Scans for Signatures of Selection in Genomes of Wagyu and Buryat Cattle Breeds Reveal Candidate Genes and Genetic Variants for Adaptive Phenotypes and Production Traits
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Preparation
2.2. Selection Signatures Scans
2.2.1. HapFLK
2.2.2. DCMS
2.2.3. FST
2.2.4. PBS
2.3. SNP Annotation, Search for Candidate Causative Variants, and Enrichment Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Statistics of Window-Based and Single-Point Scans for Selection Signatures
3.2. Candidate Genes and Variants
3.2.1. Cold Climate Adaptation
3.2.2. Growth and Development
3.2.3. Feed Efficiency Traits and Metabolism
3.2.4. Meat Quality Traits
3.2.5. Immunity and Resistance to Pathogens
3.2.6. Reproduction
3.2.7. Milk Production Traits
3.3. Functional Enrichment Analysis and Functional Annotation Clustering
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Functional Category | Breed | Consensus Interval | Methods | Gene | Source |
Cold Climate Adaptation | Buryat | 3:33600001-33705000 | hapFLK, PBS | GSTM3 | [54,55] |
Buryat | 6:88788570-88838640 | hapFLK, PBS | CXCL8 | [56] | |
Buryat | 8:72603526-72650000 | hapFLK, FST | DOCK5 | [57] | |
Buryat | 19:42420001-42490000 | hapFLK, PBS, DCMS | STAT3 | [58,59,60,61] | |
Wagyu | 1:109350001-109425000 | hapFLK, FST | RSRC1 | [62] | |
Wagyu | 16:35455001-35525000 | PBS, FST | RGS7 | [63] | |
Wagyu | 16:63490001-63560000 | hapFLK, PBS | RGSL1 | [64] | |
Feed Efficiency Traits and Metabolism | Buryat | 1:102340001-102410000 | hapFLK, PBS | SI | [65,66] |
Wagyu | 1:109350001-109425000 | hapFLK, FST | SHOX2 | [67,68] | |
Wagyu | 2:103200001-103258854 | hapFLK, FST | SNORA70 | [69] | |
Growth and Development | Wagyu | 1:109350001-109425000 | hapFLK, FST | SHOX2 | [70,71,72] |
Wagyu | 2:90265001-90335000 | hapFLK, PBS | ALS2 | [73] | |
Wagyu | 2:93978974-94156953 | hapFLK, DCMS | NRP2 | [74] | |
Wagyu | 2:103200001-103258854 | hapFLK, FST | ABCA12 | [75,76] | |
Wagyu | 3:92470001-92610000 | hapFLK, PBS | GLIS1 | [77,78] | |
Wagyu | 5:29260001-29325368 | hapFLK, PBS | DIP2B | [79] | |
Wagyu | 6:115957434-116027698 | hapFLK, PBS | TNIP2 | [80,81] | |
Wagyu | 6:115957434-116027698 | hapFLK, PBS | FAM193A * | [81] | |
Wagyu | 28:29100001-29119970 | hapFLK, FST | P4HA1 | [82] | |
Immunity and Resistance to Pathogens | Buryat | 3:12800001-12845000 | PBS, FST | FCRL5 | [83,84,85] |
Buryat | 3:33600001-33705000 | hapFLK, PBS | EPS8L3 | [86] | |
Buryat | 6:88788570-88838640 | hapFLK, PBS | CXCL8 | [87] | |
Buryat | 19:42420001-42490000 | hapFLK, PBS, DCMS | STAT3 | [88,89] | |
Wagyu | 5:102242758-102367026 | hapFLK, PBS | WC1-12 | [90,91,92] | |
Wagyu | 20:23975001-24115000 | hapFLK, PBS | CDC20B | [93] | |
Wagyu | 20:23975001-24115000 | hapFLK, PBS | GZMA | [93,94] | |
Wagyu | 20:23975001-24115000 | hapFLK, PBS | GZMK | [93,94] | |
Wagyu | 20:23975001-24115000 | hapFLK, PBS | ESM1 | [93,95] | |
Meat Quality Traits | Buryat | 6:77455001-77560000 | hapFLK, PBS | ADGRL3 | [96] |
Wagyu | 1:109350001-109425000 | hapFLK, FST | RSRC1 | [97] | |
Wagyu | 5:29260001-29325368 | hapFLK, PBS | DIP2B | [98] | |
Wagyu | 5:102242758-102367026 | hapFLK, PBS | WC1-12 | [99] | |
Wagyu | 11:38600001-38675000 | PBS, FST | BTA-MIR-216B | [100] | |
Milk traits | Buryat | 6:77455001-77560000 | hapFLK, PBS | ADGRL3 | [101] |
Reproduction | Buryat | 3:33600001-33705000 | hapFLK, PBS | GSTM3 | [102] |
Buryat | 6:88788570-88838640 | hapFLK, PBS | CXCL8 | [87] | |
Buryat | 15:51651871-51696907 | hapFLK, PBS | NUMA1 | [103,104] | |
Wagyu | 1:109350001-109425000 | hapFLK, FST | RSRC1 | [105] | |
Wagyu | 2:90090001-90230000 | hapFLK, PBS | C2CD6 | [106] | |
Wagyu | 2:90265001-90335000 | hapFLK, PBS | ALS2 | [73] | |
Wagyu | 5:29260001-29325368 | hapFLK, PBS | DIP2B | [107] | |
Wagyu | 11:38600001-38675000 | PBS, FST | BTA-MIR-217 | [108] | |
Wagyu | 11:38600001-38675000 | PBS, FST | BTA-MIR-216A | [109] | |
Wagyu | 11:38600001-38675000 | PBS, FST | BTA-MIR-216B | [110] |
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Share and Cite
Igoshin, A.V.; Romashov, G.A.; Yurchenko, A.A.; Yudin, N.S.; Larkin, D.M. Scans for Signatures of Selection in Genomes of Wagyu and Buryat Cattle Breeds Reveal Candidate Genes and Genetic Variants for Adaptive Phenotypes and Production Traits. Animals 2024, 14, 2059.
Igoshin AV, Romashov GA, Yurchenko AA, Yudin NS, Larkin DM. Scans for Signatures of Selection in Genomes of Wagyu and Buryat Cattle Breeds Reveal Candidate Genes and Genetic Variants for Adaptive Phenotypes and Production Traits. Animals. 2024; 14(14):2059.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIgoshin, Alexander V., Grigorii A. Romashov, Andrey A. Yurchenko, Nikolay S. Yudin, and Denis M. Larkin. 2024. "Scans for Signatures of Selection in Genomes of Wagyu and Buryat Cattle Breeds Reveal Candidate Genes and Genetic Variants for Adaptive Phenotypes and Production Traits" Animals 14, no. 14: 2059.
APA StyleIgoshin, A. V., Romashov, G. A., Yurchenko, A. A., Yudin, N. S., & Larkin, D. M. (2024). Scans for Signatures of Selection in Genomes of Wagyu and Buryat Cattle Breeds Reveal Candidate Genes and Genetic Variants for Adaptive Phenotypes and Production Traits. Animals, 14(14), 2059.