The State of the Art of Data Mining Algorithms for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Mathematical Epidemiological Models Used in the Prediction of COVID-19
- Equilibrium epidemiological systems. One of the important objectives in the study of a disease is to know if it will persist in a specific population, or if this disease gradually disappears until its eradication [9]. There are two types of equilibrium: Disease-free and Endemic. Disease-free Equilibrium: In this type, the proportion of exposed and infectious individuals is zero so that the disease is eradicated [9,12], that is, this situation occurs when the infectious subpopulations are canceled [13]. Endemic Equilibrium: In this type, the proportion of exposed and infectious individuals is not zero [14]; however, the capacity of the system is stable enough to remain in equilibrium even with small disturbances. These small disturbances cause the epidemiological models to begin to evolve away from a state of infection [9]. In this case, the disease cannot be totally eradicated but remains in the population. The equilibrium in epidemiological systems has been thoroughly analyzed in the research works [12,14,15] where they simulate preventive measures, containment, and the possible impact of a pandemic in the population.
- Basic Reproduction Number. In an epidemic, a very important parameter is the Basic Reproduction Number (R0), it allows us to distinguish between an epidemic state (when the pathological process exceeds the expected contagions and the geographical limits) and an endemic state (when the pathological process remains stationary for an extended period of time). The Basic Reproduction Number is essential to be able to understand the nature of the different diseases and their temporal evolutions [13]. The (R0) is defined as the mean number of secondary infections that occur when an infectious individual is introduced into a susceptible population. It can be represented as R0 [9], that is, the number of individuals to be infected from patient zero. In order to eradicate an infection, it is necessary to reduce the R0 below unity [13]. This is sometimes accomplished through immunization programs, which have the effect of transferring members of the susceptible class (S) to the recovered class (R). The smaller the , the slower the epidemic will evolve. In practice, for a specific real epidemic, observing the epidemic allows us to measure R0 and, them estimate [11].
4. The State of the Art for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Data Mining Algorithms
- Prediction with epidemiological models using mathematical algorithms
- Prediction with machine learning and/or data mining algorithms
- COVID-19 Datasets.
4.1. Approach Used for the Papers Selection
4.2. Prediction with Epidemiological Models Using Mathematical Algorithms
4.3. Prediction with Machine Learning and/or Data Mining Algorithms
4.4. Performance Measurement or Evaluation
4.5. COVID-19 Datasets
5. Discussion of the State of the Art
- Explaining and predicting the dynamics of a disease.
- Discovering patterns or extracting relevant information.
- Taking into account that mathematical models (like some data mining tools) has several variations in their complexity.
- Studying the pandemic evolution in the short and medium term
- Predicting values based on historical data.
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model | Estates | Definition | Mathematical Equations | Scheme |
SIS | S (Susceptible) I (Infected) | A susceptible S (t), when passing to the infected I (t) group, can die as a result of the disease or naturally, but births are considered over time, thus there is a renewal of individuals susceptible to the disease, that is, the number of infected people never reaches the total population N, a balance is maintained between infected individuals with those who are susceptible. | | |
SIR | S (Susceptible) I (Infected) R (Recovered) | Individuals start out as susceptible S (t) to a given pathogen and, if they become infected I (t) R (t), they progress to the other two states. (1) | | |
SEIR | S (Susceptible) E (Exposed) I (Infected) R(Recovered) | The exposed E (t) state is added, in which the disease has a long latency or incubation period, during which it may or may not infect I (t) other, die or recover R (t). | | |
: Susceptible individuals. : Exposed and in latency individuals. : Infected individuals. : Recovered individuals with immunity. : Total population. | : Time : Average time of infections (for a single individual). : Average incubation time. : Infection rate (probability that a person becomes ill when in contact with an infected person). : Average death rate (probability that an infected individual will die from disease). |
Reference | Country | Task Performed | Epidemiological Mathematical Model | Mathematical Prediction Algorithms |
[3] | India | Evaluate the effectiveness of protocols | eSIR |
[14] | Pakistan | Predict Growth and Transmission | SIR |
[15] | Botswana South Africa | Predict Growth and Transmission | SSCIRE |
[18] | Russia Israel | Predict Growth and Transmission | SIR |
[19] | India | Predict Growth and Transmission | SIR |
[20] | Pakistan | Spread | SIR |
[21] | Croatia | Spread | SIR |
[22] | Germany | Spread | SIR |
[23] | Iran | Prevalence or Decrease in Spread with respect to other factors | SIRD |
[24] | China India Turkey | Prevalence or Decrease in Spread with respect to other factors | SIRU |
[25] | India | Prevalence or Decrease in Spread with respect to other factors | SIRVD |
