The Public Health Crisis Conceptual Model: Historical Application to the World’s First Nuclear Bomb Test
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
3.1. Influencing Factors
3.2. Systems and Structures
Besides the hazards normally present during construction and operation of a large chemical plant, dangers of a new kind were expected here. Two types of radiation hazard were anticipated—neutrons generated in the pile and alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays emitted by products of the pile. Although the general effects of the radiations had been proved to be similar to those of X-rays, very little detailed knowledge was available. Obviously the amounts of radioactive material to be handled were many times greater than had ever been encountered before.
The health group had to plan three programs: (1) provision of instruments and clinical tests to detect any evidence of exposure of the personnel; (2) research on the effects of radiation on persons, instruments, etc.; and (3) estimates of what shielding and safety measures must be incorporated in the design and plan of operation of the plant.
3.3. Community and Local Priorities
3.4. Data Sources
- 41 bibliographies;
- 20 reports on fallout;
- 230 reports on monitoring, composition and distribution;
- 111 reports on effects;
- 12 reports on protective measures and decontamination;
- 12 reports on natural radioactivity;
- 21 reports on tolerance to radiation.
- The social determinants of health (Healthy People 2030, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion n.d.);
- The seven vital conditions for health and well-being (Community Commons n.d.b);
- County-level statistics on the composition of the population (e.g., age and sex, race and ethnicity, population characteristics, housing, family and living arrangements, education, computer access and use, transportation, and income and poverty) (U.S. Census Bureau n.d.b);
- County health rankings and roadmaps (University of Wisconsin, Population Health Institute n.d.);
- National health statistics (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics 2023);
- New Mexico Health and Human Services Data Book (New Mexico Human Services Department 2022).
3.5. Critical Decision Making
3.6. Recommendations for Education, Practice, and Planning
4. Discussion
… Volume 1 reviews developments since the 1957 hearings and presents new data on atmospheric and global fallout levels. It was stated that the program of fallout sampling and monitoring supported by the AEC is quite comprehensive and during 1959 approximately $2.6 million was spent on a program of scientific research with the purpose of understanding the factors that influence the patterns and rates of fallout onto the earth’s surface. This has meant sampling longitudinally, latitudinally, [sic] and vertically. A training program for scientists to carry out this program was maintained. Experimental and laboratory work centered on the movement of fallout into the food chain and water supplies and the effects of ionizing radiation on the human body and on human germ cells.
5. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Concept | Definition |
Access to Care | “Access to routine and critical health care is also an important factor to maintaining health and well-being.” (Community Commons n.d.a) |
Amelioration or Cure | Health care providers diagnose and treat injuries and disease to ease symptoms and, where possible, cure conditions (Gostin 2007). |
Anthropocene and Environmental Shifts (Agent, Host, Environment) | Epidemiologic principles of an external agent, a susceptible host, and a physical and social environment that brings the host and agent or vector together (Institute of Medicine 2003). |
Basic Health Needs | “Physical and mental well-being starts with access to fresh air and water, nutritious food, and the security of a stable home. People also need healthy relationships-with freedom to express gender and sexuality-and a life free from violence, injury, and toxic stress.” (Community Commons n.d.a) |
Community and Local Priorities | Communities must be included during all phases for their input in planning, implementing, and evaluating disaster research and other activities. |
Crisis (Response) | The response phase when the goal is amelioration or cure (Lavin et al. 2012) of the human, animals, and the environment, requiring critical decision making. |
Effective System Coordination | Effective system coordination requires community-based disaster response capabilities and communication infrastructure. Coordination should include capacity for coordination in extenuating and changing circumstances and unknown factors should be considered, planned for, and anticipated. |
Flexibility and Speed | Persons adversely impacted by a disaster need immediate access to resources, even if they have lost their documentation. Previous eligibility should continue without interruption, and new eligibility should be established quickly. Hence, the federal government should endeavor to provide states and local governments with as much latitude as possible in delivering benefits equitably (Lavin and Menifee 2009). |
Legal and Ethical Crisis Decision Making | The legal environment may change during a disaster, and the declaration of an emergency may trigger special powers to facilitate the response through increased flexibility, limiting liability, changes in interstate healthcare licensure requirements, and changes in standards of care (Hodge et al. 2009; Institute of Medicine 2009). Ethical decision-making in disaster often involves adhering to core principles, such as humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence (Cuthbertson and Penney 2023). These principles provide a framework to guide actions and decisions, ensuring they are ethically sound and align with professional standards and humanitarian values. Incorporating such principles into ethical decision-making helps ensure actions are morally sound and align with core values. |
