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Journal: Microorganisms, 2020
Volume: 8
Number: 1240

Article: Drug Resistance Determinants in Clinical Isolates of Enterococcus faecalis in Bangladesh: Identification of Oxazolidinone Resistance Gene optrA in ST59 and ST902 Lineages
Authors: by Sangjukta Roy, Meiji Soe Aung, Shyamal Kumar Paul, Salma Ahmed, Nazia Haque, Emily Rahman Khan, Tridip Kanti Barman, Arup Islam, Sahida Abedin, Chand Sultana, Anindita Paul, Muhammad Akram Hossain, Noriko Urushibara, Mitsuyo Kawaguchiya, Ayako Sumi and Nobumichi Kobayashi

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