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Three Hybrid Scatter Search Algorithms for Multi-Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Leo Hernández-Ramírez
Juan Frausto-Solís
Guadalupe Castilla-Valdez
Javier González-Barbosa
1 and
Juan-Paulo Sánchez Hernández
Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT Cd Madero, Ciudad Madero 89440, Mexico
Dirección de Informática, Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos, Jiutepec 62574, Mexico
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Axioms 2022, 11(2), 61;
Submission received: 30 November 2021 / Revised: 10 January 2022 / Accepted: 21 January 2022 / Published: 31 January 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Softcomputing: Theories and Applications II)


The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) consists of finding the best scheduling for a set of jobs that should be processed in a specific order using a set of machines. This problem belongs to the NP-hard class problems and has enormous industrial applicability. In the manufacturing area, decision-makers consider several criteria to elaborate their production schedules. These cases are studied in multi-objective optimization. However, few works are addressed from this multi-objective perspective. The literature shows that multi-objective evolutionary algorithms can solve these problems efficiently; nevertheless, multi-objective algorithms have slow convergence to the Pareto optimal front. This paper proposes three multi-objective Scatter Search hybrid algorithms that improve the convergence speed evolving on a reduced set of solutions. These algorithms are: Scatter Search/Local Search (SS/LS), Scatter Search/Chaotic Multi-Objective Threshold Accepting (SS/CMOTA), and Scatter Search/Chaotic Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing (SS/CMOSA). The proposed algorithms are compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms IMOEA/D, CMOSA, and CMOTA, using the MID, Spacing, HV, Spread, and IGD metrics; according to the experimental results, the proposed algorithms achieved the best performance. Notably, they obtained a 47% reduction in the convergence time to reach the optimal Pareto front.

1. Introduction

The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) consists of a set of jobs, formed by operations, which must be processed in a set of machines subject to restrictions of precedence and resource capacity. For a job to be completed, all of its operations must be processed in a given sequence. This problem belongs to the NP-hard class [1], is challenging of solving it, and has significant industrial applicability [2]. In JSSP, we must determine the order or sequence for processing a set of jobs through several machines minimizing one or more objective functions. An essential function of JSSP is the coordination and control of complex activities, both optimum resource allocation and the sequence in performing those activities [3].
In a real operation context, it is common to consider more than one criterion simultaneously, which defines a multi- objective optimization problem whose solution involves generating a set of non-dominated solutions. This set provides the decision-maker with several alternatives to choose the one according to the needs of the manufacturing process [4,5,6].
A detailed analysis of the state-of-the-art for multi-objective JSSP shows that few works approach the problem from the multi-objective perspective, in which at least three objectives are modeled, and that use more than two performance metrics. In addition, there are practically no works that publish the fronts of non-dominated solutions.
The Pareto optimal front can be studied from the Set and Vector Optimization point of view, where useful applications have been found for classical and fractional optimization problems. Moreover, new local search strategies for multiobjective optimization have been developed [7,8,9]. On the other hand, the high-level soft computing approach allows the developing of popular metaheuristics for JSSP problems. The present work is focused on the latter approach; even though it is too popular, one of their problems for solving multi-objective JSSP is the slow convergence to obtain the Pareto Optimal Front. This situation is more critical in algorithms such as NSGA-II, MOEA/D, MOMARLA, MOPSO, CMOSA, and CMOTA. This work aims to improve convergence by using a hybrid algorithm based on the Scatter Search metaheuristics [10], evolving over reduced populations to improve the convergence speed.
This research proposes three new hybrid algorithms for the multi-objective JSSP problem (MO-JSSP). A dataset of 70 benchmark instances is used to evaluate their performance, applying a set of five metrics. Additionally, the non-dominated solution fronts obtained by each algorithm are presented, and strategies are incorporated to improve the quality and the execution time results regarding the state-of-the-art algorithms with which they are compared [11].
The three proposed algorithms are: (1) Scatter Search/Local Search (SS/LS), (2) Scatter Search/Chaotic Multi-Objective Threshold Accepting (SS/CMOTA), and (3) Scatter Search/Chaotic Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing (SS/CMOSA). They use three objectives known as: makespan, total tardiness, and total flow time. The computational experiments indicated that the proposed algorithms provide high-quality solutions for the MOJSSP, having obtained competitive solutions relative to CMOEA/D, CMOSA, and CMOTA on a set of traditional JSSP benchmarks instances.

2. Related Literature

The Pareto Archived Simulated Annealing (PASA) algorithm was applied to a JSSP with two objectives: the makespan and the mean flow time [12]. This algorithm was evaluated with 82 instances from the literature. The results obtained are evaluated in terms of the number of non-dominated schedules generated by the algorithm and the proximity of the obtained non-dominated front to the Pareto front.
A successful algorithm based on Simulated Annealing (SA) for several objectives named AMOSA was proposed [13]; also, it was reported that this algorithm performed better than some MOEA algorithms, such as the NSGA-II [14].
A two-stage genetic algorithm (2S-GA) was proposed for JSSP. This algorithm is applied to minimize three objectives makespan, total weighted earliness, and total weighted tardiness [15]. This algorithm is composed of two Stages: Stage 1 applies parallel GA to find the best solution for each individual objective function, and in Stage 2 the populations are combined. The performance of the algorithm is tested with benchmark instances and compared with results from other published papers. The experimental results show that 2S-GA is efficient in solving instances of the job shop scheduling problem in terms of the quality solution.
The Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology (CDMIT) laboratory proposed the Improved Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (IMOEA/D) to minimize the makespan, tardiness, and total flow time [16]. This algorithm was evaluated with 58 instances using the performance metrics Coverage [17] and Mean Ideal Media (MID) [18] to the evaluation. This algorithm stands out from the rest of the literature because it considered three objectives, applied two performance metrics, and reported good results.
In 2017, was proposed a hybrid algorithm with NSGA-II and a linear programming approach [19] to solve the FT10 instance [20]. In this paper, the objectives are to minimize weighted tardiness and energy costs. Furthermore, the authors applied the Hypervolume metric to evaluate the performance. Furthermore, in 2019, was proposed MOMARLA; this is a new algorithm based on Q-Learning to solve MOJSSP [21]. In this work, each agent represents a specific objective and uses two action selection strategies to find a diverse and accurate Pareto front.
Furthermore, in 2021, two multi-objective algorithms for minimizing makespan, total tardiness, and total flow time, were published. These algorithms are Chaotic Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing (CMOSA) and Chaotic Multi-Objective Threshold Accepting (CMOTA) [11]. They incorporate dominance criteria and a chaotic perturbation strategy to improve their performance. Experimental evaluation results indicated that they overpassed the state-of-the-art algorithms MOMARLA, MOPSO, CMOEA, and SPEA [21]. The algorithms proposed in the present paper seek to enhance the best algorithms of this group.
Finally, the scheduling will probably be directed to increasingly automated and use intelligent systems in the future. Under the Industry 4.0 environment, the computational workload could be greatly reduced and the systems probably will become more flexible and agile [22].

3. Background

This section describes basic concepts and algorithms in the multi-objective area which are related to this work. Furthermore, we present the multi-objective Job Shop Scheduling formulation and the main performance metrics used in this work.

