1. Introduction
Increasing temperatures across the globe [
1] have led to observed changes in the environment that can affect migratory bird species, such as the timing of snow melt in the Arctic [
3], the emergence of spring vegetation [
4], and essential food sources for breeding adults and their young [
6]. Migratory species may be more vulnerable to these types of changes than resident species because they rely on different wintering and breeding habitats, as well as stopover sites during migration. While some migratory bird species might be able to adjust their timing of migration and nesting based on these recent environmental changes [
7], others may lag behind or arrive too early to the breeding grounds before conditions are optimal for nesting [
10]. Any shifts or mismatches in nesting phenology with respect to the availability of critical resources, such as nesting habitat and food, could lead to decreased reproductive success and population decline for these species [
Over the last few decades, several studies have found that some bird species have begun nesting earlier (e.g., [
17]), which might be a response to increasing temperatures and the earlier emergence of spring vegetation and food sources, as was shown for the Willet (
Tringa semipalmata semipalmata) by Smith et al. [
4], and for several passerine species in the U.S. by Mayor et al. [
10]. In contrast, Kwon et al. [
11] found that three shorebird species that breed in the Arctic have delayed clutch initiation and shortened their incubation period over two decades, potentially in response to a cooling climate trend at the start of their breeding season. Kwon et al. [
3] found evidence that phenological mismatches in Arctic shorebirds were likely related to changes in temperature and timing of snowmelt, which may be one cause that has led to population decline in the species nesting in the eastern part of the breeding range. These studies suggest that changes in global temperatures can either lead to changes in the timing of reproductive behaviors in birds or increase phenological mismatches, which may have negative consequences on their populations.
Increasing temperatures can also influence other aspects of climate, such as precipitation rates. As surface temperatures increase due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, the rate of evaporation of surface moisture increases, which can lead to greater amounts of rainfall as reviewed by [
18]. Some sources indicate that the precipitation rate in the U.S. has been increasing since the 1970s [
20]. Further research predicts rainfall events will increase dramatically in intensity yet occur at a less frequent rate due to temperature increases exceeding evaporation rates [
21]. These changes in precipitation could have direct effects on the habitat and reproductive success of certain bird species. For example, shorebirds nesting along coastlines could be subjected to more flooding and extreme weather events, such as tropical storms or hurricanes, as well as a loss of habitat due to sea level rise [
In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that rising temperatures and levels of precipitation have led to earlier laying dates in migratory bird species. Specifically, we focused on three shorebird species that breed in the United States of America: the willet (family Scolopacidae, hereafter “willet”), Wilson’s plover (
Charadrius wilsonia, family Charadriidae, hereafter “plover”), and the black-necked stilt (
Himantopus mexicanus, family Recurvirostridae, hereafter “stilt”). These species were chosen because they all may be especially vulnerable to a warming climate [
22], and none are closely related, reducing phylogenetic effects on our results. All species in our study have been found to nest in or close to vegetation [
28], the emergence of which could be directly affected by spring temperatures. These species also often nest along coastlines, putting them at a higher risk of exposure to extreme weather events and changes in habitat due to factors caused by climate change [
29]. Shorebirds also have a fixed clutch size and typically produce only one brood a year [
We used laying dates as a measure of nest phenology change and asked three primary questions: (1) Have laying dates changed over year, latitude, or longitude? (2) Has temperature and precipitation changed over year, latitude, or longitude in our study areas? (3) Does temperature or precipitation predict laying date? We predicted that laying dates will have become earlier over time due to overall increases in surface temperature [
1] and increased amounts of precipitation in the U.S. [
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Species and Sites
In this study, all stilt nests were located in California, while all plover and willet nests were located along the east coast in the following states: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia (
Figure 1). California is incredibly variable in climate and habitats [
32]. The stilt nests were found in several types of ecoregions within this state, the top three being the Central California Valley, the Sonoran Basin and Range, and the Southern California/Northern Baja Coast (see [
32] and
Figure 1A). The Central California Valley is largely flat, agricultural land characterized by long, hot summers with little rainfall [
32]. Likewise, the Sonoran Basin and Range is a hot, dry, desert habitat, while the Southern California/Northern Baja Coast is characterized by coastal sage scrub and chaparral with both low-lying areas by the coast and small hills. Many of the nests in the eastern states were found within a region called the North American Coastal Plain (NACP) (see [
33] and
Figure 1B,C). This region borders the Atlantic Ocean and consists of habitats such as closed forests, pine savannas, grasslands, and wetlands, including swamps, marshes, and bogs [
33]. Several factors influenced by climate change, including rising sea level, increased episodes of flooding or drought, hurricanes that are more intense, and increase levels of saline in ground and surface waters, are threatening the habitats in this region [
Stilts have an incubation period of around 25–26 days and lay an average of four eggs per clutch over 4–5 days [
34]. In our study, we assumed that stilts laid one egg each day with an incubation period of 25 days based on data collected in the Tulare Basin (average and median incubation period was 25 days, n = 43) [
34], which is geographically close to the majority of the nests used in this study (
Figure 1A;
Supplementary Table S1). The timing of incubation for stilts appears to vary depending on ambient temperatures, but we assumed that stilts began incubating after laying the final egg. Plovers typically lay three eggs per clutch over 4–6 days. We assumed an average of five days for the laying period for a clutch of three eggs [
35]. Regular incubation begins after the last egg is laid and also appears to be around 25 days, though this is based on limited observations. Willets typically lay four eggs per clutch, usually over six days. We assumed incubation began after the last egg was laid, but this has not been well-studied [
36]. The incubation period is around 25–26 days, with an average of 25.2 days or a median of 25.5 days. Based on this, we assumed an incubation period of 26 days (
Table 1 summarizes the metrics used to help us estimate laying date).
