Perception and Relocation Intentions of Japanese Youth towards Rural Areas: A Case Study of Visitors in Hanyu-shi, Saitama Prefecture
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Background
2.2. Research Approach and Data Interpretation
2.3. Participants
2.4. Materials
- What are your overall impressions and emotions about your past visits to rural areas in Japan?
- Do you have any intentions to relocate to a rural area in the future, and share your reasons for this?
- How would you describe your overall impressions and feelings about Hanyu-shi?
- Are you considering relocating to Hanyu-shi in the future? If so or not, what are the reasons behind this decision?
- Based on your experiences and perceptions, what suggestions would you offer for the future development of rural areas in Japan?
- Simple questions about their personal experiences.
3. Results
3.1. Strong Motive
- “Deep Connection”—signifying a profound bond or affiliation with the rural environment.
- “A Place for my Children”—indicating a desire to provide a better environment for offspring.
- “Self-sufficient Lifestyle”—denoting the aspiration to lead a life where one largely provides for one’s own needs.
- “Tranquil Living”—reflecting the pursuit of a peaceful and serene lifestyle away from urban hustle.
3.1.1. Deep Connection
3.1.2. A Place for My Children
3.1.3. Self-Sufficient lifestyle
“In the aftermath of the Eastern Japan earthquake, I was spending my winter vacation at my grandmother’s place in the rural Shizuoka. While I heard that many of our relatives in Tokyo were experiencing food shortages, we faced no such problems in the countryside. We grew rice, wheat, various vegetables, and engaged in poultry farming and fishing. We were worried about our friends and relatives in Tokyo, but we weren’t afraid for our immediate well-being.”(Female, 23 years old)
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, out of concern for getting infected, my family moved to the countryside for a while. We had none of the urban concerns there. For the first time, I felt the freedom of rural life, free from the worries of the pandemic. Our neighbors would often gift us vegetables they grew, and I found such a self-sufficient way of life truly appealing.”(Male, 22 years old)
“A film I adore, ‘Little Forest,’ made me envy the protagonist’s choice to leave the big city and embrace rural life. Watching her grow and cook her food inspired me. Perhaps, someday, I might lead a similar life.”(Female, 21 years old)
3.1.4. Tranquil Living
“In large cities, there are numerous entertainment options, and it’s bustling. But occasionally, I feel that traveling to rural areas, immersing oneself where nobody knows you, is also refreshing. In such situations, I get a plethora of new ideas and opportunities for self-reflection.”.a 20-year-old female recounted
“After participating in agricultural experiences in Hanyu, I would often walk alone to the train station, strolling along the paddy ridges, relishing the pleasant aromas in the air. The natural scenery always instills a sense of peace in me. On those days, I always have a good night’s sleep when I return home.”.mentioned a 24-year-old female
3.2. Weaker Motive
3.2.1. Transportation and Infrastructure Issue
3.2.2. Communication Barriers
3.2.3. Fewer Opportunities
4. Discussion
4.1. Motivations for Future Residency in Rural Areas
4.2. Reasons for Motive Weakening
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Age | Gender | Occupation | No | Age | Gender | Occupation |
1 | 19 | Female | Student | 14 | 20 | Male | Student |
2 | 21 | Male | Student | 15 | 22 | Female | Student |
3 | 23 | Female | Student | 16 | 20 | Female | Student |
4 | 19 | Female | Student | 17 | 22 | Female | Student |
5 | 21 | Female | Student | 18 | 21 | Female | Student |
6 | 20 | Male | Student | 19 | 21 | Male | Student |
7 | 23 | Male | Student | 20 | 20 | Male | Student |
8 | 22 | Male | Student | 21 | 22 | Male | Student |
9 | 20 | Female | Student | 22 | 23 | Female | Student |
10 | 20 | Female | Student | 23 | 20 | Male | Student |
11 | 21 | Female | Student | 24 | 22 | Female | Student |
12 | 21 | Male | Student | 25 | 23 | Female | Student |
13 | 23 | Female | Student | 26 | 21 | Female | Student |
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Mao, Y.; He, L.; Danniswari, D.; Furuya, K. Perception and Relocation Intentions of Japanese Youth towards Rural Areas: A Case Study of Visitors in Hanyu-shi, Saitama Prefecture. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 197.
Mao Y, He L, Danniswari D, Furuya K. Perception and Relocation Intentions of Japanese Youth towards Rural Areas: A Case Study of Visitors in Hanyu-shi, Saitama Prefecture. Social Sciences. 2024; 13(4):197.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMao, Yingming, Lei He, Dibyanti Danniswari, and Katsunori Furuya. 2024. "Perception and Relocation Intentions of Japanese Youth towards Rural Areas: A Case Study of Visitors in Hanyu-shi, Saitama Prefecture" Social Sciences 13, no. 4: 197.
APA StyleMao, Y., He, L., Danniswari, D., & Furuya, K. (2024). Perception and Relocation Intentions of Japanese Youth towards Rural Areas: A Case Study of Visitors in Hanyu-shi, Saitama Prefecture. Social Sciences, 13(4), 197.