Folklore of the Arab World1
:1. Geographic Boundaries
2. Common Affective Grounds
A Contemporary Psycho-Political Case
Thanks to the khâl: what a khâl! My khâl, the brother of my mother! My mother told me when I was little, “Your khâl has no match: [if] you obey him, you will win; [but if] you ‘exit [the realm] of obedience to’ him ….”
I replied, “How would I—O mother of mine—disobey, while you … and my khâl are from the same mud [clay] and earth!”
The khâl was living with us.17 Many a time has my mother—who was older than the khâl—said to me, ‘Go, O my son, call the khâl’.
For fifty years I have been listening to The Khâl.[...].
3. Emergence of Interest in Arab Folklore Materials
- First: Early Islamic Period.
- Second: Age of the spread of Islam and the Arabic language as its inseparable companion.
- Third: Emergence of short-lived trends towards objectivity. Al-Jâẖiẕ as the first folklorist.
- Fourth: Becoming aware of “Folklore” as a discipline in Europe and the USA.
3.1. First: Early Islamic Period (Continued Emphasis on the Poetry and the Poetic)
“[T]he taint still lingers in Al-Islam: it will be said of a pious man, ‘He always studies the Koran, the Traditions and other books of Law and Religion; and he never reads poems nor listens to music or to stories.’ ”(Burton, vol. 10, p. 128; Ital. added).
3.1.1. Early Narration in Hijaz (Arabia)
“The [formal] culture of Egypt was not expressed in epics or drama …”
3.1.2. Poetry-Like Proverbs
This rendition of a literary narrative represents what may be described as latent folk traditions brought forth into the overt expressive realm (folklore) via a popular or academic culture channel of communication. The traditionality of the value of the narrative’s contents is evidenced by the recurrence of the expression of the strong emotional bond between brother and sister. As a folk narrative, the present text demonstrates the high degree to which a “latent tradition” is readily embraced by an individual who is cognitively and affectively apt to perceive and identify with its contents (El-Shamy 1999, p. 318, No. 45).(See Appendix E)
3.1.3. Genres
3.2. Second: Age of the Spread of the Arabic Language and Islam
3.2.1. Shared Sacred Islamic Narratives
(1) Koranic Texts
(2) Hadith Texts
3.2.2. Shared Sacred “Islamic”, “Coptic” and “Jewish” Narratives (Saints and Sainthood)
“He came in a ru’yah manâmiyyh [i.e., sleeper’s vision] to a number of his relatives and asked to be moved from the place of his burial [(presumably in the communal cemetery)] to the place of his khulwah in his own house.”
Sadly, this case had a tragic ending. Upon requesting from civic authorities permission to unearth the corpse, the General Attorney’s office and Forensics Department supervised the opening of the grave of the deceased who was to be enshrined. Newspapers reported (as a headline):
“His Tomb Was Opened. It Was Discovered that he Died Only a Few Hours Earlier Not 35 Days [Ago].”
3.3. Third: Emergence of Trends towards Objectivity (Early Classification of Folk Traditions)
3.3.1. Al-Jâẖiẕ as the First Folklorist
“A woman is of sound religion (faith), sexual-honor, and heart, unless … [motivated by scruples or lust].”35
With reference to the “say of women and the ‘womanlike’ [i.e., womanlike, the effeminate] (qawl al-nisâ’ wa ‘ashbâh-al-nisâ’)” concerning bats, they claim that if a bat bites a boy, he [the bat] will not retract ‘his’ fang[s] from his [the boy’s] flesh until ‘he’ hears the braying of a zebra. I will not forget my horror of a bat’s fang and my apprehension caused by its being nearby, due to [my] faith in that saying, until I came of age.
Women and the womanlike have khurâfât (superstitions/myths), … concerning this [belief] and [other beliefs of] its sort[;] perhaps we will mention some of them when we reach the [proper] spot [‘if God wills’].(Al-Jâẖiẕ, al-H̲ayawân, 3, p. 534).37
Persians claim that [the multi-mouthed [female] supernatural being called] “al-’Agdahânî” is of greater [size] than a bull-camel, and that she may meet some people and swallow [many] a human-being from each direction of a mouth [of hers].38
“This is of the talk of vendors [(cf. al-sûqah)] and al-ᶜajâ’iz (old women, or the aged)”.(5, p. 155)
A man from ‘El-Shâm’ (Syria) spied [from a hiding place] a mouse bringing a dînâr (gold coin) from ‘his’ (its) hole. Knowing that the animal would bring out all its possessions, play with them, and then return them one-by-one back to the hole, the man waited till it became evident that all the gold had been brought out, and the mouse had played, and began returning them by taking back the first piece. During its absence, the man took all the money and went back to his hiding place. When the mouse returned and discovered the loss, it began leaping into the air [in fury] and hitting itself against the ground until it died.
3.3.2. Folklore and Mental Health (An Early Case of Marital Counselling)
A young man married a fine maiden, but she was very shy. In spite of his affection, she refused to allow him conjugal relations. All his gentle attempts to approach her, including advice from women relations of his and hers, failed. He considered divorcing her, but a wise friend (the narrator)—who raises pigeons and is familiar with the birds’ amorous nature—advised him to do the following: set the bride alone in a comfortable dwelling; provide her with all the necessities and many females’ luxuries; assign a maid who does not speak the bride’s language (Arabic) to serve her—so that they can have minimum communication but not a conversation; as she becomes lonesome, present her with a few pairs of pigeons (doves) as pets; she will watch them and will observe the satisfaction consensual tender mating bestows on both the female and the male; arrange for a wise woman to visit her and make sure that the link between gentle sexual intercourse and contentment is clearly understood; shortly afterwards, visit and converse with her; then try to get closer; if she is still resistant desist, and send the wise woman again.
When the bride overcame shyness (or aversion), she “permitted him her self.” Both emerged from [a state of] “waẖshah (apprehension/loneliness)” to [one of] “‘uns (mirth/togetherness)” due to the pigeons’ example(Al-Jâẖiẕ, 3, pp. 287–90).44
3.3.3. Al-Jâẖiẕ’s Fieldwork
The author of al-Manṯiq (Logic, [i.e., Aristotle]) claimed that a viper with two heads appeared[(i.e., was reported to have been seen)].
I asked a Bedouin about that [phenomenon]; he claimed that this [report] is true. I said to him: ‘From which direction of the two heads does she tasᶜâ (creep forward)? And from which of the two does she eat and bite? He stated: ‘As for creeping [-forward], she does not creep, but seeks her need [(i.e., reaches her target)] by rolling over, like little boys roll over sand. As for eating, she eats the evening meal with one mouth, and the noon meal with another. As for biting, she bites with both heads simultaneously.
“If you were to allege that [...] this [account] is of the myths (‘khurâfât’) of Jâhilyyah [Pre-Islam] Bedouins, and that ‘Umayyah [ibn Abi al-S̲alṯ, the teller] did not take this from the ‘People of the Book’ [...], I will cite for you a poem by ᶜAdiyy ibn Zayd, who was a Christian ….” that included the belief.(Al-Jâẖiẕ, 4, pp. 164, 197–99, 200).47
3.3.4. Interest in Folklore Texts (Verbal and Non-Verbal)
- Al-Finûn al-shâbia [i.e., al-Shᶜbiyyah], (Cairo, Egypt);
- Al-Turâth al-Shaᶜbî (Folk Heritage) (Baghdad, Iraq). Stopped;
- Al-Ma’thurât al-Shaᶜbiyyah (Folk heritage) (Doha, Qatar), 1986-ff. (discontinued);
- Al-Thaqâfah al-Shaᶜbiyyah/Folk Culture (Manama, Bahrain);
- Al-Fenûn/Al/Funûn al-Shaᶜbiyyah (Jordan);
- Al-Turath wa al-mujtamaᶜ (Heritage and Society) (Palestine). Ceased to exist after 15 years of publication.
3.4. Fourth: Becoming aware of “Folklore” as a discipline in Europe and the USA.
Forerunner of “Folklore” Studies as a Discipline
French: Basset (1887, 1897, 1909, 1924–26); Delphin (1891a, 1909–10b); Desparmet (1886–1916, 1909–1910); Galtier (1907); de Parçeval, 1858; Machuel (1900). German: Jahn A. (1902); Hein, and Mueller 1909); Littmann (1910); Mueller (1902, 1905, 1907); Prym and Socin (1881); Spitta (1880, 1883); Reinisch (1900); Rhodokanakis (1908); Stumme (1895, 1898, 1900); Socin (1883, 1893).
“[T]he essence of the matter as far as I am concerned is that I believe that [Moslem] historians fell short by neglecting the “folk” sides when they recorded history. This is so due to their holding dear their aristocratic status, in spite of the fact that “folk literature”—in many ways—is no less than Classical Arabic (fus̲ẖâ) and its literatures ….”
“In Arabic the ghoul is a female creature, sometimes call[ed] mother ghoul” (umm ghûla) ….”
4. Modern Studies
- (1)
- The recent emergence of modern nationalistic ideologies stressing political entities acquiring the status of a “state.”
- (2)
- Reliance on the gamâhîr (“masses”) and local communities and their cultures (i.e., regional cultures, or culture areas). Such social groups were previously referred to as ᶜâmmah (i.e., commoners, or al-ghawghâ’ or al-sûqah, i.e., lit. ‘market people’, the vulgar classes). Now they are referred to as al-shaᶜb (the ‘people’/‘folk’/nation). This trend was a companion force of to nationalism.
- (3)
- The introduction into the academic realm of modern scholarly theories justifying the study in Arab universities of “folk literature,” in vernacular Arabic. Aẖmad R. S̲âliẖ registers the sources that encouraged him pursue his childhood fascination with the lore (colloquial literature) experienced in his village in Upper Egypt:
“I have examined European and Arabic writings dealing with colloquialism and its literatures [...], and I searched for references on the science of folklore, and was successful in acquiring some of them. (Ital. is added).”(S̲âliẖ 1954, p. 6)
4.1. Departments in the Lead Folklore Center (Cairo)
- (1)
- Folk Literature (and Archives dealing mostly with the literary holdings);
- (2)
- Folk Custom and Traditions;
- (3)
- Folk Music;
- (4)
- Folk Dance; and
- (5)
- Museum and Material culture.65
4.2. More Representative Studies
“since a folk narrative is a description of life—real or fictitious, contents of narrative and related folkloric materials deal, in essence, with ‘life’ and ‘living’ in the broadest sense”.
4.3. Implicit Theoretical Findings: Geographic Sequence
- PEN:
- Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, the Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen including Hadhramout, and Arabic-speaking groups in Zanzibar, Eritria, and Somalia);
- MSP:
- Mesopotamia (Iraq);
- SHM:
- El-Shâm (or the Levant Coast: Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, and indigenous groups in Israel);
- NLE:
- Nile Valley—Egypt (including Berber-speaking Siwa, culturally, part of Maghreb Berbers);
- NLS:
- Nile Valley—Sudan formerly NLذ)
- MGH:
- Maghreb (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco).
4.4. Stereotypical Academic Beliefs about Semitic Lore (Persistent Stereotyping: Fallacious “Theories”)
“This collection of tales, fascinating though it may be, is only partially based on Arabic stories and, in its modern form, owes more to European than Arab Creativity [(Ital. added)]”.