2.2. Estimating Clutch Initiation Dates
To determine if the laying date or clutch initiation date (hereafter referred to as “CID”) for the willet, plover, and stilt have changed over time and with changing climate, we collected nesting information for these species from 1852 to 1983 using several museum databases, as well as nest observation cards from 1966 to 1989 provided by the Cornell NestWatch program, giving us information on a total of 994 nests (
Table 2 and
Figure 2A). The database website Arctos (
https://arctosdb.org, accessed in October 2021) was used to retrieve records from some smaller museums (
Table 2). Once CIDs were estimated for all clutches, they were converted into a Julian calendar date for use in the statistical analyses (
Figure 2B and
Supplementary Table S1).
From museum records, we were usually able to estimate CID using the clutch size and the collector’s description of incubation stage at the time the clutch was collected, following similar methods to McNair [
43] (see also [
44]). If a collector wrote down a specific number of days or a range of days in which they thought the eggs had been incubated upon collection, we used that number (or the median of the range rounded up to the nearest whole number) to estimate the length of incubation time at collection. However, many collectors described the incubation stage in categorical terms (e.g., about 1/2 incubated, advanced, etc.). Different collectors also used different terms that likely had similar meanings. For consistency, we combined similar incubation stage terms collectors used into our own incubation stage categories (e.g., fresh, slight incubation, 25% incubation, etc.) that were then translated into a specific number of days based on the species’ known incubation period (
Table 1 and
Table 3). Clutch size was used to determine the laying period based on what is currently known about each species’ laying behavior (
Table 1). We assumed stilts laid one egg per day, so their laying period equaled their clutch size (for a clutch of four eggs, the laying period would be four days) [
34]. We assumed the plover and willet laying periods were always the clutch size plus two days (for a clutch of four eggs, the laying period would be six days) [
36]. We assumed all birds began incubating on the final day of the laying period. To account for this, we added the laying period-1 to the estimated incubation period. This total was the number of days we counted backward from the date the clutch was collected to reach an estimated CID (
Supplementary Table S1) (see also [
If a clutch size was two or more less than a typical full clutch, and if no incubation stage term was given by the collector (or if incubation stage was listed as “unknown”), we assumed the bird was still in the laying period, so the incubation period was 0. For example, according to Robinson et al. [
34], a typical clutch size for the stilt is four. Any nests with 1–2 eggs listed as the clutch size were treated as if they were still in the laying period when they were collected if no incubation stage was recorded. Thus, a stilt nest with one egg as the clutch size collected on 4 May was given an estimated CID of 4 May. A stilt nest with two eggs as the clutch size collected on 4 May was given an estimated CID of 3 May. If the incubation stage was not recorded or labeled “unknown” and the clutch appeared to be completed upon collection, we did not attempt to estimate CID and these nests were not included in analyses where an estimation of CID was required (
Supplementary Table S1).
NestWatch nest observation cards had to be treated differently from the museum records, as most of these included observations of an active nest, and observers typically did not collect and remove egg contents for long-term storage. Therefore, they could not determine what incubation stage the nest was in upon discovery simply by looking at the eggs. We used the observer’s description of the bird’s behavior and changes in nest contents over a few days to estimate CID. For example, if an observer recorded one egg on day 1 for a stilt nest, and two eggs on day 2, we assumed the nest was found during the laying period and day 1 was the CID. If an observer said the egg was pipping, but the actual hatching date was not recorded, we assumed hatching occurred the following day and counted backward from that date based on the typical incubation time and laying period for that species (incorporating clutch size as stated before). If the observer recorded that chicks were still wet, we assumed hatching occurred that day. If hatching occurred between visits within a 1–5 day range, we always assumed it occurred on the median day of the range (always rounding up to the nearest whole number). If the observer estimated the age of the young to be a range of days, we always used the median age of the range, rounding up to the nearest whole number. We did not include any clutches for the following situations:
Only one visit was recorded, making it impossible to know the true stage of the nest;
The nest was only found during incubation, with no indication of when the eggs were laid or when they started hatching;
Hatching occurred between visits with more than a 5-day range with no age estimate of the young;
Only young were observed, but there was no clear age estimate, or the number of young seen was less than the typical clutch size for that species;
One plover nest was not used because it may have been a later nesting attempt of the same pair that had a failed nest earlier that year in that area.
