Identification of Leishmania infantum Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers with Nanopore Sequencing
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Samples
2.2. DNA Extraction and Sequencing
2.3. Bioinformatic Analysis
2.3.1. Identification, Typing, and Phylogeny
2.3.2. Aneuploidy and Gene Copy Number Variation Analysis
2.4. Data Availability
3. Results
3.1. Identification, Typing, and Phylogeny
3.1.1. Aneuploidy Analysis
3.1.2. CNV for Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers in L. infantum
4. Discussion
4.1. Identification, Typing, and Phylogeny
4.2. Detection of Aneuploidy and Gene Copy Number Variation
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample ID | Host | Type | Isolation | Year | Location |
MHOM/TN/80/IPT-1 | Homo sapiens | VL | Unknown | 1980 | Monastir, Tunisia |
MHOM/ES/2016/CATB101 | Homo sapiens | VL | Spleen | 2016 | Mallorca area, Spain |
LCAN/ES/2020/CATB102 | Canis lupus familiaris | CL, VL | Lymph node aspirate | 2020 | Zaragoza area, Spain |
MCRI/ES/2006/CATB033 | Canis lupus familiaris, sub. Cricetus aureus | CL | Exudate | 2006 | Spain |
Biomarker | Gene ID | Start | End | Gene Name | Function | Gene CNVs | Resistance/Pathogenicity | Reference |
Miltefosine sensitivity locus (MSL) | LinJ.31.2370 | 1,181,281 | 1,182,328 | LinJ.31.2370 | 3′-nuclease | Deletion (CN −2) | Miltefosine TF | [27] |
LinJ.31.2380 | 1,184,204 | 1,185,341 | LinJ.31.2380 | 3′-nuclease | ||||
LinJ.31.2390 | 1,185,826 | 1,188,553 | LinJ.31.2390 | Helicase-like protein | ||||
LinJ.31.2400 | 1,191,356 | 1,192,406 | LinJ.31.2400 | 3-2-trans-enoyl-CoA isomerase | ||||
Miltefosine transporter and associated genes | LinJ.13.1590 | 570,912 | 574,206 | LdMT | Phospholipid transport | Deletion (CN −1, −2) | Miltefosine R | [28] |
LinJ.13.1600 | 576,108 | 577,572 | Hypot. protein | Unknown | ||||
LinJ.32.1040 | 392,366 | 393,596 | ldRos3 | Vps23 core domain | ||||
LACK antigen | LinJ.28.2940 | 1,070,377 | 1,071,316 | LACK1 | Antigenic protein | Expansion | Pathogenicity | [29] |
LinJ.28.2970 | 1,074,409 | 1,075,348 | LACK2 | |||||
Paromomycin-resistant locus | LinJ.27.1940 | 942,538 | 944,020 | D-LDH | D-lactate dehydrogenase | Expansion (CN +1) | Paromomycin (PMM) R | [30] |
LinJ.27.1950 | 946,545 | 947,751 | B-CAT | Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase | ||||
MAPK1 | LinJ.36.6760 | 2,564,560 | 2,565,637 | LMPK | Mitogen-activated protein kinase | Conflicting evidence | Trivalent antimonials R | [31] |
AQP1 | LinJ.31.0030 | 8,742 | 9,687 | AQP1 | Aquaglyceroporin 1 | Deletion (CN −1) | Trivalent antimonials R | [31] |
H locus | LinJ.23.0280 | 86,372 | 86,942 | YIP1 | Unknown | Expansion (CN +1) MRPA and PTR1 | Trivalent antimonials R | [28] |
LinJ.23.0290 | 88,619 | 93,329 | MRPA | ABC-thiol transporter | ||||
LinJ.23.0300 | 94,265 | 95,522 | LinJ.23.0300 | Arginosuccinate synthase | ||||
LinJ.23.0310 | 101,314 | 102,181 | PTR1 | Pteridine reductase 1 | ||||
METK locus | LinJ.30.3550 | 1,283,752 | 1,284,865 | Lorien protein | Deletion (CN −1) | Allopurinol R | [10] | |
LinJ.30.3560 | 1,285,559 | 1,286,738 | METK1 | S-adenosylmethionine synthetase | ||||
LinJ.30.3570 | 1,288,872 | 1,289,985 | Lorien protein | |||||
