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Journal: Pathogens, 2023
Volume: 12
Number: 1012

Article: Antiprotozoal Activity of Benzoylthiourea Derivatives against Trypanosoma cruzi: Insights into Mechanism of Action
Authors: by Patrícia Morais Lopes Pereira, Bruna Terci Fernandes, Vitória Ribeiro dos Santos, Weslei Roberto Correia Cabral, Maria Isabel Lovo-Martins, Lais Alonso, César Armando Contreras Lancheros, Jéssica Carreira de Paula, Priscila Goes Camargo, Helena Tiemi Suzukawa, Antônio Alonso, Fernando Macedo, Jr., Celso Vataru Nakamura, Eliandro Reis Tavares, Marcelle de Lima Ferreira Bispo, Lucy Megumi Yamauchi, Phileno Pinge-Filho and Sueli Fumie Yamada-Ogatta

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