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Spaces of Bounded Measurable Functions Invariant under a Group Action

Department of Mathematics, Sterling College, Sterling, KS 67579, USA
Axioms 2022, 11(10), 505;
Submission received: 15 August 2022 / Revised: 15 September 2022 / Accepted: 20 September 2022 / Published: 26 September 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Functional Analysis and Operator Theory)


In this paper, we characterize spaces of L -functions on a compact Hausdorff space that are invariant under a transitive and continuous group action. This work is analogous to established results concerning invariant spaces of continuous and measurable functions on a compact Hausdorff space. The case for L -functions cannot be proved in the same way when endowed with the norm-topology, but a similar argument can be used when the space of L -functions is given the weak*-topology, as we show in this paper.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we show that for a compact Hausdorff space X, acted upon continuously and transitively by a compact group G, when a certain collection G of spaces of continuous functions exists, then each weak*-closed space of L -functions invariant under the action can be constructed by closing the direct sum of some subcollection of G . The L -functions in this case are defined by a measure μ that is closely related to the group action.
The motivation for this paper is to provide an analogue to the results of [1], in which it is shown that when the collection G exists, every uniformly closed space of continuous functions on X that is invariant under the group action can be decomposed into the closure of the direct sum of some subcollection of G . The same is also true of the L p -functions, with measure μ , for 1 p < , where closure is taken in the usual norm-topology on L p ( μ ) .
The case of L -functions with the norm-topology is not established in [1] because the map α f φ α , where φ α denotes the action of α G on X, from G into the L -functions need not be continuous under the norm-topology. However, when considering the space of L -functions with the weak*-topology, an analogous result can be established (Theorem 3), which states that when the same collection G of continuous functions on X from [1] exists (Definition 4), all weak*-closed invariant spaces of L -functions can be constructed by closing the direct sum of some subcollection of G in the weak*-topology.
This paper also serves as a generalization of a result in [2], in which the author establishes the particular case for the L -functions defined on the unit sphere of C n acted on by the unitary group. This in turn was motivated by the work of Nagel and Rudin in [3], in which it is shown that there exists a collection C of (minimal and invariant) spaces of continuous functions on the unit sphere of C n such that each closed unitarily invariant space of continuous or L p -functions on the sphere decomposes into the closure of the direct sum of some subcollection of C .

