Contributions of a “Brazilianized” Radical Behaviorist Theory of Subjectivity to the Feminist Debate on Women
:1. Introduction
2. (Women’s) Subjectivity in Radical Behaviorism
2.1. Contextualized Subjectivity
2.2. Multidimensional Subjectivity
2.2.1. Embodied and Personal Subjectivity
2.2.2. Reflexive Subjectivity
2.3. Pluralized Subjectivity
2.4. ‘Politicized’ Subjectivities
2.4.1. On the Construction of Women’s Submission
Concealment of Gender-Oppressive Controls
- The mind as the cause of behavior
- Humans as free and autonomous agents
- Freedom as feeling
2.4.2. Is It Possible for Women to Rise Up against Gender Oppression?
3. Final Remarks
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Skinner does not use the term control in a pejorative sense. The assertion that the teaching of the self is a form of social control does not necessarily mean that it is a tool for dominating and exploiting personal bodies. The term control is undoubtedly indigestible, but Skinner’s maintenance of its use highlights the inherently contextual condition of the human being. As we will see later, he attacks the decontextualized conception of the individual of classical liberalism, for which individuals are rational, free, and autonomous, regardless of their relations with the context (Skinner [1971] 1976). The environment controls human beings because they are continuously constituted and influenced by it. There are coercive controls, in which social control is intentionally exercised as a form of domination and exploitation. There are also, without contradiction, emancipatory controls in the sense that the mutual relations of control between individual and social context are balanced, edifying, and constructive (Skinner [1971] 1976). |
2 | Opposing the notion of a decontextualized autonomous individual, Skinner argued that his system is deterministic and that the individual’s activities are determined by the environment (e.g., Skinner 1968, p. 167; [1971] 1974, p. 54; [1971] 1976, p. 26; [1953] 2005, p. 6). Nevertheless, looking more closely, Skinnerian formulations of determinism depart from the traditional notion of the concept, based on which the individual’s activities would be an inexorable and invariable effect of environmental causes, with no room for change. Moving away from this classical meaning, Skinner stated that the environment influences or controls the activities of organisms in a probabilistic way (see Skinner [1953] 2005, pp. 90–111), in addition to having recognized the role of chance in the relations between organism and environment (Skinner 1968, p. 180; [1971] 1974, p. 114; 1990, p. 1208). |
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Laurenti, C. Contributions of a “Brazilianized” Radical Behaviorist Theory of Subjectivity to the Feminist Debate on Women. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 641.
Laurenti C. Contributions of a “Brazilianized” Radical Behaviorist Theory of Subjectivity to the Feminist Debate on Women. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(11):641.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLaurenti, Carolina. 2023. "Contributions of a “Brazilianized” Radical Behaviorist Theory of Subjectivity to the Feminist Debate on Women" Social Sciences 12, no. 11: 641.
APA StyleLaurenti, C. (2023). Contributions of a “Brazilianized” Radical Behaviorist Theory of Subjectivity to the Feminist Debate on Women. Social Sciences, 12(11), 641.