Bone Fracture Detection Using Deep Supervised Learning from Radiological Images: A Paradigm Shift
:1. Introduction
- What different kinds of bone fractures are there?
- What deep learning techniques are used in bone fracture detection and classification?
- How are deep learning methods beneficial over traditional methods?
- How does deep learning in radiology immensely help medical practitioners?
- What are the current challenges and opportunities in computerized disease detection from the bone?
- What are the future research prospects in this field?
1.1. Common Bone Disorder
1.2. Importance of Deep Learning in Orthopaedic and Radiology
1.3. Historical Perspective
2. Deep Learning and Key Techniques in Bone Imaging
2.1. Network Structure
2.2. Annotation Efficient Approaches
2.3. Fractures in Upper Limbs
2.4. Fractures in Lower Limb
2.5. Vertebrae Fractures
3. Deep Learning in Fracture Detection
4. Barriers to DL in Radiology & Challenges
4.1. Challenges in Data Acquisition
4.2. Legal and Ethical Challenges
- A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
4.3. Requirement for Accessing to Large Volumes of Medical Data
5. Limitations and Constraints of DL Application in Clinical Settings
6. Future Aspect
6.1. DL in Radiology Training
6.2. Will DL Be Free to Hold the Position of a Radiologist?
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Author | Year | Modality | Model/Method | Skeletal Joints | Description | Performance |
1 | Kim et al. [30] | 2018 | Xray/MRI | Inception V3 | Wrist | The author proved that the concept of transfer learning from CNNs in fracture detection on radiographs can provide the state of the performance. | AUC = 0.954 Sensitivity = 0.90 Specificity = 0.88 |
2 | Olczak et al. [31] | 2017 | Xray/MRI | BVLC Reference CaffeNet network/VGG CNN/Network-in- network/VGG CNN S | Various Parts | Here, the research supports the use of deep learning to outperform the human performance. | Accuracy = 0.83 |
3 | Cheng et al. [33] | 2019 | Radiographic images | DenseNet 121 | Hips | The aim of this study was to localise and classify hip fractures using deep learning. | 84 |
4 | Chung et al. [32] | 2018 | Radiographic images | ResNet 152 | Humeral | The authors proposed a model for the detection and classification of the fractures from AP shoulder radiographic images. | 0.996 |
5 | Urakawa et al. [10] | 2018 | Radiographic images | VGG_16 | Hips | This study shows a comparison of diagnostic performance between CNNs and orthopaedic doctors. | 0.984 |
6 | Kitamura et al. [36] | 2019 | Radiographic images | 7 modelsInception V3 ResNet (with/without drop&aux) Xception (with/without drop&aux) Ensemble A Ensemble B | Ankle | The study was done in order to determine the efficiency of CNNs on small datasets. | Best performance by Ensemble_A 81 |
7 | Yu [41] | 2020 | Radiographic images | Inception V3 | hip | The proposed algorithm performed well in terms of APFF detection, but not so well in terms of fracture localization. | Accuracy = 96.9 AUC = 0.994 Sensitivity = 97.1 Specificity = 96.7 |
8 | Gan [42] | 2019 | Radiographic images | Inception V4 | Wrist | The authors implemented the algorithm for the detection of distal radius fractures. | Accuracy = 93 AUC = 0.961 Sensitivity = 90 Specificity = 96 |
9 | Choi [43] | 2019 | Radiographic images | ResNet 50 | Elbow | The authors aimed the development of dual input CNN-based deep learning model for automated detection of supracondylar fracture. | AUC = 0.985 Sensitivity = 93.9 Specificity = 92.2 |
10 | Majkowska et al. [44] | 2020 | Radiographic images | Xception | Chest | The authors developed a model to detect opacity, pneumothorax, mass or nodule, and fracture. | 0.86 Sensitivity = 59.9 Specificity = 99.4 |
11 | Lindsey et al. [8] | 2018 | Radiographic images | Unet | wrist | This study involves the implementation of deep learning to help doctors to distinguish between fractured and normal wrist. | AUC = 97.5% Sensitivity = 93.9% Specificity = 94.5 |
12 | Johari et al. [45] | 2016 | Radiographic images | probabilistic neural network (PNN) CBCT-G1/2/3, PA-G1/2/3 | Vertical Roots | This study supports the initial detection of vertical roots fractures. | Best performance by PNN Model 100 |
13 | Heimer et al. [46] | 2018 | CT | deep neural networks. | Skull | The study aims at classification and detection of skull fractures curved maximum intensity projections (CMIP) using deep neural networks. | CMPIs THRESHOLD = 0.79 Specificity= 87.5 Sensitivity =91.4 CMPIs THRESHOLD = 0.75 Specificity= 72.5 Sensitivity =100 |
14 | Wang et al. [11] | 2022 | CT | CNN | Mandibule | The author implemented a novel method for the classification and detection of mandibular fracture. | Accuracy = 90% AUC = 0.956 |
15 | Rayan et al. [9] | 2021 | Radiographic images | XceptionNet | elbow | This study aims for a binomial classification of acute paediatric elbow radiographic abnormalities. | AUC = 0.95 Accuracy = 88% Sensitivity = 91% Specificity = 84% |
16 | Adam et al. [34] | 2019 | Radiographic images | AlexNet and GoogLeNet | femur | Here, the author aimed to evaluate the accuracy of DCNN for the detection of femur fractures. | Accuracy AlexNet = 89.4% GoogLeNet = 94.4% |
17 | Balaji et al. [35] | 2019 | x-ray | CNN based model | Diaphyseal Femur | In this study, the author implemented an automated detection and diagnosis of femur fracture. | Accuracy = 90.7% Specificity = 92.3% Sensitivity = 86.6% |
18 | Pranata et al. [37] | 2020 | Radiographic images | convolutional neural network (CNN) | Femoral neck | In this study, the author aimed at the detection of femoral neck fracture using genetic and deep learning methods. | Accuracy = 0.793 Specificity = 0.729 Sensitivity = 0.829 |
19 | Rahmaniar et al. [26] | 2019 | CT | Computerised system | Calcaneal fractures | Here, the author aims at automated segmentation and detection of calcaneal fractures. | Accuracy = 0.86 |
20 | Burns et al. [47] | 2017 | CT | Computerised system | spine | The author implemented a computerized system to detect classify and localize compression fractures. | |
21 | Tomita et al. [39] | 2018 | CT | Deep convolutional neural network | vertebra | This study aims at the early detection of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. | Accuracy = 89.2% F1 score = 90.8% |
22 | Muehlematter et al. [38] | 2018 | CT | Machine-learning algorithms | vertebra | Here, the author aims at evaluation of the performance of bone texture analysis with a machine learning algorithm. | AUC = 0.64 |
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Meena, T.; Roy, S. Bone Fracture Detection Using Deep Supervised Learning from Radiological Images: A Paradigm Shift. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2420.
Meena T, Roy S. Bone Fracture Detection Using Deep Supervised Learning from Radiological Images: A Paradigm Shift. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(10):2420.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeena, Tanushree, and Sudipta Roy. 2022. "Bone Fracture Detection Using Deep Supervised Learning from Radiological Images: A Paradigm Shift" Diagnostics 12, no. 10: 2420.
APA StyleMeena, T., & Roy, S. (2022). Bone Fracture Detection Using Deep Supervised Learning from Radiological Images: A Paradigm Shift. Diagnostics, 12(10), 2420.