LinJ.30.3580 | 1,290,679 | 1,291,858 | METK2 | S-adenosylmethionine synthetase |
MHOM/TN/80/IPT-1 | MHOM/ES/2016/CATB101 | MCRI/ES/2006/CATB033 | LCAN/ES/2020/CATB102 | ||
Miltefosine transporter and associated genes | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.13.1590 | LdMT | 0, +1 | 0, +1 | −1 | 0 |
LinJ.13.1600 | Hypot. Protein | +1 | −1 | 0 | 0 |
LinJ.32.1040 | ldRos3 | −1 | 0 | −1 | 0 |
Miltefosine sensitivity locus (MSL) | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.31.2370 * | LinJ.31.2370 | +4 | +1, +2 | +2 | +2 |
LinJ.31.2380 * | LinJ.31.2380 | +4 | +1, +2 | +2 | +1, +2 |
LinJ.31.2390 * | LinJ.31.2390 | +4, +5 | +1, +2 | +2 | +1, +2 |
LinJ.31.2400 * | LinJ.31.2400 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +1, +2 |
METK locus | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.30.3550 | Lorien protein | 0 | +1, +2 | +1 | 0 |
LinJ.30.3560 | METK1 | −1 | +1 | +1 | 0 |
LinJ.30.3570 | Lorien protein | −1 | +1 | 0, +1 | −1 |
LinJ.30.3580 | METK2 | 0 | 0, +1 | 0, +1 | 0 |
H locus | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.23.0280 | YIP1 | +6, +7 | +1 | 0, +1 | +1, +2 |
LinJ.23.0290 | MRPA | +5 | +1, +2 | 0, +1 | +1, +2 |
LinJ.23.0300 | LinJ.23.0300 | +5 | +2 | 0 | 0 |
LinJ.23.0310 | PTR1 | +4 | 0, +1 | −1 | +1 |
AQP1 | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.31.0030 * | AQP1 | +5 | +1 | +1, +2 | +2, +3 |
MAPK1 | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.36.6760 | LMPK | −1 | 0 | −1 | −1 |
Amphotericin | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.2510 | SMT | 0 | 0, +1 | 0, +1 | 0 |
Paramomycin-resistant locus | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.27.1940 | D-LDH | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0, +1 |
LinJ.27.1950 | B-CAT | −1 | 0, +1 | 0 | 0, +1 |
LACK antigen | CNV | CNV | CNV | CNV | |
LinJ.28.2940 | LACK1 | 0, +1 | 0, +1 | 0 | 0 |
LinJ.28.2970 | LACK2 | 0, +1 | 0, +1 | 0 | 0, +1 |
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Martí-Carreras, J.; Carrasco, M.; Gómez-Ponce, M.; Noguera-Julián, M.; Fisa, R.; Riera, C.; Alcover, M.M.; Roura, X.; Ferrer, L.; Francino, O. Identification of Leishmania infantum Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers with Nanopore Sequencing. Microorganisms 2022, 10, 2256.
Martí-Carreras J, Carrasco M, Gómez-Ponce M, Noguera-Julián M, Fisa R, Riera C, Alcover MM, Roura X, Ferrer L, Francino O. Identification of Leishmania infantum Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers with Nanopore Sequencing. Microorganisms. 2022; 10(11):2256.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMartí-Carreras, Joan, Marina Carrasco, Marcel Gómez-Ponce, Marc Noguera-Julián, Roser Fisa, Cristina Riera, Maria Magdalena Alcover, Xavier Roura, Lluís Ferrer, and Olga Francino. 2022. "Identification of Leishmania infantum Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers with Nanopore Sequencing" Microorganisms 10, no. 11: 2256.
APA StyleMartí-Carreras, J., Carrasco, M., Gómez-Ponce, M., Noguera-Julián, M., Fisa, R., Riera, C., Alcover, M. M., Roura, X., Ferrer, L., & Francino, O. (2022). Identification of Leishmania infantum Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Pathogenicity Biomarkers with Nanopore Sequencing. Microorganisms, 10(11), 2256.