Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media
:1. Introduction
- RQ1: Are emotional cues and sentiments in news and replies capable of detecting rumors independently, without additional information?
- RQ2: Can emotional cues and sentiments in news and replies improve rumor detection when used as supplementary features for textual content?
- RQ3: How do emotion, sentiments, user, and content features contribute to distinguishing between rumors and true news in Arabic social media?
2. Background
2.1. False News and Rumors
2.2. Pre-Trained Language Models
2.3. Emotion Classification
3. Related Works
3.1. Emotions-Based Rumor Detection Approaches
3.2. Arabic Language Rumor Detection Approaches
4. Research Methodology
4.1. Dataset Collection
4.2. Feature Extraction
- SenticNet (https://sentic.net/, accessed on 12 January 2023) [75]: SenticNet is a concept-level lexicon that utilizes denotative and connotative information-associated concepts from the WordNet (https://wordnet.princeton.edu/, accessed on 12 January 2023) lexical database to perform emotion recognition. It is employed to extract mood tags at the word level. It covers eight emotions: anger, calmness, eagerness, disgust, fear, joy, pleasantness, and sadness. Additionally, we can extract negative and positive sentiment tags for each word in a sentence.
- NRC Emotion Lexicon (http://saifmohammad.com/WebPages/NRC-Emotion-Lexicon.htm, accessed on 12 January 2023): The NRC emotion lexicon is used to assign availability statuses to the eight emotions based on the Plutchik model, namely, anger, trust, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, and anticipation, as well as sentiment. Two Python packages are utilized to extract emotions: the LeXmo and NRCLex packages.
- AraNet tools [36]: AraNet tools support a wide variety of Arabic NLP tasks, including dialect, emotion, and irony prediction. Built on BERT architecture, AraNet provides state-of-the-art performance for these tasks. It covers eight emotions: sadness, anticipation, surprise, anger, fear, happiness, disgust, and trust.
- CAMeL [76]: CAMeL tools are used for extracting sentiments, such as positive, negative, and neutral.
4.3. Pre-Processing Unit
- Diacritical Mark Elimination: We systematically removed diacritical marks from the Arabic text, resulting in a more consistent and standardized representation of the language.
- Exclusion of Non-Arabic Text: Our pre-processing strategy involved the removal of all non-Arabic content, such as hyperlinks, symbols, mentions, usernames, English characters, and numerals. Simultaneously, hashtags and keywords associated with news agencies or anti-rumor organizations were eliminated to prevent the model from favoring accurate tweet recognition.
- Character Normalization: To ensure uniformity in the Arabic text, we normalized specific characters by converting أ, آ, and إ into ا.
- Stop Word Elimination: This phase involved filtering and removing common articles, pronouns, and prepositions from the Arabic text, such as (“في”, “in”) or (“على”, “on”) which typically offer minimal analytical value. However, some essential stop words for our task, such as لا and غير, were retained as they can enhance performance.
4.4. Textual Representation of PLM Unit
4.5. Concatenation Layer
4.6. Dense Layer
4.7. Experimental Setup
- Optimizer: we tested various optimizers: SGD, ADAM, and ADAMW optimizers
- Learning rate: we explored a variety of values between 1 × 10−2 and 1 × 10−6 before deciding that 1 × 10−6 was the best value for fine-tuning and 1 × 10−4 was the best value for feature-based learning.
- Neuron numbers: several numbers were evaluated for the dense layer, including 256, 512, 1024, and 2048 neurons. After multiple tests, we settled on 1024 neurons since it provided the highest accuracy.
- Epoch numbers: we investigated with a range of epoch numbers, from 1 to 50. We employed an early stopping technique. This involves halting the training phase before the validation error arises, and the model’s performance cannot be enhanced to prevent overfitting and underfitting problems.
