1. Introduction and Basic Facts
The notion of a bounded subset is ubiquitous in many parts of mathematics, particularly in functional analysis and topological groups. Here, we approach this concept from a broader viewpoint. Namely, we consider the action of a monoid
G on a topological space
X and associate it with a canonical family of
G-bounded subsets. This provides a very general notion of boundedness that includes both the bounded subsets considered in functional analysis and in topological groups. In this paper, we initiate the study of this new notion of
G-bounded subset. Among other results, it is proved that for a metrizable and separable
X, the bounded subsets of
X are completely determined by the bounded subsets of any dense subspace, extending results obtained by Grothendieck for metrizable separable locally convex spaces [
1], generalized subsequently by Burke and Todorčević and, separately, Saxon and Sánchez-Ruiz for metrizable locally convex spaces [
3] and by Chis, Ferrer, Hernández and Tsaban for metrizable groups [
5]. We also obtain sufficient conditions for a
X to be locally
G-bounded, which applies to topological groups. This also provides the frame for extending to this setting some results by Burke and Todorčević and, separately, Saxon and Sáchez-Ruiz (loc. cit.) for metrizable locally convex spaces. A different approach to the notion of the bounded set was given by Hejcman [
6] and Hu [
7], who studied this concept in the realm of uniform and even topological spaces. Vilenkin [
8] applied this general approach in the realm of topological groups.
2. -Spaces
Let X be a topological space and let G be a monoid, i.e, a semigroup with a neutral element, which will be denoted by e. A left action of G on X is a map satisfying that and for all and , where as usual, we write instead of . A topological space X is said to be a (left) G-space if all translations are homeomorphisms. We sometimes denote the G-space X by the pair . Let and be two actions. A map between G-spaces is a G-map if for every . Given , its orbit is the set . Given , we define .
A right G-space can be defined analogously. If is the opposite semigroup of G with the same topology then can be treated as a left G-space (and vice versa).
We say that a point
topologically generates a
X if for each neighborhood
U of
x we have
. The set of generating points is denoted by
. We say that
X is
point-generated when
. We refer to [
9] for unexplained topological definitions.
2.1. G-Boundedness
Let be a point-generated G-space and let us fix a point . We say that a set is -bounded (or G-bounded for short when there is no possible confusion) if for every neighborhood U of , there is a finite set such that . The set (or for short) of all G-bounded sets in X is called the canonical -boundedness on X. The G-space is said to be homogeneous if for every pair of points in X, there is a homeomorphism such that and is G-bounded for every G-bounded subset . The proof of the following proposition is straightforward.
Proposition 1. Let be a G-space with a generating point . The following assertions hold true:
is -bounded if and only if A is -bounded for any other point .
Subsets of G-bounded sets are G-bounded.
If A and B are G-bounded so is .
Finite sets are G-bounded.
If A is G-bounded so is for all .
Relatively compact subsets are G-bounded.
Every topological vector space E is an -space with the action , and , where . The usual family of bounded subsets of E coincides with the canonical -boundedness, with as the point that topologically generates E.
If H is a topological group, K is a closed subgroup and G is a dense submonoid of H then the coset space defined by the quotient map is canonically a G-space by the action . We say that a set is G-bounded if for every neighborhood U of K (seen as an element of ) there is a finite set such that . This defines the canonical G-boundedness on , where K is the point that topologically generates . Here, the family of G-bounded subsets coincide with the family of all precompact subsets for the left uniformity on .
Definition 1. A point-generated G-space X is said to be locally G-bounded if for every point there is a G-bounded open subset U containing it.
The proof of the following proposition is straightforward.
Proposition 2. Let X be a point-generated G-space. If there is a point and a neighborhood U of x that is G-bounded, then X is locally G-bounded.
Remark 1. From the above proposition, it follows that if a point-generated G-space X is not locally G-bounded then no neighborhood of a point can be G-bounded.
2.2. Infinite Cardinals
In what follows, we shall use the notation ZFC for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory including the axiom of choice, CH for the continuum hypothesis () and GCH for the generalized continuum hypothesis ( for each cardinal ). If CH is false, then there are cardinals strictly between and .
