Understanding Equity of Access in Engineering Education Making Spaces
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Categorizing Makerspaces
2.2. Designs for Engineering Education Making Spaces
2.3. Working Definitions of Access from Engineering Education Making Spaces
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Study Sites
3.2. Research Questions
In what ways are the designs and operations of an engineering education making spaces influencing access among its users (i.e., engineering students)? What additional access considerations for engineering making spaces need to take place to allow for equitable access among its users?
3.3. Data Collection
4. Results
4.1. Spaces Designed for Multiple Points of Student Entry
“And it’s like we have policies and procedures and stuff like that, but we want you to feel limitless… I think that, you know, one way that that happens is that we allow like the personal project thing. We don’t sit here with a clipboard being like, “Well, what is this used for?”. You know, like students print D&D figurines, or make wild contraptions”.(Director, A-3, Site 2)
However, the leaders of the A-3 and A-4 sites had different thoughts about what would be required for engineering students to have equitable access to their making spaces. For A-3 sites, the leaders recognized access as including policies and procedures to ensure that prospective and current undergraduate engineering students could use the space. In addition, the leaders acknowledged that access to the spaces expanded opportunities for students to be engaged in engineering activities (such as rapid prototyping) in their early undergraduate coursework. The leaders shared that access was seen to both open student entry to the profession and create a sustainable pathway of future student workers to the space. At the same time, leaders of some A-3 sites maintained specific restrictions or requirements before students were permitted to access and utilize the space (e.g., computer-aided design drawing expertise, completing machine use tutorials). For A-3 sites, access was limited to students who were enrolled in an undergraduate engineering degree program.“I think that this sort of space, you know sort of transformed the class...so just having access to 3D printers, allows the students to make the design... I think that one of the challenges that kind of the students face is the operating hours and the like you know you have to be here for the entire time of your print, so it does limit the time you can assign to students, you know cause realistically, like the hours were 10 am-8 pm, and for most of the semester it is now 8 am-8 pm…”(Staff, A-4, Site 4)
“But to back up a little bit, so kind of before this [site], we started the freshmen design program. There were other schools that were doing a freshmen engineering design program but we found here [in site] is that we were bringing prospective students through here constantly the junior level high school level whatever. And they were like, “This is great, I want to go to [site], so I can play in a design [site]”, and we would be like, “Yeah, but you’ve got to wait three years before you can”. And it just wasn’t flying, so now we have an elective level introduction to engineering design..[...]. So we started capstone, but we added freshmen and then we added different courses that you’ll seen in here that all ultimately sort of lasted so that student can get the engineering design minor... About half take that um, and then we will have students just dive in, and then they become our lab leaders, and then they end up doing our summer seed internship program and sometimes we have, we do international design programs and sometimes they do those things and so those that dive in and do it, do so in a really big way”.(Instructor, A-3, Site 3)
“And it’s like we have policies and procedures and stuff like that, but we want you to feel limitless. That most of the limits should be on you and your willingness to invest the time. Because, in reality, that’s like the best case...that’s the best scenario and that’s, in reality, what your real limit is you. Like how much time you’re willing to put into it.”(Director, A-3, Site 1)
For A-4 sites, there was recognition from the leaders that their spaces needed to widen their admissions to a greater variety of students and to not just engineering, and suggested that the name “makerspace” itself cued exclusion. It is important to mention that there was recognition for the need to be more faithful to the original intent of makerspaces (e.g., Hira and Hynes 2018; Youmans et al. 2018; Youmans 2020) and allow other disciplines from other colleges (e.g., science, business, and art) to interact with engineering. They also acknowledged that, in order to achieve this type of access, making spaces management and staff had to create new curriculum outside of the walls of engineering education in traditional classrooms. In other words, access was viewed as breaking barriers of disciplines, curriculum, and opening interdisciplinarity, which, in some cases, led to a re-imaging how to utilize the space and attend to more profound pedagogical questions.“I don’t think they’re very nice to people who are outside of the school, outside of the engineering school. It’s like, they don’t think the same. Because you have to have drawings, CAD drawings before you use these services. If you’re in the art school, you’re not gonna know how to do that, or probably be familiar with what CAD is”.(Student-Staff, A-3, Site 2)
