Toward Transparency on Animal Experimentation in Switzerland: Seven Recommendations for the Provision of Public Information in Swiss Law
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. What Is Transparency and Why Is It Important?
2.1. Transparency in Democracy
Agent accountability: In this conception, “accountability” denotes the duty owed by an agent to his principal, whereby the principal may demand from the agent an account of the work that the agent has been doing in the principal’s name or on the principal’s behalf, enabling the principal if she sees fit to sanction or replace the agent or terminate the agency relationship [19].
2.2. Transparency in Animal Experimentation
3. Transparency Requirements in Switzerland
3.1. Documentation and Reporting Requirements
3.2. Public Information
4. Transparency Requirements in the European Union
4.1. Non-Technical Project Summaries (NTS)
4.2. Public Statistics
4.3. The German Case
5. Toward More Transparency in Public Information Under Swiss Law
5.1. In Experimentation
- − Numbers of animals used in experiments
- − Species of the animals used in experiments
- − Degrees of severity of harm experienced by the animals used in experiments
- − Objective and subject area of the experiment
- − Title of a research project
- − Fate of the animals at the end of the experiment
- − Costs and funding details of animal experimentation
- − A comprehensible presentation of the harm-benefit analysis.
5.1.1. Fate of the Animals
5.1.2. Funding of Animal Experimentation
5.1.3. Harm-Benefit Analysis
5.2. In Animal Facilities
- − Number of animals born in facilities
- − Number of animals imported from abroad
- − Number of breeding/surplus animals
- − Fate of breeding/surplus animals
- − Harms experienced by animals in facilities
- − Funding of animal facilities
5.2.1. Number of Breeding/Surplus Animals
5.2.2. Fate of Breeding/Surplus Animals
5.2.3. Harms Experienced by Animals in Facilities
5.2.4. Funding of Animal Facilities
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Information | Description | Public Information |
Fate of the animals | An account of the fate (i.e., killing, euthanasia, natural death, rehoming, or reuse) of animals used in experiments. | Annual report; Quarterly report; Non-technical project summary. |
Funding of animal experimentation | An account of the amounts of state funds invested in animal experiments. | Annual report; Quarterly report; Non-technical project summary. |
Harm-benefit analysis | A comprehensible account of the purpose of the experiment (expected benefits) as well as the harm to the animals. | Non-technical project summary; Study portal (like that for clinical trials involving human subjects). |
Number of breeding/surplus animals | An account of the exact number of breeding and surplus animals. | Annual report. |
Fate of breeding/surplus animals | An account of the fate of breeding/surplus animals (i.e., killing, euthanasia, natural death, rehoming). | Annual report. |
Harms in animal facilities | An account of deviations from the minimum legal standards for husbandry conditions. | Inventory control; Annual report. |
Funding of animal facilities | An account of the amounts of state funds invested in animal facilities. | Annual report. |
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Lüthi, N.; Rodriguez Perez, C.; Persson, K.; Elger, B.S.; Shaw, D. Toward Transparency on Animal Experimentation in Switzerland: Seven Recommendations for the Provision of Public Information in Swiss Law. Animals 2024, 14, 2154.
Lüthi N, Rodriguez Perez C, Persson K, Elger BS, Shaw D. Toward Transparency on Animal Experimentation in Switzerland: Seven Recommendations for the Provision of Public Information in Swiss Law. Animals. 2024; 14(15):2154.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLüthi, Nicole, Christian Rodriguez Perez, Kirsten Persson, Bernice Simone Elger, and David Shaw. 2024. "Toward Transparency on Animal Experimentation in Switzerland: Seven Recommendations for the Provision of Public Information in Swiss Law" Animals 14, no. 15: 2154.
APA StyleLüthi, N., Rodriguez Perez, C., Persson, K., Elger, B. S., & Shaw, D. (2024). Toward Transparency on Animal Experimentation in Switzerland: Seven Recommendations for the Provision of Public Information in Swiss Law. Animals, 14(15), 2154.