1. Introduction
Azumaya algebras over a commutative ring R are characterized by the fact that the functor induces an equivalence between the category of R-modules and the category of -bimodules. In this situation, Azumaya algebras are separable algebras, that is the multiplication splits as a -bimodule map.
Braided monoidal categories allow for similar constructions as module categories over commutative rings, and so, with some care, Azumaya algebras (monoids) and Brauer groups can be defined for such categories. For finitely bicomplete categories, this was worked out by Fisher-Palmquist in [
1]; for symmetric monoidal categories it was investigated by Pareigis in [
2]; and for braided monoidal categories, the theory was outlined by van Oystaeyen and Zhang in [
3] and Femić in [
4]. It follows from the observations in [
2] that, even in symmetric monoidal categories, the category equivalence requested for an Azumaya algebra
A does not imply the separability of
A (defined as for
In our approach to Azumaya (co)monads, we focus on the properties of monads and comonads on any category
inducing equivalences between certain related categories. Our main tools are distributive laws between monads (and comonads) as used in the investigations of Hopf monads in general categories (see [
Section 2, basic facts about the related theory are recalled, including Galois functors.
Section 3, we consider monads
on any category
endowed with a distributive law
satisfying the Yang–Baxter equation (monad BD-law). The latter enables the definition of a monad
, where
. Furthermore,
λ can be considered as distributive law
, and this allows one to define a monad structure on
. Then, for any object
allows for an
-module structure, thus inducing a comparison functor
. We call
an Azumaya monad (in 3.3) if this functor is an equivalence of categories. The properties and characterizations of such monads are given, in particular for the case that they allow for a right adjoint functor (Theorem 3.10). Dualizing these notions leads to an intrinsic definition of Azumaya comonads (Definition 3.14). Given a monad
with monad BD-law
, where the functor
F has a right adjoint
R, a comonad
with a comonad BD-law
can be constructed (Proposition 3.15). The relationship between the Azumaya properties of the monad
and the comonad
is addressed in Proposition 3.16. It turns out that for a Cauchy complete category
is an Azumaya monad and
is a separable monad, if and only if
is an Azumaya comonad and
is a separable comonad (Theorem 3.17).
Section 4, our theory is applied to study Azumaya algebras in braided monoidal categories
. Then, for any
A, the braiding induces a distributive law
A is called left (right) Azumaya if the monad
) is Azumaya. In [
-algebras, which are both left and right Azumaya, are used to define the Brauer group of
. We will get various characterizations for such algebras, but will not pursue their role for the Brauer group. In braided monoidal categories with equalizers and coequalizers, the notions of left and right Azumaya algebras coincide (Theorem 4.18).
The results about Azumaya comonads provide an extensive theory of Azumaya coalgebras in braided categories
, and the basics for this are described in
Section 5. Besides the formal transfer of results known for algebras, we introduce coalgebras
over cocommutative coalgebras
, and for this,
Section 3 provides conditions that make them Azumaya. This extends the corresponding notions studied for coalgebras over cocommutative coalgebras in vector space categories by Torrecillas, van Oystaeyen and Zhang in [
7]. Over a commutative ring
, Azumaya coalgebras
turn out to be coseparable and are characterized by the fact that the dual algebra
is an Azumaya
R-algebra. Notice that coalgebras with the latter property were first studied by Sugano in [
Let us mention that, given an endofunctor
with a monad and a comonad structure, a natural transformation
is called a local prebraiding in (6.7 in [
5]), provided it is a monad, as well as a comonad BD-law. For example, the Yang–Baxter operator in the definition of a weak braided Hopf algebra in Alonso Álvarez
et al. (Definition 2.1 in [
9]) is (among other conditions) required to be of this type. As pointed out by a referee, in Gordon
et al. [
10], it is suggested to generalize Azumaya algebras by considering them as weak equivalences in an appropriate tricategory.
3. Azumaya Monads and Comonads
An algebra A over a commutative ring R is Azumaya provided A induces an equivalence between and the category of -bimodules. The construction uses properties of the monad on , and the purpose of this section is to trace this notion back to the categorical essentials to allow the formulation of the basic properties for monads on any category. Throughout, will again denote any category.
3.1 Definition.
Given an endofunctor on , a natural transformation is said to satisfy the Yang–Baxter equation provided it induces the commutativity of the diagram: For a monad on , a monad distributive law satisfying the Yang–Baxter equation is called a (monad) BD-law (see Definition 2.2 in [13]). Here, the interest in the YB-condition for distributive laws lies in the fact that it allows one to define opposite monads and comonads.
3.2 Proposition.
Let be a monad on and a BD-law.- (1)
is a monad on , where , , and .
- (2)
λ defines a distributive law making a monad where: - (3)
The composite defines a left -module structure on the functor .
- (4)
There is a comparison functor given by:
Proof. (1) is easily verified (e.g., Remark 3.4 in [
14], Section 6.9 in [
(2) can be seen by direct computation (e.g., [
(3) can be proven by a straightforward diagram chase.
(4) follows from 2.12 using the left -module structure of F defined in (3). ☐
When no confusion can occur, we shall just write instead of .
3.3 Definition.
A monad on any category with a BD-law is said to be Azumaya provided the comparison functor is an equivalence of categories.
3.4 Proposition.
If is an Azumaya monad on , then the functor F admits a left adjoint.
Proof. With our previous notation, we have the commutative diagram:
Since always has a left adjoint and since is an equivalence of categories, the composite has a left adjoint. ☐
This observation allows for a first characterization of Azumaya monads.
