Fourier Singular Values-Based False Data Injection Attack Detection in AC Smart-Grids
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Motivation and Main Contributions of the Paper
1.3. Paper Structure
2. Islanded Smart Microgrid and False Data Injection Attack
2.1. Islanded Smart Microgrid (ISMG)
2.2. False Data Injection
2.3. Islanded Smart Microgrid and FDI
3. FDIA Detection
3.1. Fourier Singular Values
3.1.1. Theory of FFT
3.1.2. SVD Theory
3.2. Proposed Detection Mechanism
4. Case Studies
4.1. Cyber-Physical Model
4.2. Simulation Results of Assumed Case Studies
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Methodology | Detection Procedure | Advantages of Our Suggested Method |
[25] | Deep learning | Using DL methods to distinguish the features of behavior of FDI attack via the historical measurement data and utilizing the obtained features for detecting the FDI attack | Utilizing FFT and SVD to obtain properties to compute FSVs |
[22] | Chi-square detector and cosine similarity matching are used | The outcomes described that the detection method on the basis of Chi-square is not able to diagnose the tested FDIAs | This study is able to detect several FDIAs in ISMG |
[33] | Kalman filter | Utilizing the mathematical technique in smart grids for detecting the FDI attacks | This paper does not depend on the mathematical model of the system |
[34] | Cooperative vulnerability factor | Investigating attacks on voltage measurements | Current and voltage measurements have been considered in this work |
[35] | Kullback–Leibler | Able to detect various attacks; it faces difficulty to detect FDI attacks on certain state variables | Proposed paper does not depend on the state variable to detect FDI attacks and is on the basis of signals properties |
[36] | A Discordant Element Approach | Investigating attacks on current measurements | Current and voltage measurements have been considered in this work |
Symbol | Quantity | Amount |
DC link input | ||
The frequency of the voltage | ||
Inductive filter | ||
Capacitor filter | ||
Switching frequency |
Label | Genuine Value | ||
Detection Pattern Response | Positives | Negatives | |
Positives | Hit Rate TP | False Alarm Rate FP | |
Negatives | Miss Rate FN | Correct Rejection Rate TN |
Label | Number of Testing Data | Known to Be Compromised | Known to Be Common | Detection Precision (%) |
Compromised | 1573 | 1517 | 56 | 96.44 |
Common | 1394 | 29 | 1365 | 97.93 |
Technique | Genuine Value | |||
Positives (%) | Negatives (%) | |||
Detection Pattern Response | FSVs | Positives | 96.44 | 2.07 |
Negatives | 3.56 | 97.93 | ||
DNN with WT [32] | Positives | 96.38 | 4.58 | |
Negatives | 3.62 | 95.42 | ||
HHT [6] | Positives | 93.17 | 5.38 | |
Negatives | 6.83 | 94.62 | ||
Shallow Model [6] | Positives | 89.47 | 9.93 | |
Negatives | 10.53 | 90.07 | ||
Technique | Average Detection Time | DNN Training Time | ||
Response Time | FSVs | 10 ms | - | |
DNN with WT [32] | 3.51 ms | 2713.2 s | ||
HHT [6] | 50 ms | - |
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Dehghani, M.; Niknam, T.; Ghiasi, M.; Siano, P.; Haes Alhelou, H.; Al-Hinai, A. Fourier Singular Values-Based False Data Injection Attack Detection in AC Smart-Grids. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 5706.
Dehghani M, Niknam T, Ghiasi M, Siano P, Haes Alhelou H, Al-Hinai A. Fourier Singular Values-Based False Data Injection Attack Detection in AC Smart-Grids. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(12):5706.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDehghani, Moslem, Taher Niknam, Mohammad Ghiasi, Pierluigi Siano, Hassan Haes Alhelou, and Amer Al-Hinai. 2021. "Fourier Singular Values-Based False Data Injection Attack Detection in AC Smart-Grids" Applied Sciences 11, no. 12: 5706.