3.1. Multiobjective Optimization Concepts

The Multi-Objective optimization algorithms use the concept of domination where two solutions are compared to determine if one solution dominates the other or not. Key concepts for Multi-Objective optimization are described below.
Pareto Dominance: For any optimization problem, solution A dominates another solution B if the following conditions are met: A is strictly better than B on at least one objective, and A is not worse than B in all objectives [23].
Non-dominated set: Among a set of P solutions, the subset of non-dominated solutions P1 is integrated by solutions that accomplish the following conditions:
  • Any pair of P1 solutions must be non-dominated (one regarding the other)
  • Any solution that does not belong to P1 is dominated by at least one member of P1 [23].
Pareto front: It is the graphical representation of the non-dominated solutions in the space of the objectives of the multi-objective optimization problem [24].

3.2. Performance Metrics

In the case of Multi-Objective Optimization, defining quality is complicated because two or more conflicting objective functions could exist. Then in an experimental comparison of different optimization algorithms, it is necessary to have the notion of performance. Some of the performance metrics are shown in Table 1.
A large number of performance metrics or quality indicators can be found. These metrics consider mainly the following three aspects of a non-dominated solution set [25]:
  • Convergence: that is a feature related to the closeness to the theoretical Pareto optimal front.
  • Diversity: this feature for any distribution of non-dominated solutions is measured by Spread and Spacing.
  • The number of solutions.
It is difficult to find a single performance metric that encompasses all of the above criteria. However, according to the characteristics they measure, the metrics can be grouped as [25]:
  • Cardinality metrics: refers to the number of solutions found. A larger number of solutions is preferred.
  • Accuracy metrics: refers to the convergence of the solutions. In other words, it indicates how distant the solutions are from the theoretical true Pareto front (PFtrue). When the PFtrue is unknown, an approximate Pareto front (PFapprox) is considered instead [25].
  • Diversity metrics: They measure how distributed the solutions are in the front, that is, the relative distance between the solutions and the range of values covered by the solutions [25,26].
The MID metric is calculated with Equation (1). This metric calculates the closeness of the calculated Pareto front (PFcalc) solutions with an ideal point [18]. In this equations, Q is the number of solutions in the PFcalc, C i = f 1 i 2 + f 2 i 2 + f 3 i 2 , and f 1 i ,   f 2 i   ,     a n d   f 3 i are the values of the i-th non-dominated solution for their first, second, and third objective function, respectively.
In Equation (2) is showed the formula to calculate S; this metric evaluates the distribution of the non-dominated solutions in the PFcalc. The algorithm with the smallest S value is the best [26]; di measures the distance in the space of the objectives functions between the i-th solution and its nearest neighbor; that is the j-th solution in the PFcalc of the algorithm, d ¯ is the average of di, that is d ¯ = i = 1 Q d i Q and d i = m i n f 1 i x f 1 j x + f 2 i x f 2 j x + + f M i x f M j x , where f 1 j ,   f 2 j are the values of the j-th non-dominated solution for their first and second objective function, respectively. Furthermore, M is the number of objective functions and i,j = 1,…,Q.
Equation (3) shows the formula to calculate HV. In this formula v i represents a hypercube which is constructed with a reference point W (this can be found constructing a vector with the worst values of the objective function) and the solution i as the diagonal corners of the hypercube [23]. This metric calculates the volume in the objective space that is covered by all solutions in the non-dominated set [27]. Therefore, an algorithm that obtains the highest HV value is the best. The data should be normalized to calculate the HV by transforming the value in the range [0, 1] for each objective separately.
The Spread metric is calculated using Equation (4), which considers the distance to the extreme points of the True Pareto front (PFtrue) and was proposed to have a more precise coverage value [14]. Where d k e measures the distance between the extreme point of the PFtrue for the k-th objective function and the nearest point of the PFcalc.
Finally, Equation (5) shows the formula to calculate IGD; this metric finds the average distance between the points of the PFtrue to the PFcalc [28]. Where T = t 1 , t 2 , t T that is, the solutions in the PFtrue and |T| is the cardinality of T, p is an integer parameter, in this case, p = 2 and d ^ j is the Euclidian distance from tj to its nearest objective vector q in Q. In this case d j = m i n q = 1 Q m = 1 M f m t j f m q 2 where fm(t) is the m-th objective function value of the t-th member of T.
Another important metric is the number of non-dominated solutions generated by the algorithm. The greater the number of solutions, the greater the number of alternatives the decision maker will have to choose the desired solution [4,5,6].

3.3. MOJSSP Formulation

In JSSP, there are a set of n jobs, consisting of operations, which must be processed in m different machines. There are a set of precedence constraints for these operations, and there is a resource capacity constraint for ensuring that each machine should process only one operation at the same time. The processing time of each operation is known in advance.
The objective of JSSP is to determine the sequence of the operations in each machine (the start and finish time of each operation) to minimize certain objective functions. The most common objective is the makespan, which is the total time in which all the problem operations are processed. Nevertheless, real scheduling problems are multi-objective, and several objectives should be considered simultaneously.
This work tries to optimize three objectives simultaneously, makespan, total tardiness, and total flow time.
  • Makespan: It is the maximum time of completion of all jobs.
  • Total tardiness: It is the total positive difference between the makespan and the due date of each job.
  • Total flow time: It is the summation of the completion times of all jobs.
The formal MO-JSSP model can be formulated as follows [29,30]:
O p t i m i z e   F x = f 1 x , f 2 x , f q x   s u b j e c t   t o   x   S
where q is the number of objectives, x is the vector of decision variables, and S represents the feasible region, defined by the next precedence and capacity constraints, respectively:
t j t i + p i                           For   all   i j O when   i   precedes   j t j t i + p i   or   t i t j + p j      For   all   i j O when   M i = M j
  • ti, tj are the starting times for the jobs i, j J.
  • pi and pj are the processing times for the jobs i, j J.
  • J:{J1, J2, J3,,Jn} it is the sets of jobs.
  • M:{M1, M2, M3,…Mm} it is the set of machines.
  • O is the set of operations Oj,i (operation i of the job j).
The objective functions of makespan, total tardiness, and total flow time, are defined by Equations (7)–(9), respectively.
f 1 = min m a x C j = 1 n j
where Cj is the makespan of job j.
f 2 = min i = 1 n T j = min j = 1 n max 0 , C j D j
where Tj = max (0, Cj − Dj) is the tardiness of job j, and Dj is the due date of job j and is calculated with D j = τ   i = 1 m p j , i [31], where pj,i is the time required to process the job j in the machine i. In this case, the due date of the j job is the sum of the processing time of all its operations on all machines, multiplied by a narrowing factor ( τ ), which is in the range 1.5 ≤ t ≤ 2.0 [31,32].
f 3 = min j = 1 n C j

4. Proposed Hybrid Algorithms MO

Three hybrid algorithms based on Scatter Search (SS) are proposed for the solution of the MO-JSSP problem. Figure 1 shows the Scatter Search framework showing the three different process which distinguish the three proposed hybrid algorithms.
Algorithm 1 contains the pseudocode of our Scatter Search Algorithm, which is described in detail in the next subsection. Notice that in line five, one of the algorithms CMOSA, CMOTA, or LS can be executed. The goal of Algorithm 1 is to improve the solutions of the reference set.
Algorithm 1. Scatter Search Algorithm
Input: iterate=0, MAXITERATIONS
Output: Non-dominated solutions front, metrics values
1:Generate initial solutions();
2:while (iterate<=MAXITERATIONS) do
3: Create/update reference set();
4: Combine reference set();
5: Improvement method(); //CMOSA, or CMOTA, or LS algorithm
8:Calculate the non-dominate solutions front();
9:Calculate performance metrics;