3.5 Theorem.
Let be a monad on and a BD-law. The following are equivalent:- (a)
is an Azumaya monad;
- (b)
the functor is monadic and the left -module structure on F defined in Proposition 3.2 is Galois;
- (c)
the functor is monadic (with some adjunction ), and the composite (as in 2.12
):is an isomorphism of monads , where is the monad on generated by this adjunction .
Proof. That (a) and (b) are equivalent follows from Proposition 2.15.
(b)⇔(c) In both cases,
F is monadic, and thus,
F allows for an adjunction, say
with unit
. Write
for the monad on
generated by this adjunction. Since the left
-module structure on the functor
F is the composite:
it follows from 2.12 that the monad morphism
induced by the diagram:
is the composite:
Thus, F is -Galois if and only if is an isomorphism. ☐
3.6. The isomorphism .
According to 2.2, for any monad BD-law , the assignment:yields an isomorphism of categories , where for any module , There is a functor ,with and a commutative diagram: Proof. Direct calculation shows that:
for all
. ☐
It is obvious that is an equivalence (i.e., is Azumaya) if and only if is an equivalence. To apply Proposition 2.13 to the functor , we will need a functor left adjoint to whose existence is not a consequence of the Azumaya condition. For this, the invertibility of λ plays a crucial part.
3.7 Proposition.
Let be a monad on with an invertible monad BD-law .- (1)
is a distributive law inducing a monad where:and λ is an isomorphism of monads . - (2)
There is an isomorphism of categories: - (3)
induces a comparison functor ,with commutative diagrams:
Proof. (1), (2) follow by Proposition 2.3; (3) is shown similarly to 3.6. ☐
λ invertible, it follows from the diagrams in
Section 3.6,
Section 3.7 that
F is an Azumaya monad if and only if the functor
is an equivalence of categories.
Note that if
is a BD-law, then
λ can be seen as a monad BD-law
, and it is not hard to see that the corresponding comparison functor:
Now, if , then and . Thus, the category can be identified with the category . Modulo this identification, the functor corresponds to the functor . It now follows from the preceding remark:
3.8 Proposition.
Let be a monad on with a BD-law . If , then is an Azumaya monad if and only if is so.
3.9. Azumaya monads with right adjoints.
be a monad with an invertible BD-law
. Assume
F to admit a right adjoint functor
R, with
, inducing a comonad
(see 2.1). Since
is an invertible distributive law, there is a comonad
lifting the comonad
and that is right adjoint to the monad
(see 2.7), yielding a category isomorphism:
where, for any
and a commutative diagram (see (2.4)):
, one has for any
Therefore, the
of the induced
-comodule structure
on the functor
induced by the commutative diagram (3.2) (see
Section 2.14), is the composite:
It then follows that, for any
, the
of the corresponding comonad morphism
is the composite:
These observations lead to the following characterizations of Azumaya monads.
3.10 Theorem.
Let be a monad on , an invertible monad BD-law, and a comonad right adjoint to (with ). Then, the following are equivalent:- (a)
is an Azumaya monad;
- (b)
- (i)
is comonadic; and
- (ii)
is -Galois, that is:
in (3.3) is an isomorphism for any or
is an isomorphism.
Proof. Recall first that the monad is of effective descent type means that is comonadic.
By Proposition 2.15, the functor
making the triangle (3.2) commute is an equivalence of categories (
i.e., the monad
is Azumaya) if and only if the monad
is of an effective descent type and the comonad morphism
is an isomorphism. Moreover, according to Theorem 2.12 in [
t is an isomorphism if and only if for any object
, the
is an isomorphism. Using now that
, it is easy to see that
for all
. This completes the proof. ☐
The existence of a right adjoint of the comparison functor can be guaranteed by conditions on the base category.
3.11. Right adjoint for .
With the data given above, assume to have equalizers of coreflexive pairs. Then:- (1)
the functor (see 3.9
) admits a right adjoint whose value at is the equalizer: - (2)
for any , is the equalizer:
Proof. (1) According to 2.16,
is the object part of the equalizer of:
γ is the composite
It follows from the description of
t that
is the composite
which is just the composite
, since:
(2) For any , fits into the diagram (3.2). ☐
3.12 Definition.
Write for the subfunctor of the functor F determined by the equalizer of the diagram: We call the monad central if is (isomorphic to) the identity functor.
Since is right adjoint to the functor , is fully faithful if and only if .
3.13 Theorem.
Assume to admit equalizers of coreflexive pairs. Let be a monad on , an invertible BD-law and a comonad right adjoint to . Then, the comparison functor is:- (i)
full and faithful if and only if the monad is central;
- (ii)
an equivalence of categories if and only if the monad is central and the functor is conservative.
Proof. (i) follows from the preceding proposition.
(ii) Since is central, the unit of the adjunction is an isomorphism by (i). If is the counit of the adjunction, then it follows from the triangular identity that is an isomorphism. Since is assumed to be conservative (reflects isomorphisms), this implies that is an isomorphism, too. Thus, is an equivalence of categories. ☐
Dualizing the notion of an Azumaya monad leads to Azumaya comonads.
3.14 Definition.
For a comonad on , a comonad distributive law (see 2.4) satisfying the Yang–Baxter equation is called a comonad BD-law (or just a BD-law).
The pair is said to be an Azumaya comonad provided that the (obvious) comparison functor is an equivalence.
We leave it for the reader to dualize results about Azumaya monads to Azumaya comonads. Recall that comonad BD-laws are obtained from monad BD-laws by adjunctions (see 7.4 in [
3.15 Proposition.
Let be a monad on and a monad BD-law. If F has a right adjoint functor R, then there is a comonad with a comonad YB-distributive law , where , and . Moreover, λ is invertible if and only if κ is so.
The next observation shows the transfer of the Galois property to an adjoint functor.