4.8. Evaluation Measurements
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Paper | Dataset Source | Domain | Languages |
Juan Cao, Chuan Guo, Xueyao Zhang. Sheng, Kai Shu, and Miao Yu (2019) [42] | Various domains | Chinese | |
Juan Cao, Xueyao Zhang, Xirong Li, Qiang Sheng, Kai Shu, and Lei Zhong (2021) [43] | Twitter, Weibo | Various domains | English, Chinese |
Anoop k, Deepak P and Lajish V (2020) [44] | News | Health | English |
Lianwei Wu and Yuan Rao (2020) [46] | Various domains | English | |
Bilal Ghanem, Paolo Rosso, Francisco Rangel (2020) [41] | Twitter, News | Various domains | English |
Anastasia Giachanou, Paolo Rosso, Fabio Crestani (2019) [45] | News | Political | English |
Bilal Ghanem, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Paolo Rosso, Francisco Rangel (202l) [48] | News | Various domains | English |
Suhaib Kh Hamed, Mohd Juzaiddin Ab Aziz, Mohd Ridzwan Yaakub (2023) [47] | Various domains | English |
Statistics | Count |
Events# | 403 |
Rumor# | 202 |
Non-rumor# | 201 |
News Posts# | 20,493 |
Replies# | 40,759 |
Type | Feature | Type | Description |
User-based features | List count | Float | Number of lists that author participates in |
Description status | Boolean | Whether user provides a personal description | |
Char-description length | Integer | Personal description length (in words) | |
Word-description length | Integer | Personal description length (in char) | |
User-favorite count | Integer | Number of posts that author favors | |
Username length | Integer | Number of characters in username | |
Screenname length | Integer | Number of characters in screenname | |
User-followers count | Integer | Number of accounts that follow author | |
User-friends count | Integer | Number of accounts that author follows | |
Geo-enabled | Boolean | Whether account has enabled geographic location | |
Media count | Integer | Number of media posted by author | |
Custom timelines | Boolean | Whether user has a custom timeline | |
Status count | Integer | Number of posts written by author account | |
Verified | Boolean | Whether user has verified accounts | |
URL statues | Integer | Whether author account has a URL in homepage | |
Protected | Boolean | Whether user has protected their tweets | |
Consent status | Boolean | Whether account requires consent | |
Can dm | Boolean | Whether account allows users to send direct messages privately | |
Profile background tile | Boolean | Whether author account has background profiles tile | |
Profile background image | Boolean | Whether author account has background profiles images | |
Default profile | Boolean | Whether author account has not changed theme or background of profiles | |
Default profile images | Boolean | Whether author account has changed the default profiles images | |
User engagement | Float | User engagement (# posts/(account age + 1)) | |
Following rate | Float | Following rate (i.e., followings/(account age + 1)) | |
Favorite rate | Float | Favorite rate (i.e., user favorites/(account age + 1)) | |
User effects | Float | Whether the author is a producer or recipient determined by the formula # followers/# following | |
Reputation score | Float | Reputation score of accounts, calculated by the formula # followers/(# followers + # following + 1) | |
Account age | Integer | Number of years since account creation | |
Following | Boolean | Whether author account is followed by authenticated user | |
Follow request sent | Boolean | Whether author account is requested to follow by authenticated user | |
Notifications | Boolean | Whether author account has turned on notifications | |
Contributor-enabled | Boolean | Whether account has enabled contributors | |
Translation-enabled | Boolean | Whether account has enabled translations | |
Is translator | Boolean | Whether account has a translator | |
Timespan | Float | Difference in years between account creation and tweet posted | |
Promotable | Boolean | Whether account is promotable | |
Normal followers | Boolean | Number of normal followers | |
Content-based features | Retweet count | Integer | Total number of post retweets |
Reply count | Integer | Total number of post replies | |
Favorite count | Integer | Total number of post favorites | |
URL presence | Boolean | Whether tweets have a URL | |
