1. Introduction
Classical mechanics, whose laws were given by Newton in the late 1600s, was not sufficient to interpret the discoveries concerning the electronic structure of atoms and the nature of light. It became a necessity to develop a different type of mechanics known as quantum mechanics or wave mechanics to explain such situations [
1]. Heisenberg and Schrödinger discovered matrix mechanics and wave mechanics, respectively. Later, Schrödinger and Eckart tried to prove that these two theories are mathematically equivalent. In Heisenberg’s mechanics, a physical quantity is represented by a matrix, while in Schrödinger’s mechanics it is represented by a linear operator [
2]. In quantum mechanics, three different equations, often called Dirac, Pauli, and Schrödinger equations, are used to describe the movement of an electron [
3]. Schrödinger defined a wave equation in 1925 based on the suggestion of the famous physicist Peter Debye and the work of de Broglie. The equation did not match the observations of real atoms, as Schrödinger did not include electron spin in his work, which began with trying to find a wave equation that would characterize the behavior of an electron in hydrogen [
4]. In 1926, Schrödinger presented his papers [
1] in which he wrote the full mathematical basis of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. In 1926, Klein, Fock, and Gordon independently formulated the relativistic Schrödinger equation for the free spin-zero particle. Meanwhile, in 1928, Dirac discovered the relativistic wave equation for the free electron, a spin-
particle [
5]. According to Bandyopadhyay and Cahay, the eigenvectors of Pauli spin matrices are examples of spinors, which are
column vectors that represent the spin state of an electron [
2]. Physicists initially introduced spinors under this designation within the realm of quantum mechanics. But this concept in its most general mathematical form was defined much earlier, by Cartan in 1913 [
6]. In four-dimensional space, spinors appear in Dirac’s famous electron equations, and the components of a spinor are four wave functions indicated by Cartan [
7]. The primary reason spinors enter physics is the presence of spin. Spinors, a concept still not fully understood [
8] and requiring extensive study, are the subject of focus for mathematicians in algebraic and geometrical research, while physicists delve deeply into their implications in quantum physics. Upon examining the literature, it becomes evident that the study of spinors devoid of any geometric significance has contributed to the complexity surrounding attempts to extend Dirac’s equations to general relativity. As a result, the concept of spinors remains incomprehensible [
7]. Spinors and Dirac equations in general relativity theory on Riemannian spaces have been studied independently by Weyl [
9], Schrödinger [
10], and Fock [
11], and then, many studies have been performed in terms of space-time geometry [
12]. Vaz and Rocha proposed three distinct definitions of spinors, each delineated by various researchers, highlighting diverse perspectives. Among these, two definitions enjoy broader acceptance, while the third is emerging in scholarly discourse [
13]. They classified these definitions as algebraic, classical, and operatorial.
Now, the definition of
as given in Westra’s notes [
14] will be recalled. Let
U be a
matrix and let
represent the conjugate transpose of
is the group that provides the following properties:
Then, the most general element of
is written as [
The elements of the representation space of
, obtained with the help of Cayley–Klein parameters, which are the inputs of a unitary matrix
A belonging to the
, are called classical spinors [
13]. In quantum mechanics, particle spin, defined in Lie group theory as
with elements known as spinors, is used to represent quaternions. Because spinors change sign when rotated
, it is advantageous to use spinors instead of vectors and tensors to describe the spin angular characteristic of the electron. Three-dimensional spinors of group
. The most important application of spinors in quantum physics is to provide mathematical representations of energy transfer in EM fields [
Now, let us give the definition of spinors in this sense with the notation used in the book written by Nagashima [
16]. In two-dimensional complex variable space, the spinor is defined as the base vector of the group representation
. The notation
are generally complex numbers, represents a two-component column vector and is commonly used to denote spinors. On the other hand, the representation matrices are stated as
unitary matrices with unit determinants.
