Remediation of Metal/Metalloid-Polluted Soils: A Short Review
:1. Introduction
- physical methods (landfilling and leaching, excavation, soil washing, calcination) that permit high removal efficiency and the treatment of large quantities of soil, but are expensive;
- chemical methods (soil washing, electrochemical remediation, adsorption) that are very effective, but can be a source of new chemical contaminants introduced into soils, for example, in soil washing;
- physical–chemical processes (ion-exchange, precipitation, reverse osmosis, evaporation, and chemical reduction) which are simple and easy to apply, but have a high-cost burden;
- bioremediation processes (bioventing, biosparging, bioaugmentation, biostimulation) which are environmentally friendly and cost-effective, but the degradation time is slower than in other treatments.
2. Origin, Characteristics, and Properties of Heavy Metals and Metalloids
3. Toxicology
3.1. Presence and Distribution into the Environment
3.2. Health Impacts Over Short, Medium, and Long Term
- Chromium (Cr): it is found in the environment in different oxidation states (−2 to +6), but the most stable forms are trivalent (III) and hexavalent (VI). Chromium(VI) is more absorbed than chromium(III) by the human body through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact, due to its high solubility and mobility. Chromium(VI) enters into the cell via a nonspecific anion channel via facilitated diffusion, while chromium(III) enters by passive diffusion or phagocytosis. The main organs that are influenced are the liver, kidney, spleen, and bone. The hexavalent form can easily penetrate red blood cells [39]. The main toxic effects of chromium for humans are ulcers, dermatitis, perforation of the nasal septum, and respiratory cancer. In soil, chromium alters the structure of microbial communities and reduces their growth [40].
- Copper (Cu): this element is essential in many biological processes (oxidation, photosynthesis, and carbohydrate, protein, and cell wall metabolism) [41]. Excessive concentration of copper leads to the formation of free radical species that damage the cell and inactivate some enzymes, threatening the environment, microbes, and human health [42]. In particular, the accidental ingestion of copper may cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, whereas a prolonged exposure leads to chronic effects, involving the liver and kidneys [36]. In the plants, copper accumulates in the roots, reducing their growth and the ability to absorb other trace elements useful for plant development [43].
- Zinc (Zn): is a trace element essential for all organisms, important in nucleic acid and protein metabolism, in cell growth, division, and function [44]. Excessive concentration in food or potable water may cause vomiting, muscle cramps, and renal damage [45]. In plants, a high concentration of zinc leads to a decrease in growth (both roots and shoots) and development of the plant, chlorosis, alteration in metabolism processes, and induction of oxidative damage [46].
- Cadmium (Cd): has eight stable isotopes, the most common are 112Cd and 114Cd. Cadmium forms various complexes with amines, sulfur, chlorine, and chelates. Depending on the form, it has different clinical manifestations and toxic effects. Cadmium interferes with cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and DNA repair mechanism. The common clinical effects are skeletal demineralization, kidney, and liver problems [47]. Excess accumulation in plants can influence both photosynthesis and respiration, transport, and assimilation of mineral nutrients, affecting plant growth and development [48].
- Lead (Pb): lead poisoning occurs mainly by the ingestion of food and water. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, damaging various systems [49]. Different studies have reported the dangerous effects of lead on the neurologic system, such as irritability, agitation, headaches, confusion, ataxia, drowsiness, convulsions, and coma, and has an effect on renal functions, the body development, and the lymphatic system [50].
- Mercury (Hg): in the environment, mercury can be present in the form of both organic and inorganic (Hg, Hg22+, Hg2+) compounds. Mercury tends to deposit in many parts of the human body, damaging the brain, thyroid, breast, myocardium, muscles, liver, kidneys, skin, and pancreas. Among them, the nervous system is the most affected [51]. Inorganic mercury can inhibit the activity of enzymes in the body and destroy the normal metabolism of cells. The organic form has a great negative effect on brain function and can enter through the food chain [52].
- Arsenic (As): it is present in the environment in organic and inorganic forms, the most common and toxic forms are arsenate and arsenite. Arsenate can cause damage to the plant since it affects phosphate metabolism, while arsenite binds to sulfhydryl groups of proteins, interfering with their structures and functions [53,54]. Chronic exposure to this metalloid causes cutaneous lesions, such as melanosis (hyperpigmentation), keratosis, and leukomelanosis (hypopigmentation); lung, bladder, liver, and kidney cancers; ischemic heart diseases, impaired cognitive abilities, motor functions, and hormonal regulations [55].
