Sensitivity Analysis of Bogie Wheelbase and Axle Load for Low-Floor Freight Wagons, Based on Wheel Wear
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. List of Abbreviations
2.2. Hypthoteses
- (a)
- The procedure is based on global calculations for the contact patch without discretizing it into finite elements.
- (b)
- It is stationary; that is, it does not consider the variation in variables over time. At transition curves, where these variations are greater, mean values are computed.
- (c)
- It disregards any rail wear and does not consider the previous wheel wear (it does not update the contact parameters as the profile wears out, but this profile is assiduously renovated).
- (d)
- It is applied on all of the bogie wheels. For each wheel, the parameters and wear calculations are separately saved. This is because the wear is not the same for all of the wheels mounted on the same bogie [20].
- (e)
- It is applied on one bogie belonging to a wagon. A wagon normally consists of two bogies, but they can mostly rotate independently with respect to the other.
- (f)
- It disregards the tractive and compressive forces that some wagons transmit to the next ones through couplings when curving, which is due to the existing coupling slacks [15].
- (g)
- Creepage is obtained from a kinematic analysis of the wheelsets rather than from the non-dimensional slips.
- (h)
- In this kinematic analysis, the displacements from bogie suspensions and anti-yaw dampers are not included.
- (i)
- (j)
- RCF is only predicted without computing the extent of the damage produced, often sub-surface cracks [18].
- (k)
- The bogie wheels are considered to be non-powered, so Ft = 0 at the wheel–rail interfaces.
- (l)
- The bogie wheels are considered to be equipped with disk brakes, which do not wear the wheels out [16].
- (m)
- The railway vehicle is presumed to negotiate curves (circular or transition ones) at a constant speed, so it brakes (if necessary) before negotiating them; thus, Ff = 0 at a curve. There is an exception when the vehicle is running downhill, as explained in the next hypothesis.
- (n)
- The railway vehicle is assumed to brake slightly when running downhill, and reducing or cutting off traction is not enough to keep a constant speed at curves.
- (o)
- The infrastructure parameters that modify the wear conditions, such as warp, rail deflection, joints, impacts against switch frogs and track devices, and track irregularities, are not considered [14].
- (p)
- The influence of manufacturing or assembly tolerances of any element is not considered.
- (q)
- Axle load is considered to be centered with respect to the wheelset center and applied at a point with variable height, the center of gravity height (HCdG). In fact, Ref. [1] provides a ±10 value of load centering tolerance.
- (r)
- Axle load is regarded as uniform; that is, all of the wheelsets composing a bogie share the same axle load.
- (s)
- By not considering rail deflection or manufacturing and assembly tolerances, it is possible to assume that the longitudinal rail curve radius (Ry,1) tends to infinity so that the associated curvature (1/Ry,1) tends to zero and can be taken as such.
- (t)
- (u)
- There are no hunting oscillations at the speed ranges considered (this was numerically proven in [16]).
2.3. Calculation Process
2.4. Calculation Model
2.4.1. Reference Frames Definition
- Absolute reference frame XYZ, clockwise, fixed and whose origin is set on the rolling plane, anchored to the track beginning and centered between the rails.
- Track reference frame , clockwise, mobile at the vehicle speed and whose origin is set on the rolling plane and along the track middle line, holding the axis always tangent to that line.
- Axle reference frame , clockwise, mobile at the axle speed, and whose origin is set at the gravity center of the wheelset.
- Contact area reference frame xcyczc, clockwise, mobile at the contact area speed, and whose origin is set in the center of the area.
2.4.2. Kinematics Equations Blocks
- Longitudinal creepage: Difference between the nominal wheel radius and the real rolling one (generating ), application of tractive or braking torques to the wheel () and variation in yaw angle ().
- Lateral creepage: Not null yaw angle (generating ), adoption of a new equilibrium position by the wheelset () and not null tilt angle ().
- Spin creepage: Conicity (generating , alternatively known as the camber effect [18]) and variation in yaw angle (generating ).
2.4.3. Dynamics Equation Blocks
- The bodies in contact are homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic.
- Displacements are supposed to be infinitesimal (much smaller than the bodies’ characteristic dimensions).
- The bodies are smooth at the contact zone, that is, without any roughness.
- Each body can be modeled as an elastic half-space, which requires non-conformity.