4.1. Scatter Search General Framework

Scatter Search (SS) is an algorithm proposed by Glover [10], and it is composed of the following methods:
  • Generator of diverse solutions, in which a set P of diverse solutions of size 30 is generated.
  • Updater and creator of refSet, from the P solutions, the first three non-dominated and three most diverse are selected, using the Euclidean distance, to form the reference set (RefSet) of size 6.
  • Combination of refSet. The six solutions in the refSet are mixed to obtain 30 new solutions. All possible combinations are generated in this process by taking the first half of one solution from the refSet and the second half from another.
  • Improvement method. This process tries to improve each new solution created by the combination method. In this work, there are three different improvement methods implemented:
    • A Local Search (LS): consists of performing a set of iterations in which a regular perturbation is applied, which consists in exchanging two operations randomly selected from the current solution to generate a new one. The dominance criterion is applied at each iteration, and the new non-dominated solutions are stored.
    • A Chaotic Threshold Accepting Algorithm (CMOTA). Threshold Accepting (TA) is an algorithm proposed in [33]. In this enhanced method CMOTA, a version adapted to JSSP is used [11].
    • Chaotic Simulated Annealing Algorithm (CMOSA), SA was originally proposed in [34], and in 2021 a new version is implemented under the multiobjective approach [11].
In improvement processes 2) and 3), an analytical tuning process is performed for the algorithm parameters [35]. A regular perturbation is also applied to generate a new solution that is compared to the current one. From the previous comparison, the dominant one is selected, and the non-dominated is discarded. If both are not dominated, one is saved in the set of non-dominated solutions, and the other continues the search. When new non-dominated solutions are not found in both algorithms, a chaotic perturbation is applied. This perturbation consists of using the equation of the logistic maps [36] as a mechanism to escape from stagnation and search diversity in the solutions. A reheating process is also applied, which consists of raising the value of the current temperature parameter to be able to carry out a new scan. The improvement algorithms implemented are described in more detail in the following sections.

4.2. Hybrid Scatter Search with Local Search (SS/LS)

In this algorithm, a Local Search (LS) is applied in the solution improvement phase. Algorithm 2 shows the local search algorithm used. In this algorithm, a set of iterations is performed. In each of them, a regular perturbation is applied to the solution (exchange of two operations) to generate a new one. Dominance is verified between the current solution and the new one created with the perturbation in each iteration. In this verification, three possible cases are generated:
  • Case A. If the new solution dominates the current one, then the new solution is saved and replaces the current one to continue the search process.
  • Case B. If the current solution dominates the new one, then the new solution is discarded.
  • Case C. If the current and the new solution are non-dominated, the current solution is saved, and the new one replaces the current one to continue the search.

4.3. Hybrid Scatter Search with Chaotic Simulated Annealing (SS/CMOSA)

The SS/CMOSA algorithm is based on Chaotic Simulated Annealing Algorithm (CMOSA) [11]. This hybrid algorithm, SS/CMOSA, receives the solutions obtained by a combination process as shown in Figure 1, while CMOSA is shown in Algorithm 3.: one that controls the stop condition and the other internal (Metropolis cycle) that controls the number of iterations carried out for each temperature parameter value.
Algorithm 2. Improvement method: Local Search (LS)
Input: iterate = 0, MAXITERATIONS
Output: Current solution, Non-dominated solutions
1:Current solution = Select one initial solution();
2:While (iterate ≤ MAXITERATIONS) do
3: New solution = Perturbation(Current solution);
4: Calculate makespan, tardiness, flowtime(New solution);
5:if (New solution dominates Current solution) then
6:  Save(New solution);
7:  Current solution = New solution;
8:  NewSolutionDominatesCurrentSolution = Yes;
10:if (Current solution dominates New solution) then
11:  CurrentSolutionDominatesNewSolution = Yes;
13:if (Current and New solutions are non-dominated) then
14:  Current solution = New solution;
In Algorithm 2, a perturbation is made to the current solution in the internal cycle to generate a new solution. Dominance is verified between the current solution and the new one in each iteration. In this verification, the same three possible previous cases are generated:
  • Cases A and C are evaluated similarly to the SS/LS version.
  • Case B. According to the Boltzmann probability distribution, when the current solution dominates the new one, the latter could be replaced by the former.
Additionally, a chaotic perturbation and a reheating are applied when stagnation occurs, consisting of a predetermined number of iterations without finding non-dominated solutions. The chaotic perturbation uses the equation of the logistic maps [37], whose main characteristic is that it generates different outputs even in small changes in its input data. Then chaos or chaotic perturbation is a process carried out to restart the search from another point in the space of solutions. Reheating is the process by which the current temperature parameter of the SA algorithm is high; this helps to perform reprocessing that allows reinitializing the search process.

4.4. Hybrid Scatter Search with Chaotic Threshold Accepting (SS/CMOTA)

The Chaotic Threshold Accepting (CMOTA) algorithm is used as an improvement method. In CMOTA (Algorithm 4), there are also two cycles such as CMOSA, one that controls the stop condition (temperature) and the other internal (Metropolis cycle) that controls the number of iterations that are carried out for each value of the temperature parameter.
The same three possible previous cases are generated. Cases A and C are evaluated in the same way as the SS/CMOSA version. In Case B, if the current solution dominates the new solution, the latter can replace the current one in the searching process by using a threshold established in the algorithm.
Similar to CMOSA, this algorithm also applies chaotic perturbation and a reheating process.
Algorithm 3. Improvement method: Chaotic Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing
Output: Current solution, Non-dominated solutions
1:While (current temperature ≥ final temperature) do
2:  for each Metropolis cycle iteration do
3:   if stagnant = True then
4:     for each local search iteration do
5:        if iteration = 1 then
6:           New solution = chaoticPerturbation(Current solution);
7:        Else
8:           New solution = regularPerturbation(Current solution);
9:        End
10:        if (New solution dominates in all objectives to Current solution) then
11:           Current solution = New solution;
12:        End
13:     End
14:   Else
15:    New solution = regularPerturbation(Current solution);
16:   End
17:   if (New solution ≠ Current solution and it’s not stored in the front) then
18:     if (New solution dominates Current solution) then
19:        Save(New solution);
20:        Current solution = New solution;
21:        NewDominatesCurrent = True;
22:     End
23:     if (Current solution dominates New solution) then
24:        calculates decrement of objective functions;
25:        if (random(0 - 1) < e-decrementCurrenttemperature) then
26:             Save(Current solution);
27:             Current solution = New solution;
28:             CurrentDominatesNew = True;
29:        End
30:     End
31:     if (NewDominatesCurrent = False AND CurrentDominatesNew = False) then
32:        Save(Current solution);
33:        Current solution = New solution;
34:     End
35:   End
36:  End
37:  if (verifyCaught = True) then
38:   if (New solution is dominated by some stored solution) then
39:     stagnant = True;
40:     trappedCounter++;
41:     if (trappedCounter = MAXIMUM ALLOWED STAGNATION) then
42:        verifyCaught = FALSE;
43:     End
44:   End
45:  End
46:  decrease current temperature;
Algorithm 4. Improvement method: Chaotic Multi-Objective Threshold Accepting
Output: Current solution, Non-dominated solutions
1:While (current temperature ≥ final temperature) do
2:  Threshold = current temperature
3:  for each Metropolis cycle iteration do
4:   if stagnant = True then
5:     foreach local search iteration do
6:        if iteration = 1 then
7:            New solution = chaoticPerturbation(Current solution);
8:        else
9:            New solution = regularPerturbation(Current solution);
10:        end
11:        if (New solution dominates in all objectives to Current solution) then
12:            Current solution = New solution;
13:        end
14:     end
15:   else
16:     New solution = regularPerturbation(Current solution);
17:   end
18:   if (New solution ≠ Current solution and it’s not stored in the front) then
19:     if (New solution dominates Current solution) then
20:        Save(New solution);
21:        Current solution = New solution;
22:        NewDominatesCurrent = True;
23:     end
24:     if (Current solution dominates New solution) then
25:        if (random(0 - 1) < Threshold ) then
26:             Save(Current solution);
27:             Current solution = New solution;
28:             CurrentDominatesNew = True;
29:        end
30:     end
31:     if (NewDominatesCurrent = False AND CurrentDominatesNew = False) then
32:        Save(Current solution);
33:        Current solution = New solution;
34:     end
35:  end
36:  end
37:  if (verifyCaught = True) then
38:   if (New solution is dominated by some stored solution) then
39:     stagnant = True;
40:     trappedCounter++;
41:     if (trappedCounter = MAXIMUM ALLOWED STAGNATION) then
42:        verifyCaught = FALSE;
43:     end
44:   end
45:  end
46:  decrease current temperature;

