Red Cross Presence and Prominence in Spanish Headlines during the First 100 Days of War in Ukraine
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Third Sector of Social Action and the Media
2.2. The Media as TSSA Stakeholders
2.3. The Role of Corporate Diplomacy in NGOs Operating in Armed Conflicts
2.4. The Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Role of the Press in Armed Conflicts
3. Objectives
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- To identify the thematic axes in which the Red Cross appears linked to the war in Ukraine and to analyze the media in which the news articles were published.
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- To analyze the information in order to verify the reasons why the Red Cross makes headlines. Specifically, several issues will be analyzed:
- Themes of the news articles.
- Focus and central idea of the news development.
- Main actors and protagonists.
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Sample
4.2. Procedure
5. Results
5.1. Thematic Axes and Media Linking the Red Cross to the War in Ukraine
5.2. Reasons Why the Red Cross Makes Headlines
5.2.1. Subject Matter
5.2.2. Focus and Central Idea of the Informative Development—Body of Text
5.2.3. Stakeholders Involved
6. Conclusions and Discussion
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- Trying to counteract disinformation in the face of delegitimization campaigns that may even come from governments’ own political agendas, and monitor and deal with fake news with technical and technological capacity. The Red Cross monitors the impact of its media appearances through specialized consultancies, and the interpretation of this monitoring should lead to the generation of more strategic, transmedia and creative content that would combat the influence of fake or distorted news.
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- Better managing the transition from a culture anchored in the confidentiality of the action, to a new management of the transparency of that action from humanitarian and corporate diplomacy, so as not to run the risk of a negative moral impact on the recipients of news that use the name of the Red Cross in an imprecise, diluted way or that is distant from the exact purpose and concrete activity of the organization.
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- Rethinking the role that the ICRC has and takes in communicating the laws of war. The citizenship is unaware that there is international legislation on armed conflict with which countries must comply and which directly affects the safeguarding of international humanitarian law.
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- To curb the polarization of public opinion in the face of conflicts in order to ensure that neutrality prevails in the interpretations of interest groups, and communicating the Red Cross identity as a movement that wants to reclaim new generations that currently have no Red Cross presence.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The Spanish Red Cross is a centenary NGO of Swiss origin founded by Henry Dunant that defines itself as a “world humanitarian movement”. In Spain, the Red Cross began in the 18th century with the Count of Ripalda, Joaquín Agulló, and it was in 1970 when the Red Cross extended its scope of aid beyond war conflicts. It belongs to the entities of the Third Sector of Social Action, and in Spain it is one of the most recognized NGOs according to the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo). The Red Cross is currently organized around the world through “National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies” located in different countries. |
2 | The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), founded in 1863, works around the world to provide humanitarian aid to people affected by conflict and armed violence, to try to protect their lives and dignity, to assist them and to promote laws protecting victims of war. It acts to respond to emergencies while promoting respect for international humanitarian law and its implementation in national legislation. It is an independent and neutral institution whose mandate derives from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland. It employs 20,000 staff in 100 countries and is funded by donations from governments and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. |
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Source/Media | Publications (n) |
ABC | 59 |
El Periódico de Catalunya | 56 |
La Vanguardia | 45 |
La Vanguardia Vivir | 29 |
El País | 43 |
El Periódico de España | 32 |
La Razón | 38 |
Pronto | 15 |
Expansión | 13 |
Sport | 8 |
Mundo Deportivo | 8 |
Acofar | 4 |
La Razón Especial | 3 |
Total | 322 |
Themes | Terms | n | % |
Solidarity | refugees | 51 | 8% |
solidarity | 30 | 4% | |
aid | 0 | 0% | |
Total | 81 | 12% | |
War | Russia | 46 | 7% |
Ukraine | 126 | 19% | |
war | 38 | 6% | |
conflict | 0 | 0% | |
soldiers | 3 | 0% | |
Total | 213 | 31% | |
Publications | 677 | 100% |
Source/Media | Refugees | % s/Ref. | % Ref. s/Total |
La Vanguardia | 12 | 23.5% | 1.8% |
El Periódico de Catalunya | 8 | 15.7% | 1.2% |
El Periódico de España | 4 | 7.8% | 0.6% |
La Razón | 5 | 9.8% | 0.7% |
El País | 3 | 5.9% | 0.4% |
ABC | 3 | 5.9% | 0.4% |
Total | 35 | 69% | 5% |
Source/Media | Solidarity | % s/Solid. | % Solid. s/Total |
ABC | 4 | 13.33% | 0.59% |
La Razón | 4 | 13.33% | 0.59% |
La Vanguardia | 3 | 10.00% | 0.45% |
Mundo Deportivo | 2 | 6.67% | 0.30% |
El Periódico de Catalunya | 2 | 6.67% | 0.30% |
Sport | 2 | 6.67% | 0.30% |
El Economista | 2 | 6.67% | 0.30% |
Total | 19 | 56.67% | 2.52% |
Themes | Description | n |
Collaborations and awards | The signing of agreements between the Red Cross and other entities (TSAS organizations, governments, private companies…) stand out. | 13 |
Recognitions and celebrations | They refer to galas and anniversaries of the Red Cross, as well as projects or programs of the organization. | 3 |
Conflict in Ukraine | They allude explicitly to the conflict of the Ukraine–Russia war. | 14 |
Others | They provide general attention to the state of the Third Sector of Social Action and the work of the Red Cross. | 2 |
Approach | Central Idea of Informative Development | n |
Action | Information associated with the organization’s programs and lines of action. | 16 |
Financing | Information related to obtaining monetary resources and their destination by the organization. | 7 |
Donation | Information related to obtaining resources in kind and their destination by the organization. | 2 |
Communication | Information related to milestones of the organization, and recognitions obtained and granted by it. | 6 |
Promotion | Campaign associated with a specific product or activity. | 2 |
Groups | Definition | n |
Red Cross | Red Cross, referring to the organization Red Cross and Red Crescent, referring to movement Red Cross + territory to refer to the delegations | 9 |
CICR | ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross. Its mission is exclusively humanitarian (to protect and assist victims of war and internal violence). | 2 |
Government and authorities | Political representatives and the head of state. State security bodies and forces. | 5 |
TSAS sector | Set of entities that dedicate their activity to assisting and helping unprotected groups. | 2 |
Partners | Partners, donors and collaborators for the development of Red Cross initiatives and activities. | 12 |
Collective beneficiaries | Those affected by the causes in which the organization intervenes and to whom it allocates its support. | 2 |
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Share and Cite
Pallarés-Renau, M.; Miquel-Segarra, S.; López-Font, L. Red Cross Presence and Prominence in Spanish Headlines during the First 100 Days of War in Ukraine. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 368.
Pallarés-Renau M, Miquel-Segarra S, López-Font L. Red Cross Presence and Prominence in Spanish Headlines during the First 100 Days of War in Ukraine. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(7):368.
Chicago/Turabian StylePallarés-Renau, María, Susana Miquel-Segarra, and Lorena López-Font. 2023. "Red Cross Presence and Prominence in Spanish Headlines during the First 100 Days of War in Ukraine" Social Sciences 12, no. 7: 368.
APA StylePallarés-Renau, M., Miquel-Segarra, S., & López-Font, L. (2023). Red Cross Presence and Prominence in Spanish Headlines during the First 100 Days of War in Ukraine. Social Sciences, 12(7), 368.