2. Preliminaries

Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and C ( X ) the space of continuous complex functions with domain X and uniform norm | | · | | . Let G be a compact group (with Haar measure m) that acts continuously and transitively on X. When we wish to be explicit, the map φ α : X X shall denote the action of α on X for each α G ; otherwise, α x denotes the action of α G on x X .
Let μ denote the unique regular Borel probability measure on X that is invariant under the action of G. Specifically,
X f d μ = X f φ α d μ ,
for all f C ( X ) and α G . The existence of such a measure is a result of André Weil from [4], and a construction of μ can be found in [5] (Theorem 6.2). Throughout the paper, μ shall refer to this measure.
The notation L p ( μ ) denotes the usual Lebesgue spaces, for 1 p . Recall the norm | | · | | p on L p ( μ ) for 1 p < is given by
| | f | | p = X | f | p d μ 1 / p ,
and the norm | | f | | of f L ( μ ) is given by the essential supremum of | f | .
For Y C ( X ) , the uniform closure of Y is denoted Y ¯ , and for Y L p ( μ ) , the norm-closure of Y in L p ( μ ) is denoted Y ¯ p . When L ( μ ) is equipped with the weak*-topology, Y ¯ denotes the weak*-closure of Y L ( μ ) .
Remark 1.
For Y L ( μ ) convex and 1 p < , we have
Y ¯ Y ¯ p L ( μ ) .
This follows from the local convexity of L p ( μ ) , and from the fact that the weak*-topology on L ( μ ) is stronger than the topology which L ( μ ) inherits from each L p ( μ ) endowed with the weak topology.
The following definition has appeared in several sources, such as [1,6,7], but no attribution is given. The last citation is the specific case of the unitary group acting on the unit sphere in C n .
Definition 1.
A space of complex functions Y defined on X is invariant under G (G-invariant) if f φ α Y for every f Y and every α G .
Remark 2.
Since the action is continuous, C ( X ) is G-invariant. Conversely, if C ( X ) is G-invariant, then each action φ α must be continuous.
Remark 3.
The invariance property (1) means μ ( α E ) = μ ( E ) for every Borel set E X and every α G . Consequently, (1) holds for every L p -function, and L p ( μ ) is G-invariant for all 1 p .
The following is consequence of (1) and the G-invariance of the spaces L p ( μ ) :
Remark 4.
Let 1 p < and let p be its conjugate exponent. Then
X ( f φ α ) · g d μ = X f · ( g φ α 1 ) d μ ,
for f L p ( μ ) , g L p ( μ ) , and α G .
Definition 2
(Definition 2.6 [1]). A space Y C ( X ) is G-minimal if it is G-invariant and contains no nontrivial G-invariant spaces.
Definition 3
(Definition 3.1 [1]). For each x X , the space H ( x ) is the set of all continuous functions that are unchanged by the action of any element of G which stabilizes x. That is,
H ( x ) = { f C ( X ) : f = f φ α , for all α G such that α x = x } .
Definition 4
(Definition 3.2 [1]). Let G be a collection of spaces in C ( X ) with these properties:
Each H G is a closed G-minimal space.
Each pair H 1 and H 2 in G is orthogonal (in L 2 ( μ ) ): If f 1 H 1 and f 2 H 2 , then
X f 1 f 2 ¯ d μ = 0 .
L 2 ( μ ) is the direct sum of the spaces in G .
We say G is a G-collection if it also possesses the following property:
dim ( H H ( x ) ) = 1 for each x X and each H G .
Throughout the paper, G shall denote a G-collection of C ( X ) , indexed by I, whose elements are denoted H i , for i I , and further, we assume that a G-collection exists for X.
Remark 5.
It should be stressed that we are not implying that a G-collection always exists for any X and G. However, a collection of spaces in C ( X ) lacking at most only property ( ) of Definition 4 always exists, as a consequence of the Peter-Weyl theorem from [8]. This collection is necessarily unique.
Definition 5
(Definition 3.7 [1]). We define π i to be the projection of L 2 ( μ ) onto H i .
Remark 6.
Theorem 3.5 of [1] shows that each π i commutes with G, in the sense that
π i ( f φ α ) = ( π i f ) φ α
for every f L 2 ( μ ) and every α G , and further, to each x X there exists a unique K x H i such that
π i f = X f ( x ) K x d μ ( x ) ,
for all f L 2 ( μ ) . The domain of π i can then be extended to L 1 ( μ ) by defining π i f to be the above integral for all f L 1 ( μ ) .
Definition 6
(Definition 3.8 [1]). For Ω I , E Ω denotes the direct sum of the spaces H i for i Ω .
Remark 7.
The G-invariance of each E Ω is a natural consequence of the definition.
Remark 8.
Definition 4 yields that each f L 2 ( μ ) has a unique expansion f = f i , with each f i H i , which converges unconditionally to f in the L 2 -norm. Since π i is the identity map on H i and the spaces H i are pairwise orthogonal, we have f i = π i f for i I . Thus,
f = π i f .
Each π i is continuous as the orthogonal projection of L 2 ( μ ) onto the closed subspace H i . Thus, π i annihilates a subset of L 2 ( μ ) if and only if it annihilates its closure. The following is a consequence of this and Remark 8:
Remark 9.
For each set Ω I , we have
E ¯ Ω 2 = { f L 2 ( μ ) : π i f = 0 when i Ω } .
Finally, the classical results used in this paper can be found in many texts, with the reference given in each instance being just one such place.