5. Computational Experimentation

This section describes the dataset used, the conditions of the experimentation as well as the results obtained.

5.1. Datasets

To perform the experimental evaluation of the algorithm, a benchmark of 70 instances of the problem are used. All the solutions of this dataset have different sizes and degrees of complexity. The instances are divided in six sets:
  • Three instances denoted as FT06, FT10, FT20 of Fisher and Thompson [20],
  • Ten instances denoted as ORB01–ORB10 of Applegate and Cook [38],
  • 40 instances LA01-LA40 presented by Lawrence [39],
  • Five instances ABZ5–ABZ9 taken from Baker [37],
  • Four instances YN1, YN2, YN3 and YN4 taken from Yamada [40] and,
  • Eight instances denoted as TA01, TA11, TA21, TA31, TA41, TA51, TA61, and TA71 taken fromTaillard [41].
The instance sizes of this dataset range from six jobs on six machines (the FT06 instance) to 100 jobs on 20 machines (the instance TA71).

5.2. Experiment Description

Two experiments were carried out with a different number of instances to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms.
The first experimentation was carried out with 58 common instances with only three algorithms (IMOEA/D [16], CMOSA, and CMOTA [11]) of the state-of-the-art that used the MID performance metric and the same three objectives. The second experimentation was carried out with 70 instances to compare the results with the CMOSA and CMOTA algorithms proposed in [11]. Each instance was executed 30 times using 30 initial solutions. The set of non-dominated solutions was obtained from the total solutions generated by the 30 executions
The performance metrics used are MID, Spacing, Spread, HV, IGD, Runtime, and the number of non-dominated solutions. Finally, we applied these metrics to the set of non-dominated solutions obtained by the algorithms at the end of their processes.
The execution of the proposed algorithms was carried out in a terminal of the Ehécatl cluster of the Technological Institute of Ciudad Madero, with the following characteristics: Intel® Xeon® processor at 2.30 GHz, Memory: 64 Gb (4 × 16 Gb) ddr4-2133, Linux operating system CentOS. C language was used for the implementation, and GCC compiler.

5.3. Comparative Results

Table 2 shows a comparison with the average results obtained by the MID metric for the 58 instances used in the algorithms IMOEA/D [16], CMOSA [11], CMOTA [11], and the proposed SS algorithms. We observed that our hybrid algorithms SS/LS, SS/CMOTA, and SS/CMOSA obtained the best results. Furthermore, the hybrid SS/CMOSA obtained the best result surpassing IMOEA/D by 17%.
Table 3 shows the results obtained for each of the 70 instances by the three proposed algorithms, comparing them with the best of the state-of-the-art (CMOSA, CMOTA), taking as a reference the value obtained by the MID metric. The last row shows the average value of the MID metric for each of the algorithms. In this table, we observed that the SS/LS algorithm obtained a better performance since the value of the MID metric is smaller than the other algorithms analyzed.
Table 4 summarizes the experiment results with 70 instances and five metrics; it contains the average values obtained by executing the algorithms 30 times. The first column has the name of the evaluated metric. The next two columns show the results of the two best state-of-the-art algorithms (CMOSA and CMOTA). Finally, the last three columns show the results for the three hybrid proposed algorithms (SS/LS, SS/CMOSA, and SS/CMOTA).
In Table 4, the best values are highlighted and marked with an asterisk (*). An approximate Pareto front is used in the case of metrics in which it is necessary to use a True Pareto front [24]. The approximate Pareto front is generated by previous executions of developed algorithms throughout the study of this problem.
We can observe that SS/LS obtains the best result for MID and IGD metrics. This algorithm uses the shortest processing time, which means that it has the best convergence and generates the highest number of non-dominated solutions of the three proposed hybrid algorithms. The results indicate that the solutions found by SS/LS are closer to the origin point (0,0,0); they are closer on average to the approximate front and were achieved with the lowest amount of execution time. SS/CMOSA algorithm obtains the best Spread, which means that the generated solutions are very well distributed on the non-dominated solutions front. On the other hand, SS/CMOTA achieved the best Spacing and HV values, which indicate that this algorithm- has a more uniform Spacing and the best solution space coverage. In other words, the hybrid algorithms proposed in this paper obtained the best results for these datasets.
Finally, the non-dominated solution fronts obtained by the proposed algorithms for the 70 instances are included in Appendix A.

6. Conclusions

This paper presents three Hybrid Multi-Objective algorithms for JSSP, named SS/LS, SS/CMOSA, and SS/CMOTA. Three objectives are considered: makespan, total tardiness, and total flow time. Furthermore, we present an experimental evaluation applying six performance metrics.
Regarding the results from the comparison, we observe that SS/LS generates solutions closer to the origin point and PFapprox. It provides more solutions than the others’ algorithms and uses the minimum runtime. SS/CMOSA generates solutions with a better distribution concerning PFapprox. Furthermore, SS/CMOTA generates better-distributed solutions in the PFcalc and better coverage, as shown by the HV metric. The results obtained by the proposed algorithms SS/LS, SS/CMOSA, and SS/CMOTA compared with some of the best algorithms in the literature show that they are among the best in the area. We highlight that our proposed SS/LS algorithm reduces processing time by 43% compared to the fastest in the state-of-the-art.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.F.-S. and G.C.-V.; methodology, L.H.-R.; software, L.H.-R. and G.C.-V.; validation, G.C.-V. and L.H.-R.; formal analysis, J.F.-S. and J.-P.S.H.; investigation, G.C.-V. and L.H.-R.; resources, L.H.-R.; writing—original draft preparation, L.H.-R.; writing—review and editing, J.G.-B. and J.F.-S.; visualization, J.-P.S.H.; supervision, J.F.-S. and G.C.-V.; project administration, J.F.-S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

In this section, Data supporting are located in this paper.


