4.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
Prior to the analysis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measures (KMO = 0.75) confirmed the sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s test of sphericity (χ² = 3039.56 df = 78, p < 0.01) indicated sufficiently large correlations between the items to run a principal component analysis as an EFA. An EFA differentiates between explained and residual variance. We considered various criteria to explore the number of factors to retain, such as eigenvalues greater than one, a scree plot test, and theoretical considerations. We chose varimax with Kaiser normalization as the rotation method.
In contrast to Tetlock’s results (2005), the rotated solution revealed a three-factor structure (see
Table 1). As the narrowly defined population in Tetlock’s inquiry (political experts) was compared with a representative sample of the population of Switzerland, neither the mismatch nor the inconclusive factor structure was surprising.
Since an EFA is an iterative process and an item-reducing technique, the initial 13-item scale was the basis for further adaptations. We eliminated items with substantial cross-loadings above 0.30 and items with factor loadings below 0.50 (
Baggozzi and Yi 1998). The observed cross-loadings not only violated methodological standards, but, from a theoretical perspective, the factors represented opposing constructs.
Four items did not meet the standard of item-factor loading above 0.50. Two items exhibited similar loadings on factors 1 and 2, and were therefore removed. Thus, we ran further analyses with seven items. A second test of the scale’s factorial structure revealed a stable solution represented by two factors explaining 47.02% of the variance. The assumptions were also met, since satisfying values were exhibited in the tests (KMO = 0.66; Bartlett’s tests of sphericity = 1306.95, df = 21,
p < 0.01).
Table 2 displays the descriptive statistics and factor loadings of the remaining seven items.
Four items loaded only on the first factor and explained 28% of the variance with Cronbach’s α = 0.53. The second factor included three items and explained 19% of the variance, while Cronbach’s α was 0.51.
Unlike the adapted scale, the results of the EFA clearly suggested a two-factor structure of cognitive style measurement with adequate scale properties, which enabled us to formulate an alternative conception to the one-factorial fox–hedgehog.
4.3. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
Applying the software AMOS, we then tested this model on the subsample of 2245 respondents in a structural equation model and against an alternative one-factor model. To determine the models’ quality, we chose several indices as criteria for a good fit.
First, we report an absolute fit index that observes the fit of the data with an a priori specified model. Model chi-square (χ
2), which evaluates the overall fit of the data, is traditionally a very popular index. In addition, we considered the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). According to
McDonald and Ho (
2002), who surveyed articles on structural equation models in high impact psychological journals between 1995 and 1997, a good fit is 0.05 and a moderate fit is 0.08. The two-factor model (hedgehogness and foxiness) obtained a significant χ
2 value, and a RMSEA of 0.06 indicated a better fit than the one-factor model, which did not show an acceptable model fit with RMSEA of 0.10 (
McDonald and Ho 2002).
Second, we observed a relative fit index that was not based on a χ
2 test. We chose the comparative fit index (CFI) because it assumes uncorrelated latent variables, which fits our analyses so far. The CFI compares the sample’s covariance matrix with a null model (
Hooper et al. 2008). An acceptable fit is achieved when the CFI is greater than 0.90 (
McDonald and Ho 2002). Only the two-factor solution reached this level (0.94).
Table 3 shows the results.
The item “I dislike questions that can be answered in many different ways” showed low loadings on the hedgehogness factor. Removing the item improved the two-factor solution’s model fit, with a lower RMSEA value (0.04) and a better CFI (0.98).
Table 4 shows the results of the confirmatory factor analysis for the remaining six items.
Three items loaded on the first factor and explained 31% of the variance with Cronbach’s α = 0.55. The second factor comprised three items and explained 21% of the variance. Cronbach’s α was 0.51 for items of the second factor. Tetlock stated a Cronbach’s α of 0.81 for his hedgehog–fox factor (
Tetlock 2005, p. 241). However, he does not report on the reliability of his second factor, ‘decisiveness.’
As expected, a differing factorial structure from Tetlock’s one-dimensional solution was obtained consistently across our three studies. Consequently, there is a drop in the number of items loading uniquely on a factor. The number of items squared is an essential part of Cronbach’s equation, which favors multi-item scales (
Cortina 1993). Scales with fewer items obtain lower values of Cronbach’s α. To adequately address the challenge of more factors in the same pool of items, a set of three standards served as minimum criteria: (1) at least three items should inform one factor (
Streiner 1994); (2) the Eigenvalues of the accumulated factors should account for at least 50% of the variance (
Streiner 1994); and (3) values of Cronbach’s α of 0.40 might be adequate in two- or three-item instruments (
Peter 1997). Despite the reduction, all three standards are met. Therefore, we assume our Cronbach’s α exceeding 0.50 is acceptable. We further address this issue in the discussion.
