Deep Neural Frameworks Improve the Accuracy of General Practitioners in the Classification of Pigmented Skin Lesions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Pigmented Skin Image Dataset
2.2. Deep Neural Networks
2.3. Image Preprocessing
2.4. Generation of Synthetic Pigmented Skin Lesion Images Using an infoGAN
2.5. Contests among General Practitioners
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Classification Metrics across Eight Different DNNs
3.2. Classification Metrics of Different DNNs Aggregating Image and Clinical Features
3.3. Performance across Synthetic Pigmented-Skin Lesion Images
3.4. Performance across General Practitioners with and without Assistance from DNNs Output
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Class | Training Set (n) | Test Set (n) |
Melanocytic nevi | 5565 | 1140 |
Benign keratoses 1 | 912 | 186 |
Vascular lesions 2 | 118 | 24 |
Dermatofibroma | 96 | 20 |
Intraepithelial carcinoma 3 | 271 | 56 |
Basal cell carcinoma | 427 | 87 |
Melanoma | 924 | 189 |
Total | 8313 | 1702 |
Low-Resolution Images 1 | High-Resolution Images | |||
DNN 2 | Accuracy 3 | Error Rate | Accuracy | Error Rate |
ResNet34 | 75.32 | 24.68 | 76.73 | 23.27 |
ResNet50 | 74.56 | 25.44 | 75.97 | 24.03 |
ResNet101 | 75.62 | 24.38 | 77.02 | 22.98 |
SEResNet50 | 77.82 | 22.22 | 79.13 | 20.87 |
VGG16 | 76.85 | 23.15 | 78.25 | 21.75 |
VGG19 | 74.21 | 25.79 | 75.62 | 24.38 |
EfficientNetB5 | 74.05 | 25.91 | 75.50 | 24.5 |
MobileNet | 82.47 | 17.53 | 83.88 | 16.12 |
Low-Resolution Images 1 | High-Resolution Images | |||
DNN 2 | Accuracy 3 | Error Rate | Accuracy | Error Rate |
ResNet34 | 77.43 | 22.57 | 78.84 | 21.16 |
ResNet50 | 79.31 | 20.69 | 80.72 | 19.28 |
ResNet101 | 77.55 | 22.45 | 78.96 | 21.04 |
SEResNet50 | 80.01 | 19.99 | 80.72 | 19.28 |
VGG16 | 80.25 | 19.75 | 81.65 | 18.35 |
VGG19 | 79.43 | 20.57 | 79.02 | 20.98 |
EfficientNetB5 | 75.73 | 24.27 | 77.14 | 22.86 |
MobileNet | 81.24 | 18.76 | 84.73 | 15.27 |
Condition | Accuracy 1 | Error Rate |
EfficientNetB5 | 77.14 | 22.86 |
GPs 2 | 17.29 | 82.71 |
GPs + AI | 42.43 | 57.57 |
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Lucius, M.; De All, J.; De All, J.A.; Belvisi, M.; Radizza, L.; Lanfranconi, M.; Lorenzatti, V.; Galmarini, C.M. Deep Neural Frameworks Improve the Accuracy of General Practitioners in the Classification of Pigmented Skin Lesions. Diagnostics 2020, 10, 969.
Lucius M, De All J, De All JA, Belvisi M, Radizza L, Lanfranconi M, Lorenzatti V, Galmarini CM. Deep Neural Frameworks Improve the Accuracy of General Practitioners in the Classification of Pigmented Skin Lesions. Diagnostics. 2020; 10(11):969.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLucius, Maximiliano, Jorge De All, José Antonio De All, Martín Belvisi, Luciana Radizza, Marisa Lanfranconi, Victoria Lorenzatti, and Carlos M. Galmarini. 2020. "Deep Neural Frameworks Improve the Accuracy of General Practitioners in the Classification of Pigmented Skin Lesions" Diagnostics 10, no. 11: 969.
APA StyleLucius, M., De All, J., De All, J. A., Belvisi, M., Radizza, L., Lanfranconi, M., Lorenzatti, V., & Galmarini, C. M. (2020). Deep Neural Frameworks Improve the Accuracy of General Practitioners in the Classification of Pigmented Skin Lesions. Diagnostics, 10(11), 969.