“You don’t have to be a design major, you don’t have to know how to sketch, you don’t need to know anything about design thinking or be an entrepreneur in order to be an entrepreneur, or you don’t have to be an engineer in order to appreciate working with engineers”(Staff, A-4, Site 6)
“So, that’s another way because it’s like, okay, you can only go so fast working with current faculty. Why don’t we try to offer up our own course that is very a la carte? So, it doesn’t really have an agenda besides the very general mission of like hands-on learning and stuff like that”.(Director, A-4, Site 1)
“Yeah, I think that’s one thing right there. When I think of a makerspace, it could very well be a hacker kind of club that is exclusive to particular people or a particular type of people go there and it’s hard to get in there and be a part of the group, I suppose…”(Staff, A-4, Site 5)
4.2. Spaces Operated to Facilitate Effective Student Making Processes and Pathways
At the same time, there were nuances in how processes and pathways were approached by the A-3 and A-4 site leaders. For A-3 sites, there was a more significant focus on ensuring that the engineering curriculum was attended to, although there was a recognition from the leaders and staff that personal projects are an important way to motivate students to participate more meaningfully in projects and activities in the space. As a result of the balance these A-3 sites had to strike, there appeared to be limits on who could use the space (e.g., first-year students versus senior; undergraduates versus graduates). Additionally, a lot more emphasis was placed on skills needed to support the engineering curriculum rather than allowing users to explore their own ways to engage with the space. Finally, in recognizing the need to supplement the engineering instruction, these A-3 site leaders required accommodation to the timeline needs of engineering faculty:“...but the best thing is they help create curriculum for trainings, so they sort of come up with the curriculum or the process or procedure or the repressor guides or whatever they know best how to communicate with students and how to get students to understand the equipment so they get a promotion they get paid more and then we have a student leader manager and he is sort of like he does our scheduling he does whatever.”(Director, A-3, Site 3)
“And they do offer workshops for CAD stuff. But in my opinion, I think that’s just too involved for someone who’s not looking for something like that. If I wanted to make something and I was not in the engineering school, I wouldn’t be like, “Wow. I better make this on CAD first and then have a technical drawing of this””.(Student-Staff, A-3, Site 2)
“They don’t allow graduates to utilize the space unless they have an undergrad on their team. They have a pretty wide-open beginner course which is curtailed to and for newbies—and not just engineering students, but to all.”(Staff, A-3, Site 3)
“So, that’s another way because it’s like, okay, you can only go so fast working with current faculty. Why don’t we try to offer up our own course that is very a la carte? So, it doesn’t really have an agenda besides the very general mission of like hands-on learning and stuff like that.... The academic credit is good. It’s also a pathway for people outside engineering. Because otherwise, it’s like, “Well, how do we let them come in?” Yeah, it’s like really good”.(Director, A-3, Site 1)
For A-4 site leaders, a more prominent focus was given to expanding the curriculum beyond traditional norms of engineering education. There was a larger recognition that seminars and certifications might be a way to equip users to use the space rather than to supplement engineering instruction:“I think that, you know, one way that that happens is that we allow like the personal project thing. We don’t sit here with a clipboard being like, “Well, what is this used for?” You know, like students print D&D figurines or make wild contraptions”.(Staff, A-3, Site 1)
“You don’t have to be a design major, you don’t have to know how to sketch, you don’t need to know anything about design thinking or be an entrepreneur in order to be an entrepreneur, or you don’t have to be an engineer in order to appreciate working with engineers.”(Instructor, A-4, Site 6)