We thank LanTI Lab for letting us use its computers and Conacyt for the scholarship to some of us while we studied our Ph.D.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A. Non-Dominated Solutions Obtained

The non-dominated solutions obtained by the proposed SS/LS, SS/CMOSA, and SS/CMOTA algorithms for the 70 instances used in this paper are shown in Table A1, Table A2, Table A3, Table A4, Table A5 and Table A6, Table A7, Table A8, Table A9, Table A10, Table A11 and Table A12 and Table A13, Table A14, Table A15, Table A16, Table A17 and Table A18, respectively.
In these tables, MKS is the makespan, TDS is the total tardiness, and FLT is the total flow time. For each instance, the best value for each objective function is highlighted with an asterisk (*) and in bold type.
Table A1. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [20].
Table A1. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [20].
155 *38.03011026 *2258.098281223 *9170.016,791
75815.028912021322.5 *876712708042.015,690
85814.029012021351.58741 *12747941.015,588
95827.0288 12797914.0 *15,561 *
15697.0 *290
198213.5280 *
Table A2. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [37].
Table A2. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [37].
11141 *1401.59095930 *768.583481148 *1764.093951105 *1156.595001040 *1517.08651
211441400.59094942752.5826711591710.5 *943811061142.5948710401511.08686
311461376.5 *9070 *942758.5826311591748.0939111151105.0 *941210411406.08374
4 958752.0837311601776.09335 *11371171.09322 *1050682.0 *7745
5 962749.5830611671727.0937811551145.093621050699.07725
6 963666.08171 1052690.07674
7 964619.08143 1057752.07642 *
8 971735.08066
9 971729.08134
10 974619.07883
11 974610.07952
12 977608.07893
13 981594.58192
14 984687.07845 *
15 988517.0 *8119
16 988575.08071
17 1001558.08064
11144 *1639.09701411 *108.535101002 *1577.58360997 *1358.589061021 *1155.58985
411571481.09644411113.5350910141268.57848 *10121191.089151047814.08589
511621441.09353413113.5349310241224.5 *786810221204.589011057769.08544
611631408.09320413106.53503 10221210.588661057758.58826
711641394.09306 *413110.53499 10241162.089271057760.08719
813001367.5 *9557413117.53489 * 10281175.588781060763.08704
9 417100.0 *3493 10631176.588661065754.0 *8536 *
10 10901150.58554
11 10951197.58542
12 11071136.08564
13 11231133.08561
14 11231168.58542
15 11321144.08483 *
16 11381140.08500
17 11421122.5 *8526
Table A3. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [38].
Table A3. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [38].
1666 *1337.05414673 *1241.05195627 *1359.54837605 *1466.55215593 *1099.54507
66691001.5 *52756941011.548676401093.045586221111.548076071052.54294
86741071.55250694982.048726721045.54466 *6351075.048116081025.04325
96931074.05249696955.048456911006.544756381142.547206261067.04278 *
106971074.05226697992.047827301005.5 *44746421046.54685643997.54296
117161021.55189697959.04843 6421091.54684651996.5 *4295
127161006.55201704928.04812 652923.04431
137161193.05161705986.04776 652905.04457
147551105.05153 *709912.04796 655885.04441
15 717931.04794 660796.0 *4352 *
16 717970.04752 *
17 717894.0 *4815
18 717960.54786
19 796964.04778
1926 *3857.59787890 *3395.08955863 *3475.59141951 *3841.510,108 *958 *4104.010,058
49563826.098148903366.589849223257.089119513827.510,16310524097.09976 *
59653745.097339673297.088339293232.0 *8906 *9533826.5 *10,22110684094.0 *10,124
69843595.0 *9583 *9673350.58825 *
7 9673291.0 *8845
11222 *7504.015,3801039 *6408.513,4191150 *7832.515,6081292 *832516,175 *1207 *8422.516,499
212227486.015,43810396489.513,39811507843.515,58612928267.5 *16,19012078443.516,462
413387478.0 *15,354 *10486352.513,26111827456.515,232 12238391.516,468
5 10516156.513,05711917415.515,191 13178329.516,483
6 10566133.513,04211997369.515,145 13268332.516,474
7 10606129.513,03812087345.5 *15,121 * 13348180.5 *16,348 *
8 11346083.5 *13,094
9 11346092.513,001 *
1981 *1226.59053852 *986.07650911 *483.07864916 *319.07863 *952 *364.58056
29821185.59014852971.07652911464.07880919312.0 *7874972397.07928
3985951.58817853679.07250911490.07862 972402.07863
4994844.58713853654.07441916432.57792 983352.58088
51009873.58554853729.07245921415.57752 988295.08020
61012753.58435856691.07207940405.57742 * 990308.07984
71023749.08490860682.07208991392.57841 990301.08017
81049747.08681860674.07255991360.5 *7865 997322.07978
91050658.58384863654.07371 1003397.07834 *
101050684.58362870669.07345 1003379.07874
111050651.08436871708.57200 1094290.58101
121052653.08366881653.07255 1099233.08036
131052643.08430882577.57251 1112206.0 *8022
141054645.08365883511.57186 1113262.08015
151065630.08391893506.5 *7120 * 1126248.08014
171069542.0 *8327 *
11156 *2687.014,507998 *2359.513,2081070 *2564.514,4591040 *2422.513,7361116 *3976.015,131
411692490.514,389 *10172470.013,16910852493.5 *14,38810402406.013,74611333862.014,960
511702480.0 *14,42510232363.013,17810852515.514,36710422394.513,71211433737.014,772
612642481.514,42310272329.0 *13,144 *11412593.514,34310422395.513,69411433832.014,759
7 11412585.514,35110482332.513,652 *11493411.014,560
8 11852520.014,17810482327.513,65311673060.014,154
9 12052498.014,156 *11492303.5 *13,89411712987.013,977
10 11492319.513,89011713011.013,916
11 11742917.013,821
12 11762877.013,800
13 11792828.013,736
14 11822786.513,968
15 11832770.513,946
16 11832766.513,948
17 11872703.5 *13,885
18 11872707.513,883
19 12002822.013,761
20 12202894.013,698
21 12202878.013,704
22 12202950.013,675
23 12282861.013,683
24 12442837.013,646 *
11367 *8629.524,3841391 *7060.5 *23,2361341 *6677.522,6961318 *8396.523,2421369 *7102.023,122
313777612.523,17413917100.523,174 *13536505.522,33813248299.523,14513746934.022,954
513926400.522,003 13646321.522,34013348113.522,95913846805.022,769
613956407.521,990 13686423.522,25613417533.522,33413866699.022,671
714036406.521,989 13686405.522,33313417487.522,37113946676.022,640
814706398.5 *21,981 * 13736226.0 *22,24913417500.522,35714466608.022,572
9 13906385.522,21813707207.522,01314736324.022,281
10 14086299.522,126 *13707203.522,06114776270.022,227
11 14086296.522,13213827119.522,01314806259.0 *22,218 *
12 13877059.521,953
13 13887052.521,946
14 13907151.521,942
15 13907155.521,914
16 13997088.521,879
17 14017011.521,905