- The bodies’ surfaces can be approximated by quadratic functions in the vicinity of the maximum interpenetration point. This implies that the curvatures (the second derivates of the functions) are constant.
- The distance between the undeformed profiles of both bodies at the maximum interpenetration point can be approximated by a paraboloid.
- The contact between the bodies is made without friction, so only normal pressure can be transmitted.
- Analytical: The values are globally computed for the whole contact patch. A set of analytical equations are used, and the tangential problem can be decoupled from the geometric and normal ones because non-conformity and quasi-identity are satisfied.
- Finite-element: The values of the variables are locally computed and are added thereafter so as to obtain the global values. For that, the contact patch is meshed.
2.4.4. Calculation of Wear and Prediction of RCF
- The equations are parametrized for abrasive wear and not for adhesive wear, as both phenomena are already included in the resulting wear law if they have been experimentally calibrated.
- The different mathematical tools study the wear on the wheel profile, where the wear estimated at every instant is cumulative.
- Wear is assumed to be regular: the variation in the transversal profile is studied, not pattern formation along the longitudinal (circumferential) direction. Thus, the wear at a certain position and instant is extrapolated to the whole circumference.
- At the contact interface, there are no pollutants. The effect of pollutants is considered by modifying the friction coefficient or introducing new wear laws.
2.5. Software Choice
2.6. Calculation Scenarios
- Y25: This bogie consists of four wheels (thus, it is composed of two wheelsets), and it can take up 45 t in total (22.5 t/axle) at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. The nominal wheelbase (e) is 1.800 m, and the wheels are braked, in general, by brake shoes. The wheel nominal diameter (D) ranges from 920 mm (original, maximum) to 840 mm (operational minimum).
- Graz Pauker 702: This bogie is composed of eight wheels (so four wheelsets), and it can withstand 20 t (5 t/axle) at 100 km/h. The nominal total wheelbase (e) is 2.700 m (1 + 0.700 + 1 m are the nominal partial wheelbases (e′)), and the wheel nominal diameter (D) ranges from 355 to 335 mm.
- The flange radius (rp) is obtained as the addition of the nominal rolling radius (r0, half of D) and a constant.
- The total wheelbase (e) values must be within [, since ensuring that minimum avoids wheel interference and that maximum avoids restricted movement (less than 1% of the tightest curve radius, as explained in Section 2.7).
- The axle load values of 18,784 kg for 920 mm diameter wheels and 6996 kg for 355 mm wheels are equivalent in relation to the material quantity. Specifically, both values generate a 1235 MPa normal pressure, which is a mean pressure value (maximum axle loads usually induce 1100–1300 MPa on the wheel), even if the load value for the smaller wheel surpasses the manufacturer’s limit. Further details are given in Ref. [16].
2.7. Input Data
- Initial and final metric points (Qin and Qf, respectively).
- Type of stretch: RECTA (straight), CIR (circular curve), CLO (clothoid), PARACUAD (quadratic parabola) or PARACUB (cubic parabola).
- Direction of the curve: NING (the stretch is straight), IZDA (curve to the left) or DCHA (curve to the right).
- Position of the bogie at the curve: NING (the stretch is straight), ENT (the bogie is entering the curve), SAL (the bogie is exiting the curve).
- Curve radius (R), cant (hr) and inclination (i).
- Initial and final maximum speed allowed (Vin and Vfn, respectively).
3. Results
3.1. Scenarios for 920 mm Wheels, from (a) to (d)
- When the 920 mm wheels are mounted on a bogie with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 13,750 kg, they can travel for 159,110 km until reaching an 840 mm diameter, losing 2 mm in diameter at every reprofiling cycle. At that point, the worn-out profile will be discarded for safety and operational reasons.
- When the 920 mm wheels are mounted on a bogie with e = 1.800 m and kg, they can travel for 106,007 km until reaching an 840 mm diameter, losing 2 mm in diameter at every reprofiling cycle. At that point, the worn-out profile will be discarded for safety and operational reasons.
- If, instead, the 920 mm wheels are assembled on a bogie with e = 1.020 m and λeje = 18,784 kg, they can travel for 145,278 km until reaching an 840 mm diameter.
- Lastly, if the 920 mm wheels are on a bogie with e = 2.540 m and λeje = 18,784 kg, they can travel for 90,194 km until reaching an 840 mm diameter.
