Models of Disability and Human Rights: Informing the Improvement of Built Environment Accessibility for People with Disability at Neighborhood Scale?
:1. Introduction
2. Models of Disability: A Built Environment Perspective
2.1. Charity Model of Disability
2.2. Medical Model of Disability
2.3. Social Model of Disability
2.4. Relational Model of Disability
2.5. Diversity Model of Disability
Bickenbach et al. (1999) explain that universalism reflects the view that ‘disablement is a universal human phenomenon’ rather than a minority one (p. 1179). A universal approach to disability shifts the focus from ‘special responses for special needs’ (where such needs are competing with those of the general population, Zola 1989 in (Bickenbach et al. 1999) to an approach that ‘accepts difference and widens the range of normal’ along an ability–disability continuum that can be applied to all humanity (Bickenbach et al. 1999, p. 1182).While the ‘social’ model is now universally accepted, it is argued that universalism as a model for theory development, research and advocacy serves disabled persons more effectively than a civil rights or ‘minority group’ approach.(p. 1173)
2.6. Human Rights Model of Disability
2.7. Disability Models: A Conundrum for Built Environment Practice?
3. Human Rights Legislation and the Built Environment: An Australian Viewpoint
3.1. Accessibility Legislation
3.1.1. At International Level: UNCRPD
3.1.2. Built Environment Accessibility Legislation: At National Level
- (i)
- work, accommodation, education, access to premises, clubs and sport; and
- (ii)
- the provision of goods, facilities, services and land; and... (Australian Government 1992, p. 1)
4. Assessing Neighborhood Accessibility
5. Putting it All Together
5.1. Disability Models: Application in the Built Environment Context
5.2. Built Environment Accessibility Rights Instruments: Implementation Issues
5.3. Improving Neighborhood Accessibility: Measure
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Indicative of the terminology used at the time (Wolfensberger 1969). |
2 | For example:,,,,,, |
3 | There is much confusion around the difference between Australian Standards and Disability Standards. In the built environment accessibility context, the former are, effectively, merely guidelines and the latter are indeed legislation. |
4 | See, for example: Access Audit Tool, Lewis, McQuade, and Thomas, early 2000s; the oft-referenced 2009 Ankara work of Baris and Uslu; International Transportation Accessibility Survey (ITAS), 2010 International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons; A Methodology for Enhancing Life by Increasing Accessibility (AMELIA-AUNT-SUE), (Evans 2010; AUNT-SUE 2010; Mackett et al. 2012); and Rating of Accessibility and Safety (ValeAS), (Biocca 2014). |
Themes |
Social exclusion
Regions | ‘Anglophone’ countries, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America |
Countries | UK, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Australia; France, Turkey, Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Kosovo, Sweden, Norway; Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, China, India, Singapore, Pacific Islands; Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia, Egypt, Ghana; Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Suriname, Brazil, Chile |
References | (HoC WEC 2017; NZHRC 2012; Stephens et al. 2017; USDoJ CRD 2017; AFDO 2015; Rains and Butland 2012; DARU 2016; Sander et al. 2005; Baris and Uslu 2009; Zajac 2013; Basha 2015; NMCEandSI 2016; Sawadrsi 2011; Sarma 2016; Ariffin 2016; Wee et al. 2015; ACPF 2014; Tudzi et al. 2017; IDRM 2004; Pereira Martins et al. 2016; Rotarou and Sakellaniou 2017) |
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Jackson, M.A. Models of Disability and Human Rights: Informing the Improvement of Built Environment Accessibility for People with Disability at Neighborhood Scale? Laws 2018, 7, 10.
Jackson MA. Models of Disability and Human Rights: Informing the Improvement of Built Environment Accessibility for People with Disability at Neighborhood Scale? Laws. 2018; 7(1):10.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJackson, Mary Ann. 2018. "Models of Disability and Human Rights: Informing the Improvement of Built Environment Accessibility for People with Disability at Neighborhood Scale?" Laws 7, no. 1: 10.