The Human Rights Situation of Intersex People: An Analysis of Europe and Latin America
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Scoping Review
2.2. Legal Research Approach and Review of Activist Documents
2.3. Data Collection, Systematising and Review
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Human Rights Violations Based on Gender Expression/Identity and Sex Characteristics
3.2. Current Human Rights Situation of Intersex People in Europe and Latin America
3.2.1. Europe
3.2.2. Latin America
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The European Court of Human Rights. 1999. Case V. vs. the United Kingdom, p. 71. |
2 | The European Court of Human Rights. 1978. Case Irland v. the U.K, pp. 161–62. |
3 | The European Court of Human Rights. 2006. Case Mubilanzila Mayeka and Kaniki Mitunga v. Belgium, p. 17. |
4 | The European Court of Human Rights. 2006b. Case Jalloh v. Germany. |
5 | The European Court of Human Rights. 2001. Case Z vs. the United Kingdom, p. 109. |
6 | Malta Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act No. XI. |
7 | Malta Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act No. XI 2015. Article 17. |
8 | Lei n.º 38/2018. Direito à autodeterminação da identidade de género e expressão de género e à proteção das características sexuais de cada pessoa. |
9 | Lei n.º 38/2018. Direito à autodeterminação da identidade de género e expressão de género e à proteção das características sexuais de cada pessoa. Article 15. |
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14 | Chambre des représentants de Belgique, Résolution 0043/008, 11 February 2021. |
15 | Constitución Española de 1978, Título VIII. De la Organización Territorial del Estado, Capítulo tercero. De las Comunidades Autónomas. |
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19 | Anteproyecto de Ley para la igualdad real y efectiva de las personas trans y para la garantía de los derechos de las personas LGTBI, June 2021, Articulo 71. |
20 | See the Reference Center for Rare Diseases: (accessed on 14 June 2022). |
21 | See the rulings of the Colombian Constitutional Court N. T-594 of 1993, T-539 of 1994, T-097 of 1994, SU-623 of 2001, C-577 of 2011, SU-617 of 2014. |
22 | Colombian Constitutional Court, Ruling N. T-477/95, 31–32. |
23 | Colombian Constitutional Court, Ruling N. SU-337/99, 36. |
24 | Colombian Constitutional Cort, Ruling N. SU-337/99, 99–100 |
25 | Ley Argentina de Identidad de Género No. 26.743, 24 May. |
26 | Proyecto de Ley sobre la Protección Integral de las Características Sexuales, S-2090/19, November 2020. |
27 | See note 26 above. |
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Mestre, Y. The Human Rights Situation of Intersex People: An Analysis of Europe and Latin America. Soc. Sci. 2022, 11, 317.
Mestre Y. The Human Rights Situation of Intersex People: An Analysis of Europe and Latin America. Social Sciences. 2022; 11(7):317.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMestre, Yessica. 2022. "The Human Rights Situation of Intersex People: An Analysis of Europe and Latin America" Social Sciences 11, no. 7: 317.