Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study
:1. Introduction
The movie and the conversation afterwards are about interpretative prerogative: who can speak for whom, who is considered credible and not; about the difficulty of seeing structures in which oneself is part of the power, such as seeing white racism’s effects as white; about Europe’s colonial history and how it affects our society today.
2. Materials and Methods
Discourse analysis specifically aims to show how the cognitive, social, historical, cultural or political contexts of language use and communication impinge on the contents, meanings, structures, or strategies of text and dialogue, and vice versa, how discourse itself is an integral part of and contributes to the structures of the context.[26] (p. 45)
3. Burka Songs: A Short Presentation of the Content and the Idea Behind
4. Background Gender Equality and Islamophobia
Sweden has become obsessed with its Muslim population. Blogs, newspapers, TV shows, debaters, artists, politicians, interfaith activists, academics in the social science field, school personnel, comedians, right-wing Christians and, of course, people with a Muslim family history are active participants in an endless discourse about Muslims. Integration, criminality, honor, sexism, undemocratic thinking, rape, nativity, radicalization, etc.—everything is given a Muslim angle.[4] (p. 103)
5. Burka Songs 2.0: The Media Discussions and the Political Processes
The government through its various branches, such as the chancellor of Justice, must ensure that the freedom of speech and freedom of the press is balanced by respect for the rights and reputation of others. In particular the Chancellor of Justice must use its discretion to prosecute offences against the freedom of the press and freedom of expression targeting Muslims. Special attention also needs to be paid to the commentary fields of Internet media outlets.[70] (p. 7)
That the State party effectively investigate, prosecute and punish all hate crimes and take effective measures to combat hate speech in the media and on the Internet, including by prosecuting the perpetrators, where appropriate, regardless of their official status. The Committee urges the State party to take the necessary measures to promote tolerance, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity, aiming those measures at journalists, inter alios.[71]
[T]hese policies are stigmatising Muslims since the practices they target are perceived to be linked to Muslims in the public imagination. Given this stigmatisation downside, it is important that the policies address real societal problems instead of just giving the impression that these practices are common features among certain people.[70] (p. 36)
The committee is concerned at reports that at present the Terrorism Act disproportionately targets Muslims, while crimes committed by other groups, such as neo-Nazi groups, are not investigated as terrorism. … the Committee recommends that the State party ensure that measures to combat terrorism are undertaken in such a way as to protect fundamental human rights, including the right of equality.[72]
6. Niqab and Hijab within Legal Discourse and the Law—In Sweden and in Europe
7. Gender and Representation in Media
Something that can be seen in Swedish society is that Muslim women are usually seen as puppet dolls. A person who is a puppet doll does not stand up for something of her own, lacks character, and lets herself be led and guided by others. The veil is seen as something imposed and women who wear it appear to be ruled by others or indoctrinated to believe that the veil is something that is good.
8. White Men and Women Saving Muslim Women from Muslim Men?
9. Discussion
This wave of laws and authoritarian decrees that govern the dress a Muslim woman may wear if she leaves her home and enters public places, has led many European democracies to embrace a policy that was previously restricted to authoritarian regimes in the Muslim world, such as Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and the countries on Arabian Peninsula, where the state has long been dictating Muslim women’s clothing.
Conflicts of Interest
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Jakku, N. Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study. Societies 2018, 8, 124.
Jakku N. Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study. Societies. 2018; 8(4):124.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJakku, Nina. 2018. "Islamophobia, Representation and the Muslim Political Subject. A Swedish Case Study" Societies 8, no. 4: 124.