The Role of Higher Education in Shaping Essential Personality Traits for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship in Spain
:1. Introduction
2. Review of the Literature
2.1. Theory of Personality Traits in Entrepreneurship
2.2. Leadership, Self-Confidence, and Decision Making without the Fear of Failure
2.2.1. Leadership
2.2.2. Self-Confidence
2.2.3. Decision Making without the Fear of Failure
3. Research and Methodology
3.1. Methodological Approach
- Obtaining data and information on the case.
- Writing up each case.
- The detailed and reflective analysis of each case individually and in relation to the others.
- The establishment of results.
- The importance that the interviewee assigns to each trait concerning success in the venture.
- How it was acquired and developed.
- The most appropriate way to develop these personality traits, specifically in the context of favoring success in entrepreneurship.
- Finally, the interviewer asked for a statement on the role higher education has in developing the personality traits that determine entrepreneurial success.
- More than one candidate was selected for each profile in the sample.
- An analysis of the initial documentation of all the candidates was carried out to validate their suitability in each sample group.
- According to the established profiles and criteria, candidates were recruited through personal networks. None of the interviewees were known to the interviewer. Once they had been recruited, they were contacted to propose their participation in the study and to inform them of the general objectives of the investigation.
- A date, time, and place or mode were set for an interview lasting 60–90 min. The confidentiality considerations regarding personal data and the treatment of their information provided were explained.
- The interview script and a dossier with the initial and official documentation were prepared.
3.2. Study Design
3.3. Data Collection and Analysis Procedure
- Case 1. An entrepreneur in the healthcare sector has been running his organization for over 25 years after his father passed it on to him. He has negative feelings toward his university experience because he believes it did not prepare him for the business world.
- Case 2. A 50-year-old woman with a solid university and post-university education is starting a business in the communications and graphic arts sector after having worked as an employee. She is very satisfied with the humanistic training she received at university; however, she thinks it was not useful for entrepreneurship.
- Case 3. A late vocational entrepreneur who, after a long professional career as an employee, has decided, at the age of 56, to start her own technology-based quality consulting business. She describes her time at university as positive; however, it was not useful for her regarding entrepreneurship.
- Case 4. A young entrepreneur who started his business right after finishing his university studies is considered one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in our country today. His time at university was enriching, contributing greatly to his personal development.
- Case 5. An engineer who, after thirteen years of experience working as an employee, decided to start his business venture in the United States, later expanding it to other countries. He considers that his time at university was a determining factor for his subsequent entrepreneurship, as the training he received was essential for his subsequent learning.
- Case 6. An entrepreneur, by vocation, whose business is linked to the construction sector is at the forefront of the use of cutting-edge technology applied to this field. University helped him think and gave him various skills that increased his self-confidence, which he might not have had if he had not studied.
- Case 7. After three years of working in a multinational company, this entrepreneur created his own business in the communications sector. He has diversified his activities with several companies. University opened the doors to the world of employment, although it was not a determining factor in developing his entrepreneurial initiative.
- Case 8. This entrepreneur managed and developed a business project in the United States in the field of medical technology that has been very successful. He strongly affirms that his three university experiences were positive and relevant to his entrepreneurship, especially his time at Harvard University.
- Case 9. After working as an employee for several successful entrepreneurs in our country, this entrepreneur started her own business in the leisure and tourism sector. She is convinced that if she had not gone to university, she would not be the person she is today, as she would not have been able to acquire the skills required to become an entrepreneur.
- Case 10. This young entrepreneur began her professional career with an international perspective due, in large part, to her university education outside of Spain. Her university studies provided her with essential personal training and a knowledge base on which she later built the rest of her skills.
- Case 11. Passionate about artificial intelligence, this engineer has applied this technology to digital marketing, which has been the seed of her business. Her time at university was necessary to acquire the necessary technological skills required for her business project.
- (a)
- Data reduction. The qualitative data obtained empirically were taken and synthesized in an orderly manner so that it allowed for the disaggregation of such data through sets ordered by areas, making their classification possible. This stage of the process had particular relevance in treating the information collected through the interviews.
- (b)
- Data visualization. To facilitate the interpretation of the data collected, they have been arranged through tables and matrices, as this allows for an overall view of the information related to a specific aspect, thus making it possible to compare homogeneous data, which, in the beginning, were shown in a dispersed way.
- (c)
- Verification of interpretations and preliminary conclusions. Having reached a reasoned understanding of the structured information, verifying the coherence of the interpretations made from the comparative analysis of the data obtained through the different sources was necessary. This made it possible to contrast results to obtain solid interpretations based on the preliminary results. This stage has made it possible to go deeper into the object of the study, obtaining both a global view of the problem from its different aspects and the possibility of discovering the different details and specific aspects of which the matter studied is composed.
4. Results
4.1. Contrast of the Determinant Personality Traits
4.1.1. Leadership
4.1.2. Self-Confidence
4.1.3. Decision Making and the Fear of Failure
4.2. Means Used in the Development of Personality Traits
4.2.1. Leadership
4.2.2. Self-Confidence
4.2.3. Decision Making and Fear of Failure
4.3. Appropriate Pathways for the Development of Personality Traits
4.4. Contribution of University Education to the Development of Personality Traits
4.5. Discussion
4.5.1. Theoretical Implications
4.5.2. Practical Implications
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Case Number (*) | Identifier | Sex | Age Range |
1 | H 55–64 | Man | 55–64 |
2 | M 45–54 | Woman | 45–54 |
3 | M 55–64 | Woman | 55–64 |
4 | H 25–34 | Man | 25–34 |
5 | H 45–54 | Man | 45–54 |
6 | H 45–54 | Man | 45–54 |
7 | H 35–44 | Man | 35–44 |
8 | H 35–44 | Man | 35–44 |
9 | M 35–44 | Woman | 35–44 |
10 | M 25–34 | Woman | 25–34 |
11 | M 35–44 | Woman | 35–44 |
Case No. | Identifier | Leadership | Self-Confidence | Decision Making and Fear of Failure |
1 | H 55–64 | VI | E | VI |
2 | M 45–54 | E | E | RI |
3 | M 55–64 | E | VI | RI |
4 | H 25–34 | E | E | E |
5 | H 45–54 | VI | E | I |
6 | H 45–54 | E | E | I |
7 | H 35–44 | E | E | VI |
8 | H 35–44 | E | VI | E |
9 | M 35–44 | E | VI | I |
10 | M 25–34 | VI | VI | VI |
11 | M 35–44 | E | VI | I |
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Puerta Gómez, J.R.; Aceituno-Aceituno, P.; Burgos García, C.; González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A. The Role of Higher Education in Shaping Essential Personality Traits for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship in Spain. Behav. Sci. 2024, 14, 151.
Puerta Gómez JR, Aceituno-Aceituno P, Burgos García C, González-Ortiz-de-Zárate A. The Role of Higher Education in Shaping Essential Personality Traits for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship in Spain. Behavioral Sciences. 2024; 14(3):151.
Chicago/Turabian StylePuerta Gómez, Joaquín R., Pedro Aceituno-Aceituno, Concepción Burgos García, and Aitana González-Ortiz-de-Zárate. 2024. "The Role of Higher Education in Shaping Essential Personality Traits for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship in Spain" Behavioral Sciences 14, no. 3: 151.
APA StylePuerta Gómez, J. R., Aceituno-Aceituno, P., Burgos García, C., & González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A. (2024). The Role of Higher Education in Shaping Essential Personality Traits for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship in Spain. Behavioral Sciences, 14(3), 151.