The Dis-Embedded Arbitrator: Releasing Arbitration from Corruption-Shaped Environments in the Wake of the Odebrecht Arbitral Ordeal in Peru
:1. Introduction
2. Regionalising Criminology of White-Collar Crime in Latin America
corrupt arrangements go along with high transaction costs. Corrupt relationships are unstable. They entail that sticking to one’s word may be dominated by betrayal and fraud. Corrupt agreements may even end up in mutual denunciation. Preexisting legal relationships can lower these transaction costs and serve as a basis for the enforcement of corrupt arrangements.2
[a]s we have every reason to assume that the actors in corruption transactions are capable of gauging the risks and estimating the costs, we can therefore expect that they will attempt to minimize these using all means at their disposal, thereby increasing the net profit produced by the transactions. Among these means, it would seem advisable to consider the establishment, maintenance, and expansion of various types of […] interpersonal [… and …] institutional (business, contractual, political, etc.) networks.
3. Causa Perit Iusta si Dextera non sit Onusta: Odebrecht and “Corruption as Embeddedness”
the multi-agency system to fight corruption which was established by the Brazilian Constitution had proved its importance to prevent powerful political or economic actors from capturing the agencies of control. However, in the wake of some very large-scale plea deals and settlements, wh[ose] extent and complexity had probably never been foreseen and whose statements of facts touched the powers and jurisdictions of multiple authorities, it proved to be a hard test for them to coordinate and cooperate with each other […]. In this regard, two important documents were released: the Agency’s guidelines for leniency agreements, published in September 2017; and the joint guidelines on plea agreements, […] published in May 2018. […] Irrespective of the challenges and perplexities still at stake, it is fair to assert that enforcement policies relying on plea deals and settlements are here to stay.7
4. Disapplying the Clean-Hands Doctrine Where Nobody’s Hands Are Actually Clean
[a]llowing a host [S]tate to invoke its own malfeasance to avoid liability disproportionately punishes investors and unfairly advantages corrupt [S]tates. Corruption is not a unilateral act—a host [S]tate has either requested or accepted a bribe paid by an investor. […] The investor is merely one party to the corruption—“it takes two to tango”.13
5. Diligite Iustitiam qui Iudicatis Terram: Odebrecht’s Arbitration Scandal in Peru
6. Corruptissima Re Publica Plurimae Leges: Peru’s Rushed, Naive Anticorruption Legislation
7. Are Commercial Arbitrators Liable for Their Professional Misconducts?
8. The Limits and Potential of the “Embedded Arbitrator”
9. Concluding Notes
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | This normalisation is known in socio-criminological and sociolegal literature as the “normalisation of deviance”, as first conceptualised by Diane Vaughan. As in the present study, it is indeed frequently explored through case studies, particularly with regards to corruption phenomena. Refer, e.g., to Courtois and Gendron (2017). |
2 | Emphasis added. |
3 | Petrobras’ revenues represented roughly 10% of Brazil’s GDP (Brewster and Ortiz 2021, p. 111). |
4 | As reported in the World Bank Group’s Press Release No. 2019/121/INT. |
5 | Implementation Review Group, Second resumed eleventh session, Agenda item 4: “State of implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption”, Effective action against bribery: Criminalization and enforcement of national and transnational bribery offences under the United Nations Convention against Corruption, CAC/COSP/IRG/2020/CRP.16, 13 November 2020, para. 87. |
6 | This also features as the core of the lawsuit (PCA Case No. 2020-11) lodged by Bacilio Amorrortu, a US oil producer, against Peru before the Permanent Court of Arbitration for favouring Graña y Montero as well as Odebrecht after accepting bribes; see further (accessed on 10 April 2023) or (accessed on 10 April 2023). |
7 | See Note 2 above. |
8 | |
9 | In fact, arguing that ‘prosecutors [who] are not independent enough from politics may be less likely to bring charges against politicians’ (Michel 2019, p. 215) is self-evidently meaningless; if those prosecutors are politically tied, they will indeed be wary of prosecuting politicians from their own faction, while holding incentives for overprosecuting those who are (supposed to be) closer to opposing factions. Similar observations, yet to be supported empirically, might be submitted with reference to politically affiliated arbitrators, who could prove more or less likely to contradict “enemy” or “allied” politicians, respectively, in issuing their arbitral awards. This is, again, speculation, though an interesting one. |
10 | Odebrecht Latinvest S.à.r.l. v. Republic of Peru (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/4); case details available online at (accessed on 10 April 2023) or (accessed on 10 April 2023). |
11 | This doctrine and slight domestic-law variations thereof, rooted in common law, are also known as non venire contra factum proprium. While the “doctrine proper” works as a bar to admissibility for claims based on contracts obtained or performed through corruption, confusion persists (in doctrine as much as practice) as to its actual functioning and scope in interstate disputes; see further Seifi and Javadi (2013). |