transforms under
as follows:
Furthermore, there are three independent parameters in
In the algebraic definition, in physics, the spinor space is defined as a member of the minimal left ideal of Clifford’s algebra [
13]. Cartan created the mathematical form of spinors while investigating linear representations of simple groups [
The concept of spinors, initially named by the quantum physicist P. Ehrenfest, has emerged as a pivotal tool in numerous physical theories, notably in the realm of quantum mechanics [
In addition, there are important studies in which spinors are used in the application of mathematics in the field of physics. On the other hand, spinors, also studied geometrically by E. Cartan, are elements of complex vector space and are used in mathematics and physics to extend the concepts of rotation and space vectors. Spinors, which consist of two complex components in terms of vectors, were obtained in three-dimensional Euclidean space by Cartan [
7]. The properties of spinors have been studied in different dimensions by different authors. In 2004, Castillo and Barrales gave some properties of spinors in three-dimensional real space [
12]. Later, Castillo defined a spinor formulation in four-dimensional space [
Let us explain this concept better with the representation of spinors established with the help of the orthonormal base. The homomorphic groups
are the rotation group around the origin in
and unitary complex
matrices group with unit determinant, respectively. Here, the elements of
move on two vectors with complex structure named spinors [
Every spinor
defines vectors
f through
is a vector whose
components are complex symmetric
denote the conjugate and mate of
, respectively, where
On the other hand, the
f vectors are defined by
be two arbitrary spinors and
be complex numbers. In this case,
, and
Furthermore, for nonzero spinor
is linear independent and the spinors corresponding to
are different [
Now, let us give place to one of the important concepts in this field: Pauli matrices. Hermitian, involutory, and unitary Pauli matrices are
matrices (
8). However, all of the Pauli matrices can be compacted into a single expression. In addition, every
Hermitian matrix is uniquely written as a linear combination of Pauli matrices, where all coefficients are real numbers. Now, we recall the Pauli matrices:
matrices in (
3) are obtained by multiplying the
matrix and the Pauli matrices (
8). Pauli used spinors, thought to be elements of
, to reveal the behavior of an electron by taking the spin of the electron into account in quantum mechanics. In physics, spinors arose as a product of Pauli’s theory of non-relativistic quantum mechanics (1926) and Dirac’s (1928) theory of relativistic quantum mechanics [
20]. These matrices, which appear in the Pauli equation, that takes into calculus the interaction of a particle’s spin with an external electromagnetic field, are named after the physicist Wolfgang Pauli [
20] and these matrices have a very important place in nuclear physics studies. Dirac gave important formulas about Pauli matrices [
19]. The space of Dirac spinors is a complex four-dimensional vector space, and turns out to split as the sum of a complex two-dimensional vector space
S, called a spin space; and its complex conjugate
. Since spinors are complex objects, both the space of complex conjugate spinors and its dual must be given. Vivarelli [
21] was involved in this area in the geometrical aspect. He showed an injective and linear correspondence between spinors and quaternions and in three-dimensional Euclidean space he gave spinor representations of rotations. Thus, a more concise and simpler depiction of quaternions can be reached by the concept of spinors. Quaternions, being applied to the fields of mathematics, physics, robotics, engineering and chemistry, can be worked through spinors with the help of the correspondence given by Vivarelli [
Recent studies using special numbers like Fibonacci and Lucas numbers have brought a different perspective to the use of spinors in mathematics. The Fibonacci sequence and the Lucas sequence are sequences whose first terms are 0 and 2, respectively, and whose second term is 1, and each term after the second term is written as the sum of the two preceding terms. Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio associated with these special numbers are the focus of attention in mathematics as well as in physics, chemistry, biology, technology, and astrophysics. Looking at quantum physics, one can find an example in [
22] showing that the golden ratio can be seen in the anyon, being a two-dimensional quasi-particle. If we look at the polynomial sequences, the Fibonacci polynomial sequence is a generalization of the Fibonacci sequence. Polynomials generated in a similar way from Lucas numbers are called Lucas polynomials. Soykan [
23] exhibited the generalized Fibonacci polynomials in many aspects. Over the years, new number and polynomial sequences have also been defined and several of their properties examined. The most prominent ones are Pell, Pell–Lucas, Jacobsthal, Jacobsthal–Lucas numbers and polynomials [
25]. Horadam extends the Fibonacci integer numbers to the complex numbers [
26], then extends complex Fibonacci and Lucas sequences to the Fibonacci and Lucas quaternions studied in various fields [
26]. The real numbers
, the complex numbers
, and the quaternions
are division algebras and by cause of commutativity several arguments cannot be expanded from complex numbers to quaternions. As a result of this property, various results cannot be extended from Fibonacci and Horadam numbers to Fibonacci and Horadam quaternions, the same holds for polynomials. We can see some recently studied special quaternion sequences, for example, bicomplex
-Fibonacci quaternions [
27], dual-generalized complex fibonacci quaternions [
28], quantum quaternion polynomials [
29], Gaussian Pell quaternions [
30] and Pauli–Fibonacci quaternions [
Being extensions of Fibonacci quaternions, Erişir and Güngör [
32], in 2020, first introduced Fibonacci and Lucas spinors with the help of the Fibonacci quaternions. Later, in 2023, Kumari et al. [
33] examined the
k-Fibonacci and
k-Lucas spinors via
k-Fibonacci and
k-Lucas quaternions, which were worked out by Ramirez [
34]. Erişir [
35] give Horadam spinors as an extension of Horadam quaternions. This study is also a generalization of [
33]. On the part of polynomial sequences, the generalized Fibonacci polynomials (Horadam polynomials) and the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors (Horadam polynomial spinors) are polynomial sequences that can be thought as an extension of the generalized Fibonacci numbers (Horadam numbers) and of the generalized Fibonacci spinors (Horadam spinors), respectively. No more work on spinor sequences and polynomial spinor sequences has been brought to the literature yet. For this reason, this study will fill the gap about special polynomial spinor sequences.
