Capitalizing on Cellular Technology—Opportunities and Challenges for Near Ground Weather Monitoring †
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The Passive Approach
2.2. The Active Approach
2.3. Methods
3. Results
- Papers in which the capabilities of CML technology for environmental monitoring have been demonstrated (see Table 2). Naturally, foremost potential is attributed to the near-ground rainfall monitoring capability. Several papers demonstrated the CML as a rainfall sensor, and many CMLs as a sensors network, capable of 2D rainfall mapping. Later, other papers have demonstrated the use of CMLs for monitoring other-than-rain phenomena, including humidity, fog, dew, snow and sleet, and even wind and air pollution (indirectly).
- The next step was to study the accuracy of CMLs as virtual rainfall sensors. Since cellular networks have been designed to operate optimally for efficient telecommunication service and not for measuring rain (or other atmospheric variables), its opportunistic use for rain monitoring is challenging, since the network must be taken as is. Table 3 presents a summary of the major contributions to an errors and uncertainties analysis. The analysis aims at quantifying the different sources’ errors and their effect on the resulting rain estimates. Generally speaking, the uncertainties can be put into two groups: one which is related to physical, atmospheric effects, e.g., wet antenna, which cause attenuation that may read as higher rain-intensity value in Equation (1) if not properly handled. The second group consists of errors caused by the opportunistic use of existing technology not aimed at atmospheric monitoring. This may include signal quantization and non-linear pre-processing (applied on the signal for efficient network management), as well as errors resulting from the non-optimal, given spatial spread of links and frequencies in the CML network, when being used for atmospheric monitoring.
- In Table 4, a list of papers suggesting algorithms for rainfall monitoring is presented. As the main opportunity in CML technology is in near ground, bottom-up rain mapping, most algorithms are focused on this. The straightforward approach is to treat each CML as a local point measurement and to interpolate local measurements to a grid, using standard spatial interpolation techniques (e.g., inverse distance weighting IDW, Kriging, etc.). On the basis of this approach, open software tools were developed [43,44]. More advanced algorithms have been developed by signal processing experts, on which the tempo-spatial resolution of the rainfall maps, their accuracy and their coverage have been improved by exploiting the spatial spread of the CML measurements. Different authors used different approaches, such as: an iterative approach in which variability of rain along the links is exploited [19]; a compressed sensing approach [45,46]; a model based, parametric approach; a tomographic approach [47]; and dynamic mapping [48,49]. The main future challenge is to improve CML rainfall maps by merging with other types of measurements (mostly radar), where these exist (see Reference [50] for a review of this issue).
- Table 5 details a partial list of applications. In all papers in this table, actual CML measurements were employed and empirical results were presented and validated over time, in different climatological areas.
4. Conclusions
4.1. The Commercialization Challenge
4.2. Potential Use
- Covering blind spots. There are areas where almost no near-ground measurements are available. One such example includes country-wide areas in developing countries, such as Africa [60,63]. Other examples are local, and include specific challenging landscapes such as slopes and urban areas, where traditional ground weather stations are known to be less reliable. Even with the limited accuracy of CML technology, in cases where there is no alternative, its potential is extremely important.
- Improving monitoring accuracy. Even in areas where the coverage of conventional weather-monitoring facilities (e.g., gauges and radar) is good, the use of additional ground-level measurements can improve performance. The potential improvement highly depends on the topology of the network (e.g., its density) and on the temporal resolution of the available measurements.
- Improving models. Complex meteorological and hydrological models, used for forecasting, are continuously improved by comparing their predictions to actual measurements. CML technology offers a new dimension of data to be assimilated in such models.
4.3. Limitations
4.4. A Test Case for Opportunistic Sensing of the Environment
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics | Passive | Active |
Source of measurements | Existing records from network management systems (NMS) | Designated data collection system |
Temporal resolution | Minutes-days Typical-15 min | Seconds-minutes Typical-10 s |
Non-linear preprocessing | Typically min/max values over a given interval | Non |
Quantization | Yes | Yes |
Major advantage | Simple access, no risk for cellular operators | Real time |
Major disadvantage | Not available in real time | Hard to get |
Summary | Recommended for research purposes and for historic studies | Essential for real time applications |
Atmospheric Phenomenon | Reference |
Rainfall sensing | [8,16,17,18] |
Rainfall mapping | [8,19] |
Humidity sensing | [20] |
Fog sensing | [21,22,23] |
Precipitation classification | [24] |
Dew detection | [25] |
Wind estimation | [26] |
Air pollution detection | [27] |
Sources of Errors | Reference |
General | [10,28,29,30,31] |
Dry/Wet | [32,33,34,35] |
Wet antenna | [36,37,38] |
Calibration | [39] |
Quantization bias | [40] |
Non-linear preprocessing | [15,41] |
Network topology | [42] |
Focus of the Algorithm | Reference |
Instantaneous rain mapping | [19,45,46,51,52,53,54] |
Dynamic rain mapping | [48,49,55] |
Heavy rain detection | [56] |
Merging with other measurements | [50,57,58] |
Rainfall tomography | [47,59] |
Accumulated precipitation | [60] |
Open software tools | [43,44] |
Application | Reference (Year) | Area/Comments |
Large scale rainfall estimation/mapping | [61,62] | Holland |
Rainfall measurements | [63,64] | Africa |
[65] | Israel | |
[66,67] | Germany | |
[68] | Holland | |
[69] | Ecuador | |
Flood prediction | [70] | Israel |
Disaster alarm | [71] | |
Calibration of other sensors | [72,73,74,75,76,77] | |
Hydrology | [78,79,80,81,82] | Urban drainage |
© 2018 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Messer, H. Capitalizing on Cellular Technology—Opportunities and Challenges for Near Ground Weather Monitoring. Environments 2018, 5, 73.
Messer H. Capitalizing on Cellular Technology—Opportunities and Challenges for Near Ground Weather Monitoring. Environments. 2018; 5(7):73.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMesser, Hagit. 2018. "Capitalizing on Cellular Technology—Opportunities and Challenges for Near Ground Weather Monitoring" Environments 5, no. 7: 73.