Following [
10], consider the set of functions
endowed with the quasi-order
defined by
A subset
C of
is said to be
cofinal if for each
there is some
. A subset of
is said to be
if it is unbounded in
). One defines
If instead of we consider , that is for all , the value of would be . As for , it would not change its value. Indeed, let D be a -sized cofinal subset of . Thus, given any , there exists with for almost all . Now the set still has size .
3. Dense Subspaces
In [
1], Grothendieck proved that, when
E is a metrizable and separable locally convex space, the bounded subsets of
E are completely determined by the bounded subsets of any dense subspace. This result has been extended by Burke and Todorčević [
2] and, separately, Saxon and Sánchez-Ruiz [
3] for some nonseparable spaces. Subsequenly, Chis, Ferrer, Hernández and Tsaban [
5] extended these results for metrizable groups. As we show next, the same assertion holds for point-generated
G-spaces if
G is a countable monoid. First, we need the following lemma, which is analogous to ([
4], Lemma 2.2.10) (resp. [
5], Th. 3.6). We include its proof here for the reader’s sake.
Lemma 1. Let be a countable monoid and let X be a non locally G-bounded G-space with a generating point that has a countable neighborhood basis. Then there are two order preserving mapssuch that is cofinal in and is cofinal in . Proof. The map
is defined in a similar way as in ([
4], Section 2.2.4) (resp. [
5], Def. 3.5). Indeed, let
be a countable neighborhood basis at
. By Proposition 1, no neighborhood of
G-bounded. Therefore, there is
such that
. Analogously there is
such that
. Repeating this procedure, we obtain a decreasing neighborhood base
. □
This map is order preserving and relates the confinality of and . Indeed, take . Set and take . The sequence converges to . Thus is G-bounded and . It follows that .
As for the map
, set
Obviously this map is order preserving. Moreover, is cofinal in . To see this, take an arbitrary G-bounded subset K, then for every there is a finite subset such that . Set such that for every . Then .
Theorem 1. Let be a countable monoid and let X be a first countable G-space with a generating point . If Y is a dense subset of X, then for each G-bounded whose density is less than , there is a G-bounded such that .
Proof. Suppose first that X is locally G-bounded and let U be a G-bounded neighborhood of . Let F be a finite subset of G such that . Since G acts on X by homeomorphisms and Y is dense in X, it follows that . Therefore, it suffices to take . □
Assume without loss of generality that
X is not locally
G-bounded and set
such that
. Since
K is
G-bounded, we take the map
defined in Lemma 1 above, where
is a decreasing basis at
. We have
for all
. On the other hand, since
Y is dense in
X, for all
, there is a sequence
which converges to
d. Therefore, since
is compact, we have
for all
. So, we have a family
of cardinality less than
, then it is bounded in
. Therefore, there is
such that
. That is, if
, then there is
. We also assume that
. Pick now a fixed element
. If
, we have
that is an open set. Since this open set contains the element
and the sequence
converges to
d, there is
such that
. Consider now
and let us verify that
P is
G-bounded. Take an open set
V of
X such that
, then there is
such that
. For each
we have one of the following two options:
- (1)
, which implies .
- (2)
, then .
In both cases, .
Therefore, , and since V is arbitrary this means that P is G-bounded.
It is readily seen that .
A consequence of this theorem is the following.
Corollary 1. Let G be a countable monoid and let X be a point-generated, metrizable, G-space. If X contains a dense subset of cardinality less than , and D is an arbitrary dense subset of X, then for each G-bounded , there is a G-bounded such that .
Proof. Since X is metrizable, it is first countable and the generating point has a countable neighborhood basis and K contains a dense subset of cardinality less than . □
The following result improves Corollary 2.3.3 in [
4] (resp. Corollary 3.19 in [
Corollary 2. Let H be a topological group, K a closed subgroup of H such that is metrizable and let L be a dense subgroup of H. If is precompact, then there is a precompact subset such that .