18 14037104.521,863
19 14387010.521,904
20 14486659.521,418
21 14496610.5 *21,369 *
11784 *20,361.542,9921850 *21,329.045,9921719 *21,064.043,3701746 *21,499.544,5111908 *23,093.546,321
4180320,215.542,953185219,733.044,561172719,693.041,971 *177220,699.543,711193722,640.545,868
5180820,290.542,921185519,656.0 *444,00 *183519,661.0 *41,972177720,194.043,093193820,907.544,132
6181220,258.542,889 177720,181.543,193194120,761.543,950
7182719,744.542,438 178120,092.043,037194520,540.543,765
8182919,643.542,430 179119,928.542,890195020,464.543,689
9183219,603.542,390 179219,886.5 *42,848 *195420,441.543,666
10183319,624.542,318 195620,437.543,662
111834195,92.5 *42,286 * 201620,421.5 *43,646 *
11520 *3470.521,0711537 *1572.019,8941474 *2716.019,3961358 *1590.518,0361423 *2368.018,972
615593244.020,56915501539.019,63715042976.019,22513771130.017,52314732105.5 *18,741
715663224.020,63715501575.019,49615312795.518,977 *13781118.017,54815052116.018,616 *
815663191.520,65015511515.019,85315422616.5 *19,33613831073.017,536
915663237.020,56215521515.519,758 13831094.017,506
1015933186.020,65315591496.0 *19,519 13911193.017,486
1115962940.520,40515591511.019,432 * 14221026.517,386 *
1215962984.020,294 14221020.5 *17,424
1617582855.5 *20,241
1717693181.520,099 *
Table A4. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [39].
Table A4. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [39].
11286 *365.011,502996 *333.08597781 *3157.514,129799 *2922.014,229824 *3002.013,974 *
41324302.011,4231001330.086347862994.513,9758032836.014,1699122960.0 *13,990
61324260.0 *11,4441010295.083628002718.513,5888062840.014,141
101332349.011,221 *1025162.584768532525.513,2108102773.014,015
111332268.011,382102683.0 *85368542584.513,2028122372.513,516
13 1038210.583818582272.513,0548252126.513,133
14 1045257.58337 *8582278.513,0418282106.513,113
15 8682200.5 *12,9428292077.513,084
16 8682246.512,8888302031.013,037
17 8712229.512,9348312045.013,035
18 8742240.512,882 *8391976.012,936
19 8691971.012,931 *
20 8721966.0 *12,966
21 8751968.012,965
Table A5. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [40].
Table A5. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [40].
11165 *2888.520,2191098 *2807.020,1981172 *3586.520,7441176 *3057.021,124
411952299.519,73211092676.0 *20,13911753093.020,22012212579.5 *20,425
511992257.019,659 *11092708.020,12211783070.020,19712222582.5204,19 *
611992253.5 *19,68311122688.020,13211793068.020,201
7 11122689.520,13111823062.020,211
8 11122685.020,13511833049.020,176
9 11122717.020,10811892739.519,794 *
10 11312686.020,13011892716.0 *19,818
11 11312715.020,106 *
Table A6. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [41].
Table A6. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/LS for the JSSP instances proposed by [41].
11534 *2668.519,9311776 *7002.028,5742216 *7498.537,4472159 *18,102.0 *52,002 *2599 *23,300.570,219
215342746.519,90618026410.027,91722287409.537,358 260923,287.570,206
315342612.019,96218036408.027,91522307301.537,120 261423,223.570,142
415342597.519,98618106325.0 *27,832 *22437261.537,102 262523,211.570,130
515392577.519,908 22457230.5 *37,035 * 263323,208.570,127
615392551.0 *19,920 263723,071.569,990
715702825.019,888 * 264322,930.569,849
8 264922,909.5 *69,828 *
13153 *72,768.0129,6453478 *72,727.0148,9636064 *363,427.5514,764
7322971,313.0128,190356072,327.0148,6996110349,695.5 *501,032 *
10331870,445.0 *127,322 *361172,085.0148,531
11 361472,058.0148,504
12 362972,046.0148,492
13 363371,979.0148,425
14 378071,928.0 *148,374 *
Table A7. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [20].
Table A7. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [20].
155 *38.0301973 *1190.086231191 *8027.015,642
45637.030410161138.5872012367518.5 *15,181 *
55723.53051036991.5 *8474 *
106512.5278 *
11697.0 *290
Table A8. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [37].
Table A8. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [37].
11133 *15499551912 *678.582751082 *1576.592891043 *1152.59202935 *916.58073
211351220.58916 *918900.5824210921530.5924310461128.59238938684.57712
411581145.5 *9191943693.5825111071450.5904010611143.59174 *9685457563
5 944635.5824411431376.59066106911239266998541.5 *7509 *
6 946624.5843411561350.5 *904010791097.59429
7 947584.5827111581408903310831015.59409
8 9486808167116014148970108610889231
9 952547.58321118013928968 *11121086.59327
10 955496.58185 11541075.59297
11 957418.58192 11561014.5 *9416
12 9664867975
13 9684157930
14 968542.57911
15 972365.57975
16 974315.57833
17 980382.57728
18 982376.57724 *
19 1020278.5 *7919
11046 *8318980405 *118.53597945 *15578335971 *12238907970 *5628460
210757579003416114.53499 *94616728292972121288969745668402
510847758716 *42975.5 *35759631489.58257984109988159856618385
711136858783 9731189.578929971037.586701013745.58353
81117558.0 *8810 9861198787610121304.586351045554.58730
91144675.58718 992999.5 *763910151021.5866810555358507
10 9971036.57629 *1021967.5859110636688297
11 102287284901074528.58658
12 103787584341080501.0 *8634
13 1038827.5847710817048289 *
14 10448718474
15 1055780.0 *8383
16 11488608373
17 11898738359 *
Table A9. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [38].
Table A9. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [38].
1666 *1419.05461655 *1206.55156606 *1406.04952590 *1363.05069593 *1094.54418
97211095.05302681804.547176381292.047856141122.048706481005.0 *4299
107431169.05287688796.54659 *6431280.547926141123.548516721008.04293 *
127691056.05265729729.0 *46836481328.047246251025.04667
147711017.0 *5268 6501174.547496421011.54678
157711221.55239 6521163.04629658982.04726
168501212.55230 * 6571157.54731661991.54609
17 6601158.54668663917.5 *4575 *
18 6621209.04625
19 6641128.54637
20 6661053.54558
21 6791011.04516
22 7191001.54541
23 7221010.54533
24 750988.5 *4511 *
1927 *3972.59939890 *4047.09541863 *3722.59460951 *3922.510,287958 *4539.510,554
39403780.097488923909.594108673614.0935010053711.010,029 *9594403.0 *10,433
49443754.0 *9722 *9043700.09166 *8683608.5934610053708.0 *10,0589604058.010,088 *
5 9273690.592928693603.59341
6 9673674.5 *92168703615.09310
7 8793539.59277
8 8893485.59223
9 8913474.59154
10 9003453.59124
11 9003460.59097
12 9013422.59109
13 9453201.58939
14 9543075.5 *8813 *