3. Closures of G-Invariant Sets

In this section, we verify that G-invariance is preserved by closures in the spaces C ( X ) and L p ( μ ) for 1 p (Corollaries 1 and 2) by showing that G induces classes of isometries on L p ( μ ) and on C ( X ) (Theorem 1), as well as a class of weak*-homeomorphisms on L ( μ ) (Theorem 2). Consequently, each space C ( X ) or L p ( μ ) for 1 p contains at least as many closed G-invariant spaces as there are subsets of I.
Theorem 1.
Suppose X is any of the spaces C ( X ) or L p ( μ ) for 1 p and α G . If L α : X X is the map given by L α f = f φ α , then L α is a bijective linear isometry.
The bijectivity of each L α is clear because each has an inverse map L α 1 . The linearity of each L α is also clear. Further, the invariance property (1) of μ yields that each L α is an isometry on L p ( μ ) (the case for L ( μ ) follows from Remark 3).
To show the same on C ( X ) , we observe that
| ( L α f ) ( x ) | = | f ( α x ) | | | f | | and | f ( x ) | = | ( L α f ) ( α 1 x ) | | | L α f | |
for all x X . These inequalities yield that | | L α f | | = | | f | | . □
Corollary 1.
Suppose X is any of the spaces C ( X ) or L p ( μ ) for 1 p . If Y X is G-invariant, then the closure of Y in X is G-invariant.
Theorem 2.
Let α G . If L α : L ( μ ) L ( μ ) is the map given by L α ( f ) = f φ α , then L α is a weak*-homeomorphism.
Recall the weak*-topology on L ( μ ) is a weak topology induced by the maps on L ( μ ) of the form
Λ g f = X f g d μ ,
for some g L 1 ( μ ) . Thus, L α is continuous with respect to the weak*-topology if and only if Λ g L α is continuous for all maps Λ g .
Fix g L 1 ( μ ) . We observe that
( Λ g L α ) ( f ) = Λ g ( f φ α ) = X ( f φ α ) · g d μ = X f · ( g φ α 1 ) d μ = Λ g φ α 1 f ,
for every f L ( μ ) , by Remark 4. We conclude L α is continuous on L ( μ ) with respect to the weak*-topology.
Finally, the map L α 1 : L ( μ ) L ( μ ) given by L α 1 ( f ) = f φ α 1 is the inverse of L α . By a similar argument, L α 1 is continuous with respect to the weak*-topology, and thus L α is a weak*-homeomorphism. □
Corollary 2.
If Y L ( μ ) is G-invariant, then Y ¯ is G-invariant.
Remark 10.
From Remark 7 and Corollaries 1 and 2, the closure of each E Ω in any space C ( X ) or L p ( μ ) for 1 p is G-invariant.

4. Characterization of Weak*-Closed G-Invariant Subspaces of L ( μ )

In this section, we state and prove our main result (Theorem 3), which shows that the spaces E ¯ Ω are the only weak*-closed G-invariant subspaces of L ( μ ) .
Theorem 3.
If Y is a weak*-closed G-invariant subspace of L ( μ ) , then Y = E ¯ Ω for some Ω I .
This result is an analogue to Theorem 4.1 of [1], which is used in its proof:
Theorem 4
(Theorem 4.1 [1]). Let X be any of the spaces C ( X ) or L p ( μ ) for 1 p < . If Y is a closed G-invariant subspace of X , then Y is the closure of E Ω for some Ω I .
The set Ω from Theorems 3 and 4 is the set { i I : π i Y 0 } . The proof of Theorem 3 further requires Lemma 1, which we prove in Section 5.
Lemma 1.
Let Y L ( μ ) be a G-invariant space. Then for g L ( μ ) , we have that g Y ¯ 2 whenever g Y ¯ .
Remark 11.
From Remark 1 and Lemma 1, for any G-invariant space Y L ( μ ) ,
Y ¯ = Y ¯ 2 L ( μ ) .
Remark 12.
Remarks 11 and 9 give a description of the sets E ¯ Ω :
E ¯ Ω = E ¯ Ω 2 L ( μ ) = { f L ( μ ) : π i f = 0 when i Ω } .
Proof of Theorem 3.
Let Y L ( μ ) be a weak*-closed G-invariant space. Then
Y = Y ¯ = Y ¯ 2 L ( μ )
from Remark 11. Since Y is G-invariant, so is Y ¯ 2 from Corollary 1. By Theorem 4,
Y ¯ 2 = E ¯ Ω 2 ,
where Ω = { i I : π i Y ¯ 2 0 } .
We define Ω = { i I : π i Y 0 } . Then, Remark 12 yields
E ¯ Ω 2 L ( μ ) = E ¯ Ω .
We have Ω = Ω by the continuity of each π i , and thus E ¯ Ω 2 = E ¯ Ω 2 . □

