Genetic Diversity of Trypanosomes Infesting Cattle from Savannah District in North of Côte d’Ivoire Using Conserved Genomic Signatures: rRNA, ITS1 and gGAPDH
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample Collection in the Field
2.2. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification and Sequencing
2.3. Analysis of Sequences
3. Results
3.1. Sequence Identification
3.2. Mixed Infection and Mixed Identification by Primers
3.3. Sequence Comparison between the Different Trypanosome Species Identified
3.4. Alignment and Phylogenetics of Trypanosome Species According to Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1)
3.5. Phylogenetic Trees of Trypanosomes Species According to Partial 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and Partial 28S rRNA Genes
3.6. Phylogenetic Trees of Trypanosome Species According to Glycosomal Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene (gGAPDH)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sequence ID | Accession Number | Bovine Race and Location | Length of Sequence (bp) | Similarity (%) | Reference Sequence Accession | Origin Country of Reference |
ITS1 | ||||||
T.vivax_Kor_M_96 a | PP210924 | Méré/Korhogo | 209 | 97.56 | MH247152.2 T. vivax | Kenya |
T.congo_Mben_M_271 1 | PP210925 | Méré/Mbengue | 666 | 80.57 | MK756202.1 T. congolense | Nigeria |
T.vivax_Ferk_M_382 | PP210926 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 250 | 94.31 | MN213748.1 T. vivax | Sub-Saharan Africa |
T.vivax_Ferk_M_362 b | PP210927 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 250 | 100 | MN213748.1 T. vivax | Sub-Saharan Africa |
18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, 28S | ||||||
T.theileri_Kor_M_9_RNA 2 | PP188043 | Méré/Korhogo | 932 | 92.60 | LC440407.1 T. theileri | Mongolia |
T.theileri_Kor_M_16_RNA | PP188044 | Méré/Korhogo | 939 | 99.43 | OQ341207.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kor_M_22_RNA | OR973744 | Méré/Korhogo | 707 | 84.18 | LC440405.1 T. theileri | Mongolia |
T.theileri_Kor_Z_28_RNA | OR973745 | Zébu/Korhogo | 872 | 94.13 | OQ341206.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kor_M_41_RNA | PP188045 | Méré/Korhogo | 930 | 93.87 | LC440408.1 T. theileri | Mongolia |
T.theileri_Kor_M_42_RNA 5 | OR973746 | Méré/Korhogo | 776 | 92.22 | AB569248.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Kor_M_43_RNA 6 | OR973747 | Méré/Korhogo | 957 | 90.27 | KY412803.1 T. theileri | Austria |
T.theileri_Kor_M_44_RNA | OR973748 | Méré/Korhogo | 912 | 99.01 | OQ341206.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kor_M_45_RNA | PP188046 | Méré/Korhogo | 939 | 98.73 | LC440405.1 T. theileri | Mongolia |
T.theileri_Kor_Z_52_RNA | OR973749 | Zébu/Korhogo | 930 | 99.45 | OQ341205.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kor_Z_65_RNA | OR973750 | Zébu/Korhogo | 744 | 90.87 | OQ341215.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kor_M_76_RNA | OR973751 | Méré/Korhogo | 764 | 94.89 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Kor_M_77_RNA | OR973752 | Méré/Korhogo | 939 | 97.23 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Kor_M_78_RNA | OR973753 | Méré/Korhogo | 687 | 88.35 | AB569248.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Kor_M_96_RNA a | OR973754 | Méré/Korhogo | 914 | 98.57 | KY412803.1 T. theileri | Austria |
T.theileri_Sin_N_119_RNA | OR973755 | N’Dama/Sinématiali | 617 | 88.77 | OQ341215.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Sin_N_137_RNA | OR973756 | N’Dama/Sinématiali | 716 | 99.16 | LC440408.1 T. theileri | Mongolia |