“shares with a North African Arab counterpart from Libya the significant theme of the brother staying, unwed, with his sister and her husband after their marriage”
“speaks of a copra/she-snake, addressing her as “aunt snake”. In this respect the femaleness of the cobra, a viper, is significant. It suggests the possibility of an overlap with a significant aspect of Arab and Islamic cultures depicted in Motif B3$, “Viper (ayyah, female serpent) as animal central to supernatural beliefs (religious records)”
“Folklore in general and the folktale in particular seem to have existed for millennia coterminous with learned elite culture. On the whole, it seems that the emergence of lore was not dependent on the development of a specific social class, nor was the emergence of the folktale ushered in by the disintegration of priestly accounts
5. Application
:“O gentlemen, the fûl is ᶜagamiyyah ([as sweet as] palm-date paste used to fill certain types of baked crackers and cookies); it gives satisfaction and cure to the eater!”
5.1. Arab Poetic Reports and Siyar
5.2. SAMPLE: A Blood Vendetta
5.3. The Sîrah (“Epic” ??)
5.4. National Archives and Research Needs
“[...] called for the resuscitation of the project for Arab Repository/Archives for Folk Culture, and the necessity of establishing a base of unified scientific data for the recording of Arab culture and her/its occurrences [...].”
“If we were to turn the hands of the clock backward we will stop at the experience of Folklore Center of Gulf Arab States [AGSFC], which closed its doors for managerial and financial debatable reasons. [We will find out that] all the important documents were lost along with the Center.”
- Late start due to the dniyyah (lowly) regard toward folk culture in all Arab nations until relatively recently
- Successive relapses of official starts
- Disputes among nations involved
- Scarcity of academically qualified personnel
- Selfish ambitions (‘aṯmâᶜ, lit., greed) of certain individuals
- Vicious conflict (tanâẖur, naẖr: slaughter) among gang-like cliques (shilal, i.e., thulal), groups and bands.Here, the present writer would add:
- Vandalizing or suppressing the accomplishments by independent scholars, and—in some cases—the absence of “ethical neutrality”.
“ … happened after a nahḏah maᶜrifiyyah (knowledge revival) that treated thaqâfat al-shaᶜb (the culture of the folk/nation”, that is: after we used to beg for an item of research from here or an essay or a piece of superficial knowledge by a traveler or a [western] orientalist from there[...] (p. 17).
In a study based of fieldwork a group of folktales were collected from South Lebanon. After the female-researcher viewed folktales in Egypt a rapprochement (taqârob) occurred between the two [samples]. Thus the title of the research became: The Folktale: a Comparative Study between some tales in South Lebanon and some Egyptian Folktales.
Folk culture is not separated by [political] boundaries for it is within its power to fly on two wings.
As for the tale of “The Girl with the Thee ‘Powers’,” the female appears in it as a toy-doll represented by the Sultan’s beautiful daughter who has the metaphysical powers/abilities of the shining of the Sun and the coming down of rain. … And the image of the male represented by the sultan who wishes to possess/own her and confine he in his palace as an art piece and as a substance to be kept in a safe place so that he may amuse himself by looking at her whenever he wished. She is an instrument for enjoyment/pleasure (mutC̲ah) that he wants to own her and marry her by force in spite of her and her father’s wishes.
The procession comes to take the bride/doll [to her husband]. An old woman (‘sattût’) in order to plant terror in her. She is the aged woman symbolizing all types of evil and harm even in Kabylie [real social life]. The beautiful girl turns into a pigeon; a pigeon is a docile, obedient, submissive bird, It is the symbol of the woman/female with all her weak attributes. She did not turn into a strong eagle or a frightening lion. That “sattût” recognized the pigeon, she cat it away into the field of an old man. The pigeon turns into a (beautiful pomegranate): edible fruit and fruit for enjoyment. It is always the symbol of ‘a woman’, [and is] the imagination itself and the same regard at things repeats [itself] [??]. She is given as a gift to the sultan, [who tries to eat it but she reverts to her first [i.e., human] nature. The sultan avenges himself on “sattût” and his first wife who had conspired with her. Thus good wins over evil. The one who endures harm always wins at the end.
6. Conclusions
- Ambivalence and/or hostility. Typically motivated by the false perception that dialectical lore is a threat classical Arabic (al-fus̲ẖâ) and consequently to Islam.
- Cautious approach motivated by Western patterns of scholarship
- 2a
- Early perception of “folklore”: Literature (narratives, poems, rhymes—including proverbs.
- Recognition of “folklore” as both worthy literary/cultural materials and as a legitimate field of scholarship/discipline. This stage witnessed the:Establishment of the first”Center for Folklore” in Arab lands, within the Ministry of Culture in Cairo Egypt.More inclusive pattern, as conceptualized by Aẖmad Rushdî S̲âliẖ, the actual founder of the facility.The Establishment of The Arts Academy (with Folklore being one of its divisions (1981), beside such high-culture specializations as Acting, and Ballet)
- Adoption by of the Arab states, especially newly founded ones in the Gulf, of folklore as a precious national asset. Major institutions and lavish monetary awards became a common feature in these new states thus attracting writers from all over the Arab World.
Conflict between Arab nomads and Tunisian Moslem Amâzigh Berbers proved to be disastrous for Andalusian Moslems. Al-Muᶜtamid Ibn ᶜabbâd, the ruler of Ashbiliyyah (Seville), pleaded with Ben-Zîrî, the powerful Tunisian leader, to aid him/them against Christian warriors who were seeking to evict them from the Iberian Peninsula. Ben-Zîrî was receptive and began preparations send reinforcements. As he was preparing an army, he was shocked by a surprise attack of Abu Zaid and his army from the East. Tragically, his attempts failed: no Amâzigh heroes were left to undertake the task. Abu Zaid had finished them off.97
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Abbreviations and Signs, Archives and Archival Materials
- AGSFC—Arab Gulf States Folklore Center, Ministry of Information, Doha, Qatar
- CFMC—Center for Folklore, Ministry of Culture, Cairo, Egypt
- AUC—The American University in Cairo. Field collections undertaken by students during the academic years 1971 and 1972, and submitted to H. El-Shamy, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for “Anthropology 206: Folklore.”
- HE-S—Hasan El-Shamy’s collections, private archives including the American University in Cairo: Student’s Collections, and “Miscellaneous Manuscripts.” El-Shamy’s fieldwork and the materials which he collected as an official of the CFMC are cited as archival holdings of that governmental agency.
- IUFTL—Indiana University Folklore Tape Library (Folklore Archives), Bloomington, Indiana.
- Depository (AGSFC, AUC, CFMC, HE-S, IUFTL).
- Region where item was collected
- Date item was collected (which is also used here as the call number for the tape); the first hyphenated set of figures represents the last two digits of the year the field trip was undertaken and the month: 71-3 means March 1971
- The second set of three hyphenated figures refers to the number of the reel in the collection, followed by the track number on the tape, then by the number of the item on that track. When the item number is undetermined (often due to lack of, or incomplete, cataloguing), an x is used.
- CFMC—Oases 71-3, 3-1-1, stands for: the Oases/New Valley collection, trip undertaken in March 1971, reel number 3, track number 1, item number 1.
- AGSFC—QTR 87-3, 676-1-133-66, stands for: Qatar collection, trip undertaken in March 1987, tape number 676, track number 1, tape-counter 133 to 166.
- AUC—The American University in Cairo (1971-72). The figure following AUC refers to the serial number of the collection; the ensuing figure refers to the tale number in that collection.
- AUC—3, No. 3 stands for: paper number 3 in the American University in Cairo collections, text No. 3.
Appendix A.2. Name Abbreviations and Other Marks
- Aa-Th/AT—Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson, The Types of the Folktale
- Eberhard//Boratav—E-B—W. Eberhard, and N. Boratav. Typen Türkischer Volksmaerchen
- ELSF—Nikita Elesséeff, Thèmes et motifs de mille et une nuits
- Grimm/Uther— Hans-Jörg Uther, ed., Kinder- und Hausmaerchen
- Jason/Avishur, Iraq—Heda Jason, Folktales of the Jews of IRAQ
- Marzolph, pers—Ulrich Marzolph, Typologie des persischen Volksmaerchens
- Nowak/NK—Ursula Nowak, “Beitraege zur Typologie des arabischen Volksmaerchens”
- Ranke—Kurt Ranke (in Nubische Maerchens (Kronenberg and Kronenberg 1978))
- Tubach—Tubach, Frederic C., Index Exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Religious Tales
- Uther—Hans-Jörg Uther (in Werner Daum’s Maerchen aus dem Jemen)
Appendix A.3. Sub-Saharan Africa
- Arewa
- —E.O. Arewa, A Classification of the Folktales of Northern East African Cattle Area by Type.
- Arewa
- Haring—Lee Haring, Malagasy Tale Index.
- Arewa
- Lambrecht—Lambrecht, Winifred, “A Tale Type Index for Central Africa”
- Arewa
- Klipple—May Augusta Klipple, African Folktales with Foreign Analogues
- {}—Remarks and comparative notes on the tale-type
- Additional bibliographic remarks and sources
- C—Partition; end of bibliography, beginning of typology
- <>—Types and motifs identified in the text treated. Primacy is assigned to the cardinal tale-type
- Partition: preceded by the cardinal tale-type; additional types and motifs follow
- Σ—Partition within the <>-field; commentary on the text follows
- ()—Informant data: information on location, narrator, and collector
- |—Separates location of text from informant data within the ()-field
- /?—Uncertain information, or missing data
- _cf. —Placed following the motif or type number to insure that computer managed sorting is done according to the number rather than “cf.” Within the informant field, the following abbreviations recur:
- f = female,
- = male
- = child
- Kinship/affinity:
- br = brother, div. = divorced, fa =father, gr. = grand, mat. = maternal, mo = mother, pat. = paternal, sis = sister, wed = married
- Age: c = child, adult, mid-age, elder, etc.
- Religious affiliation: Chr = Christian, J = Jewish, Mos = Moslem.
- Occupation: empl. = employee/muwaẕẕaf, grad. = graduate, lit. = literary text, litr. = literate informant, frag. = fragment, profess. = professional, retr’d = retired, sch = school, trdtns = tradition(s), u. = university.
- Other features:
- auth. = author,
- elem. = elementary,
- narr. = narrator,
- wrt. = writer/in writing,
- re-wrt. = rewritten.
Appendix A.4. Abbreviations of Locations and Ethnicity
- C. = Central
- E. = East
- N. = North
- S. = South
- W. = West
- composite = constituted of several independent stories
- “c. plsnt” = conte plaisant/humorous tale
- “c. merv.” = conte merveilleux/Maerchen
- “l.r.” = legende religieuse/religious legend
- elements = few major themes of the tale-type are present
- fin = concluding episode
- frag. = fragment/incoherent
- gen. = general
- incompl. = ending episode(s) missing
- Hierogl. = Hieroglyphic
- moral. = moralistic
- prov. = proverb
- un-doc. = Undocumented text
- Alex = Alexandria, Eg.