12 | Relatedly, in Vantage Deepwater Co. v. Petrobras America, Inc., No. 19-20435 (5th Cir. 2020), the US court decided that a commercial arbitration award does not violate public policy if the contract at stake was obtained through irregularities—no matter how severe—performed by both parties; see Salas (2019), p. 12. Conversely, Nottage and Brown (2017, p. 123) noted that ‘English courts have taken the approach of refusing enforcement if such underlying contracts are universally deemed illegal (such as contracts for slavery, narcotics, and possibly now those pertaining to bribery, corruption and money laundering)’ (emphasis added). Along similar lines, ‘where an arbitral award is procured by behavior which is […] corrupt (including any corruption on the part of an arbitrator), […] enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of Hong Kong’ (Sharma and Sajnani 2017, p. 428); the same holds true vis-à-vis, e.g., India (Kumar et al. 2017, p. 469). These examples demonstrate a variety of approaches, even considering common-law jurisdictions only. |
13 | See Note 2 above. |
14 | The momentousness of this “sub-scandal” makes it very well known to arbitration communities globally, and especially in South America; at the same time, this Odebrecht-related Peruvian arbitration scandal has somehow escaped the attention of most corruption literature with both a criminological and sociolegal flavour. For instance, Brewster and Ortiz (2021, pp. 128–29) fail to address it when examining Peru’s response to the overall Odebrecht scandal. |
15 | Refer to Permanent Court of Arbitration, Bacilio Amorrortu (USA) v. The Republic of Peru, PCA Case No. 2020-11, Claimant’s Memorial, 11 September 2020, p. 53, ftn. 226. |
16 | Check DL. Nº 1071—Decreto Legislativo que norma el arbitraje, in force 1 September 2008, Art. 71. |
17 | Refer also to Permanent Court of Arbitration, Bacilio Amorrortu (USA) v. The Republic of Peru, PCA Case No. 2020-11, Claimant’s Memorial, 11 September 2020, p. 53, ftn. 226. |
18 | See Note 2 above. |
19 | Its complete denomination being “Emergency Decree No. 20-2020 Amending Legislative Decree No. 1071 Establishing Rules on Arbitration”. |
20 | ‘Sarah Grimmer, Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, outlined the legislative initiatives to combat money laundering and corruption in Hong Kong. […] According to her, it is essential that the arbitration center oversees the decisions issued by arbitrators […]. The lawyer believes that the reappointment of arbitrators should be one of the grounds to reject their candidacy. Indeed, while reappointment does not imply corruption, it can represent the starting point for an investigation, just like in the Odebrecht case’ (Apтюxов 2020, p. 38, my translation, emphasis added). |
21 | This seems to us a truly interesting story, which might be worth sharing an abstract of. In AAOT Foreign Economic Association (VO) Technostroyexport v. International Development and Trade Services, Inc., the United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (Docket No. 97-9075; decided: 23 March 1998) observed and concluded as follows:
22 | Refer, e.g., to United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Case 1:20-cv-02155-KBJ, Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima v. Rutas de Lima S.A.C., Petition to Vacate Arbitral Award (Oral Argument Requested), 7 August 2020. |
23 | Constructora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. and the Libyan Brazilian Construction Development CO v. Housing and Infrastructure Board and The State of Libya, ICC Case No. 20839/MCP/DDA, Award (26 February 2018); Odebrecht Engineering & Construction Ltd., TAVTepe Akfen Investment Construction & Operation Co., Libyan Consolidated Contractors Company v. The State of Libya, ICC Case No. 20892/MCP/DDA, Award (21 December 2018). |
24 | Nevertheless, in a subsequent annulment appeal following a case against Libya, another company argued that ‘l’État de Libye tent[ait] d’exploiter de manière déloyale et trompeuse [l’affaire Odebrecht], pour créer une confusion entre ces affaires, mais qu’il n’est démontré aucun passif de corruption’ (Etat de Libye v. SA Societé Orleanaise D’electricité et de Chauffage Electrique—SORELEC, Arrêt de la Cour d’appel de Paris (sentence partielle), 17 November 2020, para. 31). Its argument was dismissed by the court; refer to Bälz and Rezgui (2020). |
25 | Available online at (accessed on 10 April 2023). |
26 | Article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 1231, published on 26 September 2015. |
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Vecellio Segate, R. The Dis-Embedded Arbitrator: Releasing Arbitration from Corruption-Shaped Environments in the Wake of the Odebrecht Arbitral Ordeal in Peru. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 232.
Vecellio Segate R. The Dis-Embedded Arbitrator: Releasing Arbitration from Corruption-Shaped Environments in the Wake of the Odebrecht Arbitral Ordeal in Peru. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(4):232.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVecellio Segate, Riccardo. 2023. "The Dis-Embedded Arbitrator: Releasing Arbitration from Corruption-Shaped Environments in the Wake of the Odebrecht Arbitral Ordeal in Peru" Social Sciences 12, no. 4: 232.
APA StyleVecellio Segate, R. (2023). The Dis-Embedded Arbitrator: Releasing Arbitration from Corruption-Shaped Environments in the Wake of the Odebrecht Arbitral Ordeal in Peru. Social Sciences, 12(4), 232.