T.theileri_Sin_N_161_RNA | PP188047 | N’Dama/Sinématiali | 931 | 98.83 | OQ341205.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.vivax_Diko_N_225_RNA 3 | PP188048 | N’Dama/Dikodougou | 575 | 84.88 | KM391836.1 T. vivax | Nigeria |
T.theileri_Diko_N_237_RNA | OR973757 | N’Dama/Dikodougou | 925 | 98.26 | OQ341205.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.congo_Mben_M_271_RNA 1 | PP188049 | Méré/M’Bengué | 815 | 85.40 | U22319.1 T. congolense | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Mben_M_272_RNA c | PP188050 | Méré/M’Bengué | 918 | 93.69 | OQ341215.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.congo_Mben_M_272_RNA c 9 | PP188052 | Méré/M’Bengué | 710 | 85.76 | U22319.1 T. congolense | Kenya |
T.theileri_Mben_M_327_RNA | OR973758 | Méré/M’Bengué | 819 | 97.68 | LC440408.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Mben_M_352_RNA | OR973759 | Méré/M’Bengué | 750 | 96.55 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Fer_M_362_RNA b | OR973760 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 708 | 95.28 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Fer_M_422_RNA | OR973761 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 757 | 97.74 | OQ341209.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Fer_Z_451_RNA | OR973762 | Zébu/Ferkéssédougou | 904 | 96.50 | KY412803.1 T. theileri | Austria |
T.theileri_Fer_Z_462_RNA | OR973763 | Zébu/Ferkéssédougou | 763 | 85.87 | LC440405.1 T. theileri | Mongolia |
T.theileri_Ouan_B_617_RNA 4 | OR973764 | Baoulé/Ouangolodougou | 700 | 87.43 | JX178185.1 T. theileri | USA |
T.theileri_Ouan_M_654_RNA | OR973765 | Méré/Ouangolodougou | 880 | 95.72 | OQ341206.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kou_M_718_RNA | OR973766 | Méré/Kouto | 931 | 89.04 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.congo_Kou_N_738_RNA | PP188051 | N’Dama/Kouto | 1457 | 85.64 | U22319.1 T. congolense | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kou_N_743_RNA | OR973767 | N’Dama/Kouto | 934 | 98.93 | OQ341206.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Kou_M_789_RNA | OR973768 | Méré/Kouto | 924 | 99.14 | KY412803.1 T. theileri | Austria |
T.vivax_Boun_M_826_RNA | PP188053 | Méré/Boundiali | 549 | 96.72 | KC196660.1 T. vivax | Gambia |
T.vivax_Boun_M_854_RNA | OR973769 | Méré/Boundiali | 740 | 83.02 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Ten_M_935_RNA | OR973770 | Méré/Tengréla | 922 | 99.23 | KY412803.1 T. theileri | Austria |
T.theileri_Ten_Z_943_RNA | OR973771 | Zébu/Tengréla | 888 | 89.19 | OQ341215.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Ten_M_995_RNA | OR973772 | Méré/Tengréla | 937 | 98.79 | OQ341205.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Ten_M_1003_RNA | OR973773 | Méré/Tengréla | 925 | 96.95 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Ten_Z_1017_RNA | OR973774 | Zébu/Tengréla | 1048 | 97.97 | OQ341206.1 T. theileri | Ecuador |
T.theileri_Ten_M_1023_RNA | OR973775 | Méré/Tengréla | 940 | 97.12 | AB569249.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Ten_M_1029_RNA 8 | OR973776 | Méré/Tengréla | 1168 | 91.27 | KY412803.1 T. theileri | Austria |
gGAPDH | ||||||
T.theileri_Kor_M_9_GAPDH 2 | OR966684 | Méré/Korhogo | 865 | 97.38 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