Proof. Let denote the canonical quotient map. Observe that P is separable because it is metrizable and precompact. Let D be a countable dense subset of P. For every , there is a sequence such that converges to d. Consider the countable subset and the set with the topology inherited from . We have that , and is separable and metrizable. Let G be a countable subgroup of such that , which is dense in . Then is a point generated G-space according to Proposition 1(viii), where the family of G-bounded subsets coincides with the family of precompact subsets of the left uniformity of . On the other hand, is countable and dense in and P is G-bounded. Accordingly, we apply Theorem 1 to deduce that there is , which is G-bounded (therefore, precompact) and . It is readily seen that Q is precompact in L. □
The metrizability condition in the previous theorem is essential even for the special case of topological groups ([
4], Example 2.3.5) (resp. [
5], [Remark 3.21]).
4. G-Barrelled Groups
In this section, we have a countable monoid and a metrizable G-space X. We assume WLOG that is the neutral element of G.
Definition 2. Given a G-space X, we say that is G-absorbent (or simply A is absorbent for short) when . A G-space X is said to be barrelled when for every closed absorbent subset Q there is an index such that has a nonempty interior.
Theorem 2. Suppose that is a countable monoid and X is a homogeneous, barrelled G-space with a generating point that has a countable neighborhood basis at . If X can be covered by less than bounded subsets, then X is locally bounded.
Proof. Let
be a decreasing neighborhood base at
defined as in Lemma 1 and let
denote the action of
G on
X. For every
we define the map
As a consequence, every element
defines a sequence
and, therefore, we have defined the map
so that
. Suppose there is a collection of
G-bounded sets
such that
. Every
is associated with a map
defined previously; that is
Take . Then, there is such that . Therefore . Since it follows that is bounded in . Thus, there is such that and, since , we have for all . So, for every , there is such that for all .
Clearly, the set
is bounded. Let us verify that
is also absorbent. Take
. Then, since
, we have
Indeed, since each map
, is a bijection and
is the neutral element of
G, we have
This proves that is absorbent. Therefore is absorbent too and, since X is G-barrelled, there is such that has nonempty interior. Thus, is a G-bounded subset containing an open, G-bounded, subset U. Take any point . Since X is homogeneous, there is a homeomorphism such that and is an open, bounded subset containing . By Proposition 2, it follows that X is locally G-bounded. □
As a consequence, we next obtain results that contain the previous results obtained by locally convex spaces [
2] and topological groups [
Let G be a topological group, we say that a subset is absorbent when for every dense subgroup H of G it holds that . The group G is said to be barrelled when every closed absorbent subset Q has a nonempty interior. Remark that every separable Baire group is barrelled.
Corollary 3. Let G be either a metrizable, barrelled, locally convex space or a separable, metrizable, barrelled group. If G is covered by less than bounded (resp. precompact) subsets. Then G is normable (resp.locally precompact).
Proof. In both cases, G is homogeneous and the homeomorphisms preserving bounded subsets are translations. If G is a metrizable, barrelled, locally convex space, applying Theorem 2, we obtain that G has a neighborhood basis of zero consisting of bounded subsets, which implies that G is normable. If G is a topological group, take any countable dense subgroup H of G and consider the canonical action of H on G that makes G an H-space. By Proposition 1, a subset A of G is H-bounded if and only if it is precompact. Again, it suffices now to apply Theorem 2. □
5. Discussion
We have considered the action of a monoid
G on a topological space
X and associated it with a canonical family of
G-bounded subsets. This provides a very general notion of boundedness that include both the bounded subsets considered in functional analysis and in topological groups. In this paper, we have initiated the study of this new notion of a
G-bounded subset. Among other results, it is proved that for a metrizable and separable
X, the bounded subsets of
X are completely determined by the bounded subsets of any dense subspace, extending results obtained by Grothendieck for metrizable separable locally convex spaces [
1], generalized subsequently by Burke and Todorčević and, separately, Saxon and Sánchez-Ruiz for metrizable locally convex spaces [
3] and by Chis, Ferrer, Hernández and Tsaban for metrizable groups [
5]. We have also obtained sufficient conditions for a
X to be locally
G-bounded, which applies to topological groups. This also provides the frame for extending to this setting some results by Burke and Todorčević and, separately, Saxon and Sáchez-Ruiz (loc. cit.) for metrizable locally convex spaces.