SDA-Vis: A Visualization System for Student Dropout Analysis Based on Counterfactual Exploration
:1. Introduction
- A counterfactual-based analysis for finding recommendations using feature-perturbed feasible alternatives to avoid student dropouts.
- A visual analytic system named SDA-Vis that supports the interactive exploration of student characteristics and counterfactuals to support the decision-making process in educational institutions.
- A set of real-world case studies that demonstrate the usefulness and practicality of our approach to reducing student dropout rates.
2. Related Work
2.1. Student Dropout Analysis
2.2. Counterfactual Explanation
2.3. Visual Analytic
3. Student Counterfactual Analysis
3.1. Analytical Objectives
3.2. Data Set Description
3.3. Counterfactual Explanation
4. SDA-Vis: Visual Design and Overview
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- Student Projection (SP) view. Once the features have been selected from the first view, potential dropout students are mapped into a 2D visual space, considering these variables. This view aims to explore the students’ information based on certain metrics. It is placed in the inner left region of our interface, as shown in Figure 3
. Additionally, this view enables the analyst to find a specific student or group of students by using different metrics on the y-axis or to select a subset by drawing different shapes in the design space. Analogously to traditional classification models, we can consider this space the “dropout region”, where all students are at risk of dropping out (AO2).
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- Counterfactual Projection (CP) view. One primary requirement for our work is to seek and propose different ways to avoid student dropouts. Therefore, we compute a set of counterfactuals for each student containing information on which attributes and values of one or more students should be changed in order to reduce their probabilities of becoming dropout students (AO3). Once a group of interest is selected in the SP view, our CP view displays all of the counterfactuals associated with this selection, as shown in Figure 3
. Furthermore, the analyst can freely choose a set of counterfactuals to inspect using the view described in the following subsection.
4.1. Visual Exploration Workflow
4.2. Implementation Details
5. Case Studies
5.1. Analyzing Counterfactuals on a Specific Group of Students
5.2. Inter-Office Cooperation
6. Domain Experts’ Validations
- Q1: Does the methodology of the SDA-Vis system help you to analyze and reduce dropouts?
- Q2: Are the findings of the SDA-Vis system relevant?
- Q3: Is the SDA-Vis system more suitable for dropout reduction than the system you use?
- Q4: Is the SDA-Vis system easier to use than the current system?
7. Discussion and Limitations
- Automatic student performance prediction. We used a counterfactual explanation to generate synthetic solutions for a dropout student. However, the domain experts were also interested in automatically determining student performance. This analysis can improve the quality of feedback given to students [65]. In future work, we plan to address the analysis of secondary school grades in our research. Moreover, our approach could also design proper vocational orientation for a particular student.
- Multiple Data Sources and Scenarios. Combining different types of information about students and their environments such as high school grades, parents’ educational level, socioeconomic level, distance to the university, and university infrastructure would be helpful for analyzing the whole scenario. Given the increasing number of initiatives by the university authorities to provide that information, an immediate direction for future work will be to combine different data sources to enrich the SDA-Vis system. Moreover, although this system was applied to the studied university, our approach could be extended to other universities, considering different data types and scenarios. The user can choose the model, data source, and scenario to improve academic performance, student retention, and curriculum design. Our approach could be versatile enough to be applied to different contexts such as loan analysis, crime reduction, and analysis of the spread of disease.
- Global approach. SDA-Vis only used the counterfactual explanations to prevent student dropout. Although this satisfied the users’ requirements, we have discussed constructing a global student scenario analysis system. This could be used, for instance, to apply counterfactuals to improve the design structure of lectures, recommend courses to students, improve a professor’s performance, and calibrate the university’s fee. We are interested in tackling educational problems by using counterfactuals or other mathematical and computational mechanisms in a unique integrated analytical system, in future work.
- Longitudinal analysis. Despite the experiments, case studies, and validation process we conducted with the university’s real data set, we consider that a longitudinal study of current students could be interesting, to address the system’s usefulness in reality. We are interested in applying SDA-Vis’s suggested actions to current students and analyzing the changes over time, in future analyses.
8. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Attribute | Variable |
ID | Student ID |
N_Cod_Student | Number of enrollments at the university |
Gender | Gender of student (male/female) |
Age | Age of student (birth date) |
O_IDH | Origin HDI |
O_Poverty_Per | Origin percentage of poverty |
R_IDH | Residence HDI |
R_Poverty_Per | Residence percentage of poverty |
Marital_S | Whether the student is married or not |
School_Type | School type (private or public) |
N_Reservation | Average number of reservations per semester |
Q_Courses_S | Number of lectures per semester. |
Q_A_Credits_S | Number of passed credits |
Mandatory_GPA | Average GPA of the mandatory lectures |
Elective_GPA | Average GPA of elective lectures |
GPA | Final GPA score |
N_Semesters | Number of completed semesters |
H_Ausent_S | Average absence rate per semester |
scholarship | Whether the student has a scholarship or not |
Enrolled | The student status (target) 1: Yes, 0: No |
AO1 | AO2 | AO3 | AO4 | AO5 | AO6 | |
Feature Distribution Bars view | ✓ | |||||
Student Projection view | ✓ | |||||
Counterfactual Projection view | ✓ | |||||
Counterfactual Exploration view | ✓ | |||||
Table view | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Impact view | ✓ | ✓ |
Gender == ‘M‘ | Gender == ‘F‘ | Total | ||
Most Feasible | | |||
Most Factible | | |||
User Selection | | |||
Average |
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Share and Cite
Garcia-Zanabria, G.; Gutierrez-Pachas, D.A.; Camara-Chavez, G.; Poco, J.; Gomez-Nieto, E. SDA-Vis: A Visualization System for Student Dropout Analysis Based on Counterfactual Exploration. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5785.
Garcia-Zanabria G, Gutierrez-Pachas DA, Camara-Chavez G, Poco J, Gomez-Nieto E. SDA-Vis: A Visualization System for Student Dropout Analysis Based on Counterfactual Exploration. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(12):5785.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcia-Zanabria, Germain, Daniel A. Gutierrez-Pachas, Guillermo Camara-Chavez, Jorge Poco, and Erick Gomez-Nieto. 2022. "SDA-Vis: A Visualization System for Student Dropout Analysis Based on Counterfactual Exploration" Applied Sciences 12, no. 12: 5785.
APA StyleGarcia-Zanabria, G., Gutierrez-Pachas, D. A., Camara-Chavez, G., Poco, J., & Gomez-Nieto, E. (2022). SDA-Vis: A Visualization System for Student Dropout Analysis Based on Counterfactual Exploration. Applied Sciences, 12(12), 5785.