- Alg = Algeria
- Arb = Arab
- Armc = Aramaic
- Ayyt = el-)Ayyâṯ, S. Eg.
- Bdw = Bedouin/”badawî”, Arab nomad
- Bgh = Baghdad, Iraq
- Bn.-Swf = Banî Suwaif, S. Eg.
- Brb = Berber
- Cro = Cairo, Eg.
- Canal = Suez Canal region
- Dhfr = Ẕofâr/Dhofar, Oman
- Dlt = Delta, Eg.
- Dmsc = Damascus, Syria
- Dqh = Daqahliyyah, Eg.
- Eg. = Egypt
- Fyym = Fayyoum, Eg.
- Gen = Genera
- Ghr = Gharbiyyah, Eg.
- Irbl = Irbîl, Irq.
- Ism)l =Ism)îliyya/Canal
- Jrslm = Jerusalem
- Jᶜly = al-Jaᶜliyyîn, Sudan
- Kby = Kabayle-Berber
- Kfr-Shk = Kafr el-Shaikh, N. Eg.
- Krd = Kurdish
- Krdfn = Kordofan, Sudan
- Kwt = Kuwait
- Lâdhiq = Lâdhiqiyyah, N. Syr.
- Ling. = lingual
- Mnf = Munûfiyyah, N. Eg.
- Mnsrh = Mans̲ûrah, N. Eg.
- Mrc = Morocco
- Msl = Mosul, Iraq
- Maᶜl = Maᶜlûla, Syria
- Nu = Nubian
- Nu-Fâ = Nubian-Fâdidchî
- Nu-Knz = Nubian-Kunûzî
- O-Rir’ = Olad-Rir’, Algeria
- Oss = Oases, Eg.
- Plstn = Palestine
- Qlli = Qulalî, Cairo, Eg.
- Qlql = Qalqîliyyah, Plst.
- Qly = Qalyûbiyyah, N. Eg.
- Qrsh = Qirshah/Girshah-Nubia, Eg.
- Qtr = Qaṯar
- Sctr = Socotra/Soqoṯra Island, African Horn, Oman/Yemen
- Sdn = Sudan
- Shrq = Sharqiyyah, E. Eg.
- Shyq = al-Shâyqiyyah, Sudan
- Snbllwn = Sinbellawain, Dqh, N. Eg.
- Syr = Syria
- Tlwnh = Telwânah, Eg.
- Tns = Tunisia
- Trdndt = Taroudannt, S. Morocco
- Trk = Turkish
- Trkmn = Turkmân, Turks, Iraq
- Ṯrbn = Ṯarâbîn Arabs, Eg.
- U = Upper/deep Southern, Eg.
- Zqzq = el-Zaqâzîq/Zagâzîg, E. Eg.
(1). al-Bâṯinî, ẖikâyât, 106-9, No. 19 --: <123 = + 327F, K1832 + K1832.2$ Σ> (| f, auth.-col., from f kin).(See p. 49).
(3). Maspero/El-Shamy, Ancient Egypt, 1-16, No. 1 1917: pp. 1-20, “The Story of the Two Brothers” --: <318 = + 917’ + 516B + 315,/590A, T479$, A6.3.1.1S, T479.1$ Σfantasy-tale/myth> (| m, scribe, presum. adult, wrt., hierogl.).(See p. 140).
(4). Stevens, Iraq, 246-52, No. 43 NK 58a --: <545F$ =, B422 + F857.1, 545H$, -cf. Σ> (| f, youthCKurd, in Ar.; col. f, Euro.).(See p. 299).
(8). Muẖammad ᶜAlî Nâs̲ir, Turâth XI:11/12, 189-92ᶜi.-I, 385-89, [No. 63] C: <676A$ + Q68.3.1$, Q68.1,/Q263 + 834A,-cf. Σlocal subtype> (C [=Central]-Najaf| f, 67).(See p. 370).
Appendix B
Appendix B.1. A Note on Transliteration and Abbreviations
- a
- faṯhah
- i/e
- kasrah
- o/u
- ḏammah
- â
- aa/Aa (The “آ” capital form is not available in the present font)
- î
- ee/ii
- û
- oo/ou/ô
Appendix B.2. Abbreviations and Signs: A Note on Data Presentation
- Alf: Alf Laylah wa Laylah.
- AT/AaTh: The Types of the Folktale (Aarne and Thompson [1961] 1964).
- ATU: The Types of International Folktales (Uther 2004).
- Burton—Arabian Nights: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (Burton 1984).
- Chauvin—Victor Chauvin, Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes ou relatifs aux arabes (Chauvin 1892–1922).
- DOTTI: Types of the Folktale in the Arab World (El-Shamy 2004a).
- Maspero/El-Shamy—Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt (Maspero and El-Shamy [2002] 2004).
- ANE: The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia (Marzolph et al. 2004).
- Mot./Motif: Motif-Index of Folk Literature (Thompson 1955–1958).
- RAFE: Religion among the Folk in Egypt (El-Shamy 2008).
- Alg = Algeria
- Eg./Egy = Egypt
- Ert. = Eritrea
- Kwt = Kuwait
- Mrc = Morocco
- Omn = Oman
- Plstn = Palestine
- Qtr = Qaṯar
- Sctr = Socotra/Soqoṯra Island, African Horn, Oman/Yemen
- Sdn = Sudan
- Syr = Syria
- Tns = Tunisia
- Ymn = Yemen
Appendix B.3. Other Abbreviations
- Cf. = Compare
- Elabor. = Elaboration
- Incompl. = Incomplete
- Lit. = Literary
- n. = note
- Sim. = Simile
- Var. = Variant/Version
Appendix B.4. Sequence of Citing References
- I: Ancient
- Badawî: Herodot
- Budge, E.A.W.: Gods
- Bduge: Mummy
- Budge/Spitta, W.: Romances
- Green, R.L.
- H̲assan, S.: Mawasûᶜah
- Hollis, S.T.
- Ions. V.
- Maspero, G.
- Müller, W.M.
- Romer, J.
- Simpson, W.K.
- Vinson, S.
Appendix B.5. II: Classic Arabic-Islamic sources cited according to author’s date of death
- Ibn al-Kalbî, (d. 826)
- Jâẖiẕ, (al-), (d. 868–69). Unless otherwise stated, all citations refer to his al-H̲ayawân.
- Ibn-ᶜAas̲im, (d. 903)
- Kisâ’î (al-), (d. 904)
- Ṯabarî (al-), (d. 923)
- Thaᶜlabî (al-), (d. 1035/1036)
- Ibn-al-Athîr, (d. 1233)
- Qazwînî, (al-), (d. 1283)
- Ibn-Kathîr, (d. 1373)
- Damîrî, (al-), (d. 1405)
- Ibshîhî, (al-), (d. 1446)
- Ibn-ᶜArabshâh, (d. 1450)
Appendix B.6. III: All Other references Follow Alphabetically
Motif C1.1$, “al-ẖarâm: Sacred (religious) tabu. ‘The illegitimate’ (illicit, ‘not permitted’)—opposite of: al-ẖalâl (the licit or legitimate, permitted by God)”, cites the following references: Maspero 60 No. 3 n. 2; Thaᶜlabî 12–13: Shamy (el-) “Arab Mythology” No. 30; DOTTI 910/{lit.}; and MITON. By consulting these works, additional references will be found: Alf IV 155; Burton I 32–34. Chauvin VI 9–11 No. 184; ANE 237–38 No. 236. This Motif is also comparable to Motifs A608$, “Determination of al-ẖalâl (the licit, legitimate) and of al-ẖarâm (the illicit, sinful) for man”; C59$, “Tabu: Ritual uncleanliness while before God (performing religious duties: Prayers, etc.)”, and C60$, “Tabu: Violators of ablution-state (wuḏû’: Being ritually clean)Critual contaminants (nagâsah): Acts and objects that defile, or cause ritual uncleanliness and becoming unfit to perform certain religious rituals”.
Appendix C
- Motif:
- T319$, Restoration of damaged virginity. Type: 1542***.
- Link:
- |K1912, False virgin. Various deceptive practices to mask bride as virgin. |T59.2.1$, Accidental defloration. |T160.0.2.2$, Midwife ensures bride’s bleeding at defloration (by scratching bride’s vagina).
- Ref.:
- DOTTI 854/Egy; Shamy (el-) Egypt 231 No. 68.>.
- Ref.:
- T59.2.1$, Accidental defloration.
- Ref.:
- Alf I 147; Burton II 50. Chauvin V 277 No. 160; ANE 178 No. 37.>.
- Other Motifs:
- T160.0.2$, Traumatic (cruel) defloration.
- Link:
- |A1650.5.2.16$, Punishment of eve: Suffering defloration pains. |K1912.3$, False virgin’s pseudo-bleeding: Internal self-inflicted wound will reopen at defloration (intercourse). |T289$, Marital rape: Husband has sex with his wife by force.
- Ref.:
- Damîrî II 167/cf./(“like brute animal”); DOTTI 151 289 624 642/{lit.}; Landberg (1909) II, 867–86; MITON; Rhodokanakis Ẕfâr: SAE VIII 80–82 No. 38; Wehr 429 No. 17; HE-S Cairo/Ṯurah 1982–6.>.
- Ref.:
- T160.0.2.1$, ‘Digital defloration’.
- Link:
- |H1580$, Test (recognition) of sexual deviance.
- Ref.:
- Burton V 279 n. 2.>.
- Ref.:
- T160.0.3$, Publication of defloration: Blood displayed.
- Ref.:
- DOTTI 515 553/Mrc; MITON; Amîn 350; Diyâb 299; CFMC: Oases 71-3 1-2-No. [1].>.
- Motif:
- Z186.9.1.1$, Symbolism: Ring—vagina, anus.
- Link:
- |E761.4.4.1$, Life token: Ring tightens around finger. |J1807.3$, Penis mistaken for an object (finger, pin, etc.). |X245$, Girl is too little for marriage; shoemaker (suitor): Will ‘stretch her on the mold’.[...] .>.
Appendix D
- P293.2.1.1$,
- Boys take after their maternal-uncles.
- Link:
- |P294.0.1.1$, Girls take after their paternal-aunts.
- Ref.:
- Jâẖiẕ/(al-Bayân) I 103: Shamy (el-) “Arab Mythology”: “Luqaym” No. 62; Aalûcî III 212–13; RAFE 158 n. 583; Schmidt-Kahle 46–49 No. 23/cf.; Shamy (el-) “Maẖfûẕ’s Trilogy” 64; Taymûr No. 3023/(Taymûr: “I don’t know why”).>.
- Ref.:
- P294.0.1.1$, Girls take after their paternal-aunts.
- Link:
- |P293.2.1.1$, Boys take after their maternal-uncles. |W251.2.1$, makhwal (‘maternal-unclehood’) as basis for judging character.
- Ref.:
- Burton I 303 n. 1/cf./(take after mother); RAFE 158 n. 583; Taymûr nos. 833 3023/(Taymûr: “I don’t know why [emphasis added]”).>.
- Ref.:
- W251.2.1$, makhwal (‘maternal-unclehood’) as basis for judging character.
- Link:
- |P293.2.1, Children take after their mother’s brothers. |W251.2.3.2$, Motherhood as basis for judging character.