- RI < 150: the ecological risk is low;
- 150 ≤ RI ≤ 300: the ecological risk is moderate;
- 300 ≤ RI ≤ 600: the ecological risk is considerable;
- RI ≥ 600: the ecological risk is very high.
4. Removal Techniques
- in situ: the treatment is carried out directly on the site where the pollution is present, and there is no need to move/excavate the soil;
- on site: the soil is removed and processed on site surrounding the polluted area. The technique can be carefully monitored and kept under control;
- exsitu: the remediation occurs at a site far from the polluted area, and this entails soil excavation, its transport to a processing plant, and often transport back to the original site.
4.1. Physical Processes
4.1.1. Physical Separation
- Screening: the particle separation occurs on the basis of particle size, by passing (or not) through screen holes.
- Hydrodynamic separation: this operation exploits the different settling velocities of particles in a water flow; as an alternative, the different effects of centrifugal force can be applied.
- Froth flotation: the method exploits the differences in hydrophobic properties to separate metal-bearing particles from the soil matrix through air bubbles injected in a soil slurry.
- Magnetic separation: separates particles based on their different magnetic properties.
- Soil washing: the contaminates are desorbed and extracted from soil with an extractant solution.
4.1.2. Soil Replacement
4.1.3. Thermal Treatment
4.1.4. Vitrification
4.2. Chemical Processes
4.2.1. Chemical Stabilization
4.2.2. Nanoparticles
4.2.3. Stabilization/Solidification
4.2.4. Chemical Soil Washing
4.2.5. Electrochemical Remediation
- In these conditions, usually, the metals are in an ionic form; this is to say they can be mobilized from soil.
- The vegetal regeneration of soil could be limited and made more difficult.
4.3. Biological Processes
4.3.1. Microbial Bioremediation
- Bacteria: heavy metal ions can be bound and accumulated on polysaccharide slime layers of bacteria through functional groups, such as carboxyl, amino, phosphate, or sulfate groups.
- Fungi: are used to adsorb the heavy metals and metalloids through ion exchange and coordination in the chitin–chitosan complex, glucuronic acid, phosphate, and polysaccharides present in their cells.
- Algae: the absorption of heavy metals/metalloids occurs since algae form peptides as a defense mechanism. The functional groups (carboxyl, amino, sulfhydryl, and sulfonate) are among the constituents of the algal cell wall, and ion exchange promotes the adsorption of metal ions.
- several microorganisms cannot bind toxic metals into harmless metabolites;
- the process is slower than others;
- it is efficient if the environmental conditions are suitable for microbial metabolism.
4.3.2. Phytoremediation
5. Case Studies and Estimation Costs
- for soil washing, the cost is in the range of 200 USD·m−3 (small sites) to 70 USD·m−3 (large sites);
- for phytoextraction, the cost can go from 35 USD·m−3 (small sites) to 10 USD·m−3 (large sites).
