Occupational Exposure on Board Fishing Vessels: Risk Assessments of Biomechanical Overload, Noise and Vibrations among Worker on Fishing Vessels in Southern Italy
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Biomechanical Overload
2.2. Noise
2.3. Whole-Body Vibration
2.4. Questionnaire
3. Results
3.1. Biomechanical Overload
3.1.1. Trawl Fishing
3.1.2. Longline Fishing
3.1.3. Mussel Cultivation
3.2. Noise
- High noise levels were approximately 63 Hz; this frequency was due to engine operation (engine speed), and there was a noise decay between 800 and 20,000 Hz.
- Workers on fishing vessels are mainly exposed to low-frequency sounds (<2000 Hz).
3.3. Whole Body Vibration
- Whole-body vibration results showed a spike at 0.8 Hz related to wave-powered operation and a spike at 63 Hz related to engine operation.
- The high frequencies of vibration were concentrated at 1–2 Hz, 80 Hz and 800 Hz.
3.4. Questionnaire
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Work week | 24 h a day, 5 days a week (from midnight Sunday to midnight Thursday). Activities were spread over 4 work shifts and 4 h of rest within 24 h. |
Two working days | 48 h |
Working day | Approximately 16 h |
Activities | Measurement Stations | T Exp Sunday (m) | T Exp Weekdays (m) |
Preparation (preparatory activities) | Winch | 10 | 10 |
Port departure | Winch | 60 | 30 |
Towing nets | Winch (engine room door open) | 200 | 180 |
Towing nets | Winch (engine room door closed) | - | - |
Return to port | Control cabin | - | - |
Return to port | Winch and open deck | 60 | 30 |
Towing nets | Open deck | 270 | 260 |
Hauling nets | Winch | 120 | 120 |
Hauling nets | Berth | 120 | 90 |
Hauling nets | Engine room | - | - |
Activity/Measurement Station | T exp Sunday (m) | T exp Weekdays (m) | Bari/01 | Bari/02 | Mola/04 | Mola/05 | Monopoli/06 |
Leq (dBA) | Leq (dBA) | Leq (dBA) | Leq (dBA) | Leq (dBA) | |||
Preparatory activities/winch | 10 | 10 | 83.2 | 84.0 | 80.8 | 77.2 | 78.6 |
Port departure/winch | 60 | 30 | 85.9 | 93.9 | 86.8 | 83.3 | 85.2 |
Towing nets/winch open engine room | 200 | 180 | 88.8 | 92.3 | 88.7 | 88.2 | 92.1 |
Towing nets/winch Closed engine room | - | - | 85.3 | 88.8 | 85.7 | 84.7 | 84.0 |
Return to port/control cabin | - | - | 81.7 | 81.2 | 79.0 | 78.8 | 79.4 |
Return to port/winch and open deck | 60 | 30 | 84.2 | 86.5 | 87.2 | 86.5 | 85.0 |
Towing nets/open deck | 270 | 260 | 90.6 | 88.9 | 82.4 | 84.8 | 85.3 |
Hauling nets/winch | 120 | 120 | 85 | 85.8 | 85.7 | 84.4 | 87.2 |
Hauling nets/berth | 120 | 90 | 76.8 | 78.8 | 76.6 | 74.2 | 70.5 |
Hauling nets/engine room | - | - | 106.3 | 109.7 | 108.1 | 106.3 | 107.4 |
LEX, W (dBA) Fishing workers | - | - | 89.3 | 90.3 | 87.5 | 87.3 | 89.9 |
Measurement uncertainty in LEX, W (dBA) | - | - | 3.4 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.2 | 3.3 |
Activity/Measurement Station | Bari/01 | Bari/02 | Mola/04 | Mola/05 | Monopoli/06 | |||||
Aw (max) | Recurrent T Exp Max (m) | Aw (max) | Recurrent T Exp Max (m) | Aw (max) | Recurrent T Exp Max (m) | Aw (max) | Recurrent T Exp Max (m) | Aw (max) | Recurrent T Exp Max (m) | |
Preparatory activities/winch | 0.25 | 10 | 0.25 | 10 | 0.07 | 10 | 0.15 | 10 | 0.22 | 10 |
Port departure/winch | 0.33 | 60 | 0.32 | 60 | 0.18 | 60 | 0.18 | 60 | 0.08 | 60 |
Towing nets/winch, open engine room | 0.35 | 200 | 0.07 | 200 | 0.11 | 200 | 0.32 | 200 | 0.10 | 200 |
Towing nets/winch, closed engine room | 0.15 | - | 0.07 | - | 0.13 | - | 0.23 | - | 0.15 | - |
Return to port/winch and open deck | 0.25 | 60 | 0.28 | 60 | 0.25 | - | 0.21 | - | 0.35 | - |
Towing nets/open deck | 0.34 | 270 | 0.07 | 270 | 0.23 | - | 0.11 | - | 0.12 | - |
Hauling nets/winch | 0.24 | 120 | 0.08 | 120 | 0.11 | 120 | 0.43 | 120 | 0.41 | 120 |
Hauling nets/berth | 0.27 | 120 | 0.35 | 120 | 0.27 | 120 | 0.20 | 120 | 0.10 | 120 |
A(8) (m/s2) Fishing workers | 0.41 | 0.25 | 0.26 | 0.34 | 0.27 |
Symptoms | Prevalence |
Back pain | 43.5% |
Shoulder joint pain | 23.0% |
Knee joint pain | 16.5% |
Wrists joints pain | 11.0% |
Other | 6.0% |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Mansi, F.; Cannone, E.S.S.; Caputi, A.; De Maria, L.; Lella, L.; Cavone, D.; Vimercati, L. Occupational Exposure on Board Fishing Vessels: Risk Assessments of Biomechanical Overload, Noise and Vibrations among Worker on Fishing Vessels in Southern Italy. Environments 2019, 6, 127. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments6120127
Mansi F, Cannone ESS, Caputi A, De Maria L, Lella L, Cavone D, Vimercati L. Occupational Exposure on Board Fishing Vessels: Risk Assessments of Biomechanical Overload, Noise and Vibrations among Worker on Fishing Vessels in Southern Italy. Environments. 2019; 6(12):127. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments6120127
Chicago/Turabian StyleMansi, Francesca, Enza Sabrina Silvana Cannone, Antonio Caputi, Luigi De Maria, Leonardo Lella, Domenica Cavone, and Luigi Vimercati. 2019. "Occupational Exposure on Board Fishing Vessels: Risk Assessments of Biomechanical Overload, Noise and Vibrations among Worker on Fishing Vessels in Southern Italy" Environments 6, no. 12: 127. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments6120127
APA StyleMansi, F., Cannone, E. S. S., Caputi, A., De Maria, L., Lella, L., Cavone, D., & Vimercati, L. (2019). Occupational Exposure on Board Fishing Vessels: Risk Assessments of Biomechanical Overload, Noise and Vibrations among Worker on Fishing Vessels in Southern Italy. Environments, 6(12), 127. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments6120127