Question mark presence | Boolean | Whether tweets have a question mark | |
Exclamation mark presence | Boolean | Whether tweets have an exclamation mark | |
Media presence | Boolean | Whether tweets have media videos or images | |
Hashtag presence | Boolean | Whether tweets have hashtags | |
Word length | Integer | Tweet length in char |
Approach | Features | SVM | LR | RF | |||
Accuracy | F1-Score | Accuracy | F1-Score | Accuracy | F1-Score | ||
News-based emotions | LeXmo | 58% | 55.3% | 56.8% | 58.8% | 58% | 58.8% |
NRCLex | 49.4% | 64.3% | 60.5% | 64.4% | 63% | 62.5% | |
SenticNet | 45.7% | 59.3% | 51.9% | 48% | 44.4% | 45.8% | |
AraNet + CAMeL | 63% | 68.1% | 54.3% | 54.3% | 67.9% | 71.7% | |
ALL Emotions | 64.2% | 64.2% | 64.2% | 62.8% | 60.5% | 62.8% | |
comments-based emotions | LeXmo | 59.3% | 60.2% | 54.3% | 56.5% | 58% | 58.5% |
NRCLex | 55.6% | 62.5% | 59.2% | 62.9% | 64.2% | 62.3% | |
SenticNet | 48.1% | 51.2% | 53.1% | 52.5% | 58% | 56.4% | |
AraNet + CAMeL | 64.2% | 63.3% | 59.3% | 60.2% | 65.4% | 64.1% | |
ALL Emotions | 65.4% | 65% | 56.8% | 58.8% | 67.9% | 69% | |
Combining-based emotions | LeXmo | 64.2% | 67.4% | 55.6% | 57.1% | 63% | 64.3% |
NRCLex | 53.1% | 64.8% | 60.5% | 63.6% | 71.6% | 72.3% | |
SenticNet | 53.1% | 52.5% | 56.8% | 57.8% | 53.1% | 53.7% | |
AraNet + CAMeL | 63% | 65.9% | 67.9% | 69.8% | 67.6% | 69% | |
ALL Emotions | 67.9% | 69.8% | 66.7% | 69.7% | 67.9% | 69.7% | |
ALL + Gap emotions | 67.9% | 70.5% | 69.1% | 71.3% | 69.1% | 70.6% |
Approach | Model | Features | Last Layer (cls) | Concatenation | Mean Pooling | |||
Accuracy | F-Score | Accuracy | F-Score | Accuracy | F-Score | |||
Fine-tuning approach | AraBERT-Twitter | News Features | 66.66% | 64.01% | 62.96% | 59.71% | 65.43% | 61.79% |
News + Comments Features | 77.77% | 78.81% | 82.71% | 82.59% | 79.01% | 78.54% | ||
(+) Basic Features | 85.18% | 85.13% | 82.71% | 82.59% | 81.48% | 80.91% | ||
(+) All Features | 74.04% | 72.73% | 83.95% | 83.79% | 70.37% | 67.77% | ||
MARBERT | News Features | 59.25% | 51.72% | 56.79% | 46.15% | 69.13% | 66.17% | |
News + Comments Features | 87.65% | 87.64% | 87.65% | 87.64% | 85.18% | 85.18% | ||
(+) Basic Features | 87.65% | 87.64% | 88.88% | 88.86% | 88.88% | 88.86% | ||
(+) All Features | 87.65% | 87.64% | 88.88% | 88.86% | 86.41% | 86.41% | ||
Features-based approach | AraBERT-Twitter | News Features | 66.66% | 66.15% | 69.13% | 68.44% | 69.13% | 65.59% |
News + Comments Features | 77.77% | 77.77% | 77.77% | 77.5% | 81.48% | 81.38% | ||
(+) Basic Features | 81.48% | 81.48% | 80.24% | 80.24% | 82.71% | 82.65% | ||
(+) All Features | 80.24% | 80.24% | 81.48% | 81.47% | 82.71% | 82.65% | ||
MARBERT | News Features | 65.43% | 61.79% | 65.43% | 61.79% | 65.43% | 61.79% | |
News + Comments Features | 79.01% | 78.81% | 69.13% | 66.68% | 83.95% | 83.79% | ||
(+) Basic Features | 83.95% | 83.86% | 76.54% | 75.59% | 70.37% | 68.65% | ||
(+) All Features | 83.95% | 83.91% | 83.95% | 83.91% | 82.71% | 82.26% |
Approach | Model | Features | Accuracy | F-Score |
Fine-tuning approach | AraBERT-Twitter | Emotion-based model | 74.04% | 72.73% |
(+) user and contents feature | 86.41% | 86.34% | ||
MARBERT | Emotion-based model | 87.65% | 87.64% | |
(+) user and contents feature | 85.18% | 85.13% | ||
Features-based approach | AraBERT-Twitter | Emotion-based model | 80.24% | 80.24% |
(+) user and contents feature | 81.48% | 81.44% | ||
MARBERT | Emotion-based model | 83.95% | 83.91% | |
(+) user and contents feature | 88.88% | 88.83% |
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© 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Al-Saif, H.F.; Al-Dossari, H.Z. Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8815. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158815
Al-Saif HF, Al-Dossari HZ. Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(15):8815. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158815
Chicago/Turabian StyleAl-Saif, Hissa F., and Hmood Z. Al-Dossari. 2023. "Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media" Applied Sciences 13, no. 15: 8815. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158815
APA StyleAl-Saif, H. F., & Al-Dossari, H. Z. (2023). Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media. Applied Sciences, 13(15), 8815. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158815