The CFA results showed that the two-factor model with six items is statistically and methodologically supported and was preferable to the one-factor model (
Table 5). Although the two factors that significantly correlate with each other (
r = 0.20,
p < 0.01 for subsample 2) can be seen as separate constructs, each is composed of three items from different subdimensions of Kruglanski’s NFCS: the three foxiness items from the facet closed-mindedness (reversed), and the three hedgehogness items from the facets discomfort with ambiguity, decisiveness, and preference for order.
Neuberg et al. (
1997) have highlighted the construct’s multifactorial structure in contrast to an overall score interpretation. They also find two epistemic motives in the NFCS that support our solution, although these motives differ slightly from the current interpretation. In our revision with a population-representative sample, Tetlock’s items did not contribute to an unambiguous factor solution. Previously interpreted as the end points of a continuum, our large-scale inquiry revealed that foxes and hedgehogs are distinct factors. We termed these factors hedgehogness and foxiness
- (1)
The hedgehogness factor
This factor is characterized by a clear and ordered worldview with coherent organizing principles. Clear rules—often highly complex—govern action and decision-making. This conviction of knowing the world may indicate an ability to develop big vision and strong ideas, but may point to a fairly mechanistic conception of the world, which is classifiable and ultimately manageable. In this sense, hedgehogness is represented by one overarching coordinating system instead of scattered value systems and paradigms. It is associated with confident decision-making and agency. However, downplaying and devaluing ambiguity may be associated with inappropriate information-processing and reluctance or even inability to incorporate new ideas and information into one’s conceptual system. Low hedgehogness levels imply a lower need for structure and rules as well as for quick decisions.
- (2)
The foxiness factor
The foxiness factor’s items reflect the need and ability to incorporate more than one worldview into one’s reflections. Analyses are undertaken from different standpoints, acknowledging plurality and multiple truths. This can also be achieved in situations of conflict or crisis. Foxiness also refers to the ability to entertain oneself with different paradigms, even though an opinion has potentially been established or decision-making processes have progressed. Foxiness includes an openness to exposing oneself to new and even opposing ideas, and reflects a systemic and sometimes inconclusive perspective rather than a mechanistic perspective. The downside is that absorbing ambiguity and reaching cognitive overload may lead to confusion and inability to act. Low scorers on foxiness are less open to hear, get involved with, and accept different opinions.
We used Studies 2 and 3 to confirm the two-factor model with the hedgehogness factor and the foxiness factor, each composed of three items.
Table 5 shows the three studies’ fit indices.
The distribution statistics of foxiness approached a Gaussian distribution of values of skewness and kurtosis close to zero, and both scales exhibited a flatter distribution (negative value of kurtosis) and were slightly skewed to the left (negative value of skewness).
Confirmatory factor analyses with the subsample of employees with a leadership responsibility obtained similar results in all three studies.
4.4. Differences in Scores between Gender, Age Groups, and Job Level
We conducted independent samples t-tests of gender and simple regression analyses for age to test for possible differences in scores on hedgehogness and foxiness.
Since the results are inconsistent regarding gender differences in cognitive style, we were interested in whether we could find any differences with respect to hedgehogness and foxiness, especially as earlier work has suggested analyzing individual differences in cognitive styles with respect to genetic factors (
Goodenough and Witkin 1977).
We compared hedgehogness and foxiness scores between men and women.
Table 6 shows the mean differences for men and women. In Studies 1 and 3, the
t-tests of sex differences in terms of cognitive style indicated no significant differences between men and women regarding foxiness. Only the mean difference in Study 2 was significant (
p < 0.10). However, differences for hedgehogness were significant in all three studies, with men showing higher hedgehogness scores than women. Cohen’s
d to assess the effect sizes of the differences resulted in values below 0.20, indicating small effects.
