A Tale of Three Domes: The Un-Realized cupola of St Ignatius of Loyola in Roma
:1. The Broken Veil
“Tear you the veil, Lord! Break down the wall/which in its hardness now holds back/the sun of your light, darkened to the whole!”
Michelangelo, Rime—87 Vorrei voler, Signor, quel ch’io non voglio
“(…) the “gate,” the “path” and the “goal,” architecturally concretized by the facade, the nave and the dome. All Mannerist ambiguities and conflicts have disappeared; the three elements “collaborate,” at the same time as they are strengthened individually. Giacomo della Porta has created a work which better than most others expresses the basic intentions of Early Baroque architecture: persuasive emphasis and formal integration”.
2. The Helioscopic Dome
2.1. Jesuits, Architects, Cardinals and Astronomers
“In 1626 Domenichino was consulted on the design of the second Jesuit church in Rome, Sant’Ignazio. He had the ear of the patron, Cardinal Ludovisi, but the Jesuits had their own ideas and their own man, padre Orazio Grassi. Domenichino’s ideas are preserved in a small, fascinating drawing in Windsor. His nave would have been a grand thermal hall with large clerestory windows and an Albertian vault. The aisles would have been very low and the side chapels rather high, allowing a strange, dramatic flow of light into the church. Columns, statues, and a serliana motif mark the bays of this imperial interior, which was butchered in committee and watered down by patrons who wanted another Gesù”.
“The theatrical treatment of the symmetrical composition demonstrates the primacy of urban space framed by architecture”.
2.2. A Carthographical Evolution—Not Always Reliable
2.3. The Astronomical Piazza
“He (Heratostenes) gives the earth’s circumference as approximately 29,000 miles. This is a bold estimate but the result of such cleaver reasoning that one is ashamed not to believe it”.
3. The Deceptive Dome
3.1. The World as a Theatre, The Theatre of the World
“All of the senses are called upon—sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste—in a kind of immersive meditation in which one is not merely observing the scene described, but entering it and becoming a participant. Pozzo’s scenography thus became a means of visually enabling the kind of prayer and meditation the Jesuits promoted in their ministry”.
3.2. A “Metodo di Modificare le Chiese Congiungendo il Finto con il Vero”
“Although it does not necessarily introduce any new methods to the tradition of perspective theory or perspectival constructions, it provides explanations and illustrations of methods of execution at an entirely new level of detail and specificity. Overall, it represents a major step forward in perspective treatise-writing in its sheer monumentality, its range of examples, and the precision and detail with which the established methods are applied”.
3.3. Grassi’s Dream Revisited
4. The Impossible Dome
4.1. A Broken Fabric
4.2. Between Urbe Massima and Poor Illusions
4.3. Ruins, Fragments and Piranesian Nightmares
“If Rome is to be treated in the way that Brasini suggests, it will be, perhaps, a finer city than before, containing a few beautiful and interesting Roman buildings—but whether it will be what the world has known as Rome is extremely doubtful”.
5. Roma on Hold
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Spada, M. A Tale of Three Domes: The Un-Realized cupola of St Ignatius of Loyola in Roma. Arts 2022, 11, 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts11020051
Spada M. A Tale of Three Domes: The Un-Realized cupola of St Ignatius of Loyola in Roma. Arts. 2022; 11(2):51. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts11020051
Chicago/Turabian StyleSpada, Marco. 2022. "A Tale of Three Domes: The Un-Realized cupola of St Ignatius of Loyola in Roma" Arts 11, no. 2: 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts11020051
APA StyleSpada, M. (2022). A Tale of Three Domes: The Un-Realized cupola of St Ignatius of Loyola in Roma. Arts, 11(2), 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts11020051