T.vivax_Diko_N_225_GAPDH 3 | OR966685 | N’Dama/Dikodougou | 752 | 90.83 | MK674038.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.vivax_Ferk_M_390_GAPDH | OR966686 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 424 | 91.23 | MK674038.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.vivax_Ferk_M_395_GAPDH | OR966687 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 391 | 89.88 | MK674038.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.theileri_Ouan_B_617_GAPDH 4 | OR966688 | Baoulé/Ouangolodougou | 342 | 93.08 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
T.vivax_Ouan_M_691_GAPDH | OR966689 | Méré/Ouangolodougou | 331 | 84.72 | MK674007.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.vivax_Ouan_M_696_GAPDH | OR966690 | Méré/Ouangolodougou | 339 | 84.55 | MK674007.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.vivax_Boun_M_853_GAPDH | OR966691 | Méré/Boundiali | 317 | 85.96 | MK674007.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.theileri_Ten_M_935_GAPDH 7 | OR966692 | Méré/Tengréla | 349 | 95.13 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
T.theileri_Kor_M_42_GAPDH 5 | OR966693 | Méré/Korhogo | 504 | 97.35 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
T.theileri_Kor_M_43_GAPDH 6 | OR966694 | Méré/Korhogo | 294 | 97.29 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
T.theileri_Sin_N_161_GAPDH | OR966695 | N’Dama/Sinématiali | 323 | 89.30 | LC618038.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Diko_N_231_GAPDH | OR966696 | N’Dama/Dikodougou | 245 | 88.36 | HQ664784.1 T. theileri | Brazil |
T.congolense_Mben_M_271_GAPDH | OR966697 | Méré/M’Bengué | 270 | 90.08 | AJ620289.1 T. congolense | Cameroon |
T.theileri_Mben_M_272_GAPDH | OR966698 | Méré/M’Bengué | 303 | 96.08 | AJ620282.1 T. theileri | Cameroon |
T.vivax_Ferk_M_382_GAPDH | OR966699 | Méré/Ferkéssédougou | 300 | 91.04 | MK674044.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.theileri_Ouan_B_617_GAPDH | OR966700 | Baoulé/Ouangolodougou | 337 | 93.31 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
T.vivax_Boun_N_816_GAPDH | OR966701 | N’Dama/Boundiali | 481 | 88.12 | MK674044.1 T. vivax | Cameroon |
T.theileri_Ten_M_935_GAPDH 7 | OR966702 | Méré/Tengréla | 338 | 97.98 | LC618038.1 T. theileri | Japan |
T.theileri_Ten_M_1029_GAPDH 8 | OR966703 | Méré/Tengréla | 328 | 92.76 | XM_029023637.1 T. theileri | United Kingdom |
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Share and Cite
Ekra, J.-Y.; Mafie, E.M.; N’Goran, E.K.; Kaba, D.; Gragnon, B.G.; Srinivasan, J. Genetic Diversity of Trypanosomes Infesting Cattle from Savannah District in North of Côte d’Ivoire Using Conserved Genomic Signatures: rRNA, ITS1 and gGAPDH. Pathogens 2024, 13, 262.
Ekra J-Y, Mafie EM, N’Goran EK, Kaba D, Gragnon BG, Srinivasan J. Genetic Diversity of Trypanosomes Infesting Cattle from Savannah District in North of Côte d’Ivoire Using Conserved Genomic Signatures: rRNA, ITS1 and gGAPDH. Pathogens. 2024; 13(3):262.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEkra, Jean-Yves, Eliakunda Michael Mafie, Edouard K. N’Goran, Dramane Kaba, Biégo Guillaume Gragnon, and Jagan Srinivasan. 2024. "Genetic Diversity of Trypanosomes Infesting Cattle from Savannah District in North of Côte d’Ivoire Using Conserved Genomic Signatures: rRNA, ITS1 and gGAPDH" Pathogens 13, no. 3: 262.
APA StyleEkra, J.-Y., Mafie, E. M., N’Goran, E. K., Kaba, D., Gragnon, B. G., & Srinivasan, J. (2024). Genetic Diversity of Trypanosomes Infesting Cattle from Savannah District in North of Côte d’Ivoire Using Conserved Genomic Signatures: rRNA, ITS1 and gGAPDH. Pathogens, 13(3), 262.