3.16 Proposition.
Assume to be a monad on with an invertible monad BD-law and an adjunction inducing a comonad with invertible comonad BD-law (seeProposition 3.15). Then, the functor is -Galois if and only if the functor is -Galois.
Proof. By Theorem 3.10 and its dual, we have to show that, for any
, the composite:
is an isomorphism if and only if, for any
, this is so for the composite:
By symmetry, it suffices to prove one implication. Therefore, suppose that the functor
-Galois. Since
δ is the composite:
Considering the diagram:
in which the top left triangle commutes by one of the triangular identities for
and the other partial diagrams commute by naturality, one sees that
is the composite:
Since , the pair , being (see 2.1), is an object of the category . It then follows that . Since the functor is assumed to be -Galois, the morphism , and, hence, also , is an isomorphism, as desired. ☐
In view of the properties of separable functors (see 2.19) and Definition 3.3, for an Azumaya monad , is a separable monad if and only if F is a separable functor. In this case, is also a separable functor, that is the unit splits. Dually, for an Azumaya comonad , is separable if and only if the functor R is separable. Thus, we have:
3.17 Theorem.
Under the conditions of Proposition 3.16
, suppose further that is a Cauchy complete category. Then, the following are equivalent:- (a)
is an Azumaya monad, and is a separable monad;
- (b)
is an Azumaya monad, and the unit is a split monomorphism;
- (c)
is -Galois, and is a split monomorphism;
- (d)
is an Azumaya comonad, and the counit is a split epimorphism;
- (e)
is -Galois, and is a split epimorphism;
- (f)
is -Galois, and is a separable comonad.
Proof. (a)⇒(b)⇒(c) follow by the preceding remarks.
(c)⇒(a) Since
is assumed to be Cauchy complete, by Corollary 3.17 in [
18], the splitting of
e implies that the functor
is comonadic. Now, the assertion follows by Theorem 3.10.
ε is the mate of
ε is a split epimorphism if and only if
e is a split monomorphism (e.g., 7.4 in [
5]), and the splitting of
ε implies that the functor
is monadic. Applying now Theorem 3.10, its dual and Proposition 3.16 gives the desired result. ☐
4. Azumaya Algebras in Braided Monoidal Categories
4.1. Algebras and modules in monoidal categories.
be a strict monoidal category ([
17]). An algebra
-monoid) consists of an object
A of
endowed with multiplication
and unit morphism
, subject to the usual identity and associative conditions.
For a -algebra , a left -module is a pair , where V is an object of and is a morphism in , called the left action (or -left action) on V, such that and .
Left -modules are objects of a category whose morphisms between objects are morphism in , such that . Similarly, one has the category of right -modules.
The forgetful functor
, taking a left
to the object
V, has a left adjoint, the free
-module functor:
There is another way of seeing the category of left -modules involving modules over the monad associated with the -algebra .
defines a monad
by putting:
The corresponding Eilenberg–Moore category of -modules is exactly the category of left -modules, and is the familiar forgetful-free adjunction between and . This gives in particular that the forgetful functor is monadic. Hence, the functor creates those limits that exist in .
Symmetrically, writing for the monad on , whose functor part is , the category is isomorphic to the Eilenberg–Moore category of -modules, and the forgetful functor is monadic and creates those limits that exist in .
admits coequalizers,
is a
a right
-module and
a left
-module, then their tensor product (over
) is the object part of the coequalizer:
4.2. Bimodules.
If and are -algebras, an object V in is called an -bimodule if there are morphisms and in , such that , and . A morphism of -bimodules is a morphism in , which is a morphism of left -modules, as well as of right -modules. Write for the corresponding category.
Let be the trivial -algebra . Then, , and for any -algebra , the category is (isomorphic to) the category of left -modules , while the category is (isomorphic to) the category of right -modules . In particular, .
4.3. The monoidal category of bimodules.
Suppose now that
admits coequalizers and that the tensor product preserves these coequalizer in both variables (
i.e., all functors
, as well as
preservedcoequalizers). The last condition guarantees that if
-algebras and if
, then
Note that (co)algebras in this monoidal category are called -(co)rings.
4.4. Coalgebras and comodules in monoidal categories.
Associated with any monoidal category
, there are three monoidal categories
obtained from
by reversing, respectively, the morphisms, the tensor product and both the morphisms and tensor product,
, where
(see, for example, [
23]). Note that
Coalgebras and comodules in a monoidal category are, respectively, algebras and modules in . If is a -coalgebra, we write (resp. ) for the category of right (resp. left) -comodules. Thus, and . Moreover, if is another -coalgebra, then the category of -bicomodules is . Writing (resp. ) for the comonad on with functor-part (resp. ), one has that (resp. ) is just the category of -comodules (resp. -comodules).
4.5. Duality in monoidal categories.
One says that an object
V of
admits a left dual, or left adjoint, if there exist an object
and morphisms
, such that the composites:
yield the identity morphisms.
is called the unit and
the counit of the adjunction. We use the notation
to indicate that
is left adjoint to
V with unit
and counit
. This terminology is justified by the fact that such an adjunction induces an adjunction of functors:
as well as an adjunction of functors:
i.e., for any
, there are bijections:
Any adjunction
induces a
-algebra and a
Dually, one says that an object
V of
admits a right adjoint if there exist an object
and morphisms
, such that the composites:
yield the identity morphisms.
4.6 Proposition.
Let be an object with a left dual .- (i)
For a -algebra and a left -module structure on V, the morphism:(the mate of under ) is a morphism from the -algebra to the -algebra . - (ii)
For a -coalgebra and a right -comodule structure , the morphism:(the mate of under ) is a morphism from the -coalgebra to the -coalgebra .