Second, we analyzed the influence of age on hedgehogness and foxiness scores. Simple linear regression analyses revealed a positive relationship between age and hedgehogness as well as age and foxiness. Age predicted 10% of the variance in hedgehogness in Study 1 (F(1, 2243) = 235.51, p < 0.001); 8% of the variance in Study 2 (F(1, 5051) = 449.18, p < 0.001); and 6% of the variance in Study 3 (F(1, 7704) = 509.09, p < 0.001), which corresponds to medium effects.
With regard to foxiness, age predicted only 1% of the variance in Study 1 (F(1, 2244) = 22.10,
p < 0.001); 0.02% in Study 2 (F(1, 5051) = 12.40,
p = < 0.001); and 0.01% in Study 3 (F(1, 7585) = 8.78,
p < 0.01).
Table 7 and
Table 8 show the regression results for hedgehogness and foxiness across all three studies.
Further, we investigated the relationship between job levels and cognitive style in Studies 1 to 3, comparing the mean scores of hedgehogness and foxiness. As prior research has reported that more than 60% of the top managers interviewed could be categorized as hedgehogs (
Gomez and Meynhardt 2012) we assume higher hedgehogness scores for leaders. Again, we found significant differences in the hedgehogness scores between leaders and non-leaders but no consistent results between the two groups concerning the foxiness scores. Independent samples
t-tests showed that working respondents with a leadership responsibility scored significantly higher on the hedgehogness dimension than individuals without a leadership responsibility (
Table 9). Significant differences regarding the foxiness dimension were found only in the German sample in Study 3. In Studies 1 and 2, the Swiss samples did not show different scores regarding the foxiness dimension for people with and without a leadership responsibility. While effect sizes for the differences in hedgehogness scores between respondents with a leadership responsibility and those without were medium in all the studies, the effect sizes for the differences in foxiness scores in Study 3 were very small.
In two of the three studies, after controlling for age and gender, an analysis of the relationship between hedgehogness and leadership status revealed significant but small correlations (Study 1: r = 0.04, p = 0.13; Study 2: r = −0.05, p < 0.01; Study 3: r = −0.10, p < 0.001). In Studies 2 and 3 hedgehogness and leadership status were negatively correlated. However, given the large sample size and the small effect sizes these results should be considered with caution.
4.5. Differences in Scores Concerning Public Value Assessments
Gomez and Meynhardt’s (
2012) study led us to the assumption that respondents who favor the foxiness pole of the cognitive style continuum consider more sources of information and also include contradictory information in their judgments. These characteristics would lead to more moderate public value evaluations, compared to respondents who favor the hedgehog pole. Since hedgehogs are supposed to favor one truth and to be closed to multiple viewpoints, we assumed more extreme responses. Given our response format (1 = disagree to 6 = agree) with higher values indicating a higher approval, we would expect higher public value evaluations for hedgehogs.
We formed extreme groups (1 SD above and below the mean values of hedgehogness and foxiness) and excluded respondents with mid-level manifestation of hedgehogness and foxiness to compare differences concerning public value evaluations of the employing organizations. As
Table 10 shows, the comparisons between low and high scorers on the hedgehogness dimension revealed significant differences in Studies 2 and 3. Respondents with high hedgehogness scores rated the public value of their organization higher than respondents with low hedgehogness scores with regard to the overall public value and across each of the public value dimensions. The mean differences between low and high levels of foxiness were also significant in Study 2 and point in the same direction. However, in Study 3, the results of the comparison between low and high scorers on the foxiness dimension differ. We found no significant difference between low and high scorers with regard to their assessment of the public value dimension morality, while respondents with high levels of foxiness rated the other public value dimensions significantly higher.
Table 11 shows mean differences and standard deviations for the public value assessments across the four groups in Studies 2 and 3. In Study 2, the independent samples
t-test showed no significant differences between foxes (high foxiness, low hedgehogness) and hedgehogs (low foxiness, high hedgehogness) (
t(111) = 0.41,
p = 0.68). However, in Study 3, we observed significant differences between foxes and hedgehogs, with hedgehogs demonstrating significantly higher public value ratings than foxes (
t(163) = 3.42,
p < 0.001, Cohen’s
d = 0.55). Respondents with low scores on both dimensions showed significantly lower public value ratings than respondents with high scores on both dimensions (Study 2:
t(199) = −6.67,
p < 0.001, Cohen’s
d = 0.88, Study 3:
t(321) = −3.26,
p < 0.001, Cohen’s
d = 0.42).