Pesticides Decrease Bacterial Diversity and Abundance of Irrigated Rice Fields
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Sampling Procedure for Soil
2.3. Bacteria Culture
2.4. DNA Extraction and 16S Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Gene Sequencing
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Effect of Pesticides on Soil Bacterial Abundance and Diversity
3.2. Multivariate Analyses
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Pesticide Name | Active Ingredient Conc. | Application Rate/ha | Target Pest/Disease | Application Method | Frequency |
Condex | Bensylfuron methyl (30%) | 0.42 Kg | Selective herbicide | spraying | 3 |
Kilsect 2.5 EC | Lambda Cyhalothrin (25 g/L) | 1.0 L | Grasshoppers, Worms, Thrips | spraying | 5 |
Bounty/Nakitse | Bispyribac sodium (400 g/L) | 62.5-75 Ml | Selective herbicide | spraying | 3 |
Nativo | Tebuconazole (200 g/L) | 1.0 L | Blast | spraying | 5 |
Trifloxystrobin (100 g/L) | |||||
Orizo plus | Propanil (360 g/L) | 2.0 L | Selective herbicide | spraying | 3 |
2,4,D amine (200 g/L) | |||||
Dursban/Sunpyrifos | Chlorpyrifos (480 g/L) | 1.0 L | Grasshoppers, Worms, Thrips | spraying | 5 |
Allogator | Pendimethalin (400 g/L) | 3.0 L | Selective herbicide | spraying | 3 |
Genus | Respiration | Habitat | Role in Soil | Potential Pathogen | Open Literature References | * Zone of Highest OTU |
Acinetobacter | Obligate aerobes | Soil, water | Mineralization | Pathogenic | [25] | Residual |
Aeromonas | Facultative anaerobes | Soil, water | Microbial equilibrium | Pathogenic | [26] | Unexposed |
Bacillus | Obligate aerobes Facultative anaerobes | Ubiquitous | Plant protection from plants and insects | Pathogenic | [27,28,29,30] | Residual |
Bordetella | Aerobes | Soil, water, sediment, plants | Possible degradation of organic compounds | Pathogenic | [31] | Unexposed |
Chitinophagaceae (Unc40442) | Facultative anaerobes | Soil | Chitin degradation | Not Pathogenic | [32] | Exposed |
Comamonas | Facultative anaerobes, Aerobes | Soil, water | Possible degradation of organic compounds | Pathogenic | [33] | Unexposed |
Enterobacter | Facultative anaerobes | Ubiquitous | Plant growth regulator | Pathogenic | [34,35,36] | Unexposed |
Leucobacter | Aerobes | Soil, sediment, water | Possible bioremediation | Pathogenic | [37] | Unexposed |
Paenibacillaceae (GIWBac55) | Facultative anaerobes | Soil, water, plants | Nitrogen fixation, plant growth, plant protection from microbes and insects | Pathogenic | [38] | Unexposed |
Paenibacillus | Facultative anaerobes | Soil, water, plants | Nitrogen fixation, plant growth, plant protection from microbes and insects | Pathogenic | [38] | Unexposed |
Pseudarthrobacter | Obligate aerobes | Soil | Possible biodegradation of organic compounds | Pathogenic | [39] | Residual |
Pseudomonas | Facultative anaerobes, aerobes | Ubiquitous, Soil, water, plants, rhizosphere | Biocontrol, Plant Growth promotion, nutrient mobilization, soil bioremediation | Pathogenic | [40] | Residual |
Staphylococcus | Facultative anaerobes | Ubiquitous, Soil, water | Possible degradation of organic compounds, Plant Growth promotion | Pathogenic | [41] | Unexposed |
Stenotrophomonas | Aerobes | Soil | Plant protection from plants and insects | Pathogenic | [33,42] | Unexposed |
Escherichia/Shigella | Aerobes | Ubiquitous | Plant growth promoter | Pathogenic | [43,44] | Exposed |
Domibacillus | Aerobes | Ubiquitous, Soil, water | Unknown | Unknown | [28] | Residual |
Halalkalibacillus | Aerobes | Soil, water | Unknown | Pathogenic | [45] | Exposed |
Vogesella | Aerobes | Soil, water sediments | Unknown | Not Pathogenic | [46,47] | Exposed |
Pasteurella | Facultative Aerobes | Soil, water | Biocontrol | Pathogenic | [48] | Exposed |
Bergeyella | Aerobes | Soil, water | Unknown | Pathogenic | [49] | Exposed |
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Onwona-Kwakye, M.; Plants-Paris, K.; Keita, K.; Lee, J.; Brink, P.J.V.d.; Hogarh, J.N.; Darkoh, C. Pesticides Decrease Bacterial Diversity and Abundance of Irrigated Rice Fields. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 318.
Onwona-Kwakye M, Plants-Paris K, Keita K, Lee J, Brink PJVd, Hogarh JN, Darkoh C. Pesticides Decrease Bacterial Diversity and Abundance of Irrigated Rice Fields. Microorganisms. 2020; 8(3):318.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOnwona-Kwakye, Michael, Kimberly Plants-Paris, Kadiatou Keita, Jessica Lee, Paul J. Van den Brink, Jonathan N. Hogarh, and Charles Darkoh. 2020. "Pesticides Decrease Bacterial Diversity and Abundance of Irrigated Rice Fields" Microorganisms 8, no. 3: 318.
APA StyleOnwona-Kwakye, M., Plants-Paris, K., Keita, K., Lee, J., Brink, P. J. V. d., Hogarh, J. N., & Darkoh, C. (2020). Pesticides Decrease Bacterial Diversity and Abundance of Irrigated Rice Fields. Microorganisms, 8(3), 318.