- Ref.:
- DOTTI 501; Maẖfûẕ III 32; RAFE 158 n. 583; Schmidt-Kahle 46–49 No. 23.>.
- Ref.:
- P297.2.2$, ‘A maternal-uncle is a father [to his sister’s child]’ (el-khâl wâlid). Type: cf. 850A$.
- Link:
- |L111.5.1$, Child born of brother-sister incest as hero: ‘Son of own maternal-uncle’. |P253.0.1, Sister’s son [(nephew) and mother’s brother (khâl)]. |P293.1.1$, Brother adopts his sister’s child.
- Ref.:
- Diyâb 262; DOTTI 348 469 508/Sdn; TAWT 405 n. 811.>.
Appendix E
Appendix F
Genres of the Folk Narrative (El-Shamy 1999 pp. 523–24)
- Fantasy narratives (ẖaddûtah, khurraifah, ẖujwah, ẖikâyah).Maerchen/magic-tale, cf. fairy-tale.Novella/romantic tale.Animal tale (cf. fable).Formula tale (ẖizr, fazzûrah, nuktah): Cumulative, Catch, Endless, Rounds (clock).
- Humorous narratives (nuktah, nâdirah, ẖaddûtah).Merry tale/humorous tale.Humorous anecdote/Schwank[Gr.] (nâdirah, qafshah).The joke/Witz[Gr.] (nuktah).
- Knowledge, narratives expressing (qis̲s̲ah, ‘usṯurah, sîrah, târîkh).The legend (‘usṯûrah, qis̲s̲ah).Historical legend/Sage[Gr.]; life history.Historical anecdote (cf. etiologic tale).Migratory legend.Memorate, personal experience legend.Urban legend, etc.
- Didactic narratives (mathal, ẖikmah, q̲is̲s̲ah).Dilemma tale: (ẖizr, fazzûrah)—scarce in Arabic lore.Riddle tales.Fable (cf. exemplum, animal tale)…
- Belief narratives (qis̲s̲ah, mawᶜiẕah, ‘usṯurah, …).Sacred belief story (cf. “religious legend”), religious tale.“Myth,” (khurâfah qas̲as̲iyyah) [mislabeled, ‘usṯûrah by most Arab writers].Exemplum (waᶜẕ/’irshâd, qis̲s̲ah dîniyyah).Belief legend: Local legend, migratory legend, personal experience legend/memorate, urban legend.
- Epic:
- Malẖamah, poetic q̲as̲îdah (ode)—Typically a versified religious belief or quasi-religious belief account, a historical-legendary account (for arguments on the characteristic of “true” epic, see: Werner, Lttmann, Simpson, p. 8, pp. 30–31, above).
Appendix G
- INDEXES: {Cf. 506**, 780B, 1645C$}.
- D1610.18.1.1$, Sphinx speaks.
- E419.1,_cf. ISoul wanders and demands that a temple be built for him;.
- E721.1.0.1$, The dead ‘come to’ (communicate with) the living in dreams (visions).
- J169$, sîrah/siyar: Personal life-history (biography, vita).
- J169.5$,_cf. Epitaph: Inscription on grave sums up owner$s accomplishments in life;.
- J760.1$, IBurial plot (grave) prepared (along with other accompaniments—coffin, shrouds, prayers, etc.).
- N848.1, Hero ransoms maltreated picture of a saint. As reward he gets help from the grateful saint.
- V68, Preparations for burial;
- V113, Shrines;
- V113.0.1.1$, Shrine built (repaired) at the demand of (dead) saint;
- V220.$,_cf. Saint causes mischief to enforce demand;
- V510.1.1$, Image of deity speaks in vision to devotee;
- V510.3.1$, Sacred person (prophet, saint) speaks in vision to mortal.
Appendix H
- “Fas̲s̲alî el-qamîs, yâ ᶜarûasah, wi ‘isimî el-badâyiᶜ fîh”.
- wi ‘irsimî nakhlah bi-balaẖâ, li-l ᶜarîs yiṯlaᶜ yigmaᶜhâ”.
- wi ‘irsimî maqᶜad ᶜa-l baẖarî, li-l -ᶜarîs yshshaᶜṯar fîh!”.
- “O bride, fashion the slip/(nightgown) and draw (embroider) exquisite things on it.”
- And draw a [female] palm-tree with dates for the groom to climb for harvest her.”
- And draw a cool (ᶜa-l-baẖarî/’northerly [from which seabreeze blows southwards]’) lounge for the groom to scatter himself [in/on it].”
- Motif:
- F1009.7$, Bride advised to fashion her slip and draw (embroider) exquisite things on it: To draw a palm-tree with dates for the groom to climb for harvesting, and a cool (ᶜa-l-baẖarî/[‘northerly’) lounge for the groom to scatter himself [in it].
- Link:
- |T59.9$, Foreplay and other erotic acts—miscellaneous. |U248.5$, Gender affects perception (phantasy): Males and females perceive different things (and view the same thing differently).
- Ref.:
- CFMC: 1960s/[??]: El-Gimmaizah collection/women’s wedding song.>.
- “Yâ ẖabîbî, law gait ᶜandinâ,”
- l-aẖoṯṯak fî ᶜyûnî wi tibqâ minninâ”
- wi ‘in gat ‘ommak tiḏawwar ᶜlaik,”
- l-aẖlif, bi-l-’amânah, mâ gait ᶜandinâ.”
- “O sweetheart, if you were to come to us,”.
- would put you in my eyes and you would become from us.”.
- And if your mother were to come looking for you,”.
- would swear, by honesty, that you did not come to us.”
- Motif:
- F1035.6.2.1$, Girl would conceal her sweetheart in her ‘own eye (under eyelid)’ and cover him with kohl (formulaic).
- Link:
- |Z63.2.4.1$, Lover to beloved: “I’m the eye, you’re the pupil”—inseparable. (Typically said by female). |Z66.1$, To be ‘in (on) one’s eyes’—endearment. |Z139.9.4.1$, “Kohl-applicator (-needle) in kohl-pot” (al-mirwad fî al-’makẖalah’/mikẖalah) = full sexual intercourse.
- Ref.:
- MITON.>.
Appendix I
- Goldziher, Ignac. Madhâhib al-tafsîr al-‘Islamî. Translation of: Die Richtungen der Islamischen Koranauslegung (Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill 1920 and 1952; ᶜ)Abd al-H̲alîm al-Naggâr tr. Cairo: Al-Khângî, 1955.
- Goldziher, Ignac. “Die Heiligenverehrung in Islam.” In: Muhammedanische Studien, Vol. 2 Hildesheim: Olms, 1961.
- Goldziher, Ignac. al-ᶜAqîdah wa al-sharîᶜah fî al-Islâm, (translation of: Vorlesungen über den Islam: Heidelberg, 1910/1925). Moẖammad Y. Mûsâ, ᶜAlî H̲. ᶜAbd-al-Qâdir, and ᶜAbd-al-ᶜAzîz ᶜAbd-al-H̲aqq, trs. eds. (Cairo: Dâr al-Kitâb al-Hadîth, and Baghdad: Al-Muthannâ, 2nd, 1964).
- Goldziher, Ignac Vorlesungen über den Islam (Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law), Andras and Ruth Hamori, trs.; with an introduction and additional notes by Bernard Lewis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981.
Appendix J
- 844C$, Search for a Virgin (Chaste Woman). None is found readily; 318, The Faithless Wife. Batu: The Egyptian “Two Brothers” Tale; 917$, Innocent (Chaste) Man Slandered as Seducer (Rapist): Subsequently Vindicated. (Batu/Baîtî and Anub’s wife, Joseph and Pharaoh’s wife, etc.); 516B, The Abducted Princess (Love Through Sight of Floating Hair); 315,/cf. The Faithless Sister. [Treacherous sister conspires with paramour against her brother]; 590A, The Treacherous Wife. [Faithless wife conspires with paramour against her husband]; 1920,/cf., Contest in Lying; 1920E1$, Contest: Strangest (Most Bizarre) Story Awarded Prize; 1359, Husband Outwits Adulteress and Paramour; 930E$, Prophecy: Unborn Child (Infant) Predestined to Replace King. (Attempts to get rid of child follow; 922A,/cf. Achikar. Falsely accuse minister reinstates himself by cleverness; 938,/cf. Placidas (Eustacius). [Loses all, then regains all]; 936A$,/cf. Voyages (Adventures) of an Entrepreneur. (Sindbâd the sailor). (Focus); 954A$, Enemy’s Defences Overcome by Smuggling Concealed Warriors Past Fortifications (Garrison, Moat, Wall, etc.); 954,/cf. The Forty Thieves; 1645D$, Perilous Journey in Search of Treasure Trove; 792$, Resuscitation in order to Learn Truth (Get Information about Past Events). The tell-tale corpse (mummy); 1469$, Foolish Person Tricked into a Humiliating (Disgraceful) Position; 681,/cf. King in the Bath; Years of Experience in a Moment; 471B$, Enigmatic (Eccentric) Occurrences in another World Explained to Hero; 325A$, Contest in Magic between Two Master Magicians; 817*, Devil Leaves at Mention of God’s Name; 934A1, Three-fold Death; 870D$, Youth Raised in Solitary Confinement Gains Access to outside World. Adventures follow; 870,/cf. The Princess Confined in the Mound. [Digs her way out, and eventually marries her sweetheart to whom she had been betrothed]); 530,:II-III,/cf. The Princess on the Glass Mountain; 950, Rhampsinitus. [Series of skilful thefts and daring escapes by a master thief and assistant]; 875B,/cf. The Clever Girl and the King. For each impossible task she gives countertasks. [Also told of clever boy]; 760B$, Restless Souls: Deceased cannot rest because of worldly concerns; his soul contacts the living to make wishes known; 506**,/cf. The Grateful Saint. The hero redeems a saint’s maltreated picture and is afterwards rewarded by the grateful saint. [A recurring theme in modern life].
- 325, The Magician and his Pupil; 801, Master Pfriem [Man expelled from heaven for interfering]; 470, Friends in Life and Death, pt. II, The Journey; 470C$, Man in Utopian Otherworld Cannot Resist Interfering: He is Expelled. (“It Serves me Right!”); 510, Cinderella and Cap o’Rushes; 613, The Two Travelers (Truth and Falsehood); 980*, The Painter and the Architect. [The noble barber and the vile dyer …].
Appendix K
- ᶜayyân yâ ṯabîb! mâ ẖadd jânî wi gâl “ᶜawâfe-e”.
- doctor, I am ailing! No one came to me and said, ᶜawâfe-e (“Health to you)!”.
- The lion of the mountains, succumbed. The village dog ᶜawâ feeh (howled at him!.
- The fruit-trees of the gardens, withered; and s̲âr (wasted away), and ᶜawâ feeh (was howled in it).Etc.
- ẕaharmaᶜî jarẖ, yâ ṯabîb, min juwwa al-ẖasha “mayteen (dead)”.
- doctor, a wound has afflicted me from the very inners/(guts): It is “mayteen (set/dead)”.
- The doctor of wounds, presribed the medicine for me: “mayy-ṯeen (mud-water)”.