11222 *9206.017,1551039 *7244.014,2171150 *8442.016,2211292 *9630.5 *17,552 *1207 *9213.517,373
212279176.517,20310397233.014,24711538128.015,907 12098874.516,937
312289091.517,11810517265.014,21611617806.015,585 12448797.016,836 *
412329031.5 *17,052 *10547195.014,20911867665.0 *15,444 * 12648784.016,915
5 10597091.014,105 12888772.5 *16,940
6 10617174.514,054 12898774.016,905
7 10647074.014,080
8 10697038.0 *14,044 *
1946 *787.58253796 *912.07633855 *558.57932861 *140.07444 *908 *519.08156
41035510.58235805762.07496872571.57808892133.0 *7493911409.57831
51038430.08237809683.57312873567.57803 918389.08128
61050272.0 *8067809698.57305874545.57829 921396.08043
71054488.58066841627.57175 *876445.57890 922407.08037
81109569.08043 *857603.57256879497.07730 922407.57680
9 863548.57311880390.07593 925376.07981
10 878569.57206881370.07591 925400.57671 *
11 898547.57304882352.07671 926262.07875
12 925481.5 *7265884366.57573 931316.57873
13 892334.07720 933297.07829
14 898329.07567 942227.5 *8042
15 919257.07623 959383.57700
16 924318.07603 986260.08021
17 928292.07531 * 1027348.07798
18 929245.57545 1032352.07792
19 945244.07708
20 985242.57659
21 986240.5 *7582
11102 *2769.514,487984 *2337.513,1921039 *2200.514,235993 *2225.513,6481029 *2956.514,010
211152756.514,6109882309.513,16610411819.0 *13,730 *9981885.513,33410322875.513,668
311202713.514,4699922146.0 *12,986 9991876.013,19610332845.013,995
411222654.514,41410462222.512,979 10081874.013,34410402844.513,637
511242386.514,31711042281.512,955 * 10091860.513,30910402824.513,773
611252374.014,281 10101832.013,30210412807.513,864
711292345.514,114 10141831.013,25910482517.513,517
811342275.514,072 10151707.013,18810522469.513,462
911382331.513,979 10241705.0 *13,17910562567.013,408
1011502232.014,223 10251726.013,153 *10572266.513,223
1111912183.014,057 10752256.513,308
1212001952.0 *13,938 * 11022207.0 *13,192 *
11242 *6684.522,4571286 *6708.022,9111264 *7023.023,0461248 *7318.522,2121386 *7671.023,691
312506359.522,06713016193.022,44112846461.522,47412646847.521,73114027380.0 *23,400
513066329.522,10213225990.5 *22,212 *12916328.022,35112746556.521,42315467410.023,318 *
613076361.022,033 12956107.022,06212776516.521,399
713086239.522,012 12966079.022,03412796533.521,337
813106255.021,992 13065988.0 *21,942 *12826439.521,327
913156232.021,969 12936465.521,272
1013856172.5 *21,870 * 13146363.521,257
11 13176333.521,227
12 13336327.521,221
13 13386381.521,188
14 13546070.0 *20,839 *
11784 *20,682.543,4691850 *20,891.545,7451719 *19,234.5 *41,688 *1721 *21,725.544,7371888 *22,157.545,385
2178620,647.543,434185120,716.545,570 172320,594.543,606190021,987.545,135
3178720,586.543,373185520,520.545,374 172920,578.543,590190621,994.045,106
4179320,451.543,238185920,513.545,367 174020,173.543,147191021,783.044,894 *
5179620,415.543,202188220,494.545,348 174820,030.543,042193221,772.5 *44,897
6180620,417.542,953188820,482.545,336 175019,808.5 *42,820 *
7181820,419.542,952189120,458.5 *45,312 *
8185920,335.5 *43,122 *
11351 *1724.019,1371558 *2472.020,8841330 *1226.517,5451334 *1213.517,8551337 *1710.518,569
213531587.018,87215592070.520,55013481027.5 *17,50313371194.518,14413381686.018,546
313781479.518,81715652023.520,62813511172.017,445 *13461176.018,11913401623.018,483
513871438.518,80915662063.520,495 1365887.017,837 *13501589.518,485
613911437.518,80815701957.020,563 1365839.0 *17,84313521509.518,588
713971313.018,71415901886.520,610 13551740.518,450
813991316.018,70715932043.020,357 13591419.518,037
914051265.0 *18,637 *15941992.520,550 13731417.518,542
10 16001807.020,573 13881195.017,804
11 16091778.020,366 13891123.017,596
12 16211762.020,350 13891106.017,673
13 16231756.020,599 13911108.017,637
14 16252048.520,261 13931127.017,584
15 16321946.520,159 * 13931110.017,621
16 16331848.520,262 14031033.0 *17,482 *
17 16531743.0 *20,288
18 16811832.520,246
19 16911895.520,234
Table A10. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [39].
Table A10. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [39].
11254 *177.511,280947 *289.08473734 *2472.013,486746 *2186.013,532767 *2367.013,380
51285157.5 *11,160967253.584617432365.013,1887672165.5 *13,5167892349.013,362
61296255.011,148970173.083897452394.013,1847682252.513,302 *7912326.513,452
71319243.511,147 *971321.083267502335.513,325 8062270.5 *13,338 *
8 976154.582897522309.513,299
9 982139.084197692180.513,146
10 982166.582827732157.5 *13,123 *
11 983114.08365
12 984138.08306
13 98465.58435
14 991117.58229
15 99467.08395
16 99650.58207
17 99621.58229
18 998161.08179 *
19 100352.58189
20 109720.5 *8577
Table A11. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [40].
Table A11. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [40].
11021 *1355.018,401 *1037 *1567.018,9421029 *1739.018,7831136 *2134.019,837
210601233.0 *18,67910461533.018,87710321502.018,67111382110.019,813 *
3 10481525.018,86910361518.018,52011392073.019,842
4 10541604.518,73510381464.018,44911812011.5 *20,020
5 10561502.5 *18,76610511426.5 *18,380 *
6 10861596.518,721 *
Table A12. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [41].
Table A12. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOSA for the JSSP instances proposed by [41].
11335 *1372.518,2091535 *5652.527,2051915 *530635,2501944 *15,386.5049,2472364 *17,422.5064,248
21346130218,11015375589.527,1421916522935,256195115,375.5 *49,236 *238517,264.5064,090
313511229.518,07315385661.526,97719294896.535,136 242317,247.5064,073
413541143.518,03715515407.527,05519405077.535,122 243817,231.5064,057
51359881.517,80715695297.526,74319694868.535,039 245416,909.0063,800
61359821.5 *17,9181594519426,5822000443234,499 245916,893.0063,784
71368859.517,91715965193.526,78720074347.0 *34,421 * 251116,866.5063,785
81380103117,7921604510526,765 251816,603.5063,522
913891138.517,784 *1604512126,698 252116,509.5063,428
101392928.517,79116134998.0 *26,630 * 252216,358.5 *63,277 *
13036 *70,728.00127,6053175 *68,199.00144,6455813360,343.50511,680
3306269,876.00126,753319664,945.0 *141,3915842348,580.50499,917
4310069,835.00126,712320064,939.00141,385 *5852348,429.5 *499,766 *
5311069,572.0 *126,449 *
Table A13. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [20].
Table A13. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [20].