3.2. Scenarios for 355 mm Wheels, from (e) to (h)
- When the 355 mm wheels are mounted on a bogie with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 3750 kg, they are able to travel for 49,359 km until reaching their minimum allowed diameter: 335 mm. This is the real-life end for this wheel, yet the wear–reprofiling cycles are extended as if the final diameter could be 275 mm since the difference between 355 and 275 is the same as that of 920 and 840. In this fictional situation, the wheel would have traveled 180,414 (fictional-life end).
- When the 355 mm wheels are mounted on a bogie with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 5000 kg, they are capable of traveling 38,434 km until reaching their minimum allowed diameter of 335 mm. This is the real-life end for this wheel, yet the wear–reprofiling cycles are extended as if the final diameter could be 275 mm since the difference between 355 and 275 is the same as that of 920 and 840. In this fictional situation, the wheel would have traveled 140,481 km (fictional-life end).
- If, instead, the 355 mm wheels are assembled on a bogie with e = 1.020 m and λeje = 5000 kg, then they are capable of traveling 36,483 km until reaching their minimum allowed diameter of 335 mm. In this scenario, the life end could fictionally be 133,352 km (fictional-life end).
- Lastly, if the 355 mm wheels are on a bogie with e = 2.540 m and λeje = 6996 kg capable of traveling 21,011 km until reaching their minimum allowed diameter of 335 mm. In this scenario, the life end could fictionally be 76,795 km (fictional-life end).
4. Discussion
- Scenarios from (a) to (d) can be compared to the life of a 920 mm wheel with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 18,874 kg: 124,275 km, computed in Ref. [16].
- The 920 mm wheel can operate for 159,110 km in scenario (a), which implies a 28.03% increase; for 106,007 km in scenario (b), implying a 14.70% decrease; for 145,278 km in scenario (c), yielding a 16.90% increase; and, finally, for 90,194 km in scenario (d), a 27.42% decrease.
- Scenarios from (e) to (h) can be compared to the life of a 355 mm wheel with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 6996 kg: 26,985 km (real-life end) and 101,433 km (fictional-life end), calculated in Ref. [16].
- Regarding real-life ends, the 355 mm wheel can operate for 49,359 km in scenario (e), which implies an 82.91% increase; for 38,434 km in scenario (f), implying a 42.43% increase; for 36,483 km in scenario (g), yielding a 35.20% increase; and, finally, for 21,011 km in scenario (h), a 22.14% decrease.
- Regarding fictional-life ends, the 355 mm wheel can run for 180,414 km in scenario (e), which implies a 77.87% increase; for 140,481 km in scenario (f), implying a 38.50% increase; for 133,352 km in scenario (g), yielding a 31.47% increase; and, finally, for 76,795 km in scenario (h), a 24.29% decrease.
- As it can be seen, increasing axle load is worse than increasing wheelbase (which has an enormous percentual increase). This is because increases in axle load augment both wear depth and the width of the contact patch, whereas increases in wheelbase only augment the former.
- The distance difference between reprofiling (the reprofiling span) is very variable. Should the wagons perform n routes Albarque–Zacarín–Albarque (75.272 km) a week, then reprofiling periodicity should be Reprofiling span · (7/(75.272n)). Because the reprofiling span is not constant inside any of the scenarios, the mean value must be computed for everyone.
- According to the reprofiling periodicity criterion, some scenarios are much more unfavorable than others. Scenario (h) has a mean reprofiling span below 3000 km, while in scenario (e), more than 6500 km are reached. The next bar plot, in Figure 12, displays this information.
- From a maintenance economy perspective, scenarios (a), (c), (e), (f) and (g) are preferable because the wheels go to the workshop less often and live longer, so they also have to be replaced less frequently.
- RCF is predicted for every flange–rail contact as normally Fsurf > 0in these situations (except for isolated cases where the 355 mm wheel is negotiating curves with radii close to the threshold radius) as a consequence of the high normal pressure () at the flange contact area with the rail, which stacks up hydrostatically over a tiny contact area. All of this leads to a high wear index (), which falls in the severe region of the USFD wear law.
- It is interesting to gather some intermediate results showing the extent of RCF on one 920 mm wheel with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 18,874 kg, and one 355 mm wheel with e = 1.800 m and λeje = 699 kg, which negotiates the tightest curve belonging to the line layout; that is, R = 265 m, so flange–rail contact occurs. These intermediate results are shown in Table A4 (Appendix D).