- Over a fine fellow (jadaᶜ), whose worth of men is that of “mayy-ṯeen (two-hundred)”.
- From the day the loved ones were gone, I count the years by the day.
- censurers, don’t be happy, for everyone has his day [of reckoning coming].
- It is certain (halbatt) that a day will come and the fine fellow will regain his strength (“ᶜawafeeh”).
These segments were presented with more elaborate and gripping musical accompaniment undertaken by both performers. Consequently, the duo was employed by night casinos where they performed “operant-responses”/(El-Shamy 1967, pp. 54, 56, songs of their own choosing in response to the audience’s reactions). The clientele was mostly upper and/or middle class professionals many of whom hailing recently from rural areas. When compared to radio’s popular songs/”art songs” delivered mostly in serene monotonous style, the “country-style” performance is typically highly intense both voice-wise/(volume) and bodily expression-wise/(facial). In this respect the impassioned folk style may be compared to the American “soul music”.
- W172.5.1.1$,
- Self-pity song (poem): Mawwâl ‘ahmar (‘red-mawwâl’), ghurbah-song (‘song of strangerhood, ‘being a stranger’)—i.e, ‘the blues’. Type: 425E, cf. 451A.
- Link:
- |H65$, Indicators (signs) of change in mood (disposition). |P790.1.2.2$, Song (poem) of joy (festivity): Mawwâl ‘akhḏar (‘green-song’). |W250.1.2$, Personality type: Turâbî (‘earth-prone$, melancholic, passive). |W251.$, bilâ-khâl (person with no maternal-uncle): Lonesome, melancholy (‘hollow-hearted’). |Z141.1, Red garment to show anger of king. |Z141.3.1$, Red as symbol of evil (danger, drought, etc.).
- Ref.:
- DOTTI 204 227; MITON; RAFE 307 n. 53.>.
- Z95$,
- Puns (homophony).
- Link:
- |J1805.1, Similar sounding words mistaken for each other. |M412.4$, Curse which mimics an action demanded. Retort formula; e.g., A: “Stop!” B: “May water stop in your throat!”, A: “Go!” B: “May your life be gone!”. |X1900$, Humorous pun. |Z97$, Alliteration (simple, plain). |Z108$, Sound (name) symbolism: Association based on sound similarities (homophony).
- Ref.:
- Maspero lvi/(love of) 37 No. 2–4 n. 4 38 No. 2–4 n. 2/(“nubu”) n. 4/(“sâhû”), 39 No. 2–4 n. 1/(“Kakuaî”); Simpson 27 n. 19; Damîrî II 64; Amîn 141; Anonymous (n.d.) “‘Iḏẖak ᶜala mahlak” 9; Anonymous (n.d.) “Nawâdir Abu-Nuwâs” 6–7; Laoust Maroc 45 No. 36; MITON; RAFE 210 n. 739; Shaᶜlân 372; Slyomovics (1987b) 62ff.; Zîr 127.>.
- X1915$,
- Humor based on cross-lingual puns (phonetic similarities between words of different languages); e.g., Arabic: grät (I ran away)--English: great. Type: 1322, 1337E$, 1699, 1700.
- Link:
- |J2496.2, Misunderstanding because of lack of knowledge of a different language [i.e., language different] than one’s own. |K1874.$, The Lord says: "lâ taqrabû as-salâtah/[prayers] wa ‘antum sukârâ (Thou shall not approach ‘salad’ while you are drunk)". |K1874.0.1.2$, The Lord says: "‘innahâ la-kabîrah ...< (It is indeed a gross [sin] ...): taken to mean: "It is indeed laka bîrah"/‘beer’ for you). |X481$, Jokes concerning battle won. |Z96$, Cross-lingual puns(based on phonetic similarities).
- Ref.:
- DOTTI 742; Shamy (el-) “Folkloric Behavior” 208, Webber (1987) 6 no. 5.>
Appendix L
- The Department of Culture and Tourism in Abu-Zaby celebrates the Day of World Traditions on Thursday and Friday 19 and 20 of the current month of April, at the in Palace [Museum].
- This is the Second celebration Y. Where group of familial, cultural, Traditional, educational and recreational workshops for children activities are undertaken; along with the presence of kiosks for folk foods. Meanwhile, live displays of traditional crafts and folk arts.
- The undertakings concentrate on offering items/components of traditions that are included on UNESCO’s list f or “World Traditions”under the rubric “Our Traditions for Our [Upcoming] Generations”. Thus the displaying of Arab coffee preparation according to genuine traditions, in addition to displays of ‘ayyâlah and al-‘âzî, which are arts that combine/mix poetry and prose, and the presence of falconers in order to display their skills in handling falcons. (Google News 4/15/2018).
- (2)
- Sharjah: 2018.
- The Theater of Sharjah’s Traditions Days: A window over the Tale-teller (hakawâtî).
- Sheikh Zayed ibn Sultan Al-Nahayan’s efforts to preserve traditions (al-ẖifâẕ ᶜalâ al-turâth). (Google-News 14/04/2018).
- (3)
- Abu Dhaby/Ẕaby: 2018,
- Poetry festival reports participation of more than 200 poets. (Google-News 3/8/2018).
- (4)
- Dubai, Rebec musical Display:
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1 | Companion works by the present writer, provide elaboration and basic documentation issues treated in the present essay. These references are:
Regrettably, some of these references demonstrating the applications are missing from the Bibliographes of some of the present writer’s works (for reasons most of which proved to be beyond his control). For Abbreviations and Signs, see Appendix A, below. |
2 | On the same issue, also see, Emergence of Interest in Arab Folklore Materials (see p. 6, below). |
3 | Motifs: Z13.8$, Speaker disclaims responsibility for offensive contents. Z13.8.1.1$, ‘Conveyer of disbelief (kufr) is not a disbeliever [nâqil al-kufr laysa bi kâfir]’. Link: |K1683.3$, Chaste man punishes messenger delivering message of illicit love. |P469.0.1$, A news-bearer (envoy, messenger) is required only to convey the message. Z13.8.2$, “This is what they say!” (or the like): speaker disclaims responsibility for the unbelievable (fantastic). Link: |J1156$, The fantastic (unbelievable) may be reported, but only as ‘news/report’. |
4 | See: Murdock, G.P., Clelland S. Ford, and Alfred E. Hudson, Raymond Kennedy, Leo W. Simmons, John M. W. Whiting, 1938 ff. Outline of Cultural Materials. (New Haven, CT: Institute of Human Relations, Yale University). |
5 | In (Patai 1969, Golden River to Golden Road: Society Culture and Change in the Middle East, pp. 64–69, Areas 1–14). Culture areas 1 through 14 represent the Arab World:
Also see, Eickelman, Dale. 1981. The Middle East: An Anthropological Approach. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. And D. Bates, and A. Rassam. 1983. Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. |
6 | The Arab World Today (Berger 1964a), “Islamic Background of Arab Society” (Berger 1964c, pp. 20–41), and “Patterns of Living: The Desert, Village, and Urban Communities” (Berger 1964b, pp. 42–97). |
7 | For further information on these tale-types, see Types of the Folktale in the Arab World: A Demographically Oriented Tale-Type Index (El-Shamy 2004a). |
8 | Motif: P601.1$, “Customs are as compulsory as religious services”. |
9 | Designated as Type He-S, 880A$, Husband’s Indiscreet Boast about his Wife’s Beauty Brings about her Destruction. Motifs: N104$, “Unfortunate beauty: beauty of innocent woman causes communal conflicts (wars). She is blamed”; F575.$, “Remarkable beauty: woman with buttocks so high that a pomegranate (apple, orange, watermelon, etc.) rolls through underneath small of her back as she lies on floor”; etc. |
10 | Reported from North Africa (Culture Area 6 Tuareg). Motifs:
The present writer had read this account as reported by one of the Gulf WEB journals a few years back. The biographical information was committed to the internal Hard Disk on my computer. Unfortunately, that disk broke down and proved to be beyond repair. |
11 | The ritual for defloration, especially in desert, rural and lower-class urban communities, is undertaken by the groom or a midwife in the presence of the bride’s male relatives and is celebrated publicly by displaying the bloody kerchief used to clean the bleeding bride. Proud chants accompany the display.