Reference | Country | Task Performed | Epidemiological Mathematical Model | Mathematical Prediction Algorithms |
[12] | India Vietnam Nigeria | Mitigation scenario modeling | SEIR(AQ-I) |
[26] | Colombia | Predictive analysis of the epidemic outbreak | SEIR |
[27] | China | Predictive analysis of the epidemic outbreak | S(in-out) EIR |
[28] | Algeria | Predictive analysis of the epidemic outbreak | SEIR |
[29] | Egypt | Predictive analysis of the epidemic outbreak | SEIIRD |
[30] | USA China | Mitigation scenario modeling | SEIR with a FDE model |
[31] | México | Mitigation scenario modeling | SEIRD |
[32] | USA | Trending of change in disease dynamics | SEIRDP |
[33] | Saudi Arabia | Spread modeling | SIDARTHE |
Reference | Prediction Task Performed | Techniques of Machine Learning or Data Mining |
[3] | Impact of 21-day lockdown on the number of infections |
[11] | Initial Period of an Outbreak |
[19] | Forecast in the growth and transmission of the COVID-19 disease exploring its incidence in 10-day intervals |
[20] | Possible incidence |
[21] | Mining data to predict the spread of a pandemic |
[22,34] | Epidemic forecast |
[23] | Predict the peaks of an outbreak |
[25] | Transmission dynamics and the prevention mechanism of COVID-19 |
[27] | Predict the peaks and amplitude of the epidemic |
[32] | Predict specific risk |
[35] |
| |
[36] | Evaluate the accumulated data of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Egypt |
[37] | Modeling of cumulative data of confirmed cases from 8 European countries |
[38] | Assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures |
[39] |
| |
[40] | Predict the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic |
[41] |
| |
[42] | Predict recovery of infected patients |
[43] | Use of geographic and demographic data to predict case severity and possible recovery or death |
References | Performance Measurement or Evaluation. |
[17,20,36,37,38,39] | Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) |
[18,19,21,34,35,36] | Coefficient of Determination (R2) |
[19,22,27,34,37] | Mean Square Error (MSE) |
[19,37] | Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) |
[20,36] | Mean Absolute Error (MAE) |
[21] | Cross-validation using K-fold algorithm with 5-folds |
[22] | Correlation Coefficient |
[31] | Runge-Kutta method |
[34] | MinMaxScaler |
[36] | Deviation Ratio (DR) Coefficient of Residual Mass (CRM) |
[37] | Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) Normalized Root-Mean-Square Error (NRMSE) Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE) |
[40] | Sum of Squared Error (SSE) |
[41] | Bayesian optimization |
[42,43] | Accuracy |
[43] | Precision Recall F1 Score |
Reference | Description | Data Sources |
[3] | Official Data of India | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[3,18,21,34] | Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) ESRI Living Atlas and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU APL) | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[17] | Data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[18,23,39] | OMS Global Data Set. |, 2020 (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[19] | Global dataset, with some interactive charts. | Our World in Data de Hannah Ritchie2 (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[20] | Global data set of time series, confirmed cases, recovered and deaths. | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[22] | Global data for Italy, Germany, Iran, USA, and China | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[26] | Secretaría de Salud Municipal de Cali. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística. | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[27] | China National Health Commission. | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[29] | Emphasis was placed on the basic reproduction number R0. | COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports released by Google |
[31,35] | Secretaría de Salud de México | (accessed on 1 May 2021) (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[36] | Official data from the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population. | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[37] | European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[42] | Korea Centers for Disease and Prevention (KCDC). | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
[43] | Official Data of South Africa. | (accessed on 1 May 2021) |
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Cortés-Martínez, K.V.; Estrada-Esquivel, H.; Martínez-Rebollar, A.; Hernández-Pérez, Y.; Ortiz-Hernández, J. The State of the Art of Data Mining Algorithms for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic. Axioms 2022, 11, 242.
Cortés-Martínez KV, Estrada-Esquivel H, Martínez-Rebollar A, Hernández-Pérez Y, Ortiz-Hernández J. The State of the Art of Data Mining Algorithms for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic. Axioms. 2022; 11(5):242.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCortés-Martínez, Keila Vasthi, Hugo Estrada-Esquivel, Alicia Martínez-Rebollar, Yasmín Hernández-Pérez, and Javier Ortiz-Hernández. 2022. "The State of the Art of Data Mining Algorithms for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic" Axioms 11, no. 5: 242.
APA StyleCortés-Martínez, K. V., Estrada-Esquivel, H., Martínez-Rebollar, A., Hernández-Pérez, Y., & Ortiz-Hernández, J. (2022). The State of the Art of Data Mining Algorithms for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic. Axioms, 11(5), 242.