Advances in Early Detection of Melanoma and the Future of At-Home Testing
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Early Detection at Home
3.1. Naked Eye SSEs
3.2. The Ugly Duckling Method
4. Primary Care Physician and General Practitioner Methods
4.1. Dermatoscopes
4.2. Electronic Tools
5. Debate over Efficacy of the New Method and Overdiagnosis
6. Future of Early Melanoma Screening
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Target Audience | Pros | Cons |
Skin Self-Examinations (ABCDE/Seven-Point Glasgow/Ugly Duckling) | General public |
Dermatoscope Inspection | Primary care physicians |
Smartphone Apps | General public and primary care physicians |
Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Analysis | General public and primary care physicians |
Sequential Digital Dermoscopy | General Public and primary care physicians |
| |
Teledermatology | General public |
Letter | Characteristic |
A | Asymmetry—benign moles typically have symmetric or uniform shapes, while cancerous moles are often asymmetric or irregular. |
B | Border—benign moles have round and distinct borders, whereas cancerous moles often have asymmetric or jagged borders. |
C | Color—benign moles tend to be a single color, while cancerous moles are often composed of multiple shades or colors at different parts of the mole. |
D | Diameter—cancerous moles are typically over six millimeters in diameter. This is approximately the diameter of a common pencil. |
E | Evolving—Unlike benign moles, cancerous moles often change in size, shape, and color over time. |
Characteristic | Weighted Score Value |
Change in the size of a lesion | 2 points |
Irregularity in the shape of a lesion | 2 points |
Irregularity in the color of a lesion | 2 points |
Inflammation in or around the lesion | 1 point |
Alteration in sensation of the lesion | 1 point |
The lesion is large in size, or has a diameter larger than seven millimeters | 1 point |
Oozing or crusting on or around the lesion | 1 point |
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Share and Cite
Garrison, Z.R.; Hall, C.M.; Fey, R.M.; Clister, T.; Khan, N.; Nichols, R.; Kulkarni, R.P. Advances in Early Detection of Melanoma and the Future of At-Home Testing. Life 2023, 13, 974.
Garrison ZR, Hall CM, Fey RM, Clister T, Khan N, Nichols R, Kulkarni RP. Advances in Early Detection of Melanoma and the Future of At-Home Testing. Life. 2023; 13(4):974.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarrison, Zachary R., Connor M. Hall, Rosalyn M. Fey, Terri Clister, Nabeela Khan, Rebecca Nichols, and Rajan P. Kulkarni. 2023. "Advances in Early Detection of Melanoma and the Future of At-Home Testing" Life 13, no. 4: 974.
APA StyleGarrison, Z. R., Hall, C. M., Fey, R. M., Clister, T., Khan, N., Nichols, R., & Kulkarni, R. P. (2023). Advances in Early Detection of Melanoma and the Future of At-Home Testing. Life, 13(4), 974.