The following introduction to a Cairene urban joke (titled “Instant virginity”) illustrates some facets of the continuation of the folk process among the middle class:
For an encompassing survey of this ritual, see: (Ghanim 2015, The Virginity Trap in the Middle East, pp. 123–35).For select motifs associated with this ritual, (see Appendix C). |
12 | It may be noted that these regions are not presented here as constituting a homogeneous society/culture. This is due to the fact that the anthropological concept of “culture area” (of which the Middle East is supposed to have 23 [at the period of awareness of our present subject matter]. The “Arab World” within the Middle East is constituted of 14 such areas. Some may be designated as non-”Arab,” e.g., Area 6 “The Tuareg” and Area 9 “The Beja”), but the concept of a “culture area” presupposes sharing significant features with its neighboring areas to warrant similarness, but diverges on significant features to warrant dissimilarity. |
13 | It seems that the existence of an Oedipus Complex among members of an ethnic group has become a source of pride: “to be like the West” (El-Shamy 2013, p. 44). A few years ago, members of “Adabiyât” [‘Adabiyyât] email received a declaration that an “Oedipus” tale has been discovered in Iran (regrettably, the present writer did not keep that message). Surprisingly and without notification, in one major case researchers (Johnson and Price-Williams 1996) altered data given in one of the presnet writer’s publications so that they may comply with their own readings of field texts manifesting an “Oedipus Complex” pattern. (See: DOTTI, p. xiii). The same approach is employed with reference to structure/morphology of a North African folktale; see. El-Shamy’s review of Vladimir Propp and the Universal Folktale by Peter Gilet (El-Shamy 2001). |
14 | Except for a single case by Michael Lundell (2015), Westerner as well as Arab scholars do not even mention the Syndrome. Consequently discussions of its merits or demerits do not exist. Lundell stated:
15 | Tale-Types: AT 931, “Oedipus. As foretold by the prophecy, the hero kills his father and marries his mother*. He-S 931A$, “Oedipus-unfulfilled: Mother-son Incest Averted”. 931B$, “A Father Rapes his Daughter”. 931C$,”The Father who Hates his Daughters and Kills them. One is spared and he falls in love with her; she flees and eventually marries her rescuer”. 932$,-933, “Brother-sister Incest: the Sethian Complex (Syndrome)”. 932A$,-(formerly-932$),”The Sister who Desires a Son Sired by her Brother Achieves her Goal: the Unsuspecting Brother”. 932B$,”A Mother’s own Daughter as her Daughter-in-law; Bride Behaves as a Daughter-in-law. Brother-sister marriage (sister as wife)”. 932C$,-(formerly-932A$), “Paternal-cousins (or Foster Brother and Sister) Commit Adultery (Fornication)”. 933, “Gregory on the Stone. [The son of an incestuous union between brother and sister is abandoned […], and undergoes penance]”. 933A$, “The Fate of the Son Born of a Brother Raping his Sister”. Cf., Tale-type AT 613C*,” Brother and Sister Heal the King. [They had fled home because of father’s intent for the brothers to marry their sisters. Masking as man sister heals king; he marries her later]”. |
16 | Dated 2/9/2014. For Abnûdî’s associations with the sîrah genre, see p. 32, below. (Al-Ahram Daily Newspaper: |
17 | Motif, P254.0.1$, “Household composed of only brother and sister(s). They live alone in palace (house, cave, etc.)”. This familial arrangement, where an unwed brother resides with his sister’s family, indicates that the “khâl” (El-’Abnûdî) and his wife were separated at that time. Journalistic attempts were made at a later date to present him in a more favorable familial light by citing his remarriage to another, and dropping mention of the first unsuccessful marriage altogether. Hostility toward a khâl’s wife is an essential part of the Syndrome (Mot., P297.2.8$, “Maternal-uncle’s wife (marat-khâl)”; K2218.5.3$, “Treacherous maternal-uncle’s wife”). El-’Abnûdî’s recent death, in April, 2015, was treated as a national loss. ᶜAdly Mans̲our, the interim President of Egypt then, joined the funeral of “El-Khâl” (as the deceased was dubbed). Compare the familial setting from Colombia indicated on p. 25, below. |
18 | For a broader application of “Brother-Sister” ties as a new “archetype,” see El-Shamy’s “Sister and Brother (Motif, P253)”, in (Garry and El-Shamy 2005, pp. 349–61). Also see the recent American motion picture “Gifted” (2017); where a “maternal-uncle” becomes a sociological father to his deceased sister’s daughter (his niece). |
19 | For additional information on this subject, see (El-Shamy 1979, p. xlii n. 3). |
20 | Ibn al-Kalbî (d. A.H. 206/A.D. 821/822). al-’Asnâm (Idols) (Ibn al-Kalbî 1952; Ibn al-Kalbî [1960] 1965). |
21 | Motifs: C116, “Tabu: sexual intercourse in sacred precinct”; and Q551.3.4, “Transformation into stone [(petrification)] as punishment”. Type: 779E$, 1645D$, cf. 707. Link: |A977.$, Rock in shape of animal (man) is that animal (man) petrified. |D231, Transformation: man to stone. [Petrification]. |F768.1, City of petrified people. Ref.: Qazwînî I 279; Chauvin V 196 No. 115; DOTTI 308 386 895/{lit.}; MITON; Sâᶜî 221–29 No. 52[+1].> See: Faris, pp. 8, 25”. Compare the modern account titled “An Arch-Saint’s Attempt to Punish Sinners,” (El-Shamy 1979, pp. 151–53 and notes p. 278). |
22 | Motif J169$, sîrah/siyar: personal life-history (biography, vita). |
23 | Motifs: A110.1$, Modern demigod (saint, hero) a retention from ancien deity. El-Badawî (Bes), El-Disûqî (Horus), Saint Patrick, etc.); and A199.8.2.1$, Bes: deity with contrasting roles. Ref.: Ions 110–11; Shamy (el-) “Eg. Balladry”: Intro. “el-Badawî and Bint-Birrî” No. 56 4.>. R165.1, Rescue of poor girl by St. Nicholas. Saint keeps her from being sold into slavery. Type: cf. 516E$. Ref.: DOTTI 281 282/{Sdn}; Shamy (el-) “Eg. Balladry”: “Khadrah al-sharîfah” No. 57/cf.> |
24 | Examples: J1309.4$, “O Goẖâ, count your sheep!”: “One standing up and one lying down!”. P262.5.1.1$, “Goẖâ was told, ‘Your mother-in-law likes (loves) you’. He replied, ‘Perhaps she has gone insane’”. Link: |P798.4.2$, They said [to the man]: “Your mother-in-law likes (loves) you!” He answered, “And I like (love) her daughter ‘to death’!”. Ref.: Anîn 65/(stepmother); Taymûr No. 2200/(stepmother).> |
25 | Examples, Motifs: K2042.1$, ‘It is for some reason that Qas̲îr cut off his own nose’. Ref.: Damîrî II 132; Aalûcî II 181–83/(lacks elabor.): Shamy (el-) “Arab Mythology” No. 122; Al-H̲ujelân (2009) 241 413–14 No. 26–6.> P26.2$, Defeated queen commits suicide: “[Better] with my own hands than my enemy’s (ᶜAmr’s)!”. Ref.: Jâẖiz V 279 n. 2/(Hârûn: résumé and references).> |
26 | Text No. 34.”Mari Girgis and the Beast.” The dragon slayer tradition is recurrent in sub-Saharan Africa and in a number of cases is associated with nationhood. A salient example is the “Legend of Daura,” which accounts for the establishment of the seven Hausa states. This narrative is also referred to as the story of “Bayazida,” or “Abuyazid” or “Bayajida”; see Johnston, No. 41; also nos. 28 and 32. For an impressive anthology of Moroccan Arab and Berber genres—ranging from the Maerchen to Goẖa anecdotes (“Adventures of Jha,” to riddles and proverbs, see Sinaceur (2016). Probably due to its massive volume, typological identification pioneered by Galley in her earlier works from Algeria were, regrettably, not applied. |
27 | This story incorporates the following Motifs: D2105.8$, “Pretended provision (food, drink, etc.) supernaturally materialize”; H594.2,_cf. “Enigmatic statement: the flocks are only rocks and grass”; P249.3.5$, “Conflict between husband and wife over the treatment of each’s parent(s)”; P262.8.1$,_cf. “Bad relations between husband’s mother and wife’s”; Q1.1, “Gods (saints) in disguise reward hospitality and punish inhospitality”; Q194$, “Reward: lie (benevolent) becomes truth”; Q286.1, “Uncharitableness to holy person punished; Q591.2.2$, Punishment: person says flock is rocks; it becomes so”. |
28 | Motifs: C964$, “Transformation to person of different sex for breaking tabu”; C963, “Person returns to original form when tabu is broken”; D12, “Transformation: man to woman”; D555.3$, “Transformation by drinking from well (spring)”; F779.1$,_cf. “Extraordinary experiences while bathing (usually illusory, hallucinatory)”; D695, “Man transformed to woman has children”; N793$, “Adventures from entering pit, hole, cave, well, or crack (in ground)”; T578.2, “Man transformed to female (human or animal) bears offspring”. |
29 | For discussions on the centrality of the veneration of saints in the rab World, see: Gilsenan (1973); Mostafâ (1981) where a general treatment of sainthood in Egypt is offered; also see Muᶜawwad (2017) describing the rituals associated with al-’anbâ Shinûdah, a Coptic saint in Upper Egypt. Also see El-Shamy (1979), “Saints and Culture Heroes,” pp. 140–69); and El-Shamy (2008, “Moslem ‘awliyâ (‘God’s Favorites’) and Coptic shuhadâ (‘Martyrs’),” Chp. III.B.3 pp. 144–52, and Chp. IV, “DEIFIED HUMANS” pp. 161–71). |
30 | Especially in his book titled Kitâb al-H̲ayawân. (The Book of Animal[s]). 8 vols., ᶜAbd-al-Salâm Muẖammad Hârûn, ed., (Cairo: al-Halabî, 1938–45). The author was nicknamed “Al-Jâẖiẕ” (Popeyed/Googled-eyed) due to his protruding eyes. (Cf. Motif, F512.7$, “Popeyed person (jâẖiz, ‘buẖluq’”). He was born in the year 150 A.H. and died in 255. |
31 | A “Narrative’s dramatic dialogue—(told as drama, as opposed to mere description)” is designated as Motif, Z18.0.1$. “The story is an anecdote involving a debate between husband and wife; it contains the following motifs”: J960.1$, “Man tries to persuade woman that elongated shadow of his limb (organ) on wall is indicative of his prowess”; U281.4$, “Merits and demerits of size (large or small, tall or short)”; U281.4.0.1$, “Size is unimportant; quality of performance is what counts”. |
32 | |
33 | See Tale-types: AT 1353, Old Woman as Trouble Maker. Beats the devil; 1378, The Marked Coat in the Wife’s Room. [False token of woman’s infidelity]. and He-S 1353C$, Old Woman beats the Devil: “Close this Crack [Vagina]!”. |
34 | Motifs: T9.0.1$, “Sexual frustration (deprivation)”; T271, “The neglected wife”; T201.1.1$, “Marriage fatigue: decreasing value of (affection for) a spouse with passage of time”; T317.2.1$, “Repression of lust by reading (reciting) holy book”; U248.4$, “Sexual desire (love) affects perception”; H631.4.1$, “What is strongest? Woman’s resolve.” |
35 | Al-Jâhiz 3, p. 291, ital. added. Motif, V384.1.1$, “Counter-belief (counter-interpretation): “A woman is of sound faith, honor, and heart)”. Modern research addresses the issue of women and social power: Jalali (2017) discusses the issue of women and musical heritage in Tunisia; Slyomovics (Slyomovics 2001) explores the influence of popular culture in Algeria and Tunisia on feminine power; and (Slyomovics 2014) discusses poetry and power in Algerian anti-colonial resistance. |
36 | This argument concerning the Koranic dogma is developed by the present writer. Motif, V384.1$, “Extreme interpretations of religious dogmas concerning females (social category)”; and U248.5$, “Gender affects perception: males and females perceive different things (and view the same thing differently)”. |