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Element | Chemical and Physical Properties | Application | World Production (ton·y−1) |
Chromium (Cr) | Density: 7190 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 51.99 Heat of fusion: 21.00 kJ·mol−1 | Industrial application, alloys, tanning agents, paint pigments, catalysts, photography. | 15,000,000 (year: 2017) |
Copper (Cu) | Density: 8960 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 63.55 Heat of fusion: 13.26 kJ·mol−1 | Electrical and electronics, transport equipment, construction, industrial machinery, pesticides. | 20,000,000 (year: 2017) |
Zinc (Zn) | Density: 7140 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 65.38 Heat of fusion: 7.32 kJ·mol−1 | Paints, rubber, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, inks, soaps, batteries, textiles, and electrical equipment | 13,500,000 (year: 2019) |
Cadmium (Cd) | Density: 8650 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 112.41 Heat of fusion: 6.21 kJ·mol−1 | Electroplating, paint pigments, plastics, silver–cadmium batteries, coating operations, machinery and baking enamels, photography, television phosphors. | 24,670 (year: 2019) |
Lead (Pb) | Density: 11,340 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 207.2 Heat of fusion: 4.77 kJ·mol−1 | Electrical accumulators and batteries, building construction, cable coatings ammunition. | 11,600,000 (year: 2018) |
Mercury (Hg) | Density: 13,530 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 200.59 Heat of fusion: 2.29 kJ·mol−1 | Dental preparations, thermometers, fluorescent and ultraviolet lamps, pharmaceuticals, fungicides, industrial process waters, seed dressings. | 4000 (year: 2019) |
Arsenic (As) | Density: 5730 kg·m−3 Atomic mass: 74.92 Heat of fusion: 24.44 kJ·mol−1 | Pesticides, pharmaceuticals, alloys, semiconductors. | 33,000 (year: 2019) |
Country/ Organization | Type of Soil | Hg | Cd | Pb | Cr(VI) | Ni | Unit | Ref. |
WHO | Agricultural soil | 0.08 | 0.003 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.05 | ppm | [20] |
China | Agricultural soil | 0.3–1.0 | 0.3–0.6 | 80 | 150–300 | 40–60 | ppm | [20] |
US | Agricultural soil | 1.0 | 0.43 | 200 | 11 | 72 | ppm | [21] |
Italy | Residential soil | 1 | 2 | 100 | 2 | 120 | mg·kg−1 | [22] |
Industrial soil | 5 | 15 | 1000 | 15 | 500 | mg·kg−1 | ||
Finland | Threshold value | 0.5 | 1 | 60 | 100 | 50 | mg·kg−1 | [23] |
Lower guideline value | 2 | 10 | 200 | 200 | 100 | mg·kg−1 | ||
Higher guideline value | 5 | 20 | 750 | 300 | 150 | mg·kg−1 | ||
Canada | Agricultural soil | 0.8 | 3 | 200 | 250 | 100 | mg·kg−1 | [24] |
Germany | Agricultural soil | 5 | 5 | 1000 | 500 | 200 | mg·kg−1 | [2] |
Spain | Soil pH < 7 | 1 | 1 | 50 | 100 | 30 | mg·kg−1 | [25] |
Soil pH > 7 | 1.5 | 3 | 300 | 150 | 112 | mg·kg−1 |
Country | Proximity to Activity Sources | Soil | Element | Concentration (mg·kg−1) | Ref. |
China (Feng County) | Pb/Zn smelter | A = County Seat (pH 8.5) B = River basin (pH 8.0–8.5) C = Smelter area (pH 8.6) | Cd | A: 6.7 B: 0.8–2.7 C: 57.6 | [31] |
Cu | A: 25.0 B: 21.9–30.2 C: 36.9 | ||||
Ni | A: 46.0 B: 39.4–46.3 C: 49.3 | ||||
Pb | A: 50.0 B: 30.0–70.0 C: 148.0 | ||||
Zn | A: 900.0 B: 300.0–400.0 C: 2079 | ||||
China (Shuozhou) | Pingshuo open pit mine | Cd | 0.117 | [8] | |
Hg | 0.03 | ||||
As | 9.629 | ||||
Pb | 21.328 | ||||
Cr | 55.609 | ||||
China | Pb smelter | Distance from smelter D = 1 km E = 3 km F = 6 km | Cd | D: 4.5 E: 2.0 F: 1.0 | [6] |
Cu | D: 45.0 E: 35.0 F: 32.0 | ||||
Pb | D: 350.0 E: 180.0 F: 175.0 | ||||
Zn | D: 128.0 E: 82.0 F: 80.0 | ||||
China (Changshu City, Jiangsu Province) | Primary, secondary, and tertiary industries | Gleyic clayey paddy soil | Mg | 0.22 | [32] |
K | 1.64 | ||||
V | 82.77 | ||||
Se | 0.12 | ||||
