Situated Pedagogy in Danish Daycare—The Politics of Everyday Life
:1. Introduction—About Situated Pedagogy
“We have this fourteen-month-old boy who really likes the other children. A very happy, enthusiastic little boy who really wants to be with his friends, and who is practicing a lot in ‘how do I do this?’For example, if some children are sitting on the mattress or someone is playing in the toy-kitchen, he often comes up from behind and throws himself on their backs. The others might get a bit frightened by this and think it’s a bit intense. However, if you just help him so that he comes from the front and give him a food item or whatever they’re playing with, rice bags or… Then he joins in the game.We simply move him physically ’whoop’ [with hand gestures she indicates a movement of lifting and turning the child]. Just like that, turns him so he addresses them from the front. It’s a tiny little movement, but such a tiny little thing can make a huge difference in the interaction, and in the way he is able to play and participate. In this way, he is welcomed in a completely different way. It’s a tiny little thing that makes a huge difference.”(A Pedagogue’s example of “a tiny little thing, that makes a huge difference”.)
2. Methodological and Empirical Work—Theory, Materials, and Methods
3. Everyday Political Aspects of Daycare Pedagogy
4. Institutional Conditions for Daycare Pedagogy in Denmark
5. Analysis of Different Educational Situations
“This is really the biggest exercise of all when you grow into a nursery. You grow into this community, which of course has some norms, routines, and rules. But they’re not rules for the sake of rules, they’re rules for the sake of the community. And we adjust [pedagogically] to the community [of children], because there are times when we have children who can handle a lot and times when we have children who can handle less. And their community will reflect that at any given time.”(Quote from an interview with a pedagogue, Stanek et al. (2018).)
“Magnus and Albert, who are both just over 1½ years old, used to run around together and are now sitting next to each other at the high table. Albert pushes Magnus with his arm as he laughs and leans over to METTE. Magnus whines and Albert pushes again while looking at Magnus. Magnus whines a little louder, and METTE looks at them. She tells Magnus to say “STOP Albert”, with his hand raised to mark Stop—a strategy that is brought into play by the adults many times during this day. At first, Magnus cringes a little, while Albert laughingly pushes him again. It doesn’t look violent, perhaps because Albert is simultaneously focusing his attention on balancing a grape and a piece of pineapple in his mouth. Magnus turns his back on Albert and looks towards Louis on the other side. A little later, it seems that he is practicing that stop sign a little after all. He looks at Louis and holds his hand up a little—“Bop” he whispers and looks down again. Louis doesn’t take note of it, and it doesn’t really seem like Louis has done anything that Magnus might be interested in “stopping”. The first children are about to finish their fruit and start squirming on the chairs: “Now I don’t think we can ask for more from you”—says MARIE out loud. The children leave the table little by little. Magnus probably doesn’t want the rest of his bun, which he pushes around on the wax cloth with his index finger. He looks at Albert, who continues eating happily. “That you, that bun,” says Magnus appealingly to Albert, and pushes the bun in his direction. Albert takes the bun with the hand facing away from Magnus. Magnus leans over him and twists a piece of the bun, which he puts in his mouth. Albert puts the rest of the bun between his teeth and holds it like a dog would hold a bone as he gets up in his chair. Magnus looks at Albert and narrows his eyes to make fun while he eats the piece of bun that he took back. A little later he climbs down from the chair and runs over to some children who are running back and forth between the mattress and the door to the wardrobe”.(Excerpt from observation notes, Stanek et al. 2018.)
Malte jumps and fools around a bit by himself with light in his eyes and a smile on his face. He gets involved with an adult in preparing the Halloween decorations. He doesn’t play with the other children from the group, and none of the staff tries to support him in doing so. He notices two other boys playing Spiderman and he chooses to cut out a ‘Halloween spider’ from paper. He gets help with the scissors. Shortly after he sits down quietly and alone at a table and draws. He repeats the word “Spiderman” several times, but none of the adults seem to notice. The other two boys call Spiderman “Spidy”. One of them is “Spidy”, while the other boy is “spider web” (he is wearing a t-shirt with a spider web illustration). The two boys crawl around and say “Spidy” and “spider”, while Malte looks at them with interest. He looks a little puzzled and says—mostly to himself—“Spiderman” and throws hand signs like Spiderman does when he throws his cobweb threads.Again, none of the adults seem to see or hear what he says and does, and do not support or help him to connect with the other two boys’ play. Malte generally doesn’t talk much, but he says understandable words and sentences with more than one word. It’s no more difficult to understand what he expresses than many of the other children in the group.
The group eats in the daycare’s common room at several smaller tables. To begin with, Malte sits at a table without any adults. He opens his lunch box by himself and starts eating. A little later, an assistant sits down at that table. She talks with the other children at the table, while Malte sits ‘by himself’ and eats in peace. At one point he drops a meatball on the floor and it rolls under the adult’s chair—a chair on wheels, on which the adult sits and rolls a little back and forth. The adults are busy with other children and conversations, and don’t notice Malte’s meatball on the floor. Malte does not say anything but climbs down from his chair and stands looking at the meatball. He looks like he is wondering if it is relevant or possible to pick up the meatball again. Another adult comes by and sees him standing there on the floor and decides that he must be tired. She does not ask him why he is standing there or what he is looking at, she just takes him by the hand and tells the others that she will be putting him to sleep.
6. Results and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Røn-Larsen, M.; Stanek, A.H. Situated Pedagogy in Danish Daycare—The Politics of Everyday Life. Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 118.
Røn-Larsen M, Stanek AH. Situated Pedagogy in Danish Daycare—The Politics of Everyday Life. Social Sciences. 2024; 13(2):118.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRøn-Larsen, Maja, and Anja Hvidtfeldt Stanek. 2024. "Situated Pedagogy in Danish Daycare—The Politics of Everyday Life" Social Sciences 13, no. 2: 118.
APA StyleRøn-Larsen, M., & Stanek, A. H. (2024). Situated Pedagogy in Danish Daycare—The Politics of Everyday Life. Social Sciences, 13(2), 118.