An Efficient Algorithm for Mapping Deep Learning Applications on the NoC Architecture
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks
2.2. Network-on-Chip (NoC)
2.3. Application Mapping on the Network-on-Chip (NoC)
3. Multilevel Task Mapping for NN Applications
Algorithm 1: AI application mapping on mesh-based NoC. |
3.1. Level 1 Mapping: Region Mapping
Algorithm 2: Neural-network-level mapping on the NoC region. |
3.2. Level 2 Mapping: Neurons Mapping on the Cores
Algorithm 3: Neuron mapping on the NoC core. |
3.3. Discussion about the Proposed Technique
4. Evaluation
4.1. Analytical Model
4.2. Simulation Results
4.2.1. Visual Analysis of Application Mapping
4.2.2. Energy Consumption, Communication Latency, and Throughput Analysis
- 1 indicates four-cores architecture.
- 2 indicates nine-cores architecture.
- 3 indicates 16-cores architecture.
4.3. Discussion about the Results and Prospective Work
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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AI | Artificial intelligence |
BB | Branch and bound |
BEMAP | BB-based exact mapping |
Bandwidth between two routers and | |
CC | Communication cost of the NoC |
DNN | Deep neural network |
DSE | Design space exploration |
DVFS | Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling |
Link energy consumption | |
Average latency | |
Latency of packet b | |
MET | Maximal empty triangle |
n | Number of neurons |
N | Number of processing cores |
Manhattan distance from source to destination tile | |
NN | Neural network |
NoC | Network-on-chip |
Packets received by the core x | |
PSO | Particle swarm optimization |
RL | Reinforcement learning |
SNN | Spiking neural network |
SoC | System-on-chip |
SotAs | State-of-the-art |
Simulation time | |
VLSI | Very-large-scale integration |
Article | Mapping Technique | Performance Improvement | AI Application Mapping |
[6] | DVFS-based application mapping | Large power savings | ✗ |
[8] | Multi-application mapping | 18% reduction in latency and energy consumption | ✗ |
[9] | Fault-tolerant mapping | 9.5% communication energy reductions and 7.94% performance improvement | ✗ |
[10] | Heuristic-based algorithm | Reduction in the maximum average packet latency by 10.42% | ✗ |
[11] | Run-time mapping for hard real-time applications | 13% reduction in the energy consumption | ✗ |
[12] | B*tree-based simulated annealing algorithm/genetic algorithm | 23.45% reduction in power consumption and 24.42% reduction in the latency | ✗ |
[34] | Branch-bound (BB)-based exact mapping (BEMAP) algorithm | 19.93% reduction in energy consumption and 61.10% depletion in network latency | ✗ |
[35] | Comparison of most of the reported application mapping techniques for NoC | Conclusion is provided for NoC application mapping-based on algorithm run-time | ✗ |
[36] | Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and TABU search | Reduction in average latency by 63% and average energy consumption by 69% | ✓ |
[37] | Combining uneven and search mapping strategies | Up to 64% more energy-efficient in comparison with SotAs | ✓ |
[38] | Multilevel genetic algorithm based technique | Reduction in power consumption and delay in comparison with traditional genetic algorithm | ✗ |
Parameter | Value |
NoC type | 2D Mesh |
NoC sizes | 2 × 2, 3 × 3, 4 × 4 |
Embedded applications | Artificial intelligence (neural network) |
Packet length | 128 bits (1 flit) |
Mapping algorithm | Multilevel and direct mapping |
Simulation time | 1000 s |
Clock frequency | 2000 MHz |
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Share and Cite
Khan, Z.A.; Abbasi, U.; Kim, S.W. An Efficient Algorithm for Mapping Deep Learning Applications on the NoC Architecture. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 3163.
Khan ZA, Abbasi U, Kim SW. An Efficient Algorithm for Mapping Deep Learning Applications on the NoC Architecture. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(6):3163.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhan, Zeeshan Ali, Ubaid Abbasi, and Sung Won Kim. 2022. "An Efficient Algorithm for Mapping Deep Learning Applications on the NoC Architecture" Applied Sciences 12, no. 6: 3163.
APA StyleKhan, Z. A., Abbasi, U., & Kim, S. W. (2022). An Efficient Algorithm for Mapping Deep Learning Applications on the NoC Architecture. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 3163.