2.3. Nest Location and Climate Data
If latitude and longitude were provided by the collector or observer, these were considered to be the true coordinates of the nest. If only a location description was provided, we estimated latitude and longitude coordinates from the most specific locality recorded using the website epsg.io from MapTiler Team [
45]. The coordinates were uploaded as a layer into ArcGIS Pro 2.9 by ESRI (
Figure 1). We downloaded a list of weather stations, along with their location coordinates, for each state within our study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which was also uploaded as a layer into ArcGIS. In ArcGIS, we used a tool called “Generate Near Table” to produce a list of the ten closest weather stations to each clutch. The global monthly climate summaries for each of these stations from 1851–2022 were downloaded from NOAA. From this, we used the average precipitation (cm) and temperature (Celsius) during the first four months of the breeding season for our species (March–June). We excluded July as only stilts initiated nests during the first-half of this month (
Figure 2B). Unfortunately, not all stations had both precipitation and temperature data for all years the station was active, and most stations were only active a portion of the years from which we sampled data. In total, we retrieved climate data for 671 weather stations with 239 from California close to the stilt nests and 432 in the east (Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia) close to the plover and willet nests (
Supplementary File S1).
2.4. Have CIDs Changed Based on Year, Latitude or Longitude for Our Three Species?
To answer this question, we ran a full linear regression model (LM) to see if CIDs for all species combined have changed over time or space. Our predictor variables included the year of the nest, nest latitude, nest longitude, species, and all interactions between species and the other predictor variables. We used a total of 733 nests in this analysis where CID and nest coordinates were able to be reasonably estimated or had been provided (stilt = 339, willet = 198, plover = 196). A second analysis was run with each species separately, allowing us to understand which factors were the most important for each species. Similar methods were used by Torti and Dunn [
2.5. Has Temperature and Precipitation Changed over Year, Latitude or Longitude in Our Study Areas?
In this analysis, we treated each weather station as a separate data point and controlled for station ID since most had been sampled multiple times over many years (
Supplementary File S1). Torti and Dunn [
16] separated their temperature data into four regions based on latitude (latitudes greater than vs. less than 40 degrees) and longitude (longitudes greater than vs. less than 110 degrees). In our study, all stilt nests had longitudes greater than 110 degrees, while all plover and willet nests had longitudes less than 110 degrees (
Figure 1). Additionally, all nest latitudes were below 40 degrees. Based on this, we separated temperature and precipitation data into eastern and western regions and ran mixed linear models (MLM) with station ID as a random effect and year, station latitude, and station longitude as fixed effects. The response variable was either east temperature, west temperature, east precipitation, or west precipitation for each month of the main part of the breeding season (March–June). In total, we ran 16 MLMs.
2.6. Does Temperature or Precipitation Predict CID?
For this analysis, we used similar methods described by Torti and Dunn [
16]. We estimated the temperature and precipitation at a nest for each of the first four months of the breeding season by averaging the average monthly temperature and precipitation of the ten closest weather stations to a given nest that were active during the same year the nest was active. However, in many cases, there may have been fewer than ten stations (or no stations) active during a particular year a nest was active. Therefore, our sample size for this analysis was much smaller and, in some years, may have only included data from a single weather station for a particular nest (
Supplementary File S2). Next, we determined which average monthly temperature and precipitation best predicted CID for each of our three species [
16]. We performed LM analyses for each species separately, using CID as our response variable and average monthly temperature or precipitation as the predictor variable for March, April, May, and June, giving us a total of four LMs for temperature for each species and four LMs for precipitation for each species. The best model was considered to be the one with the highest R
For all analyses, any interactions or individual predictor variables that were not significant (p > 0.05) were removed in a stepwise fashion (with the most insignificant factors being removed first) from the final model that is reported. When comparing models in the first and third analyses, we used either R2 (when only one predictor variable was included) or adjusted R2 (when more than one predictor variable was included) to determine which model was best. We considered the best model to be the one with the highest R2 or adjusted R2. In the second analysis, we report the models with the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) score because in several of these models, the adjusted R2 was minimally lower when some significant effects were removed, making it more difficult to interpret. In some cases, the best model may have included both significant and insignificant effects, though this was rare. All statistical tests in this study were performed in JMP Pro 16.0.0 with an alpha of 0.05.