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Journal: Diagnostics, 2022
Volume: 12
Number: 2393

Article: Characteristics of Hepatitis B Virus Genotype and Sub-Genotype in Hepatocellular Cancer Patients in Vietnam
Authors: by Phat Tan Ho, Mario Giosuè Balzanelli, Pietro Distratis, Rita Lazzaro, Duy Khanh Tran, Kieu C. D. Nguyen, Tri Minh Bui, Thinh Tien Nguyen, Son Truong Pham, Huy Song Dinh Nguyen, Vinh Thanh Tran, Toan Trong Ho, Gianna Dipalma, Francesco Inchingolo, Camelia Quek, Huong Thien Pham, Ciro Gargiulo Isacco, Luigi Santacroce and Van Hung Pham

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