Talaromyces–Insect Relationships
:1. Introduction
2. Occurrence of Talaromyces spp. as Insect Associates
3. Experimental Evidence of Anti-Insectan Effects
4. The Role of Secondary Metabolites
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Species | Insect Source * | Location | Year | Reference |
T. amestolkiae | corpses of Capnodis tenebrionis, Culex sp., unidentified Pyralidae, unidentified Pyrrhocoridae | Lebanon | 2016 | [15] |
T. atroroseus | living adults of Chaetoptelius vestitus | Tunisia | 2020 | [16] |
T. brasiliensis | nests of Melipona scutellaris | Brazil | 2018 | [17] |
T. cecidicola | galls of unidentified cynipid on Quercus pacifica | Western USA | 2004 | [18] |
T. dendriticus | galls of unidentified insect on Eucalyptus leaves | Australia | 2004 | [18] |
T. diversus | meconia of Polistes hebraeus | La Reunion | 1995 | [12] |
larva of Tenebrio molitor (bait) | Sumatra | 2020 | [19] | |
T. duclauxii | dead larvae and adults of Troglophilus neglectus | Slovenia | 1998 | [14] |
T. erythromellis | galls of Diplolepis rosae on Rosa sitchensis | Canada | 2004 | [18] |
T. flavus | mines of Thrypticus truncatus, Thrypticus sagittatus on Eichhornia crassipes | Argentina | 2007 | [20] |
larvae of Galleria mellonella (bait) | China | 2008 | [21,22] | |
larvae of Prays oleae | Portugal | 2012 | [23] | |
coarse wood debris with termites (Reticulitermes sp.) | Mississippi | 2012 | [24] | |
frass of Busseola fusca | South Africa | 2020 | [25] | |
T. funiculosus | larvae of Aedes cantans and Aedes communis | Ukraine | 1990 | [11] |
dead larvae and pupae of Liriomyza sativae | Egypt | 2006 | [26] | |
T. aff. helicus | gut of Triatoma infestans | Argentina | 2007 | [27] |
T. minioluteus | adults of Ips acuminatus | Ukraine | 2017 | [28] |
gut of Ips sexdentatus | Czechia | 2020 | [29] | |
T. mycothecae | nests of M. scutellaris | Brazil | 2018 | [17] |
T. pigmentosus | nests of M. scutellaris | Brazil | 2018 | [17] |
T. pinophilus | larvae of P. oleae | Portugal | 2012 | [23] |
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus | Egypt | 2019 | [30] | |
larvae of Bactrocera oleae, Euphyllura olivina | Tunisia | 2020 | [31] | |
dead adults of C. vestitus | Tunisia | 2020 | [16] | |
T. pseudostromaticus | galls of D. rosae on R. sitchensis | Canada | 2004 | [18] |
T. pulveris | bore dust of Xestobium rufovillosum | France | 2020 | [32] |
T. purpureogenus | mosquitoes (Aedes sp., Anopheles sp., Mansonia sp.) | Brazil | 1998 | [13] |
gut of T. infestans | Argentina | 2007 | [27] | |
nest of Trachymyrmex septentrionalis | Texas | 2011 | [33] | |
larvae of Dendroctonus punctatus | France | 2016 | [34] | |
adults of I. acuminatus | Ukraine | 2017 | [28] | |
adults of Xyleborus affinis, Xyleborus bispinatus | Mexico | 2018 | [35] | |
gut of larva of Triplectides sp. | Brazil | 2020 | [36] | |
T. radicus | larvae of D. punctatus | France | 2016 | [34] |
T. ruber | gut of T. infestans | Argentina | 2007 | [27] |
T. rugulosus | nests of Acromyrmex spp. | Argentina | 2017 | [37] |
gut of Ips duplicatus, Ips typographus, I. acuminatus, I. sexdentatus, Polygraphus poligraphus | Czechia | 2020 | [29] | |
gardens of Xyleborinus saxesenii in laboratory rearing | Switzerland | 2021 | [38] | |
T. scorteus | nests of M. scutellaris | Brazil | 2018 | [17] |
Talaromyces sp. | fungal comb in nest of Macrotermes carbonarius | Vietnam | 2019 | [39] |
nest of Coptotermes formosanus | Florida | 2013 | [40] | |
gut of Aedes aegypti | Puerto Rico | 2017 | [41] | |
unidentified mud dauber wasp | Australia | 2017 | [42] | |
gut of larvae of Rhagium inquisitor | Russia | 2018 | [43] | |
adults of Tomicus brevipilosus, Tomicus minor, Tomicus yunnanensis | China | 2020 | [44] | |
adult of Platypus cylindrus | Italy | 2020 | This paper | |
abdomen fat body of Nilaparvata lugens | China | 2021 | [45] | |
gut of N. lugens | China | 2021 | [46] | |
T. stollii | fungal comb in nest of Macrotermes barneyi | China | 2021 | [47] |
T. trachyspermus | meconia of P. hebraeus | La Reunion | 1995 | [12] |
larvae of G. mellonella (bait) | China | 2008 | [21] | |
adults of I. typographus, | Italy | 2013 | [48] | |
T. verruculosus | unidentified thrips | Thailand | 2007 | [49] |
nests of Atta texana, Cyphomyrmex wheeleri, T. septentrionalis | Texas | 2011 | [33] | |
nests of Atta cephalotes | Brazil | 2015 | [50] | |
mycangia of Xylosandrus crassiusculus | China, Florida | 2019 | [51] | |
larvae of B. oleae, E. olivina | Tunisia | 2020 | [31] | |
T. versatilis | dead adult of Apis dorsata | Sri Lanka | 2020 | [52] |
T. wortmannii(T. variabilis) | larvae of Simulium goeldii | Brazil | 2008 | [53] |
nest of Ropalidia marginata | India | 2010 | [54] | |
larvae and adults of Dendroctonus micans, Dendroctonus valens | France | 2016 | [34] | |
nests and honey of M. scutellaris | Brazil | 2018 | [17] | |
gut of Ips cembrae, I. acuminatus, I. duplicatus, I. sexdentatus, I. typographus | Czechia | 2020 | [29] | |
adults of Diabrotica sp. and Neomyopites sp. | Colombia | 2020 | [55] |
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Nicoletti, R.; Becchimanzi, A. Talaromyces–Insect Relationships. Microorganisms 2022, 10, 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10010045
Nicoletti R, Becchimanzi A. Talaromyces–Insect Relationships. Microorganisms. 2022; 10(1):45. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10010045
Chicago/Turabian StyleNicoletti, Rosario, and Andrea Becchimanzi. 2022. "Talaromyces–Insect Relationships" Microorganisms 10, no. 1: 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10010045
APA StyleNicoletti, R., & Becchimanzi, A. (2022). Talaromyces–Insect Relationships. Microorganisms, 10(1), 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10010045