- As it can be seen, .
- So, except for the normal pressure and the wear depth, the rest of the values are less for reduced-diameter wheels, where RCF is less intense. The normal pressure increases because the contact is smaller, whereas the wear depth increases (despite being the wear rate the same and typical of the severe wear regime) because the reduced-diameter wheel must turn more times (the number of revolutions is higher) to travel the same linear distance as the ordinary-diameter one.
- Another appreciation from Table A4 is that flange–rail contact is slightly more benign for reduced-diameter wheels; thus, the forces are less intense: Fx(355) = 1009 < Fx(920) = 1274 N; Fy(355) = 34,760 < Fy(920) = 41,159 N; Mz(355) = 55.280 < Mz(920) = 197.200 N · m. Regarding the normal force on the flange, the same trend is observed: N(355) = 76,224 < N(920) = 85,465 N.
- Not only are dynamics more benign, but kinematics are also smoother. By applying Redtenbacher’s formula to both wheels, as in Figure 13a, and the total uncentering equation, as in Figure 13b, it can be seen that reduced-diameter wheels tend to uncenter less than ordinary-diameter ones, so they can negotiate curves more smoothly, even in the worst case (leading wheelset and outer wheel):
5. Conclusions
- Varying axle load has a more acute effect than varying the wheelbase, which can be explained theoretically: increases in axle load augment both wear depth and the width of the contact patch, whereas increases in wheelbase only augment the former.
- Reduced-diameter wheels live shorter than ordinary-diameter ones as they cannot go through the same number of reprofiling cycles due to the manufacturers’ and operators’ limitations, which are imposed since a wheel that has lost a big percentage of its volume cannot withstand the same load and suffers RCF more intensely.
- Even if they could, reduced-diameter wheels would still live shorter due to their greater angular contact with the rail (number of revolutions), which increases the wear depth at most of the curves. However, this effect is non-linear, as kinematics and dynamics are slightly more benign for reduced-diameter wheels.
- That means that halving the diameter does not imply halving the wheel lifespan, as the lifespan reduction is less than half.
- RCF is predicted for every flange–rail contact, so adopting mitigation strategies is necessary.
- (a)
- Regarding maintenance economy, reduced-diameter wheels go to the workshop more often, but they can go through fewer reprofiling cycles than ordinary-diameter ones, so the reduced-diameter wheels must be replaced more often. Additionally, the double wheels must be reprofiled at every cycle. This implies that the maintenance cost for reduced-diameter wheels is, presumably, higher.
- (b)
- Even a Graz Pauker bogie loaded at 7 t/axle with a wheelbase below or equal to 1.800 m cannot beat a Y25 bogie loaded at 18.5 t/axle or up to 22.5 t/axle and a wheelbase below or equal to 1.800 m. The former can only take up 28 t (56 t the whole wagon), while the latter, 37 t or up to 45 t (74–90 t the whole wagon).
- (c)
- Y25 bogies with their 920 mm wheels are the best option unless extensive work would be required to increase the loading gauge at tunnels and overpasses. In that case, an economical study should be performed that could lead to the usage of Graz Pauker 702 bogies with 355 mm wheels.
- (d)
- It must also be noted that wagons equipped with Y25 wagons are more difficult to load due to their shape, and the articulated vehicle’s cabin does not usually fit on the wagon.
- (e)
- The wheels of Y25 bogies live longer when they do not reach their maximum axle load (22.5 t/axle). Also, when the wheelbase is below 1.800 m, a realistic wheelbase value should consider the strength of the bogie beams and the room taken up by the suspension stages.
- (f)
- The load inside the heavy articulated vehicles should be appropriately distributed. Advanced weighing techniques must ensure that axle loads hold mostly constant and do not vary abruptly (for instance, one wheelset loaded with 8 t and the next one with 22.5 t). This uniformity allows for more even wear on the bogie or both bogies of a wagon.
- Consideration of uncentered (respecting the ±10 mm tolerance [1] and uneven axle load across the wheelsets).
- Variation in less influential factors (HCdG, for instance) in order to develop sensitivity analyses with the goal of tune-fining.
- Variation in the track gauge in order to consider the effect of track gauge on wheel wear.