5. Proof of Lemma 1

In this section, we prove Lemma 1, which we note is an analogue to Lemma 4.4 of [1] and a generalization of Lemma 4.2 from [2]. The proof requires the following lemmas:
Lemma 2.
If f C ( X ) , then the map α f φ α is a continuous map of G into C ( X ) .
For α G , we define the map ϕ : G C ( X , X ) by ϕ ( α ) = φ α , where C ( X , X ) denotes the continuous maps from X into X. Then ϕ is continuous when C ( X , X ) is given the compact-open topology (Theorem 46.11 of [9]). We note that the continuity of the group action is used here.
We define the map T f : C ( X , X ) C ( X ) for f C ( X ) by T f ( φ ) = f φ , and we endow both spaces with the compact-open topology. Let f φ C ( X ) for φ C ( X , X ) and suppose f φ V , where V = V ( K , U ) is a subbasis element in C ( X ) . Explicitly,
K ( f φ ) 1 ( U ) . That is to say , K φ 1 ( f 1 ( U ) ) .
Then V = V ( K , f 1 ( U ) ) is a subbasis element in C ( X , X ) and φ V . Further, V T f 1 ( V ) , so that T f is continuous when C ( X , X ) and C ( X ) are endowed with the respective compact-open topologies. We finally observe that since X is compact, the norm topology and the compact-open topology on C ( X ) coincide. □
Lemma 3.
If f L p ( μ ) for 1 p < , then the map α f φ α of G into L p ( μ ) is continuous.
We verify the map α f φ α is continuous at the identity in G, which suffices to conclude it is continuous on G. Let ϵ > 0 . Then there exists g C ( X ) such that
| | f g | | p < ϵ / 3 .
Since the map α g φ α is continuous (Lemma 2), and in particular continuous at the identity in G, there exists a neighborhood N of the identity in G such that
| | g g φ α | | < ϵ / 3
for all α N . Since
| | f f φ | | p | | f g | | p + | | g g φ α | | p + | | ( g f ) φ α | | p ,
the G-invariance of L p ( μ ) yields that | | f f φ α | | p < ϵ for all α N . □
Lemma 4.
Let g L ( μ ) . Then the map ϕ : G L ( μ ) given by ϕ ( α ) = g φ α is weak*-continuous.
To show that ϕ is weak*-continuous, we verify each Λ h ϕ is continuous, where Λ h is the map L ( μ ) C given by integration against the function h L 1 ( μ ) .
Observe the map Λ h ϕ is given by
( Λ h ϕ ) ( α ) = X ( g φ α ) · h d μ .
From Lemma 3, the map α h φ α is continuous from G into L 1 ( μ ) . Thus, the map α g · ( h φ α 1 ) is continuous. We apply Remark 4 to get that
α X g · ( h φ α 1 ) d μ = X ( g φ α ) · h d μ
is continuous, as desired. □
Proof of Lemma 1.
Suppose g L ( μ ) and g Y ¯ . Then there exists a weak*-continuous linear functional Γ on L ( μ ) such that Γ f = 0 for f Y , and Γ g = 1 , due to the Hahn–Banach theorem (Theorem 3.5 [10]). Since each weak*-continuous linear functional on L ( μ ) is induced by an element of L 1 ( μ ) , there exists h L 1 ( μ ) such that Γ F = X F h d μ for F L ( μ ) .
From Lemma 4, there exists a neighborhood N of the identity in G such that
Re X ( g φ α ) · h d μ > 1 2
for α N . We choose a continuous map ψ : G [ 0 , ) such that ψ d m = 1 and the support of ψ is contained in N (recall m denotes the Haar measure on G).
We now define a map Λ on L ( μ ) by
Λ F = X h ( x ) G ψ ( α ) · F ( α x ) d m ( α ) d μ ( x ) , for F L ( μ ) .
We fix F L ( μ ) and x X and define the map F x : G C by α F ( α x ) . Since
G | F x | 2 d m = G | F ( α x ) | 2 d m ( α ) = X | F | 2 d μ = | | F | | 2 2 < ,
we get F x L 2 ( G ) , and since ψ is continuous, we have that ψ L 2 ( G ) . Further,
| G ψ F x d m | G | ψ | 2 d m 1 2 G | F x | 2 d m 1 2 = | | ψ | | 2 · | | F | | 2 ,
so that for F L ( μ ) ,
| Λ F | | | ψ | | 2 · | | F | | 2 X | h | d μ = | | ψ | | 2 · | | F | | 2 · | | h | | 1 .
The linearity of Λ on L ( μ ) is clear. Thus, Λ defines an L 2 -continuous linear functional on L ( μ ) , and hence extends to an L 2 -continuous linear functional Λ 1 on L 2 ( μ ) by the Hahn–Banach theorem (Theorem 3.6 [10]). By interchanging the integrals in the definition of Λ , we see that Λ 1 annihilates Y, since Y is G-invariant. Further,
Re Λ 1 g = G ψ ( α ) Re X g ( α x ) · h ( x ) d μ ( x ) d m ( α ) > N ψ ( α ) · 1 2 d m ( α ) = 1 2 .
We conclude that g Y ¯ 2 . □