In this work, by associating spinors with quaternions, the spinor correspondences of Horadam quaternion polynomials, which are a generalization of quaternion polynomial sequences, are analyzed, and thus, it is shown that the given Horadam polynomial spinors are a generalization of the spinor representations of all these quaternion polynomial sequences. The motivation of this work is to define a new and special sequence that can be used in physics and exploit the advantages of spinors in physical applications.
Section 4 and
Section 5 in the present paper, Simson’s identity and Catalan’s identity of the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors and their related corollaries and remarks, Theorem 4 and its corollaries and remark are completely new results which differ from the classical case of generalized Fibonacci polynomials. Apart from this, looking at all the results in this paper from
Section 3 onwards, all the findings obtained for both sequences are different since the generalized Fibonacci polynomials are extended to polynomial matrices, primarily because the product is defined very differently.
Highlights of this research are:
The relations between quaternions and spinors lead us to understand more about spinor sequences.
The steps in the literature for the examination process of sequences and polynomials are also valid for the new sequence of polynomials we have defined.
This special kind of sequence of polynomial spinors gives aesthetic results in quantum mechanics.
Generalized Fibospinomials give a wide perspective about the other polynomial spinor sequences and spinor sequences.
Trying to see the beauty of these sequences in quantum mechanics will be interesting and worth examining. In our paper, we will work with generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors through the correspondence between generalized Fibonacci spinors with generalized Fibonacci quaternions like Erişir and Güngör [
32]. We will investigate several properties of this new polynomial spinor sequence such as Binet’s formula, etc. In addition, as particular cases, we will obtain these features for
-Fibonacci polynomial spinors,
-Lucas polynomial spinors, Fibonacci polynomial spinors, and Lucas polynomial spinors, and we will reveal the relations between these polynomial spinors.
From this point of view, the outline of the present paper is as follows: In
Section 2, some necessary definitions are introduced and preliminaries of the Horadam polynomial sequence, quaternions, Horadam quaternion polynomials, spinors, and correspondence between quaternions and spinors are given. Also, a few terms of the sequence of the generalized Fibonacci polynomials and its special cases are recalled in
Table 1 in this section.
Section 3 is reserved for introducing a new polynomial sequence, the generalized Fibospinomials, and its special cases, which are
-Fibonacci polynomial spinors,
-Lucas polynomial spinors, Fibonacci polynomial spinors, and Lucas polynomial spinors, and for exhibiting their important features such as the generating function and Binet’s formula. Some terms of this new polynomial sequence and its special cases are listed in
Table 2,
Table 3 and
Table 4. Apart from this, using the terms of the sequence we have obtained in
Table 3 and
Table 4, some equalities come up. In
Section 4, the Simson’s identity of this new sequence and its special cases, an alternative demonstration of this identity, and an interesting identity demonstrating the relation between the terms of the sequences are focused on.
Section 5 presents several identities revealing the relation between the generalized Fibospinomials,
-Fibonacci polynomial spinors, and
-Lucas polynomial spinors, and Catalan’s identity and its special cases and an alternative description.