“Oh yeah, just to have the large space, we did all kinds of movement explorations and things that we wouldn’t be able to do unless we were in here. Then they also performed their own performances, and they used the whiteboards. They all had to use some kind of object. They had to think about how they were presenting it in space and how it was framed. They did all things, they used the table, they used the whiteboards, they used chairs to create little mini performance spaces.”(Instructor, A-4, Site 6)
4.3. Threats to Expanding Access: Burdens and Consequences
At the same time, people working in these spaces (e.g., staff, student staff) expressed concerns about the inequitable threats to expand the access that the space leaders envisioned. For example, many A-4 site leaders discussed the need to expand access by buying more equipment or increasing the size of the space. With those types of expansions, questions arose from the staff and leaders about ways to balance the costs of expansion with the fixed funds that they may receive from endowment or business donations and partnerships. Leaders spoke about balancing the budgets by not hiring student teaching assistants or student workers to become coaches. At the same time, these same leaders expressed concerns of the consequence to student belonging that may be compromised if student teaching assistants or student workers are not present in these spaces and the burdens it may pose on their current staff.“...So now I’m not talking this is really about the maker space. I’m talking about the people in the maker space, which is part of what makes the whole construct if you will. So it’s human interactions. At the beginning I was not part of the group, and then I was”.(Student/Staff, A-4, Site 6)
“We can now build this course at scale without requiring 20 TAs, which would be too expensive. Instead, we can use one to two TAs and many coaches and one instructor”.(Leader, A-4, Site 5)
Interviewer: “Yeah, so staffing is an issue?Staff: “Staffing is a huge issue. But, regardless, I think I could propose something that has a couple people and just say this is what I want to do and propose it to the engineering people and see if they...the issue with those classes is you can only have like four or five people in those classes, and they’re one-credit classes, and they come, and they meet three hours a week or whatever, and they come and build something, and you’ve got to be ready to help all four of them or five of them or whatever. When I was doing those classes, I did one called Intro to Rapid Prototyping where I taught them all the maker machines, and now that we had a 3D printing laser cutting, they built a project, they learned how to solder some just basic stuff, but the issue was they wanted me to do 20 people, and I think I’ve got like 10 usually. It was about the most I get, but the college really wanted more people, and I’m just like why.... Only one of me and those classes really one person almost isn’t even enough for 10 people.”(Leader, A-4, Site 5)
4.4. Elevating Student Membership and Equity through a Culture of Belonging
“And um cause I started collecting that data just a few years ago so when they register they can um it’s an option that they can select a gender and so we can kind of keep those statistics, and it is very interesting because something very natural happened about that here and it’s that we really the technicians the staff most of the faculty we really do not see gender in here at all. I mean I joke that there are all the same annoying students in here to me”.(Staff, A-3, Site 3)
In A-4 sites, on the other hand, leaders and staff spoke about the need to look beyond the four walls of a space and consider the contextual factors that may influence the students entering the space. However, again, no mention of other domains of diversity (e.g., race, disability, ethnicity, etc.) was noted. This omission of other domains of diversity and their intersectionalities was predominantly shared amongst self-identified minoritized student/staff workers, who mentioned the need to decolonize these spaces intentionally.“...maybe women do this more this more than guys [sic] but certainly tell themselves how much more prepared everyone else is. And so um putting them in a situation to where they can see you know he is struggling to make a square cut as much as I am or whatever I think is a really good thing and then now our TAs our Lab, I would say we had 4 years of our lab leader program where we actually designated one of them as the head and have them pick leaders from the other group and really lead that group, and it has been 50/50”.(Staff, A-3, Site 2)
Interviewer: “So do you think [this site] supports diverse identities, diverse genders, diverse people? Do you think [this site] helps?”