- Reformulation of the algorithm in order to mesh the contact patch and execute calculations globally, including all of the elastic microslips.
- Consideration of conformal contacts, also by means of finite elements, as it is not possible to apply Hertz’s solution to this type of contact.
- Addition of rail wear, which would have an impact on wheel wear, as the rail curvatures would change (favorably, in general) and the contact positions would differ.
- Updating the contact parameters immediately after the wheel starts to wear out. This would allow for the computation of the actual semi-conicity, contact angle and radii.
- Inclusion of the wheel and rail surface roughness, which would require powerful software able to characterize surfaces with a micrometric resolution.
- Consideration of a different friction coefficient for the tread and flange, as it is not always the same, as well as other weather conditions and flange lubrication.
- Study of the effect of brake shoes on the tread. The shoes would tend to increase the tread wheel, yet the overall effect is not very pronounced (the shoes wear out first). The shoes are also helpful for wiping pollutants off of the wheels (for example, leaves).
- Optimization of the maximum wear depth taking into account economic factors: often, reprofiling would lower derailment and crack-failure risks; however, that would come at a high cost, so the trade-off point should be optimized.
- Comparison of the theoretical data with those obtained by simulation with tools specialized in railway dynamics (ADAMS/rail, for instance, which would enable a multibody dynamics simulation).
- Conduction of experiments in order to collect real data and compare it to the theoretical data. Analyzing data from a truck operation, including axle loads, speeds, trajectories and wheel wear, would be crucial. For that, sensors and monitoring systems on the tracks so as to monitor the dynamic responses of the wagons would be suitable.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Abbreviation | Definition | Unit (SI) | Abbreviation | Definition | Unit (SI) |
a | Longitudinal semi-axis of Hertz’s ellipse | m | ndec | Degree of the function deceleration–time | Ø |
alat | Lateral acceleration experienced by the vehicle | m · s−2 | nejes | Number of axles on the vehicle | Ø |
A | Relative longitudinal curvature | m−1 | Number of axles on the bogie | Ø | |
Ac | Hertz’s ellipse area | m2 | nH | Lateral Hertz’s coefficient | Ø |
Af | Ratio between the minimum friction coefficient (infinite slip speed) and the maximum (null slip) | Ø | N | Reaction force of the rail on the wheel on the normal contact direction (normal force) | N |
b | Lateral semi-axis of Hertz’s ellipse | m | Reaction force of the rail on the wheel in the normal direction to the contact area at the (tread flange) at a wheel experiencing flange–rail contact | N | |
Distance from track center to the rolling radius of the (inner|outer) wheel in relation to the curve | m | Normal force acting on the (outer|inner) wheel in relation to the curve | N | ||
bo | Distance from track center to rolling radius | m | Normal force component in the radial |tangential direction (the tangential one is perpendicular to the radial one) | N | |
B | Relative lateral curvature | m−1 | Normal force component acting on the wheel (perpendicularly|tangentially) to contact area | N | |
Bf | Exponential constant at friction law | s · m−1 | o | Existing offset between the track gauge minus the flange–rail play and the distance between the nominal radius center of the wheelset wheels | m |
c | Effective size of contact patch | m | op | Horizontal distance between the center of the flange contact area center and the center of the wheel | m |