Postcrisis (Resilience and Recovery) | The recovery phase is when the goal is rehabilitation, maintenance of an optimal level of well-being, and support for the community and its environment (Lavin et al. 2012). Lessons learned are key to improving education, practice, and planning. |
Precrisis (Preparedness) | The preparedness phase prior to a disaster or event is a time to gather evidence and engage the community about priorities, communicate with the systems and structures, and identify influencing factors and evidence. The goal of this period is health promotion, disease prevention, and mitigation (Lavin et al. 2012). |
Rapid and Rational Decision Making | Rational decision-making involves a rigorous process that relies on objective information and logical reasoning. This includes determining the issue at hand, collecting relevant data, exploring choices and potential outcomes, carefully analyzing options, examining interconnections, and, finally, selecting from among feasible options (Adam et al. 2022). |
Responder Health and Safety | It is critical to protect the health and safety of disaster responders. A healthy and safe workforce is better able to help communities in response and recovery. |
Self-Determination | Individuals and families impacted by a disaster have the same rights and responsibilities as everybody else. Government aid to persons adversely impacted by a disaster should therefore seek to support the self-determination of persons adversely impacted by a disaster, as they seek access to public benefits and consider relocation opportunities. Individuals and families focusing on their own needs, resources, and interests are more likely to achieve favorable results for themselves and for the broader society than when government restricts or directs their choices (Lavin and Menifee 2009). |
Self-Sufficiency | The object of disaster case management assistance, including efforts targeted toward persons adversely impacted by a disaster and persons with pre-disaster vulnerabilities, should be individual and family self-sufficiency. As we seek to provide every necessary benefit to help persons adversely impacted by a disaster recover from the disaster and restart their lives, the measure of our success should not be the number of new entrants into disaster assistance systems or dollars expended. Success should be measured by how quickly and successfully persons adversely impacted by a disaster and persons with pre-disaster vulnerabilities are able to become economically self-sufficient and socially integrated. These new lives may be established either in the homes and communities they occupied before the disaster or in new locations selected based on the individual’s or family’s best judgment of where their goals and aspirations may best be fulfilled (Lavin and Menifee 2009). |
Systems and Structures for Health | This includes both the systems and structures for routine and emergency healthcare, mental health, and community-based and public health care. It also comprises the systems used to provide immediate care during a disaster and recovery. |
Transdisciplinary Communication and Collaboration in Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation | Building systems of communication that allow for interdisciplinary collaboration and leadership models, centered on developing relationships before tasks, and including diverse insights, perspectives, values and priorities to more comprehensively understand and respond to unfolding environmental disasters should be prioritized. |
Transformative Education | Health professions education, just-in-time training, environmental health, climate change, and health and the Planetary Health Education Framework are used to inform disaster preparedness education and improve health professionals’ action competence in disaster preparedness, response, systems thinking, and health equity. |
NM Leading Causes of Death, 2017 | Deaths | Rate *** | State Rank * | U.S. Rate ** |
1. Heart Disease | 3896 | 151.4 | 32nd | 165.0 |
2. Cancer | 3620 | 138.3 | 44th | 152.5 |
3. Accidents | 1460 | 68.2 | 5th | 49.4 |
4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease | 1143 | 44.2 | 26th | 40.9 |
5. Stroke | 878 | 34.7 | 37th | 37.6 |
6. Diabetes | 673 | 26.5 | 7th | 21.5 |
7. Chronic Liver Disease/Cirrhosis | 605 | 26.8 | 1st | 10.9 |
8. Alzheimer’s disease | 572 | 22.7 | 32nd | 31.0 |
9. Suicide | 491 | 23.3 | 4th | 14.0 |
10. Flu/Pneumonia | 338 | 13.6 | 32nd | 14.3 |
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Couig, M.P.; Lavin, R.; Rogers, H.H.; Nugent, S.B. The Public Health Crisis Conceptual Model: Historical Application to the World’s First Nuclear Bomb Test. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 186.
Couig MP, Lavin R, Rogers HH, Nugent SB. The Public Health Crisis Conceptual Model: Historical Application to the World’s First Nuclear Bomb Test. Social Sciences. 2024; 13(4):186.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCouig, Mary Pat, Roberta Lavin, Heidi Honegger Rogers, and Sara Bandish Nugent. 2024. "The Public Health Crisis Conceptual Model: Historical Application to the World’s First Nuclear Bomb Test" Social Sciences 13, no. 4: 186.
APA StyleCouig, M. P., Lavin, R., Rogers, H. H., & Nugent, S. B. (2024). The Public Health Crisis Conceptual Model: Historical Application to the World’s First Nuclear Bomb Test. Social Sciences, 13(4), 186.