155 *38.0301974 *1441.589111202 *8107.015,752
25530.03059801392.5866612187977.0 *15,576 *
55723.530510391140.0 *8676
9608.5274 *11041346.08576 *
10698.0 *291
Table A14. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [37].
Table A14. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [37].
11111 *1331.59164926 *564.581311096 *1856.597241044 *1067.09367914 *834.57721
711681227.0 *9310959416.0783011221533.5909110951125.09325990798.57737
911971242.09128 *979389.5802611461399.591861225886.0 *9117 *1003657.5 *7688
10 1010521.07800 *11541379.59166 1037740.07645
11 1017317.5 *801411641432.59080 1045731.07636 *
12 11701414.59088
13 12281287.5 *8955 *
11058 *724.58797 *413 *143.03646948 *1498.58317978 *1637.09373974 *875.58921
21114703.5 *8931417111.035449661373.581449791470.09232976767.08318
4 445164.53525 *10031304.079579861514.09121979744.08472
5 445110.0 *363310041257.079109881248.089561021692.08744
6 10061236.078899921223.589501029752.08395
7 10101258.0787210031298.588261031601.08467
8 10211233.0 *7847 *10061196.588991058535.08409
9 10061191.089221059511.08385
10 10081178.589051068483.5 *8268 *
11 10111173.58892
12 10171140.08816
13 10201271.58801
14 10211140.08610
15 10291076.08841
16 10291100.58765
17 10401084.08787
18 1048932.58627
19 10571123.58581 *
20 10581117.58607
21 1112923.08694
22 1140920.5 *8674
23 1180960.58625
Table A15. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [38].
Table A15. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [38].
1666 *1302.55562655 *1230.55180614 *1741.55301595 *1212.04915593 *1177.54520
77641068.5 *5182 *687981.047586271471.05034642945.546206001172.04416
8 698922.048066281435.54952663906.5 *4581 *6071114.54539
9 720948.54696 *6301451.54897 6071115.54528
10 729928.547786301451.04902 6101102.54433
11 831918.047996321365.54837 6131095.54442
12 834925.047366331161.54657 6211181.04413
13 855850.0 *47166451151.04625 6471077.54458
14 6511136.54711 6481071.5 *4479
15 6581115.54611 6491124.54432
16 6691183.04588 6491072.54440
17 6711122.54594 6541124.54353 *
18 672995.54542
19 699927.0 *4442
20 7011012.54421 *
21 766940.04441
1926 *3995.09983890 *3930.59547864 *4293.510,031951 *4358.010,543958 *4465.010,495
49333971.599199053812.093858663777.595159544029.0 *10,358 *9814404.010,399
59383857.098459103825.093658713778.09511 9864392.010,387
69393920.59763 *9123785.594018733759.59497 9944330.010,360
79423793.0 *97819273720.0 *92868743735.59379 10424266.010,296
8 9743765.59268 *8783520.5 *9258 * 10464246.0 *10,276
9 10524299.510,269 *
11222 *8996.016,9451039 *7090.014,1041150 *8297.016,0761292 *9616.017,6351207 *9033.017,154
212418911.5 *16,938 *10427066.014,08011588291.016,03212949583.0 *17,602 *12138905.516,962
3 10506637.0 *13,626 *11668197.015,976 12148703.516,818 *
4 11698019.0 *15,798 * 12608684.516,832
5 12618659.0 *16,826
1979 *673.58402793 *781.07553870 *410.57735875 *286.07914912 *578.08217
71050284.58070 *802686.57450886294.57724894166.0 *7738920287.08015
81076228.0 *8080802671.57457887393.57717897182.57698926293.08002
9 804623.57126887427.57564935193.57626 *926309.57943
10 811623.07244905440.57547 932385.07935
11 813548.07173909383.07675 934343.07891
12 821616.57115914264.57733 940283.08053
13 821622.57024915248.57707 940301.07966
14 829654.56999916320.07487 * 943347.57888
15 846647.57009934277.07513 958282.08011
16 851587.56997 *936276.57706 962319.07836 *
17 851496.57242945274.07506 973294.57976
18 881583.57167972243.07633 979280.08065
19 941474.0 *7233972228.07745 996237.5 *8010
20 979196.5 *7734
21 993234.07555
11103 *2088.5 *13,708 *993 *2598.013,5181035 *1738.513,6721000 *2168.513,5811047 *3160.514,250
2 9952574.013,49211081830.013,651 *10092156.513,56910533107.514,250
3 9992567.013,55011221612.5 *13,70710112135.513,59110552846.013,843
4 10042514.013,373 10132135.513,54810592754.513,768
5 10132524.013,359 10132115.513,58410662630.513,850
6 10182422.013,340 10152134.513,52810682617.513,789
7 10412331.513,081 10161866.0 *13,224 *10722616.513,753
8 10412325.013,132 10742713.513,732
9 10452179.0 *13,040 * 10792689.513,696
10 10812489.513,652
11 10822354.013,474
12 11282306.5 *13,564
13 12162520.013,471 *
11237 *6743.522,4661290 *5765.5 *21,988 *12796587.022,5731261 *7052.021,8771390 *8350.524,343
212436722.522,445 12846445.022,46812637023.021,84413988278.524,271
312456103.521,867 12866340.022,36312766974.021,81714028225.524,218
412816238.521,822 12896205.022,22812966587.521,31214048004.024,024
512975973.521,670 12916107.5 *22,099 *13156334.0 *21,155 *14097978.023,998
613035934.5 *21,631 * 14338189.523,994
7 14347791.023,811
8 14397738.023,758
9 14427735.0 *23,755 *
11786 *22,019.544,8061850 *20,717.045,5071719 *19,800.542,1561721 *20,276.543,2881888 *20,980.5 *44,156 *
2178721,998.544,785185220,531.545,385172119,732.542,186172420,265.5 *43,277 *
3178921,274.544,061187320,525.5 *45,379 *172319,751.542,144
4179020,568.543,355 172419,672.542,126
5181020,337.5 *43,124 * 172519,328.541,782
6 172619,068.541,424
7 172919,057.541,413
8 173119,050.5 *41,406 *
11367 *2046.019,2951533 *2291.020,9301323 *1640.017,8341328 *1036.517,5851318 *1024.517,718 *
213692016.519,36215361919.520,43013291509.017,53813661031.517,5121326944.0 *17,768
413781768.019,16415531830.020,43313451473.517,6531368961.517,422 *
513801897.019,10815541827.020,43013571457.517,459 *1379888.0 *17,527
613941684.519,003 *15671926.020,29413731450.017,8361392893.017,440
714091675.019,04115711919.020,28713761426.0 *17,778
814731667.0 *19,13415771986.020,218
10 15811797.020,289
11 15841550.520,032
12 15871454.5 *19,923
13 16481676.519,800 *
Table A16. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [39].
Table A16. Non-dominated solutions obtained by SS/CMOTA for the JSSP instances proposed by [39].
11239 *241.510,829 *961 *190.58426742 *2425.513,462751 *2604.513,961780 *2968.013,900
31269110.0 *10,852976137.084647552502.013,3467552566.013,9047872562.013,622
4 981115.084277572126.513,1137622533.513,9037892538.013,598
5 981171.582887682125.513,1127632524.513,8947902537.013,611
6 98774.083827682114.013,1267742326.013,7027912492.013,621
7 99459.083427742100.013,1127812258.513,4927942434.013,491
8 998149.082357772097.5 *13,077 *7822256.513,5188272235.5 *13,384
9 1007144.08307 7842247.513,4758392443.013,358 *
10 1014122.58333