37 | Motifs, P611.3.1.1$, “Women’s talk (superstitious ways, old wives’ tales, old wives’ medicine, etc.)”; W202.1.1.3$, “Indicator of femininity: women’s superstitious ways (old-wives’ tales, old-wives’ medicine, etc.)”; B789.0.1$, “Bat fastens self with its fangs to victim’s face”; B789.$, “Bat releases victim upon hearing zebra’s braying”; J29.2.1$, “Learning to overcome childhood fear.” …. (The statement within brackets is a precautionary addition by the contemporary book editor. |
38 | Motif, B15., “Seven-headed serpent”. Ref.: Jâẖiẕ 155; DOTTI 100 250 285 402/{Mrc}; TAWT 25 n. 45.> |
39 | This narrative is to be viewed as a legend. In addition to formal and stylistic characteristics, its contents are possible, but—as Al-Jâẖiẕ concluded—improbable (while the “myth” is beyond the possible). The story belongs to a cycle of tales affiliated with Tale-type He-S: 327L$, Brother and Sister Possess Supernatural Animal’s (Cat’s) Treasure; in which the magic animal suspects an organ of his of theft and beats it (himself) to death. (See introduction to El-Shamy 1999 No. 8, p. 368, n. 137). Motif, B277$, “Animal’s own property (possessions: field, crop, treasure, etc.)”; B778.1.2$, “Mouse (rat) as thief”; N534.1.1$, “Treasure discovered by following an animal”; F981.9.1$, “Animal kills self (commits suicide)”. |
40 | Concerning the absence of literary narratives from oral folktales, see (El-Shamy 1979, pp. lxviii-l); also see, the section titled: “The Philosophy of Romanticism and the East.,” in (El-Shamy 1990a, esp. pp. 67–71). The evidence that El-Shamy’s DOTTI-A (2004a) provides supports this relatively early observation concerning animal, including tales reported to be included in school textbooks. For examples, see tale-types:
The same scarcity can be observed in El-Naggâr (1995, pp. 787–841). He provides presumably verbatim copies of a stack of literary narratives as “Samples of Animal Tales” from different ages, beginning with “ẖikâyât al-hayawân min al-shiᶜr al-Jahilî (Animal tales from Pre-Islamic poetry)” and concluding with the modern fables by Ahmad Shawqî’s (1868–1932). This indiscriminate sample includes evident texts from the literary Kalîilah wa Dimnah (the Persian/Arabic adaptation of the Sanskrit The Panchatantra), as evidence of “Subjecation of the text to Islamic culture” (El-Naggâr, p. 805), which has virtually no oral circulation. |
41 | See for example the data associated with new Tale-Type: He-S 59**$, Tricks and Countertricks: Two Animals Make Trouble for Each Other. Series of Tricky Adventures; (the Jackal and the Hedgehog). Of the 21 occurrences DOTTI-A lists, only two are from the Levant Coast Area. |
42 | Among the relatively early collectors of the folktale (excluding the ‘personal narrative’), who were successful in acquiring “fantasy tales” from women are the female collectors F. Légey (1926), and E. Stevens (1931); other female fieldworkers seem to have collected tales only from men (e.g., W. Blackman (1972). Male field workers who collected from women include D.H. Mueller (1902), J. Desparmet (1909–1910), G. Bergsträsser (1915), and H. Schmidt and P. Kahle (Schmidt and Kahle [1918] 1930). Aarne-Thompson’s The Types of the Folktale largely ignores these anthologies. |
43 | Also see: (Taylor 1931), and (El-Shamy 1967, pp. 108, 285; 1979, p. xlviii; 1986a, pp. 269–70, spec. n. 27 and 29; 1986b, p. 28; 2004b, p. 152). Ignoring or suppressing the evidence offered in this regard leads to the perpetuation of academic fallacies such as those maintained by scholars such as Reynolds (2015, p. 258) (see p. 27, below). |
44 | This factual account belongs to a cycle of narratives on “The taming of a difficult person,” (Tale-types 901–909$); it is designated as a new Tale-type He-S, 904$, Tender Persuading of the Shy (Innocent) Maiden (Bride, Girl, Virgin). It incorporates the following motifs: P529.0.5$, “Refusal by wife to honor legitimate marital obligations”; T311.0.3$, “Overcoming aversion to conjugal relations through conditioning (psychotherapy, resocialization)”; T160.0.5$, “Tender defloration (first sexual intercourse)”; T311.0.3.1$, “Gentle arousing of bride’s interest in sex”; F1043$, “Reaction to sensory deprivation”; U315.1$, “Seeking a conversation (social interaction)”; F951.3.2.1$, “Watching mating between lovebirds (pigeons, doves) arouses sexual desire”; J133.9$, “Kindness learned from example of animal’s (bird’s) kind behavior: imitated”. It is worth noting in this regard that this case should not be perceived as “folk medicine”, a field that folklorists normally treat. Al-Jâhiz, cites several cases such cases of folk medicine; see motifs: D1500.1.29, “Magic healing honey”, and F950.0.4.1$, “Animal excreta as medicine”. |
45 | Motif, F959.8.2$, “Treating mental illness by reorganization (rearrangement) of communal expectations (social roles). Thus, patient is better adjusted for living in community”. |
46 | Motif, B15., “Two-headed serpent. One head in front and one at rear.” With reference to the fabricated information (‘intihâl, or ‘fakelore’), compare the situation reported with reference to a contemporary dishonest informant employed by an unsuspecting collector (Nakano 1982). The “informant” provided totally fabricated texts. (El-Shamy 1990a, p. 76, spec. n. 75) Another more harmful case where the author is the source of forgery was also identified:
47 | Motifs:A2371.3.1.1$, Why viper has no legs--at first camel-like; A2236.$, Punishment of viper: loss of legs (must creep on stomach); A1737$, sakht, maskh (devolution): creation of animals through degeneration to present forms. A2236.2.1.1$, Viper smuggles devil into paradise in her mouth: she is cursed. Motifs: A2371.3.1.1$, Why viper has no legs at first camel like; A2236.$, Punishment of viper: loss of legs (must creep on stomach); A1737$, sakht, maskh (devolution): creation of animals through degeneration to present forms. A2236.2.1.1$, Viper smuggles devil into paradise in her mouth: she is cursed. For a recent treatment of this topic, see: (Fakhrânî 2018). |
48 | Modern Studies: H̲annâ (1989a) traditional Medicine in Qatar (Arabic); H̲annâ (1989b) explores the medical wellbeing of mother and Child in Qatar; El-Hinnâwî (1998) explores the relation between folk medicine and environment in an Egyptian coastal area. Maqramî (1987), presents the related issue of national addiction to qât in Yemen. |
49 | A sample of recent studies on games and pastime are: Mslini (2017) describes children’s games in Tunisia; Mahmûd (1976) discusses games of young boys and children in the Sudan; Shlâbî (1996) reports on games and riddles in Libya. Also, compare: El-Naggâr (1985, Al-Ghatâwi al-Kuwaytiyah (Kuwaiti riddles)). |
50 | |
51 | Motifs: W5.1$, Religious groups (denominational, sectarian) manifestations of asceticism. Ref.: Jâhiz I 218–9.> W5.1.1$, Kharijite’s asceticism: exaggeration of others’s sins (disregarding the fact that God hates injustice even to the most unjust of all people). Link: |A102.16.3$, God hates injustice even to the most unjust (of all people). |V84.0.1$, takfîr: person judged as having become a disbeliever. |V357.4.1$, Kharijites (khawârij) waged the first sectarian war in Islam. Ref.: Jâhiz I 219.> W5.1.5$, Jew’s asceticism: exaggeration in observing Sabbath. Link: |V371$, Moslem traditions about al-kitâbiyyîn (“People-of-the-Book”: Jews and Christians Also called dhimmiyyîn/’ahl al-dhimmah). Ref.: Jâhiz I 219.> W5.1.2$, Moslem-Sufi’s asceticism (if he dislikes working): becomes fundamentalist (extremist), deems profit sinful, resorts to begging (soliciting alms). Type: cf. 1645B*. Link: |J702.1, Dervish who stops work. [Imitates bird feeding its young; shown his mistake]. Ref.: Jâhiz I 220.> W5.3.2$, Gardener’s pious asceticism: giving up stealing crop. Link: |P410, Laborers. |P411.5$, Gardener. |P723.1$, Characteristic behavior of peasants (farmers, countrymen). Ref.: Jâhiz 1 219.> |
52 | Motif, V318.0.1$, “Counter-belief: free-will. Man is responsible for own action by virtue of rationality—the Mutazilites (Muᶜtazilah) doctrine”. See “al-Muᶜtazilah (Mutazilites)” School of theology. |
53 | Mot., F576.1.2$, Extraordinary ugliness: person presented as image of satan. Ref.: Ibshîhî 355.> Z84.2.1$, Insult: ugliness (‘buffalo-face,’ ‘drumstick-leg,’ etc.) Ref.: Ibshîhî 355/pig-face/poem about al-Jâhiz.>) |
54 | For the various meanings in which the word “folk” has been used, see (Hultkrantz 1960, General Ethnological Concepts, International Dictionary of Regional European Ethnology and Folklore). Arabic translation by El-Gohary and El-Shamy (1972, Qâmûs musṯalahât al-’ethnolojyâ wa al-folklore). |
55 | The distinguished orientalist-folklorist Enno Littmann (1875–1958), who taught at Cairo University after its establishment (in 1908), may be designated as the first folklorist of Arab/Semitic traditions. Beginning in early 1900s, Littmann, made serious contributions to the study of Arab dialects and folklore. Regrettably, in spite of their prominence and Littmann’s rigorous reliance on field work as a research approach, these studies had virtually no effect on students of traditions in the Arab World, especially Egypt. (In this respect, it suffered the same sad fate that Chauvin’s Bibliographie suffered by remaining totally unknown). |
56 | Motif, P12.15.5.1$, Historical narratives and legends (‘akhbâr) are habitual topics of conversations of kings (not of merchants/market people/al-sûqah). Link: |H38.1, Disguised king (noble) recognized by his habitual speech. |J169$, sîrah/siyar: personal life-history (biography, vita). |P60.1.3.1$, Gentlewomen and sophisticated men socialize around intellectual (philosophical) topics. (Salon and salonniers). |P469$, Newsman, reporter, informant, etc.—(‘ikhbârî). |P484$, Historian (mu’arrikh, “‘akhbârî”). Ref.: MITON; Ibshîhî 148; Alf III 122/(Solomon’s).> |
57 | A similar situation was reported from Saudi Arabia in the 1960s. Folktale collector ᶜA. Al-Juhaymân reported that under pressure from his colleagues he had to abandon his interest in the folktales seen as an “immorality” and dedicate himself to the study of the respectable proverbs. See, vol. 4. The massive (Al-Dâ’irah 2000) contained no folktales. Also see (El-Shamy 2004b, pp. 1148–53). |
58 | Doctoral dissertation in 1950. published in 1956. Ordinarily his name is pronounced: “Yûnis”. |
59 | A department of “Anthropology” did not exist then. In one case (Heliopolis University), anthropology was taught in departments of geography. At Cairo University, since the 1970s, Mohammad El-Gohary has promoted folklore studies within the sociology department, especially among his disciples. His survey on Al-Folklore al-ᶜarabî … (Arabic folklore …) ignores works by scholars whom he considers rivals (El-Gohary 2000, see Vol. 1, p. 683, Entry “Hasan”). |
60 | Lewîs ᶜAwarḏ, “al-folklore wa-al-’isatiᶜmâr” (folklore and colonialism). |
61 | ᶜAbd-ul-H̲amîd Yûnus, DifâC Can al-folklore ([In] Defence of Folklore), Cairo, 1971. |
62 | Expressed during the 1988 Janâdiryyah Folk Festival, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. |
63 | The “Concluding Statement” of the Baghdad Symposium on “Folklore and The Arab Identity” held in 1978 included a “Recommendation” to “translate colloquial into classical). (Ital. added) |
64 | For a brief description of the event, see “The Tale of the Stern Judge”, in Time: The Weekly Newsmagazine (New York), June 3, 1985, p. 35.