While these student workers offered no suggestions to improve the space, there was a recognition of a need for individuals who work and lead the space to consider the mindsets and personal challenges that students may carry with them when entering the space.Student/Staff: “I think there might be the potential to do that? I don’t think I could say they do…Anyways, so even though I do see the potential that maker spaces have, I do think that the moment they are being used now might be some form of neo-colonialism for some contexts”.(Student/Staff, A-4, Site 6)
“But at the beginning, it was like, fitting in the community. It’s like, okay, there’s social interactions. That’s how we work, right? There was an established community [in this site], and I was not part of the community yet. So, at the beginning I was super... I’m coming from [country of origin], I also have this or used to have this colonized mind, however you want to call it. So, I was very scared of using machines that I didn’t know how to use and mess up. And one of the people there was initially... I was very intimidated about the person there, the manager or whatever. So, after a while I was actually, I don’t know how it happened, but I made it into the group, and now I felt very comfortable about being been in the space and having friends and talking and whatever, but it was not immediate”.(Student/Staff, A-4, Site 6)
“Just a lot of mental health stressors on that. When they come in a classroom like this, and they realize “well my knowledge, my way of knowing is valuable,” and all of a sudden they feel value themselves and can find a major that supports that or equally could contribute to [inaudible 00:31:08] and that imposter syndrome can fall away and go well “I have knowledge, my teacher there she likes to dance, she has value, there is value in this, she’s a smart person that’s contributing to the ideas of the team””.(Instructor, A-4, Site 6)
5. Discussion
6. Recommendations
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Classification | Parameters | Description |
Scope | S-1 | A program that is within its first 2 years of existence |
S-2 | A program supporting a minimum of one university mission | |
S-3 | A program supporting three or more university missions | |
Accessibility | A-1 | Access restricted to students enrolled in department courses |
A-2 | Access restricted to individuals from sponsor department | |
A-3 | Access restricted to individuals in a specific school | |
A-4 | Access provided to the entire university | |
Users | U-1 | Less than 100 users |
U-2 | 100 to 1000 users | |
U-3 | 1000 to 3000 users | |
U-4 | >3000 users | |
Footprint | F-1 | <1000 sq.ft. (<93 sq. m.) |
F-2 | 1000–5000 sq.ft. (93–465 sq. m.) | |
F-3 | 5000–20,000 sq.ft. (264–1858 sq.m.) | |
F-4 | >20,000 sq.ft. (>1858 sq.m.) | |
Management and Staffing | M-1 | Mainly student-managed and staffed |
M-2 | Faculty/professionally managed and professionally staffed | |
M-3 | Faculty/professionally managed with hybrid (student/professional) staffing |
Site | Accessibility | Footprint | Scope | Management and Staff |
Site 1 | A-3 | F-3 | S-1 | M-3 |
Site 2 | A-3 | F-4 | S-2 | M-3 |
Site 3 | A-3 | F-3 | S-2 | M-3 |
Site 4 | A-4 | F-4 | S-2 | M-3 |
Site 5 | A-4 | F-3 | S-1 | M-3 |
Site 6 | A-4 | F-4 | S-3 | M-3 |
Term | Prior Definitions | Examples |
Access | “… the activities that students in school Makerspaces partake in are contingent upon the affordances allowed by the existing curriculum and resources spent…” (Hira and Hynes 2018, p. 8) “Includes individual and community narratives that draws together the materials, activities, and relationships to establish new ideation of one’s identity” (Fasso and Knight 2020, p. 281) | “…understanding the history of the making community with its roots in white, male, middle-class activity and the history of marginalized students hoping to get involved…shape their relationship with the community” (Roldan et al. 2018, p. 753) “The purpose of such spaces is to serve as venues for activities of a particular kind…. education activities” (Hira and Hynes 2018, p. 5–6) “Broad range of situations, materials, and activities designed for diverse, gendered, and cultural preferences” (Fasso and Knight 2020, p. 287) |
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Share and Cite
Villanueva Alarcón, I.; Downey, R.J.; Nadelson, L.; Choi, Y.H.; Bouwma-Gearhart, J.; Tanoue, C. Understanding Equity of Access in Engineering Education Making Spaces. Soc. Sci. 2021, 10, 384. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10100384
Villanueva Alarcón I, Downey RJ, Nadelson L, Choi YH, Bouwma-Gearhart J, Tanoue C. Understanding Equity of Access in Engineering Education Making Spaces. Social Sciences. 2021; 10(10):384. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10100384
Chicago/Turabian StyleVillanueva Alarcón, Idalis, Robert Jamaal Downey, Louis Nadelson, Yoon Ha Choi, Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, and Chaz Tanoue. 2021. "Understanding Equity of Access in Engineering Education Making Spaces" Social Sciences 10, no. 10: 384. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10100384
APA StyleVillanueva Alarcón, I., Downey, R. J., Nadelson, L., Choi, Y. H., Bouwma-Gearhart, J., & Tanoue, C. (2021). Understanding Equity of Access in Engineering Education Making Spaces. Social Sciences, 10(10), 384. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10100384