Incidence of Human Capital in the Innovative Performance of Service Companies: A Study in Ecuador
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Results
4.1. Descriptive Results
4.2. Probit Regression Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
6.1. Main Conclusions
6.2. Theoretical Implications
6.3. Practical Implications
6.4. Limitations and Future Lines of Research
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Nomenclature | Composition | Variable Type | Authors | |
Service Innovation | Y1 | 1 = There is service innovation 0 = There is no service innovation | Binomial | |
Process Innovation | Y2 | 1 = There is process innovation 0 = There is no process innovation | Binomial | |
Company workers | X1 | Number of employees in the company | Continuous | Ma and Yu (2021); Sánchez Muñoz et al. (2014) |
Higher education workers | X2 | Number of higher education workers/total workers | Continuous | Capozza and Divella (2019); McGuirk et al. (2015); Na (2021); Van Uden et al. (2017) |
Training innovation activities | X3 | Expenditure on training of innovation activities/total sales | Continuous | Capozza and Divella (2019); Chang et al. (2011); Ma et al. (2019); Martínez-Ros and Orfila-Sintes (2012); Na (2021); Van Uden et al. (2017) |
Company seniority | X4 | Number of years of the company in business | Continuous | Lefebvre et al. (2015); Onkelinx et al. (2016) |
R&D intensity | X5 | R&D expenses/total sales | Continuous | Gallié and Legros (2012); Laursen and Salter (2006) |
Variable | Company Workers | Higher Education Workers | Training Innovation Activities | Company Seniority | R&D Intensity |
Company workers | 1 | 0.402 ** | −0.0044 | 0.060 ** | −0.00393 |
Higher education workers | 0.402 ** | 1 | 0.021 | 0.135 ** | 0.047 ** |
Training innovation activities | −0.0044 | 0.021 | 1 | 0.015 | 0.020 |
Company seniority | 0.060 ** | 0.135 ** | 0.015 | 1 | −0.025 * |
R&D intensity | −0.00393 | 0.047 ** | 0.020 | −0.025 * | 1 |
Variable | VIF |
Company workers | 1.194 |
Higher education workers | 1.216 |
Training innovation activities | 1.001 |
Company seniority | 1.020 |
R&D intensity | 1.004 |
Group | Description | Number of Companies | Percentage (%) |
D | Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply | 39 | 1.55 |
E | Water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities | 62 | 2.47 |
F | Construction | 489 | 19.49 |
H | Transportation and storage | 400 | 15.94 |
I | Accommodation and food service activities | 391 | 15.58 |
J | Information and communication | 175 | 6.97 |
K | Financial and insurance activities | 240 | 9.57 |
L | Real estate activities | 101 | 4.03 |
M | Professional, scientific and technical activities | 355 | 14.15 |
N | Administrative and support service activities | 92 | 3.67 |
Q | Human health and social work activities | 165 | 6.58 |
Total | 2509 | 100.00 |
Educational Level | Number of Workers Year (2014) | Percentage (%) |
Doctorate | 946 | 0.29 |
Master’s degree | 5934 | 1.79 |
Specialist | 6357 | 1.92 |
Higher education | 77,282 | 23.36 |
Technologist/technical | 19,183 | 5.80 |
Bachelor | 165,516 | 49.11 |
Basic education | 58,673 | 17.73 |
Total | 330,891 | 100.00 |
Variable | Measure | Mean | Standard Deviation |
Company workers | Number of workers | 131.88 | 458.06 |
Higher education workers | Worker with higher education Ratio of workers with higher education/total workers | 36.08 0.29 | 151.31 0.28 |
Expenditure training activities innovation | Ratio expenses training activities innovation/total sales | 0.001 | 0.025 |
Company seniority | Years in business | 16.98 | 13.80 |
R&D intensity | Ratio expenses R&D/total sales | 0.005 | 0.124 |
Baseline Model | Full Model | |||
Variables | Service Innovation (Coef/Robust Standard Error) | Process Innovation (Coef/Standard Robust Error) | Service Innovation (Coef/Robust Standard Error) | Process Innovation (Coef/Standard Robust Error) |
Company workers | −0.1857054 (0.1692586) | 0.3991925 *** (0.0436765) | ||
Workers with higher education | 0.1406484 (0.2842448) | 0.6904759 *** (0.0895475) | ||
Training innovation activities | 1.210912 * (0.7604263) | 1.770106 (1.326696) | ||
Company seniority | −0.0264673 *** (0.0102462) | 0.0071054 *** (0.0018843) | −0.3830874 (0.2463664) | 0.0308844 (0.0787704) |
R&D intensity | 0.1322727 (0.1148146) | 15.9831 ** (7.373352) | 0.1412018 (0.1065592) | 14.12894 ** (6.879723) |
Constant | −2.491635 *** (0.1749337) | −0.70501 *** (0.0436946) | −2.228359 *** (0.2603093) | −1.487104 *** (0.108257) |
Number of comments | 2509 | 2509 | ||
Wald chi2(10) | 26.70 | 161.03 | ||
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
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Carvache-Franco, O.; Carvache-Franco, M.; Carvache-Franco, W.; Bustamante-Ubilla, M.A. Incidence of Human Capital in the Innovative Performance of Service Companies: A Study in Ecuador. Soc. Sci. 2022, 11, 222.
Carvache-Franco O, Carvache-Franco M, Carvache-Franco W, Bustamante-Ubilla MA. Incidence of Human Capital in the Innovative Performance of Service Companies: A Study in Ecuador. Social Sciences. 2022; 11(5):222.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCarvache-Franco, Orly, Mauricio Carvache-Franco, Wilmer Carvache-Franco, and Miguel A. Bustamante-Ubilla. 2022. "Incidence of Human Capital in the Innovative Performance of Service Companies: A Study in Ecuador" Social Sciences 11, no. 5: 222.
APA StyleCarvache-Franco, O., Carvache-Franco, M., Carvache-Franco, W., & Bustamante-Ubilla, M. A. (2022). Incidence of Human Capital in the Innovative Performance of Service Companies: A Study in Ecuador. Social Sciences, 11(5), 222.