6. Future Questions

Does a G-collection exist for all groups G acting continuously and transitively on X? What conditions might exist on G or X that yield a collection lacking (*)?
Under what conditions can the restrictions on X, G, and the action of G on X be loosened? Can the compactness of X and G be substituted with local compactness? Can the continuity of the action be substituted with separate continuity?
Suppose H is a subgroup of G and H is a collection of closed H-minimal spaces satisfying the same conditions as G . What is the relationship between H and G ? What if H and G lack ( ) ? The uniqueness of μ shows that H does not induce a new H-invariant measure on X. Further, G-invariance implies H-invariance (of a space).
We note that (3) is prompted from the study of M -invariant and U -invariant spaces of continuous functions on the unit sphere of C n from [3], in which it is shown that there are infinitely many U -invariant spaces and only six M -invariant spaces. These six M -invariant spaces are found by combining the U -minimal spaces in a specific way (see Lemma 13.1.2 of [7]), and we are curious if this method can be generalized.
Under what conditions can a G-collection characterize the closed G-invariant algebras of continuous functions? We note that the case for the unitary group acting on the unit sphere of C n is discussed in [11] and is also summarized in [7].


This research received no external funding.

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Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Hokamp, S.A. Spaces of Bounded Measurable Functions Invariant under a Group Action. Axioms 2022, 11, 505.

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Hokamp SA. Spaces of Bounded Measurable Functions Invariant under a Group Action. Axioms. 2022; 11(10):505.

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Hokamp, Samuel A. 2022. "Spaces of Bounded Measurable Functions Invariant under a Group Action" Axioms 11, no. 10: 505.

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Hokamp, S. A. (2022). Spaces of Bounded Measurable Functions Invariant under a Group Action. Axioms, 11(10), 505.

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