Section 6 provides the sum of the first
n terms of the sequence. In
Section 7, the last section before the conclusion, matrices associated with the sequence of this special polynomial spinor are displayed.
2. Preliminaries
The Horadam polynomial sequence, or the generalized Fibonacci polynomial sequence,
was introduced by Horadam [
36] with
are arbitrary complex (or real) polynomials with real coefficients and
are polynomials with real coefficients with
. See also Ref. [
Binet’s formula of generalized Fibonacci polynomials can be calculated using its characteristic equation, which is given as
The roots of the characteristic equation are
and the sum and product of the these roots are as follows:
, then
, and if
, then (
10) can be written as
and, in this case,
The Horadam polynomial sequence can be expanded to negative subscripts through defining
, where
Thus, recurrence (
9) holds for all integers
n. Soykan examined many aspects of the Horadam polynomials in detail [
Now, we recall the definitions of two special cases of the generalized Fibonacci polynomials
according to their first two values, denoted by
, respectively, via the second-order recurrence relations [
The sequences of polynomials
are named the
-Fibonacci polynomial sequence and
-Lucas polynomial sequence. The Fibonacci polynomial sequence
and the Lucas polynomial sequence
coming from
are given as a special case when
, respectively, as follows:
Refs. [
39] can be checked for the properties of Fibonacci polynomials, Lucas polynomials, and some generalizations of these sequences. Furthermore, the sequence of polynomials
, which is the generalized Fibonacci polynomial sequence, becomes the sequence of numbers
, which we call the generalized Fibonacci numbers if
are the sequence of numbers as in the following:
with initial values
not all being zero integers, where
are integers with
. As a special case,
-Fibonacci numbers, denoted by
, and
-Lucas numbers, denoted by
, are given by the following recurrence relations regarding initial values.
In particular, the sequences of polynomials
are the extensions of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, respectively, so that if
, then we have Fibonacci numbers
and Lucas numbers
as follows:
As indicated above, the sequence of polynomials generalize the sequence of numbers. Now, let us have a look at the generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomials and the generalized Fibonacci quaternions. For this, let us take a quick look at the definition of quaternions.
Quaternions extend the complex numbers and are defined in the form where are real numbers and are basis vectors satisfying We denote the set of quaternions by Multiplication of quaternions is not commutative. Hamilton defined that quaternions consist of a scalar part, given above as , and a vector part, given above as . The conjugate and norm of a quaternion q are given by and , respectively.
Catarino defined the
-Fibonacci quaternion polynomials generalizing the
k-Fibonacci quaternion numbers and examined this polynomial sequence with its several properties [
41]. Then, Özkoç and Porsuk [
42] examined the generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomials generalizing the generalized Fibonacci quaternion numbers defined by
is a Horadam polynomial sequence, and they presented the Binet’s formula, generating function and some identities for this polynomial sequence. From this point of view, it can be easily seen that the generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomials sequence
can be written with a second-order recurrence relation [
42], as in the following:
It can be noted that the characteristic equation for generalized Fibonacci polynomial quaternions will be the same as that of generalized Fibonacci polynomials since they have the same linear recurrence relation. In addition, by changing the coefficients and , we obtain generalizations of different sequences such as Fibonacci quaternion polynomials, Lucas quaternion polynomials, Pell quaternion polynomials, Pell–Lucas quaternion polynomials, Jacobsthal quaternion polynomials, and Jacobsthal–Lucas quaternion polynomials, which are among the most well-known sequences.