C | Contact tangential stiffness | N · m−3 | Maximum contact normal pressure | Pa | |
CS | Contact tangential stiffness for the pure spin case | N · m−3 | Initial|final metric point | m | |
Longitudinal|lateral|vertical Kalker’s coefficient | Ø | Theorical rolling radius of the (outer|inner) wheel in relation to the curve | m | ||
Kalker’s coefficient (longitudinal|lateral) corrected according to non-dimensional slip components | Ø | Rolling radius of the (outer|inner) wheel in relation to the curve, including the displacement due to the yaw angle | m | ||
Kalker’s coefficients on yczc plane | Ø | ro | Nominal rolling radius | m | |
D | Nominal wheel diameter | m | rp | Wheel radius measured until the flange contact patch | m |
e | Total bogie wheelbase (measured from its leading to trailing wheelset) | m | rrr | Real rolling radius | m |
e′ | Partial bogie wheelbase (measured between 2 next wheelsets) | m | rH | Vertical Hertz’s coefficient | Ø |
E | Equivalent Young’s modulus of the materials in contact | Pa | R | Curve radius (measured from its center to the track axis) | m |
Young’s modulus of the rail|wheel | Pa | Rx1 | Rail lateral radius | m | |
Sagitta of the inner rail in relation to the curve | m | Rx2 | Wheel lateral radius | m | |
F | Magnitude of tangential force vector | N | Ry1 | Rail longitudinal radius | m |
Ff | Braking force | N | Ry2 | Longitudinal wheel radius | m |
Ft | Traction force | N | s | Magnitude of non-dimensional slip vector | Ø |
Longitudinal|lateral tangential force | N | Longitudinal|lateral non-dimensional slip | Ø | ||
N | sC | Magnitude of non-dimensional slip corrected with the spin contribution | Ø | ||
Fy,C | Lateral tangential force (lateral force) corrected with the spin contribution | N | sy,C | Lateral non-dimensional slip corrected with the spin contribution | Ø |
Fy,S | Increase in lateral force due to spin | N | Wear index for the USFD law | N · m−2 | |
Maximum tangential force before rolling contact fatigue appears | N | m | |||
FIsurf | Fatigue index | Ø | m | ||
g | Gravity acceleration | m · s−2 | m | ||
G | Equivalent shear modulus of the materials in contact | Pa | m | ||
Shear module of the rail|wheel | Pa | Longitudinal| lateral creepage | Ø | ||
hr | Real cant of the railway line | m | V | Vehicle speed | m · s−1 |
HCdG | Center of gravity of λeje height over the rolling plane | Final|initial vehicle speed | m · s−1 | ||
Htara | Center of gravity of λtara height over the rolling plane | m | Longitudinal|lateral slip speed | m · s−1 | |
Hu | Center of gravity of λu height over the rolling plane | m | ww | Wheel width | m |
HUSFD | Total wheel wear depth (USFD law) | m | WR,USFD | Wear rate (USFD law) | kg · m−1 · m−2 |
i | Railway line gradient/slope | m | y | Wheelset uncentering | m |
J | Track gauge | ‰ | y* | Total wheelset uncentering | m |
k | Wheel semi-conicity or inclination | m | Available play for the bogie leading wheelset when it uncenters towards the outside of a curve | m | |
Reduction coefficient for the initial slope of the traction curve at the stick|slip region | Ø | Available play for the bogie trailing wheelset when it uncenters towards the inside of a curve | m | ||
KM | Auxiliary coefficient for the calculation of Fy,s | Ø | Wheelset uncentering rate | m · s−1 | |
Lrr | Length really rolled by a wheel | N | Total wheelset uncentering rate | m · s−1 | |
mH | Longitudinal Hertz’s coefficient | m | Zw | Number of wheels on the bogie | Ø |
MZ | Spin torque | N · m |
Abbreviation | Definition | Unit (SI) | Abbreviation | Definition | Unit (SI) |
αfn | Fraction of the force normal to the wheel falling on the flange contact patch | Ø | Initial friction coefficient or maximum (null slip speed) | Ø | |