4.7 Definition.
Let be an object with a left dual .- (i)
For a -algebra , a left -module is called Galois if the morphism is an isomorphism between the -algebras and and is said to be faithfully Galois if, in addition, the functor is conservative.
- (ii)
For a -coalgebra , a right -comodule is called Galois if is an isomorphism between the -coalgebras and and is said to be faithfully Galois if, in addition, the functor is conservative.
4.8. Braided monoidal categories.
A braided monoidal category is a quadruple
, where
is a monoidal category, and
τ, called the braiding, is a collection of natural isomorphisms:
subject to two hexagon coherence identities (e.g., [
17]). A symmetric monoidal category is a monoidal category with a braiding
τ, such that
for all
. If
is a braided category with braiding
τ, then the monoidal category
becomes a braided category with braiding given by
. Furthermore, given
, the triple:
is again a
-algebra, called the braided tensor product of
The braiding also has the following consequence (e.g., [
If an object
V in
admits a left dual
, then
is right adjoint to
V with unit and counit:
Thus, there are isomorphisms and , and one uses the:
4.9 Definition.
An object V of a braided monoidal category is said to be finite if V admits a left (and, hence, also a right) dual.
For the rest of this section, will denote a braided monoidal category.
Recall that a morphism in is a copure epimorphism (monomorphism) if for any , the morphism (and, hence, also, the morphism ) is a regular epimorphism (monomorphism).
4.10 Proposition.
Let be a braided monoidal category admitting equalizers and coequalizers. For a finite object with left dual , the following are equivalent:- (a)
is conservative (monadic, comonadic);
- (b)
is a copure epimorphism;
- (c)
is conservative (monadic, comonadic);
- (d)
is a pure monomorphism.
Proof. Since V is assumed to admit a left dual, it admits also a right dual (see 4.8). Hence, the equivalence of the properties listed in (a) (and in (c)) follows from 2.11. It only remains to show the equivalence of (a) and (b), since the equivalence of (c) and (d) will then follow by duality.
(a)⇒(b) If
is monadic, then it follows from Theorem 2.4 in [
25] that each component of the counit of the adjunction
, which is the natural transformation
, is a regular epimorphism. Thus,
is a copure epimorphism.
(b)⇒(a) To say that
is a copure epimorphism is to say that each component of the counit
of the adjunction
is a regular epimorphism, which implies (see, e.g., [
25]) that
is conservative. ☐
4.11 Remark.
In Proposition 4.10, if the tensor product preserves regular epimorphisms, then (b) is equivalent to requiring to be a regular epimorphism. If the tensor product in preserves regular monomorphisms, then (d) is equivalent to requiring to be a regular monomorphism.
4.12. Opposite algebras.
For a
, define the opposite algebra
with multiplication
and unit
. Denote by
and by
the braided tensor products. Then,
A is a left
-module, as well as a right
-module by the structure morphisms:
By properties of the braiding, the morphism induces a distributive law from the monad to the monad satisfying the Yang–Baxter equation, and the monad is just the monad . Thus, the category of -modules is the category of left -modules. Symmetrically, the category of -modules is the category of right -modules.
4.13. Azumaya algebras.
Given a
, by Proposition 3.2, there are two comparison functors:
given by the assignments:
with commutative diagrams:
The -algebra is called left (resp. right) Azumaya provided (resp. ) is an Azumaya monad.
4.14 Remark.
It follows from Proposition 3.8 that if , the monad (resp. ) is Azumaya if and only if (resp. is. Thus, in a symmetric monoidal category, a -algebra is left (right) Azumaya if and only if its opposite is so.
A basic property of these algebras is the following.
4.15 Proposition.
Let be a braided monoidal category and a -algebra. If is left Azumaya, then A is finite in .
Proof. It is easy to see that when
are viewed as right
-categories (in the sense of [
is a
-functor. Hence, when
is an equivalence of categories (that is, when
is left Azumaya), its inverse equivalence
is also a
-functor. Moreover, since
is left adjoint to
, it preserves all colimits that exist in
. Obviously, the functor
is also a
-functor, and moreover, being a left adjoint, it preserves all colimits that exist in
. Consequently, the composite
is a
-functor and preserves all colimits that exist in
. It then follows from Theorem 4.2 in [
26] that there exists an object
, such that
. Using now that
is left adjoint to the functor
, it is not hard to see that
is a left dual to
A. ☐
4.16. Left Azumaya algebras.
Let be a braided monoidal category and a -algebra. The following are equivalent:- (a)
is a left Azumaya algebra;
- (b)
the functor is monadic, and the left -module structure on it induced by the left diagram in (4.1) is Galois;
- (c)
(i) A is finite with left dual , and the functor is monadic; and
the composite is an isomorphism (between the -algebras and ;- (d)
(i) A is finite with right dual , and the functor is comonadic; and
the composite is an isomorphism.
Proof. (a)⇔(b) follows by Proposition 2.13.
(a)⇔(c) If is a left Azumaya algebra, then A has a left dual by Proposition 4.15. Thus, in both cases, A is finite, i.e., there is an adjunction . Then, the functor is left adjoint to the functor , and the monad on generated by this adjunction is . It is then easy to see that the monad morphism corresponding to the left commutative diagram in (4.1), is just . Thus, is an isomorphism if and only if is so. It now follows from Theorem 3.5 that (a) and (c) are equivalent.
(a)⇔(d) Any left Azumaya algebra has a left (and a right) dual by Proposition 4.15. Moreover, if A has a right dual , then the functor is right adjoint to the functor . The desired equivalence now follows by applying Theorem 3.10 to the monad and using that the natural transformation χ is just . ☐
4.17 Proposition.
In any braided monoidal category, an algebra is left (resp. right) Azumaya if and only if its opposite algebra is right (resp. left) Azumaya.