The Horadam quaternions polynomial sequence also generalizes the sequence of numbers which we will recall for Horadam quaternions below. Horadam [
26] defined the Fibonacci quaternions
and Lucas quaternions
and showed a few relations regarding the Fibonacci quaternions. Later, Iyer exhibited some relations between Fibonacci quaternions and Lucas quaternions [
43] and Swamy found new properties between the generalized Fibonacci quaternion sequence and Fibonacci quaternion sequence [
44]. Then, Halıcı introduced the Binet’s formulas for the Fibonacci and Lucas quaternions, and also exhibited generating functions and some sum formulas for these sequences [
45]. Later on, İpek introduced
-Fibonacci quaternions [
46] and Patel and Ray [
47] introduced
-Lucas quaternions and exhibited some identities about
-Fibonacci quaternions and
-Lucas quaternions, such as Catalan’s identity, d’Ocagne’s identity, etc. Then, Cerda-Morales presented these well-known identities for
-Fibonacci quaternions and
-Lucas quaternions using their Binet’s formulas [
48] and Szynal-Liana and Włoch worked on generalized commutative Fibonacci quaternions [
49]. Halıcı and Karataş gave the most generalized versions of these series as follows:
nth generalized Fibonacci quaternion was exhibited by Halıcı and Karataş [
50] such that
is a generalized Fibonacci or Horadam sequence satisfying (
23). The generalized Fibonacci quaternion sequence, another way of saying Horadam quaternion sequence, is a second-order linear recurrence relation, so that for
For the sake of simplicity, throughout the rest of the paper for all integers
n we use
instead of
respectively, unless otherwise stated.
We can see the first few values of the sequence of polynomials
, and
Table 1 [
Next, we present the first few values of the sequence of polynomials
as follows:
We now recall the spinors obtained with the help of the quaternions. Consider a spinor
given by
We denote the set of spinors by
. Vivarelli [
21] pointed out that there is a correspondence between any quaternion
and a spinor
such that
, where
f is linear and injective. Under this correspondence
f, the conjugate of
q, i.e.,
, is mapped to
as below:
Given two spinors and are equal if and only if and .
Table 1.
Some values of generalized Fibonacci, -Fibonacci, -Lucas, Fibonacci, and Lucas polynomials.
Table 1.
Some values of generalized Fibonacci, -Fibonacci, -Lucas, Fibonacci, and Lucas polynomials.
n | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 0 | 1 | r | |
| | | | |
| 2 | r | | |
| | | | |
| 0 | 1 | x | |
| | 1 | | |
| 2 | x | | |
| | | | |
The product of quaternions
has been shown by Vivarelli [
21] in relation to a spinor matrix product as follows:
is complex, unitary
matrix taking in
. Here,
can be written by means of Pauli matrices (
, and
are Pauli matrices and
I is the unit square matrix of type
. The connection between a spinor
and a
is given [
21] by
The conjugate of a spinor
is given by Cartan [
7] as
and the mate of a spinor
is presented by Castillo and Barrales [
12] as
, as in the following identities:
is the complex conjugate of
3. Generalized Fibonacci (Horadam) Polynomial Spinors
In the following, the definition of the sequence of the generalized Fibospinomials, which is a generalization of the sequence of Horadam spinors defined by Erişir [
35], will be given.
Definition 1. For integer n, the nth generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor sequence of is defined bywhere is the nth generalized Fibonacci polynomial. The generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor sequence
satisfies the second-order linear recurrence sequence from the recurrence (
9). We can see this in the next lemma.
Lemma 1. The generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor sequence has the following identity for all integers n:where are arbitrary polynomial spinors with real coefficients. Proof. For all integers
by using the recurrence (
9), we can easily have the required identity:
Remark 1. Note that first we can define the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor sequence as (41), then we obtain (40). We can see a correspondence between the generalized Fibonacci polynomial quaternions and the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors by adapting from the transformation between quaternions and spinors with the following linear and injective transformation given by Vivarelli [
is the conjugate of the
nth generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomial
, then the
nth generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor
corresponding to
We can write the complex conjugate of
the spinor conjugate to the
and the mate of
Now, we define two special cases of the polynomial spinors
-Fibonacci polynomial spinors, or shortly
, and
-Lucas polynomial spinors, or shortly
, are the special cases of (
Definition 2. For integer n, the nth sequence of polynomials is defined bywhere is the nth -Fibonacci polynomial. From Lemma 1, it can be written equivalently by the second-order recurrence relationswithand the nth sequence of polynomials is defined bywhere is an nth -Lucas polynomial. From Lemma 1, it can be written equivalently by the second-order recurrence relationswith When
, we have the special case of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors, which are called Fibonacci polynomial spinors, denoted as
, and Lucas polynomial spinors, denoted as
, as in the next definition. These polynomial sequences are a generalization of the sequence of Fibonacci spinors and the sequence of Lucas spinors, respectively, defined by Erişir and Güngör [
Definition 3. For integer n, the nth Fibonacci polynomial spinors are defined as bywhere is the nth Fibonacci polynomial. From Lemma 1, it can be written equivalently by the second-order recurrence relationswithand the nth Lucas polynomial spinors are defined bywhere is the nth Lucas polynomial. From Lemma 1, it can be written equivalently by the second-order recurrence relationswith If we take
, then the sequences of Fibonacci polynomial spinors
become the number sequences of Fibonacci spinors and Lucas spinors, respectively. Erişir and Güngör exhibited some algebraic definitions for Fibonacci and Lucas spinors in addition to giving some significant formulas like Binet’s and Cassini’s formulas for these sequences of numbers [
32]. One can also see Cartan [
7] and Vivarelli [
21] for some algebraic properties of spinors.
