooling and long lead times for production setup, 3D printing offers greater agility. It enables businesses to quickly adapt to shifting customer needs and market demands by facilitating on-demand manufacturing and rapid prototyping. |
Complex geometry | Complex forms and intricate structures that may not be possible to create using conventional manufacturing techniques can now be produced thanks to additive manufacturing technology. This opens up new options for design and makes it possible to make components that are light but still have good performance. |
Sustainability | 3D printing could cut down on material waste by using only what is necessary for making a product, thus reducing unused materials and excess stock. Moreover, by allowing for manufacturing to happen locally, 3D printing could lessen the environmental toll of transport and logistics. |
Supply chain resilience | Industry 5.0 emphasizes resilience in supply chains, and 3D printing can contribute to this by decentralizing production and reducing reliance on centralized manufacturing facilities. By producing parts and products closer to the point of consumption, companies can mitigate risks associated with disruptions in global supply chains. |
Design integration | 3D printing technologies are increasingly being integrated with digital design and manufacturing platforms, enabling seamless collaboration between digital design tools, simulation software, and additive manufacturing hardware. This digital integration enhances efficiency, accuracy, and quality in the manufacturing process. |
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Bănică, C.-F.; Sover, A.; Anghel, D.-C. Printing the Future Layer by Layer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Additive Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 9919.
Bănică C-F, Sover A, Anghel D-C. Printing the Future Layer by Layer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Additive Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(21):9919.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBănică, Cristina-Florena, Alexandru Sover, and Daniel-Constantin Anghel. 2024. "Printing the Future Layer by Layer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Additive Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0" Applied Sciences 14, no. 21: 9919.
APA StyleBănică, C.-F., Sover, A., & Anghel, D.-C. (2024). Printing the Future Layer by Layer: A Comprehensive Exploration of Additive Manufacturing in the Era of Industry 4.0. Applied Sciences, 14(21), 9919.