βrp | Gradient angle | rad | v | Equivalent Poisson’s ratio of the materials in contact | Ø |
Wheel contact angle | rad | Poisson’s ratio of the rail|wheel | Ø | ||
Maximum indentation between the two bodies in contact | m | Gauge widening (at tight curves) | m | ||
Auxiliary coefficient for the obtention of coefficient KM | Ø | Density of the wheel material | kg · m−3 | ||
Tangential stress gradient at the stick region | Ø | Longitudinal displacement angle of the contact patch | rad | ||
Tangential stress gradient at the stick region for the pure spin case | Ø | Maximum tangential stress transmitted | Pa | ||
Load (horizontal|vertical) on the flange contact patch | N | Tangential yield stress of the wheel material | Pa | ||
Play between the flange and the rail | m | Tilt angle | rad | ||
Hertz’s angle | rad | Variation angle of tilt angle | rad · s−1 | ||
Real cant angle | rad | Spin (rotational creepage) | rad · m−1 | ||
λeje | Axle load | kg | Yaw angle | rad | |
λtara | Vehicle tare | kg | Variation rate of yaw angle | rad · s−1 | |
λu | Payload transported by the vehicle | kg | Angular slip speed when braking per unit length | rad · s−1 · m−1 | |
Dynamic friction coefficient (or adhesion coefficient) | Ø |
Appendix B
Appendix C
Variable | Value | Variable | Value | Variable | Value |
Af (Ø) | 0.400 | K (flange) (Ø) | 1.235–2.747 | (°) | 1.432 |
Bf (s/m) | 0.600 | kA (Ø) | 1 | (°) | 1.432 |
e (m) | 1.800 | kS (Ø) | 0.400 | (°) | 51–70 |
E1 (Pa) | 2.100 × 1011 | (m) | 300 × 10−3 | (m) | 0.007 |
E2 (Pa) | 2.100 × 1011 | (m) | 80 × 10−3 | λtara (kg) | 20,000 |
g (m·s−2) | 9.810 | (m) | 13 × 10−3 | (Ø) | 0.400 |
G1 (Pa) | 81.712 × 109 | (m) | 5 × 107 | (Ø) | 0.550 |
G2 (Pa) | 81.712 × 109 | (m) | 5 × 107 | v1 (Ø) | 0.285 |
Htara (m) | 0.512 | (m) | (13 or 20) × 10−3 | v2 (Ø) | 0.285 |
HCdG (m) | 1.573 | ndec (Ø) | 0 | (kg·m−3) | 7850 |
J (m) | 1.668 | o (m) | 0.075 | (Pa) | 3.120 × 108 |
k(tread) (Ø) | 0.025 | ww (m) | 0.140 | ||
k(tread′) (Ø) | 0.025 | αfn (Ø) | 0.750 |
Appendix D
Variable | 920 mm Wheel | 355 mm Wheel |
D (m) | 0.920 | 0.355 |
e (m) | 1.800 | 1.800 |
λeje (kg) | 18,784 | 6996 |
R (m) | 265 | 265 |
Fsurf (Ø) | 0.433 | 0.409 |
(Pa) | 6.401 × 109 | 6.584 × 109 |
468.088 | 367.887 | |
a (mm) | 10.030 | 6.276 |
b (mm) | 0.636 | 0.881 |
Ac (mm2) | 20.031 | 17.360 |
(N/mm2) | 23.368 | 21.192 |
55 | 55 | |
2.295 | 3.538 | |
Fx (N) | 1274 | 1009 |
Fy (N) | 41,159 | 34,760 |
Mz (N × m) | 197.200 | 55.28 |
vx (Ø) | −3.013 × 10−3 | −2.581 × 10−3 |
vy (Ø) | −5.760 × 10−3 | −5.760 × 10−3 |
1.152 | −2.986 | |
N (N) | 85,465 | 76,224 |
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Variable | D (m) | ) | rp (m) | e (m) | (kg) |
(a) | 0.920 | 2 | 0.467–0.475 | 1.800 | 13,750 |
(b) | 0.920 | 2 | 0.467–0.475 | 1.800 | 22,500 |
(c) | 0.920 | 2 | 0.467–0.475 | 1.020 | 18,784 |
(d) | 0.920 | 2 | 0.467–0.475 | 2.540 | 18,784 |
(e) | 0.355 | 4 | 0.185–0.193 | 1.800 | 3750 |
(f) | 0.355 | 4 | 0.185–0.193 | 1.800 | 5000 |
(g) | 0.355 | 4 | 0.185–0.193 | 1.365 | 6996 |
(h) | 0.355 | 4 | 0.185–0.193 | 2.540 | 6996 |
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Pellicer, D.S.; Larrodé, E. Sensitivity Analysis of Bogie Wheelbase and Axle Load for Low-Floor Freight Wagons, Based on Wheel Wear. Machines 2024, 12, 515.
Pellicer DS, Larrodé E. Sensitivity Analysis of Bogie Wheelbase and Axle Load for Low-Floor Freight Wagons, Based on Wheel Wear. Machines. 2024; 12(8):515.
Chicago/Turabian StylePellicer, David S., and Emilio Larrodé. 2024. "Sensitivity Analysis of Bogie Wheelbase and Axle Load for Low-Floor Freight Wagons, Based on Wheel Wear" Machines 12, no. 8: 515.
APA StylePellicer, D. S., & Larrodé, E. (2024). Sensitivity Analysis of Bogie Wheelbase and Axle Load for Low-Floor Freight Wagons, Based on Wheel Wear. Machines, 12(8), 515.