Mn | 347.77 | ||||
Fe | 1.16 | ||||
Co | 12.76 | ||||
Sb | 4.14 | ||||
Pb | 31.41 | ||||
Cu | 31.60 | ||||
Zn | 61.13 | ||||
As | 7.46 | ||||
Cr | 86.38 | ||||
Cd | 0.11 | ||||
Ni | 34.93 | ||||
Pakistan (Swabi) | G = Depth (cm) 0–15 Organic matter (%) 0.35–2.30 pH 7.21–9.21 EC (dS·m−1) 0.13–0.56 CaCO3 (%) 5.89–16.65 H = Depth (cm) 15–30 OMC (%) 0.21–1.52 pH 7.32–8.88 EC (dS·m−1) 0.18–0.86 CaCO3 (%) 6.56–17.81 | Cu | G: 2.33–19.15 H: 1.32–14.11 | [33] | |
Fe | G: 8.23–36.89 H:8.22–30.95 | ||||
Zn | G: 8.26–26.55 H: 7.77–24.20 | ||||
Cd | G: 0.01–0.16 H:0.01–0.08 | ||||
Co | G: 0.8–6.99 H: 0.33–5.46 | ||||
Ni | G: 0.46–22.21 H:0.42–21.9 | ||||
Cr | G: 0.23–8.02 H:0.54–5.11 | ||||
Pb | G: 0.4–2.23 H:0.08–1.99 | ||||
Colombia (Sinú River Basin) | Agricultural soil | Cu | 1149 | [29] | |
Ni | 661 | ||||
Pb | 0.071 | ||||
Cd | 0.040 | ||||
Hg | 0.159 | ||||
Zn | 1365 | ||||
Greece (Argolida) | Agricultural soil | Cu | 28.64 | [34] | |
Pb | 13.96 | ||||
Zn | 45.26 | ||||
Ni | 253.7 | ||||
Co | 25.05 | ||||
Mn | 665 | ||||
As | 5.89 | ||||
Cd | 0.26 | ||||
Cr | 138.4 | ||||
Fe | 2.90 | ||||
P | 0.039 | ||||
K | 0.239 |
Technique | Studies | Maximum Removal | Advantages | Disadvantages | Location |
Physical processes | |||||
Removal through physical operations | Physical separation [63,64,65,66] Thermal treatment [67,68] Vitrification [69] | 95% | High efficiency Simplicity Rapidity | Cost | A, B, C A, B, C A |
Chemical processes | |||||
Removal through chemical operations | Stabilization [70,71] Treatment with nanoparticles [72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81] Stabilization/solidification [82] Chemical soil washing [83,84,85] Electrochemical remediation [86,87,88,89,90] | 90% | High efficiency Simplicity Rapidity | Cost Changes in the physicochemical soil properties | A, B, C B, C A B, C A |
Biological processes | |||||
Removal of pollutants by the microbial activity of microorganisms, or plants, or their combination | Biosorption [91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99] Bioleaching [100,101] Phytoremediation [102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117] | 96% | Cheapness Ecofriendly Simplicity | Slow High efficiency only with low pollutant concentration | A, B, C B, C A |
Technique | Metals/Metalloids | Size | Location | Year | Ref. |
Soil replacement | Hg, Cd, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Ba, Be, Mo, Se | - | Serbia | 2014 | [140] |
Electrokinetic remediation | As, Cu, Pb | 26.25 m3 | Janghang, South Korea | 2013 | [141] |
Electrokinetic remediation | - | 57 m2 | Paducah, Kentucky | 1997 | [142] |
Chemical stabilization | Cd, Pb, Zn | 10 m2 | Biscay, Spain | 2012 | [143] |
Soil washing and phytoremediation | Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu | 64 m2 (8 plots of 8 m2) | Shaoguan, China | 2011 | [144] |
Phytoremediation | Cr, Zn, As, Cd, Pb | 1600 m2 | Taranto, Italy | 2013 | [102] |
Phytoremediation | As, Zn, Pb, Cd | 1000 m2 | Porto Marghera, Italy | 2008 | [145] |
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Raffa, C.M.; Chiampo, F.; Shanthakumar, S. Remediation of Metal/Metalloid-Polluted Soils: A Short Review. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4134.
Raffa CM, Chiampo F, Shanthakumar S. Remediation of Metal/Metalloid-Polluted Soils: A Short Review. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(9):4134.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRaffa, Carla Maria, Fulvia Chiampo, and Subramanian Shanthakumar. 2021. "Remediation of Metal/Metalloid-Polluted Soils: A Short Review" Applied Sciences 11, no. 9: 4134.
APA StyleRaffa, C. M., Chiampo, F., & Shanthakumar, S. (2021). Remediation of Metal/Metalloid-Polluted Soils: A Short Review. Applied Sciences, 11(9), 4134.