Proof. We just note that if is a braided monoidal category and is a -algebra, then is an isomorphism of monads , while the symmetric is an isomorphism of monads . ☐
Under some conditions on , left Azumaya algebras are also right Azumaya and vice versa:
4.18 Theorem.
Let be a -algebra in a braided monoidal category with equalizers and coequalizers. Then, the following are equivalent:- (a)
is a left Azumaya algebra;
- (b)
the left -module is faithfully Galois;
- (c)
A is finite with right dual ; the functor is comonadic; and the composite in 4.16 (d) is an isomorphism;
- (d)
A is finite with right dual ; the functor is monadic; and the composite :is an isomorphism (between the -algebras and ; - (e)
the right -module is faithfully Galois;
- (f)
is a right Azumaya algebra.
Proof. In view of Proposition 4.10 and Remark 4.11, (a), (b) and (c) are equivalent by 4.16.
Each statement about a general braided monoidal category has a counterpart statement obtained by interpreting it in . Doing this for Theorem 4.16, we obtain that (d), (e) and (f) are equivalent.
(c)⇔(d) The composite
is the upper path and
is the lower path in the diagram
. The left square is commutative by naturality, the pentagon is commutative since
τ is a braiding and the parallelogram commutes by the associativity of
m. Therefore, the diagram is commutative, and hence,
, that is
is an isomorphism if and only if
is so. Thus, in order to show that (c) and (d) are equivalent, it is enough to show that the functor
is comonadic if and only if the functor
is monadic. Since
is assumed to have equalizers and coequalizers, this follows from Lemma 2.11 and Proposition 4.10. ☐
4.19 Remark.
A closer examination of the proof of the preceding theorem shows that if a braided monoidal category admits:coequalizers, then any left Azumaya -algebra is right Azumaya,
equalizers, then any right Azumaya -algebra is left Azumaya.
In the setting of 4.12, by Proposition 3.2, the assignment:
yields the comparison functor
Now, assume the functor
to have a right adjoint functor
with unit
. Then, there is a unique comonad structure
(right adjoint to
; see
Section 2.1), leading to the commutative diagram:
. This is just the diagram (3.2), and Theorem 3.10 provides characterizations of left Azumaya algebras.
4.20 Theorem.
Let be an algebra in a braided monoidal category , and assume to have a right adjoint (see above). Then, the following are equivalent:- (a)
is left Azumaya;
- (b)
the functor is comonadic, and for any , the composite:is an isomorphism; - (c)
A is finite; the functor is comonadic; and the composite:is an isomorphism.
Proof. (a)⇔(b) follows by Theorem 3.10.
(a)⇔(c) Since
A turns out to be finite, there is a right dual
A. Then,
are both right adjoint to
, and thus, there is an isomorphism of functors
inducing the commutative diagram:
Rewriting the morphism from 4.16(d) yields the morphism in (c). ☐
A symmetric characterization is obtained for right Azumaya algebras provided the functor has a right adjoint .
4.21 Remark.
In [3], van Oystaeyen and Zhang defined Azumaya algebras in by requiring to be left and right Azumaya in our sense (see 4.13). The preceding Theorem 4.20 together with its right-hand version correspond to the characterization of these algebras in Theorem 3.1 in [3]. As shown in Theorem 4.18, if admits equalizers and coequalizers, it is sufficient to require the Azumaya property on one side. Given an adjunction in , we know from 4.5 that is a -algebra. Moreover, it is easy to see that the morphism defines a left -module structure on , while the composite defines a right -module structure on V.
Recall from [
3] that an object
with a left dual
is right faithfully projective if the morphism
induced by
is an isomorphism. Dually, an object
with a right dual
is left faithfully projective if the morphism
induced by
is an isomorphism.
Since, in a braided monoidal category, an object is left faithfully projective if and only if it is right faithfully projective (e.g., Theorem 3.1 in [
4]), we do not have to distinguish between left and right faithfully projective objects, and we shall call them just faithfully projective.
4.22 Theorem.
Let be a braided closed monoidal category with equalizers and coequalizers. Let be a -algebra, such that the functor admits a right adjoint (hence, also admits a right adjoint ). Then, the following are equivalent:- (a)
is left Azumaya;
- (b)
is right Azumaya;
- (c)
A is faithfully projective, and the composite:where is the unit of the adjunction , is an isomorphism; - (d)
A is faithfully projective, and the composite:where is the unit of the adjunction , is an isomorphism.
Proof. That (a) and (b) are equivalent follows from Theorem 4.18.
(a)⇔(c) Since in both cases,
A is finite and, thus, the functor
has both left and right adjoints, in view of Proposition 4.10, we get from Lemma 2.11 that the functor
is comonadic if and only if the functor
is conservative. According to 2.5.1, 2.5.2 in [
A is faithfully projective if and only if
A is finite and the functor
is conservative, and hence, the equivalence of (a) and (c) follows by Theorem 4.20.
Similarly, one proves that (b) and (d) are equivalent. ☐
4.23. Braided closed monoidal categories.
A braided monoidal category is said to be left closed if each functor has a right adjoint ; we write . is called right closed if each functor has a right adjoint ; we write . being braided left closed implies that is also right closed. Therefore, assume to be closed.
is a
-algebra and
, then for any
and the assignment
defines a functor
. When
admits equalizers, this functor has a right adjoint
, where, for any
is defined to be the equalizer in
where one of the morphisms is
and the other one is the composition:
Symmetrically, for , one defines .
