4.1. Lithofacies/Rock Types of Analysis
The lithology in E11 was affected by diagenesis, as observed during the core description
Figure 3. Three main basic lithologies are present in the E11 field: limestone 53%, dolomite 11%, and claystone 3%. The correlation among wells can only be achieved based on gamma-ray, neutron-, and density logs. The correlation was made in terms of flooding intervals. This led to the division of the carbonate into four porous zones (SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4 separated by four tight layers FS1, FS2, FS3, and FS4, which are interpreted as major flooding intervals
Figure 5. The E11 field can be subdivided into six basic rock types.
- (a)
Sequence SS1 Cycle IV
Most of this sequence is deposited over a carbonate megabank and consists of chalkified fine-grained limestones (mudstones, wackestones, and packstones) alternating with smaller amounts of sucrosic dolomites and tighter over-dolomites. We observed a trend with decreasing gamma-ray and density can be observed from bottom to top. The succession is mainly dominated by argillaceous limestone at the bottom FS1 and tight dolomite. Towards the top of the interval, the same can be assumed for E11-3, and thus a lateral extent of these layers of at least 2.6 Km.
This sequence tends to have a laterally more persistent reservoir quality, with the average gross porosities ranging between 17% in E11-2 and E11-3 and 21% in E11-1. The rest of the porosity consists of argillaceous limestones.
At the top of this sequence, an FS2 interval is present with foraminiferal limestone packstones and partially argillaceous lime wackestones with cemented coral fragments. The compaction features, such as horsetails and stylolites, are common. The unit is present throughout the buildup area, with a uniform thickness in the region of 45–52 m. Although the average porosities in the wells range between 7 (E113) and 14%, the unit contains tighter streaks that render it overall a poor reservoir rock. The tighter part (FS2) of the unit is assumed to act as a permeability barrier to production due to the lower permeability values (
Figure 7).
- (b)
Sequence SS2 Cycle IV
In this interval, the gamma-ray shows thin peaks, which again seem to coincide with the few occurrences of dolo-limestones in E11-2. The lower part with high-gamma-ray values consists of coralline red algae and minor benthic foraminifera pack-to-grainstone. There are predominantly mouldic/sucrosic (calcitic) dolomites (packstones to grainstones), with some sucrosic/mouldic dolomites (mudstones to wackestone).
The reservoir quality is related to the degree of dolomitization and is generally good, with the average gross porosity ranging from 21% in E11-2 to 21% in E11-1. The reservoir quality tends to be laterally persistent. An overall increase in gamma-ray and density is observed towards the top of the interval, where argillaceous limestones are present (FS3). This increase is also present in E11-3 but can only be explained in the upper part by the presence of an argillaceous interval.
- (c)
Sequence SS3 Cycle IV
The sequence consists of foraminiferal limestone packstones and partially argillaceous lime wackestones with cemented coral fragments. The unit is present throughout the buildup area, with a uniform thickness in the region of 10–15 m.
The density and gamma-ray values continue to decrease and rise again towards the upper boundary, which is defined at the base of the argillaceous limestone FS4. It is observed in the gamma-ray log that thin peaks are present in the upper half, which coincide with dolo-limestone and dolostone layers, which seem to correlate between several wells.
- (d)
Sequence SS4 Cycle V
An alternation of tight and chalkified or mouldic lime packstones is observed with some reefoid to protect influences in the crestal area E11-1. The average porosity ranges from 8% in E11-2 to 19% in E11-1.
We observe in both wells constant gamma-ray values with a slight increase at the top, especially in E11-2. A connection between the occurrence of dolostone and an increase in gamma-ray seems to be present in E11-2. Meanwhile, in E11-2, wacke- and packstone with mainly coralline red algae and minor benthic foraminifera and skeletal debris dominate, and E11-3 is dominated by float- and rudstones with coral debris.
4.2. Self-Organizing Maps
- (a)
Neural Analysis
We performed clustering of the inputs to obtain a downsampled but representative set of “nodes”. The SOM structure comprises a single-layer linear 2D grid of neurons, instead of a series of layers. The SOM was used to cluster the well data into six rock type classes, as shown in
Figure 8. The clustering was carried out using a two-level approach, where the data set was first clustered using the SOM, and then the SOM was finally clustered. These results are only valid if the clusters using the SOM are similar to those of the original data.
- (b)
Model Propagation
The model can be refined using various iterations and parameter input/output to arrive at reasonable clusters. The last step is to apply the refined the IPSOM model to the well log dataset over the entire interval to create “rock type” classification curves
Figure 9. These can be appropriately named and color-coded. The zone-by-zone classification results on a well are shown in the graphic below.
The predictable variability of rock type gives confidence that the technique can be usefully applied to a larger dataset of eight remaining wells without core data
Figure 10 and
Figure 11.
- (c)
The relationship between the predicted “rock types’’ and the rock types from core log scale is evidenced in the correspondence analysis.
The correlation between core data and log for E11-2 gave a Cramer’s index of 80%, a good success rate of predicting the correct core-based rock type from log data with the model. The depth plots of the predicted rock type show close correspondence to the core-based rock types in terms of stratigraphic organization, proportions, and juxtaposition. This result is sufficiently good to merit the application of the model to the E11 field
Table 6.