Evolution of the Residual Pollution in Soils after Bioremediation Treatments
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Soil Sampling
2.2. Analytical Methods
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Evolution in Soil Properties over Time
3.2. Pollutant Concentration in Soils
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Depth (cm) | Year | Acidic Sector (S1) | Neutral-Alkaline Sector (S2) | ||||||
pH | EC (dS m−1) | CaCO3 (%) | OC (%) | pH | EC (dS m−1) | CaCO3 (%) | OC (%) | ||
0–10 | 1998 | 5.02 a (1.86) | 5.65 b (3.79) | 1.51 a (4.09) | 0.85 a (0.50) | 7.49 A (0.55) | 5.72 A (5.93) | 9.58 A (5.25) | 1.20 A (0.54) |
2018 | 7.04 b (1.66) | 1.03 a (0.83) | 3.41 a (5.72) | 1.63 b (0.58) | 8.19 B (0.35) | 0.26 B (0.25) | 13.72 B (6.54) | 1.92 B (0.52) | |
10–30 | 1998 | 6.09 ab (1.98) | 2.89 ab (1.57) | 1.17 a (2.04) | 0.80 a (0.49) | 7.88 AB (0.51) | 4.07 A (4.72) | 9.70 AB (6.11) | 1.03 A (0.47) |
2018 | 6.79 b (1.75) | 0.99 a (0.78) | 2.31 a (3.57) | 0.88 a (0.28) | 8.30 B (0.52) | 0.25B (0.39) | 12.42 B (7.41) | 1.06 A (0.32) | |
30–50 | 1998 | 6.69 ab (2.00) | 2.17 ab (1.71) | 2.10 a (5.48) | 0.58 a (0.40) | 8.02 B (0.45) | 4.35 A (6.75) | 9.81 AB (7.12) | 0.94 A (0.42) |
2018 | 6.37ab (1.88) | 0.69 a (0.69) | 2.35 a (3.97) | 0.59 a (0.32) | 8.32 B (0.60) | 0.36 B (0.63) | 11.88 AB (7.56) | 0.91 A (0.29) |
Depth (cm) | Pb | As | Zn | Cu | ||||
S1 | S2 | S1 | S2 | S1 | S2 | S1 | S2 | |
0–10 | 393.92 aA (369.89) | 101.75 aB (75.76) | 188.20 aA (135.67) | 51.42 aB (39.79) | 364.71 aA (246.05) | 392.94 aA (210.18) | 119.72 aA (73.91) | 89.41 aB (46.44) |
10–30 | 254.22 abA (182.88) | 148.15 aB (157.38) | 143.91 abA (94.34) | 75.20 aB (82.44) | 212.58 bA (128.71) | 447.10 aB (260.50) | 105.66 aA (73.80) | 114.28 abA (63.62) |
30–50 | 166.04 bA (112.04) | 130.77 aA (100.84) | 90.40 bA (71.96) | 59.86 aB (43.21) | 154.93 bA (105.99) | 422.94 aB (301.69) | 92.48 aA (70.72) | 120.14 bA (67.92) |
UCS [30] | S1 | S2 | |
Element | (mg kg−1) | (Times above UCS) | |
Pb | 41.8 | 9.4 | 2.4 |
As | 18.1 | 10.4 | 2.8 |
Zn | 230.8 | 1.6 | 1.7 |
Cu | 40.1 | 3.0 | 2.2 |
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Share and Cite
Pastor-Jáuregui, R.; Paniagua-López, M.; Martínez-Garzón, J.; Martín-Peinado, F.; Sierra-Aragón, M. Evolution of the Residual Pollution in Soils after Bioremediation Treatments. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 1006. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10031006
Pastor-Jáuregui R, Paniagua-López M, Martínez-Garzón J, Martín-Peinado F, Sierra-Aragón M. Evolution of the Residual Pollution in Soils after Bioremediation Treatments. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(3):1006. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10031006
Chicago/Turabian StylePastor-Jáuregui, Rocío, Mario Paniagua-López, Javier Martínez-Garzón, Francisco Martín-Peinado, and Manuel Sierra-Aragón. 2020. "Evolution of the Residual Pollution in Soils after Bioremediation Treatments" Applied Sciences 10, no. 3: 1006. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10031006
APA StylePastor-Jáuregui, R., Paniagua-López, M., Martínez-Garzón, J., Martín-Peinado, F., & Sierra-Aragón, M. (2020). Evolution of the Residual Pollution in Soils after Bioremediation Treatments. Applied Sciences, 10(3), 1006. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10031006