The functor
(in diagram (4.2)) has as right adjoint
(see 2.16), and since Ψ is an isomorphism of categories, the composition
is right adjoint to the functor
. Using now that
(see 3.6) is an isomorphism of categories, we conclude that
is right adjoint to the functor
. For any
, we put:
Taking into account the description of the functors
, Ψ and
, one gets that
can be obtained as the equalizer of the diagram:
Symmetrically, for any
, we define
as the equalizer of the diagram:
The functor
is just the functor
and admits as a right adjoint the functor
(see 4.23). As right adjoints are unique up to isomorphism, we get an alternative proof for Femić’s Proposition 3.3 in [
4.24 Proposition.
Let be a braided closed monoidal category with equalizers. For any -algebra ,the functors: | |
and the functors: | |
are isomorphic. These isomorphisms allow for further characterizations of Azumaya algebras.
4.25 Theorem.
Let be a braided closed monoidal category with equalizers. Then, any -algebra is left (resp. right) Azumaya if and only if:- (i)
the morphism is a pure monomorphism, and
- (ii)
for any , with the inclusion , we have an isomorphism:(resp. for any , with the inclusion , we have an isomorphism:
Proof. The
is left Azumaya provided the functor
is an equivalence of categories. It follows from Equation (2.6) that the composite:
is just the
-component of the counit of
and, hence, is an isomorphism. Moreover, by Proposition 2.15, the functor
is comonadic, whence the morphism
is a pure monomorphism (e.g., Theorem 2.1 in [
18]). This proves one direction.
For the other direction, we note that, under Conditions (i) and (ii), the counit of the adjunction
(and hence, also, of the adjunction
) is an isomorphism and the functor
(and hence, also,
) is conservative (e.g., Theorem 2.1 in [
18]), implying (as in the proof of Theorem 3.13 (ii)) that
is an equivalence of categories.
The right version of the theorem follows by duality. ☐
4.26 Definition.
A -algebra is called left (resp. right) central if there is an isomorphism (resp. ). is called central if it is both left and right central.
4.27 Proposition.
Let be a braided closed monoidal category with equalizers. Then:- (i)
any left (resp. right) Azumaya algebra is left (resp. right) central;
- (ii)
if, in addition, admits also coequalizers, then any algebra that is Azumaya on either side is central.
Proof. (i) follows by Theorem 4.25, while (ii) follows from (i) and Theorem 4.18. ☐
Recall that for any
, an
M is
-projective provided for morphisms
a split epimorphism, there exists an
. This is the case if and only if
M is a retract of a (free)
with some
(e.g., [
28]). We apply this in the characterization of separable algebras.
4.28 Proposition.
The following are equivalent for a -algebra :- (a)
is a separable algebra;
- (b)
has a section in , such that: - (c)
the left -module is -projective;
- (d)
the functor is separable.
4.29 Proposition.
Consider -algebras and , such that the unit of is a split monomorphism. If is separable in , then is also separable in .
Proof. Since I is a retract of B in , A is a retract of in . Since is assumed to be separable in , is a retract of in and, hence, also in . Thus, A is a retract of in . Since , it follows that is -projective, and since retracts of a -projectives are -projective, A is -projective, and is separable by Proposition 4.28. ☐
Following [
2], a finite object
V in
is said to be a progenerator if the counit morphism
is a split epimorphism. The following list describes some of its properties.
4.30 Proposition.
Assume to admit equalizers and coequalizers. For an algebra in with A admitting a left adjoint (see 4.5
), consider the following statements:- (1)
A is a progenerator;
- (2)
the morphism is a split monomorphism;
- (3)
the functor is separable;
- (4)
the unit morphism is a split monomorphism;
- (5)
the functor is conservative (monadic, comonadic);
- (6)
is a separable -algebra.
One always has and .
If I is projective (w.r.t. regular epimorphisms) in , then .
Proof. Since
A admits a left adjoint
, the functor
is left, as well as right adjoint to the functor
. For any
, the composite:
is the
V-component of the unit of the adjunction
, while the morphism
is the
V-component of the counit of the adjunction
. To say that
) is a split monomorphism (resp. epimorphism) is to say that the unit (resp. counit) of the adjunction
) is a split monomorphism (resp. epimorphism). From the observations in 2.17, one gets (1)⇔(2)⇔(3).
By Proposition 4.10, the properties listed in (5) are equivalent. Since
admits equalizers, it is Cauchy complete, and (3)⇒(5) follows from Proposition 3.16 in [
If is a split monomorphism, then the natural transformation is a split monomorphism; applying Proposition 2.20 to the pair of functors gives that the functor is separable, proving (4)⇒(3).
A is a progenerator, then
has a splitting
. Consider the composite:
We claim that
. Indeed, we have:
The first equality holds by naturality, the second one, since e is the unit for the -algebra , and the third one since, ζ is a splitting for . Thus, implies .
Now, if
A is again a progenerator, then the morphism
has a splitting
, and direct inspection shows that the morphism:
is a splitting for the multiplication
of the
satisfying condition (b) of Proposition 4.28. Thus,
is a separable
-algebra, proving the implication (2)⇒(6).
Finally, suppose that
I is projective (w.r.t. regular epimorphisms) in
and that the functor
is monadic. Then, by Theorem 2.4 in [
25], each component of the counit of the adjunction
is a regular epimorphism. Since
is the
I-component of the counit,
is a regular epimorphism and, hence, splits, since
I is assumed to be projective w.r.t. regular epimorphisms. Thus,
A is a progenerator. This proves the implication (5)⇒(1). ☐
4.31 Theorem.
Let be a braided monoidal category with equalizers and coequalizers. For an algebra in , the following are equivalent:- (a)
is a separable left Azumaya -algebra;
- (b)
A is a progenerator, and the morphism in 4.16 (c) is an isomorphism between the -algebras and ;
- (c)
is a split monomorphism, and is a Galois module.
Proof. (a)⇔(c) In view of Proposition 4.28, this is a special case of 3.17.
