The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Creativity in Higher Education Institutions: Socio-Technical View
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Knowledge Management for Knowledge Sharing and Individual Creativity
2.2. Socio-Technical View on Knowledge Sharing
2.3. Social Capital Theory
3. Hypotheses
3.1. Social Factors and Knowledge Sharing
3.1.1. Social Interaction Ties
3.1.2. Social Trust
3.1.3. Social Identification
3.2. Technical Factors and Knowledge Sharing
3.2.1. IT Support
3.2.2. End-User Focus
3.2.3. Smart Device Utilization
3.3. Knowledge Sharing and Individual Creativity
4. Research Methodology
4.1. Survey Methodology
4.2. Measurement Items
4.3. Data Analysis
5. Discussion
5.1. Summary of Results
5.2. Limitations and Future Research
5.3. Implications for Theory and Practice
5.3.1. Theoretical Implication
5.3.2. Practical Implication
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Social Interaction Ties | I maintain close social relationships with some members in the university community. | (Tsai and Ghoshal 1998) (Chiu et al. 2006) |
I spend a lot of time interacting with some members in the university community. | ||
I know some members in the university community on a personal level. | ||
I have frequent communication with some members in the university community. | ||
Social Trust | I believe that other members in KAIST are honest and reliable. | (Gefen, Karahanna et al. 2003; Cabrera and Cabrera 2005) (Chiu et al. 2006) |
I believe that other members in KAIST are knowledgeable and competent in their area. | ||
I expect that students in my personal network will help each other. | ||
Social Identification | I believe I am similar to my friends in KAIST. | (Cabrera and Cabrera 2005) (Chiu et al. 2006) |
I am happy to spend time with the group of my friends. | ||
I perceive an overlap between my self-identity and my friends group in KAIST. | ||
I feel feelings of belongingness towards the group of my friends. | ||
IT support | The KAIST’s IT infrastructure facilitates knowledge sharing. | (Kim and Lee 2006) |
Knowledge/ information available in the KAIST’s IT is relevant. | ||
Knowledge/ information available in the KAIST’s IT is up-to-date. | ||
End-user Focus | I regularly use the Internet, e-mail, and the organization’s intranet | (Kim and Lee 2006) |
In KAIST, IT infrastructure is designed to be user-friendly | ||
It is easy for me to use IT infrastructure without extra training. | ||
Smart Device Utilization | In the past week, on average, approximately how many minutes per day have you spent on smart device? | (Ellison et al. 2007) |
Smart device has become part of my daily routine. | ||
I feel out of touch when I do not have smart device for a while. | ||
I would be sorry if smart device shut down. | ||
Intensity of Knowledge Sharing | In KAIST, knowledge is shared frequently among members. | (Chiu et al. 2006) |
Members share their knowledge and expertise voluntarily in KAIST. | ||
Members share knowledge with people from other divisions in KAIST. | ||
Quality of Knowledge Sharing | The knowledge shared by members in KAIST is relevant to the topics. | (Chiu et al. 2006) |
The knowledge shared by members in KAIST is easy to understand. | ||
The knowledge shared by members in KAIST is accurate. | ||
The knowledge shared by members in KAIST is complete. | ||
The knowledge shared by members in KAIST is reliable. | ||
The knowledge shared by members in KAIST is timely. | ||
Individual Creativity | I am a good source of creative ideas. | (Shin and Zhou 2003) |
I come up with new and practical ideas to improve performance. | ||
I am not afraid to take risks. | ||
I promote and champion ideas to others. |
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Sub-Systems | Definitions and Examples |
Social sub-system | The social part of an organization, for example, attitude, knowledge, values, skills, motivation, work atmosphere, and organizational structures. |
Technical sub-system | The technical part of an organization that improves organizational performance, for example, devices, tools, and techniques. |
Variable | AVE | SIT | SI | IT | EF | SDU | IKS | QKS | IC |
Social Trust (ST) | 0.614387 | 0.7835 | |||||||
Social Interaction Ties (SIT) | 0.69128 | 0.320629 | 0.831432 | ||||||
Social Identification (SI) | 0.709861 | 0.182286 | 0.528636 | 0.842532 | |||||
IT Support (IT) | 0.793187 | 0.248476 | 0.147863 | 0.189136 | 0.89061 | ||||
End-user Focus (EF) | 0.658468 | 0.219714 | 0.114117 | 0.098641 | 0.139565 | 0.81146 | |||
Smart Device Utilization (SDU) | 0.636148 | 0.307299 | 0.114412 | 0.201135 | 0.632071 | 0.227027 | 0.791295 | ||
Intensity of Knowledge Sharing (IKS) | 0.701408 | 0.280467 | 0.437818 | 0.350336 | 0.173657 | 0.078168 | 0.339639 | 0.837501 | |
Quality of Knowledge Sharing (QKS) | 0.682872 | 0.469848 | 0.508585 | 0.499505 | 0.241864 | 0.316561 | 0.349437 | 0.56622 | 0.826361 |
Individual Creativity (IC) | 0.619493 | 0.069712 | 0.232795 | 0.322877 | 0.175175 | 0.300178 | 0.15141 | 0.205357 | 0.42306 |
Hypotheses | T-Value | Result (Two Tails) |
H1a | 0.571489 | Not supported |
H1b | 2.291318 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
H2a | 2.282699 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
H2b | 1.9643 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
H3a | 0.774949 | Not supported |
H3b | 2.106269 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
H4a | 1.979202 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
H4b | 0.346368 | Not supported |
H5a | 0.374359 | Not supported |
H5b | 1.796683 | Supported (p < 0.1) |
H6a | 1.966251 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
H6b | 0.428985 | Not supported |
H7a | 0.079318 | Not supported |
H7b | 2.0156138 | Supported (p < 0.05) * |
Intensity of Knowledge Sharing | Quality of Knowledge Sharing | Individual Creativity | |
R Square | 0.29832 | 0.56642 | 0.308347 |
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Lee, J. The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Creativity in Higher Education Institutions: Socio-Technical View. Adm. Sci. 2018, 8, 21.
Lee J. The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Creativity in Higher Education Institutions: Socio-Technical View. Administrative Sciences. 2018; 8(2):21.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Joosung. 2018. "The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Creativity in Higher Education Institutions: Socio-Technical View" Administrative Sciences 8, no. 2: 21.
APA StyleLee, J. (2018). The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Creativity in Higher Education Institutions: Socio-Technical View. Administrative Sciences, 8(2), 21.