Assessing the Effectiveness and Justice of Protected Areas Governance: Issues and Situated Pathways to Environmental Policies in Río Negro National Park, Paraguay
:1. Introduction
The Governance of Socio-Ecological Systems: Assessing Effectiveness and Justice
2. Methodology
2.1. Case Study Description
2.2. Methods
3. Results
3.1. Scope of Action and Actors
“The entire region is characterized by the absence of the state.”(PS3)
“The economic incentive to take and implement environmental measures is part of the weakness of the whole system.”(CS4)
“The national system of protected areas is quite weak, starting with the institution that manages these areas.”(CS4)
“The project of the UNESCO declaration has a chance to move forward in term of building and strengthen a network among the different actors.”(CS5)
“The complement comes from the civil society organizations, which, in my opinion, must cooperate with the state institutions, which are really very weak in terms of environmental aspects, in the form that state measures to protect the environment are supported by the environmental civil society”(A1)
“There is little knowledge and interest of natural resource management and administration among the rural population”(PS 5)
“This is one of the many violations that a cattle rancher with his class power and economic power can do, he opens a path without communicating to any Paraguayan institution and without consulting the people”(CS6)
“The power of agribusiness in Paraguay is incredibly high..., they are the ones who rule, establish public policies and economic infrastructure, these people are very influential in all institutions”(CS6)
“Communities are strengthened as they learn from other communities. Socialization mechanisms are what matter.”(CS5)
3.2. Actors Participation
“The disempowerment of SEAM is a direct consequence of the government’s understanding of the country’s future, which is not based on sustainability, but on the commodification and financialization of public goods and nature.”(CS3)
“We want the Paraguayan state to understand that its constitution defines Paraguay as a pluri-ethnic and multicultural state. We indigenous people, we Yshiro, are part of this nation. We are part of this region.”(Community member FGD)
“There is a disconnection and disinformation in Paraguayan society that comes from the structure and from the system itself and how the press and the media touch on the issue of the indigenous.… Talking about indigenous people is talking of assistance, how to do it to equal them to us, as when we are looking to respect differences and diversity because we are different. This is what would enrich Paraguay, to have a community that has a cosmovision, a community that protects the forests that we need to live.”(CS3)
4. Discussion
4.1. Finding Pathways: Inclusive and Empowering Governance System
4.2. Finding Ways 2: Social Capital, Collective Action, and Social Learning
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Example of Interview Guide and Interview Key Information Collected
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Bonatti, M.; Bayer, S.; Pope, K.; Eufemia, L.; Turetta, A.P.D.; Tremblay, C.; Sieber, S. Assessing the Effectiveness and Justice of Protected Areas Governance: Issues and Situated Pathways to Environmental Policies in Río Negro National Park, Paraguay. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 71.
Bonatti M, Bayer S, Pope K, Eufemia L, Turetta APD, Tremblay C, Sieber S. Assessing the Effectiveness and Justice of Protected Areas Governance: Issues and Situated Pathways to Environmental Policies in Río Negro National Park, Paraguay. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(2):71.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBonatti, Michelle, Sabeth Bayer, Kamila Pope, Luca Eufemia, Ana Paula Dias Turetta, Crystal Tremblay, and Stefan Sieber. 2023. "Assessing the Effectiveness and Justice of Protected Areas Governance: Issues and Situated Pathways to Environmental Policies in Río Negro National Park, Paraguay" Social Sciences 12, no. 2: 71.
APA StyleBonatti, M., Bayer, S., Pope, K., Eufemia, L., Turetta, A. P. D., Tremblay, C., & Sieber, S. (2023). Assessing the Effectiveness and Justice of Protected Areas Governance: Issues and Situated Pathways to Environmental Policies in Río Negro National Park, Paraguay. Social Sciences, 12(2), 71.