(b)⇔(c) is an easy consequence of Proposition 4.30 and Theorem 4.16. ☐
To bring back our general theory to the starting point, let R be a commutative ring with identity and the category of R-modules. Then, for any , there is the canonical twist map . Putting , then is a symmetric monoidal closed category. We have the canonical adjunction .
4.32. Algebras in .
For any
is an invertible (involutive) BD-law allowing for the definition of the (opposite) algebra
. The monad
is Azumaya provided the functor
is an equivalence of categories. Obviously, this holds if and only if
A is an Azumaya
R-algebra in the usual sense. We have the commutative diagram:
is the restriction of scalars functor induced by the ring morphism
As is easily seen, for
, the
of the comonad morphism
corresponding to the functor
, takes any element
to the map
. Thus, writing
, one has for
In particular, for any ,
Since the canonical morphism
factors through the center of
A, it follows from Theorem 8.11 in [
18] that the functor
(and hence, also,
) is comonadic if and only if
i is a pure morphism of
R-modules. Applying Theorem 4.20 and using that
K is an equivalence of categories if and only if
is so, we get several characterizations of Azumaya
4.33 Theorem.
An R-algebra A is an Azumaya R-algebra if and only if the canonical morphism is a pure morphism of R-modules and one of the following holds:- (a)
for any , there is an isomorphism: - (b)
for any , there is an isomorphism: - (c)
is finitely generated projective, and there is an isomorphism: - (d)
for any -bimodule M, the evaluation map is an isomorphism:
Proof. (a) follows by Theorem 3.10; (b) and (c) are derived from Theorem 4.20.
(c) An R-module is finite in the monoidal category if and only if it is finitely generated and projective over R and Theorem 4.15 applies.
(d) is a translation of Theorem 4.25 into the present context. ☐
For a (von Neumann) regular ring R, is always a pure R-module morphism, and hence, over such rings, (equivalent) Properties (a) to (d) are sufficient to characterize Azumaya algebras.
5. Azumaya Coalgebras in Braided Monoidal Categories
Throughout, will denote a strict monoidal braided category. The definition of coalgebras in is recalled in 4.4.
5.1. The coalgebra .
be a
-coalgebra. The braiding
provides a comonad BD-law allowing for the definition of the opposite coalgebra
and a coalgebra:
With the induced distributive law of the comonad over the comonad , we have an isomorphism of categories .
5.2 Definition.
(see 3.14) A -coalgebra is said to be left Azumaya provided for the functor , the pair is an Azumaya comonad, i.e., the comparison functor:is an equivalence of categories. It fits into the commutative diagram is said to be right Azumaya if the corresponding conditions for are satisfied.
Similar to 4.15, we have:
5.3 Proposition.
Let be a coalgebra in a braided monoidal category . If is left Azumaya, then C is finite in .
Proof. Suppose that a
is left Azumaya. Then, the functor
admits a right adjoint
by the dual of Proposition 3.4. Write
ϑ for the composite
. Then, for any
, and thus, the
V-component of the left
-comodule structure on the functor
, induced by the commutative diagram (5.1), is the morphism
. From 2.14, we then see that the
of the comonad morphism induced by the above diagram is the composite:
is the counit of the adjunction
Next, let
be the transpose of the morphism
, and consider the diagram:
In this diagram the rectangle is commutative by the naturality of composition. Since
is the transpose of the morphism
, the transpose of
, which is the composite
, is
. Hence, the triangle in the diagram is also commutative. Now, since:
it follows from the commutativity of the diagram that
; since
is assumed to be left Azumaya, both
are isomorphisms, and one concludes that
is an isomorphism. Moreover, the functor
is comonadic, hence conservative. It follows that
is an isomorphism for all
. Thus, the functor
is also right adjoint to the functor
. It is now easy to see that
is right adjoint to
C. ☐
The dual of Theorem 3.5 provides the first characterizations of left Azumaya coalgebras.
5.4 Theorem.
For a -coalgebra , the following are equivalent:- (a)
is a left Azumaya -coalgebra;
- (b)
the functor is comonadic, and the left -comodule structure on it, induced by the commutative diagram (5.1), is Galois;
- (c)
(i) C is finite with right dual ; the functor is comonadic; and
the composite is an isomorphism (between the -coalgebras and );- (d)
(i) C is finite with left dual , and the functor is monadic; and
the composite is an isomorphism.
Proof. (a) and (b) are equivalent by the dual of Theorem 3.5.
The equivalences (a)⇔(c) and (a)⇔(d) follow from Proposition 5.3 by dualizing the proofs of the corresponding equivalences in Theorem 4.16. ☐
Similarly, the dual form of Theorem 4.16 yields conditions for right Azumaya coalgebras , that is making an Azumaya comonad. Dualizing Theorem 4.18 gives:
5.5 Theorem.
Let be a -coalgebra in a braided monoidal category with equalizers and coequalizers. Then, the following are equivalent:- (a)
is a left Azumaya coalgebra;
- (b)
the left -comodule is cofaithfully Galois;
- (c)
there is an adjunction ; the functor is comonadic; and the composite in 5.4 (c) is an isomorphism;
- (d)
the right -comodule is cofaithfully Galois;
- (e)
is a right Azumaya coalgebra.
Under suitable assumptions, the base category may be replaced by a comodule category over a cocommutative coalgebra. For this, we consider the:
5.6. Cotensor product.
Suppose now that
is a braided monoidal category with equalizers and
is a coalgebra in
. If
, then their cotensor product (over
) is the object part of the equalizer:
Suppose, in addition, that either:
- -
for any , and preserve equalizers, or
- -
is Cauchy complete, and is coseparable.