65 | This division coincides with Richard M. Dorson’s views on this matter, “The Fields of Folklore and Folklore Studies” (Dorson 1972, pp. 2–5). |
66 | The absence of a systematic approach for identifying the genre to which a narrative belongs has been discussed in a number of publication by the present writer (El-Shamy 1996b, 1997, 2001). Many Western scholars ignore data that may disagree with their academic conviction (Pinault 1992; Johnson and Price-Williams 1996; Kurpershoek 1997; Kossmann 2000; Reynolds 2015). In this regard, see the reviews of Pinault’s book in Asian Folklore Studies (El-Shamy 1996), and Kurpershoek’s in Asian Folklore Studies, vol. 57, No. 1 (El-Shamy 1997). |
67 | Tale-type, AT 450, Little Brother and Little Sister (pp. 34–37), Motif: T133.7.1$, “Bride (sister) joined by her brother at home of her groom (husband)”. |
68 | These are: AT 318, The Faithless Wife. Batu: the Egyptian “Two Brothers” Tale. [The chaste youth severs own organ to show innocence, and is subsequently betrayed by his divine mate (wife)]; and AT 950, Rhampsinitus. [Series of skilful thefts and daring escapes from king’s treasury by a master thief and assistant] (attributed to Herodotus). |
69 | UNESCO: Lists the Hilaliyyah sîrah as “Inta[n. 70]. (Publication of Egyptian Society of Folk Traditions 2006).ngible Cultural Heritage of Humanity—2008.” URL: … |
70 | See: “raqs̲ el-ᶜawâlim”/”raqs̲ el-ghawâzî” (Amîn 210–212, Lane 377–382). |
71 | For a detailed historical analysis of the dances in Egypt and their historical roots, see: (El-Khâdim 1972). |
72 | |
73 | |
74 | For an overview of the ballad subject matter, see, Appendix III: “The Egyptian Folk Ballad and Related Lyric Narrative-Songs, 1900?-1982,” (El-Shamy 1995, Vol. 1, pp. 445–48). Sixty three ballads were reported. The first identification of the narrative “mawwâl “ as a “ballad” (paralleling the Euro-American counterpart) was made in El-Shamy’s doctoral dissertation (1967 pp. 244–46). El-Shamy, presented the term “mawwâl qasasî” in 1970, the Arabic translation of R.M. Dorson’s Introduction to Folklore and Folklife, under the title: Naẕariyyât al-folklore al-muᶜâirah (“Theories of Contemporary Folklore”). El-Gohary and El-Shamy (1972, see especially pp. 36-37 n. 34, 55 n. 57, 57 n. 59, 58 n. 60). Compare Cachia (1989): which contained eleven ballads. |
75 | Amîn 312–313; Burton IV 166 n./(Egyptians). Motifs. F561.13.1$, “People who live on beans (fûl)”, and F850.2.3$, “Hated bean mash (bisârah/bisârah)”. |
76 | See: Samha El-Kholy. Al-qawmiyyah fî mûsîqâ al-qarn al-ᶜishrîn (Nationalism in twentieth Century music). ᶜAalam al-Maᶜrifah, Kuwait: 1992. |
77 | Also see Motif: J133.0.1.2$, Horses drink to whistling sound: so is man’s thirst (love) for music, appearing in the tale titled “Anîs al-Jalîs” in: Alf I 139,-(poem,/horses drink to whistle’s sound); Burton II 29. Chauvin V 120–24 No. 58; ANE 316–17 No. 35. And Motifs:
78 | Motifs, P428.0.2$, “Musicians and singers are admired, but have low social status”; W22.3.1$, Aversion to estrangement from homeland (ghurbah, strangerhood, exile-like). |
79 | Motif, P12.15.5.1$, “Historical narratives and legends (‘akhbâr) are habitual topics of conversations of kings (not merchants)”. See the story of: Ishâq al-Mûsilî and Khadîjah bint al-Hasan: in Alf laylah II 186, Chauvin V, 241–42, No. 142. |
80 | See (Hindâwî 1974?, ‘Ayyâm al-CArab (Arab Days)) |
81 | From El-Shamy, Hasan M. 1985. Kinship Ties in the sîrah of al-Zîr Sâlim and the Trasformation in Egypt: The Conflict between Paternal and maternal-uncles. Unpublished Manuscrrip. Paper Read at the First International sîrah Symposium. Fall: Cairo University. 1964, see (El-Shamy 1967, “Folkloric Behavior”, pp. 244–46). |
82 | Hamilton ([1819] 1981, trans., Antar: a Bedoueen Romance); Richmond (c1978, ‘Antar and ‘Abla: a bedouin: a bedouin romance); Paret (2009, Siirat Sayf ibn Dhi Yazan: An Arabic Folk Epic B). |
83 | Motifs: N387.2.1$, Dispute over horse race starts the “Dâhis and al-Ghabrâ’ War”. Link: |F1012.2.1$, The long war. Ref.: Ibn-ᶜAasim (1982) No. 442.> F1012.2.1.1$, War lasts for forty years. Ref.: Zîr 141.>. |
84 | It is argued that the negative attitude the sîrah adopts toward maternal-unclehood is due to the sîrah’s emergence during a period during which the kinship system in agricultural Egypt was being transformed to the patriarchal in the manner of the desert Arabs. Motifs: P200.0.1$, Patriarchal family (patriarchy). P263.2.1$, Woman’s brother kills his brother-in-law (his sister’s husband); T198$, Return to parents’ (father’s) home after end of marital relations (divorce, or death of spouse); P201.2$, Reconciliation (accommodation) is not possible between hostile brethren (paternal cousins, etc.); P201.3$, Accommodation (‘detente’) possible between warring non-Arabs, but impossible between feuding Arab cousins (brothers); P509.2.1$, “Two swords cannot be kept in one sheath; two stallions cannot share one stall”. |
85 | These include: Guiga (1968: offering thirty-one selected poetic passages); Galley (2005: reporting on the Taghrîba (drive westward) of the Hilalites; Galley and Ayoub (1983); Grech (1989: on indexation de la geste de Banu Hilal); El-Naggâr (1979) discusses the symbolism of Abu Zaid; El-Naggâr (1995, pp. 847–73, 873–85): offers a résumé and an evaluating of the Abu Zaid sîrah; Reynolds (1995) discusses the ethnography of performance in Arabic oral epics; Slyomovics (1987a) describes a Hlali oral epic poet in performance; Slyomovics (1999) analyzes psychological traits of Arab epic hero outcast; and Wickett (2012: pp. 3–72, 137–19, 180–190). offers select field texts of the Hilali sîrah. |
86 | Al-Zeer Salem ( Salem). |
87 | As reported by (Lyons 1995), these are:These are: Qissat al-Zîr. Cairo 1288, A.H. Sîrat ᶜAntar Ibn. Shaddâd. Cairo 1962 (8 vols.); Kitâb al-Muqaddam ᶜAlî al-Zaibaq. Cairo n.d.; Sîrat al-Zâhir Baibars. Cairo n.d. (5 vols.); Sîrat al-Amîra Dhat al-Himmah. Cairo n.d. (70 parts); Qissat Fayrûz Shâh b. al-Malik Suhrâb/Dahrâb. Beirut n.d. (4 vols.); Qissat al-’Amîr Hamzat al-Pahlawân[??]. Cairo n.d. (4 vols.); Sîrat Banî Hilâl al-Kubrâ. Beirut n.d. (46 parts); Qissat Abî Zaid al-Hilâlî wa’l-Nâᶜisa. Cairo n.d.; Taghrîbat Banî Hilâl. Beirut n.d. Qissat Fâris al-Yaman al-Malik Saif b. Dhî Yazan. 4 vols. Cairo: n.d.; Sîrat Saif al- Tîjân. Tunis: 1344 A. H. Additionally, an elaborate narrative from Thousand and One Nights may be considered: [The sîrah of] “ᶜUmar al-Nuᶜmân and his Two Sons-Sharkân and Daw’ al-Makân”. (Alf Vol. I 162–60, 290–320, Vol. II 1–21, Chauvin Vol. VI 112 No. 277; Burton No. 8). |
88 | Motif, P70$, “Sherifs: descendants of Prophet Mohammed (‘ashrâf, sâdah)”. |
89 | Motifs: “T570.1$, Pregnant woman’s wish (craving)”; T570.2$, “Characteristics of newborn are due to mother’s craving”; and V515.2.5$, “Vision (scene) in which white chieftainess (woman) sees black bird defeat numerous white ones: she gives birth to black son who will becomes hero”; N342.1.2$, “Virtuous woman (maiden) hastily condemned as adulteress (unchaste)”. |
90 | (Al-Ahrâm No. 46451: Sunday, 9/Feb./2014. Arabic). |
91 | For an elaborate presentation of the Hilâlî sîrah (or Abu-Za1d) as reconstituted by El-Abnûdî , see (El-Abnûdî 1988). |
92 | Parker, J. Stephen. “Report prepared for the Government of the State of Qatar by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).” |
93 | Motif, P525.0.1, “It is a debt if it is. Type: 310, 432. NLV, EGYPT:- el-Shamy “Arab Women” No. 33.1; NLV, SUDAN:- .M. Al-Ṯayyib (1970) al-H̲umrân 39, 44; MGH, TUNISIA:- Galley-Ayoub 172/3 (divorce). |
94 | The Text is related to AT 590, The Prince and the Arm Bands. [Faithless mother conspires with paramour against her son]. The tale also includes elements from Tale-type 318, The Faithless Wife. Batu: the Egyptian “Two Brothers” Tale, especially Motif, E631, “Reincarnation in plant (tree) growing from grave.” Other occurrences of Tale-type 590 in the Arab World (El-Shamy 2004a gives 28 texts). These include the following from Maghreb (North Africa). MGH: Tunisia: (23) Hejaiej (1996), Tunis, 230–32, No. II-5 --: <885 =,/590,-cf./315 + 311D$, P295.1$, P681.0.1$ Σindivid., atypical> (N.| f, 55, non-litr., widow, racont.; col. f). Algeria (24) Dermenghem, kabyles, 69–75, [No. 8] --: <590 = Σ> (| m, presum. adult); (25) Frobenius, Kabylen II, 71-78, No. 8 --: <590 = Σ> (|); (26) Mouliéras/Lacoste, Kabylie, 72–87, No. 5 --: <590 = + 300 Σ> (|); (27) Savignac, Kabylie, 114–18, No. 13 --: <590 = + 300 Σ> (| m/?, x). Morocco: (28) Noy, Moroccan, 64–69, No. 17 --: <590 = Σ> (| m, J, Russian fa and Mrc. mo). |
95 | Magreb texts of this tale-type are: MGH: Algeria (17). Frobenius, Kabylen III, 164–68, No. 40 --: <707C$ =,-cf., 707 Σ> (|); (18). Nacib, Djurjura, 17-20, No. 1 --: <707C$ = Σ> (Brb/Kbyl|); (19). Scelles-Millie, algériennes, 87–95, No. 4 --: <707C$ = ,-cf. Σ”c.-merv.”> (| ?/”B.B.”); Morocco (20). Koudia, Moroccan (El-Shamy 2003), 96–99, No. 15 --: <707C$ =, K2116.1.1.1, H51.1, S117, Q416,-cf. Σfantasy-tale/novella> (| m, elite, auth.-col., re-wrt., pre+sum. after f). |
96 | Other motifs include: K2293, Treacherous old woman; K2222, Treacherous co-wife (concubine); D211.2, Transformation: man (woman) to pomegranate; and Q411.4, Death as punishment for treachery. |
97 | Qâᶜûd (Al-), M. ᶜA. (2003) “Hifnat suṯûr: Abû Zaid al-Hilâlî” (A Handful of Lines: Abû Zaid al-Hilâlî). Al-Ahrâm No. 46171. 5/May/2013, Vol. 1377. |
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El-Shamy, H. Folklore of the Arab World1. Humanities 2018, 7, 67.
El-Shamy H. Folklore of the Arab World1. Humanities. 2018; 7(3):67.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEl-Shamy, Hasan. 2018. "Folklore of the Arab World1" Humanities 7, no. 3: 67.
APA StyleEl-Shamy, H. (2018). Folklore of the Arab World1. Humanities, 7(3), 67.