Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription
:1. Introduction
2. Biomechanical and Physiological Considerations
3. Acute Studies
4. Longitudinal Studies
5. Additional Considerations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Unique Exercise Name | Primay Joint Action | Majority of Rom Covered? | Primary Muscle | Other Joint Action | Majority of Rom Covered? | Primary Muscle |
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Schoenfeld, B.J.; Grgic, J.; Haun, C.; Itagaki, T.; Helms, E.R. Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription. Sports 2019, 7, 177.
Schoenfeld BJ, Grgic J, Haun C, Itagaki T, Helms ER. Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription. Sports. 2019; 7(7):177.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchoenfeld, Brad J., Jozo Grgic, Cody Haun, Takahiro Itagaki, and Eric R. Helms. 2019. "Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription" Sports 7, no. 7: 177.
APA StyleSchoenfeld, B. J., Grgic, J., Haun, C., Itagaki, T., & Helms, E. R. (2019). Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription. Sports, 7(7), 177.