Each of these condition guarantee that for
the canonical morphism (induced by the associativity of the tensor product):
is an isomorphism in
, where is the restriction of τ, is a braided monoidal category.
When is cocommutative (i.e., ), then for any , the composite , defines a right -comodule structure on V. Conversely, if , then defines a left -comodule structure on W. These two constructions establish an isomorphism between and , and thus, we do not have to distinguish between left and right -comodules. In this case, the cotensor product of two -comodules is another -comodule, and cotensoring over makes (as well as ) a braided monoidal category with unit .
5.7. -coalgebras.
cocommutative. A coalgebra morphism
is called cocentral provided the diagram:
is commutative. When this is the case,
is called a
To specify a
-coalgebra structure on an object
is to give
C a
-coalgebra structure
. Indeed, if
is a cocentral morphism,
can be viewed as an object of
) via:
factors through the
by some (unique) morphism
, that is
The triple is a coalgebra in the braided monoidal category .
Conversely, any
induces a
and the pair
is a
Related to any
-coalgebra morphisms
, there is the corestriction functor:
and usually, one writes
. If the category
admits equalizers, then one has the coinduction functor:
defining an adjunction:
Considering as a -bicomodule by , the corestriction functor is isomorphic to .
is a
-coalgebra, then the category
can be identified with the category
, and modulo this identification, the functor
corresponds to the coinduction functor
5.8. Azumaya -coalgebras.
be a cocommutative
-coalgebra. Then, a
is said to be left Azumaya provided the comonad
, where:
is Azumaya,
i.e., (see 3.14), the comparison functor
defined by:
is an equivalence of categories. In this setting, specializing Theorem 5.4 yields various characterizations of Azumaya
-coalgebras. For vector space categories, Azumaya
over a cocommutative coalgebra
(over a field) were defined and characterized in Theorem 3.14 in [
Now, let R be again a commutative ring with identity and the category of R-modules. As an additional notion of interest, the dual algebra of a coalgebra comes in.
5.9. Coalgebras in .
consists of an
C with
R-linear maps comultiplication
and counit
subject to coassociativity and counitality conditions.
is a comonad, and it is customary to write
for the category of left
-comodules. We denote by
the comodule morphisms between
. In general,
need not be a Grothendieck category, unless
is a flat
R-module (e.g., 3.14 in [
The dual module
has an
R-algebra structure by defining for
(the definition opposite to 1.3 in [
29]), yielding the monad
, and there is a faithful functor:
denotes the evaluation map. The functor Φ is full if and only if for any
is injective, and this is equivalent to
being locally projective (
α-condition, e.g., 4.2 in [
29]). In this case,
can be identified with the full subcategory
subgenerated by
C as
-module (see [
The R-module structure of C is of considerable relevance for the related constructions, and for convenience, we recall:
5.10 Remark.
For the following are equivalent:- (a)
is finitely generated and projective;
- (b)
has a left adjoint;
- (c)
has a right adjoint;
- (d)
is a (monad) isomorphism;
- (e)
is a (comonad) isomorphism;
- (f)
is a category isomorphism.
If this holds, there is an algebra anti-isomorphism and we denote the canonical adjunction by . 5.11. The coalgebra .
As in 5.1, the twist map
provides an (involutive) comonad BD-law allowing for the definition of the opposite coalgebra
and a coalgebra:
The category
of left
-comodules is just the category of
-bicomodules (e.g., [
31], 3.26 in [
29]). A direct verification shows that the endomorphism algebra of
C as a
-comodule is just the center of
, that is,
If is locally projective, an easy argument shows that is also locally projective as an R-module, and then, is a full subcategory of .
5.12 Definition.
An R-coalgebra is said to be an Azumaya coalgebra provided is an Azumaya comonad (on ), i.e., (see 3.14) the comparison functor defined by:is an equivalence of categories. We have the commutative diagram: By Proposition 2.15, the functor
K is an equivalence provided:
- (i)
the functor is comonadic, and
- (ii)
the induced comonad morphism
is an isomorphism.
, the isomorphism in (ii) characterizes
C as a
-Galois comodule as defined in 4.1 in [
32], and if
is finitely generated and projective, the condition reduces to an
R-coalgebra isomorphism
is said to be coseparable provided
is a separable comonad. This is equivalent to requiring
to split in
. For more characterizations of these coalgebras, we refer to
Section 3 and 3.29 in [
For any coseparable coalgebra , is a direct summand of .
Indeed, let
denote the splitting morphism for Δ; we obtain the splitting sequence of
For an Azumaya coalgebra , the free functor is monadic by the dual of Theorem 3.5, and hence, in particular, it is conservative. It then follows that, for each , the morphism is surjective. For , this yields that is surjective (hence, splitting). By Theorem 3.17, this means that is also a coseparable coalgebra.
It follows from the general Hom-tensor relations that the functor
has a right adjoint
(e.g., 3.9 in [
29]), and we denote the unit and counit of this adjunction by
, respectively.
Besides the characterizations derived from Theorem 5.4, we have from Theorem 3.17:
5.13. Characterization of Azumaya coalgebras.
For an R-coalgebra , the following are equivalent:- (a)
is an Azumaya coalgebra;
- (b)
- (i)
is an isomorphism for any ,
- (ii)
is an isomorphism for any .
- (c)
C is a -Galois comodule; is a central R-algebra; and the functor is comonadic;
- (d)
is an Azumaya algebra.
As shown in Proposition 5.3, an Azumaya coalgebra
is finite in
, that is
is finitely generated and projective (see Remark 5.10). Coalgebras
finitely generated and projective for which
is an Azumaya
R-algebra were investigated by Sugano in [
8]. As an easy consequence, he also observed that an
finitely generated and projective is Azumaya if and only if
is an Azumaya coalgebra.