Now, we list a few values of generalized fibospinomials in
Table 2.
Table 2.
The first few values of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors with negative and positive subscripts.
Table 2.
The first few values of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors with negative and positive subscripts.
n | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| | | |
| | | |
Next, we present the first few values of the special polynomial spinors of second order with negative and positive subscripts in
Table 3:
Table 3.
The first few values of -Fibonacci and -Lucas polynomial spinors with negative and positive subscripts.
Table 3.
The first few values of -Fibonacci and -Lucas polynomial spinors with negative and positive subscripts.
n | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Using the recurrence relation of the Fibonacci and Lucas polynomial spinors
we can write the first few terms of these sequences of polynomials, respectively. See
Table 4.
Table 4.
The first few values of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomial spinors with positive and negative subscripts.
Table 4.
The first few values of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomial spinors with positive and negative subscripts.
n | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
We can show the product of the unitary complex matrix
obtained by
with a generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor sequence
as follows:
Considering this product, the following identities can easily be seen:
Lemma 2. For all integers n, the next identities hold:
Lemma 3. The following equalities are true:
Proof. Once we take the values of
n as
, and 2 in
Table 3, we can easily obtain the required equalities by (
60). □
It can be noted that the characteristic equation for generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors is the same that of generalized Fibonacci polynomials.
Now, we can give the Binet’s formula of
using the roots
in (
11) and recurrence relation (
41) as follows:
Theorem 1. For all integers n, the Binet’s formula for the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor is given by the following formula: Proof. When the roots
of the characteristic Equation (
10) are distinct, one can write the general formula of
as follows:
where the coefficients
are determined by the system of linear equations
Solving these two simultaneous equations for
, we obtain
If the roots
are equal, then we can write
as follows:
where the coefficients
are the polynomials whose values are determined by
and any other known value of the sequence. By using the values
, we obtain
Solving these two simultaneous equations for
, we obtain
Now, let us calculate the values of
, which are in the Binet’s formula, by using (
9), (
12) and (13), as in the following:
We can also find the Binet’s formula of the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors
by using the Binet’s formula of the generalized Fibonacci polynomial
given by Soykan [
23] as
Hence, we present an alternative method for finding the Binet’s formula of as follows:
we obtain that
and for
by using (
9), (
15), (16), and (17), we obtain that
Next, we present a corollary for special cases of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors.
Corollary 1. For all integers n, the Binet’s formula for -Fibonacci polynomial spinors , -Lucas polynomial spinors Fibonacci polynomial spinors , and Lucas polynomial spinors is as follows:
- (i)
where and - (ii)
where and - (iii)
where and - (iv)
where and respectively.
Next, we give the ordinary generating function of the sequence
Lemma 4. Suppose that = is the ordinary generating function of the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors . Then, is given by Proof. Using the definition of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors, and subtracting
, we obtain
Rearranging the above equation, we obtain (
88). □
Lemma 4 gives the following results as particular examples.
Corollary 2. The generating functions of -Fibonacci, -Lucas, Fibonacci, and Lucas polynomial spinors are given by the following formulas:
Proof. In Lemma 4, take
, and
, respectively. Use the first two terms of these sequences of polynomials by taking
Table 3 and
Table 4 for the formula. □
4. Simson’s Formulas
We start with by defining the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor matrix with the help of Fibonacci spinor matrix definition given by Erişir and Güngör [
32]. In order to define required matrix, we need to recall the Fibonacci quaternion matrix defined by Halıcı [
45] as follows:
From this point of view, we can define the generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomial matrix as follows:
In addition, we can define the way the determinant of a given matrix is calculated as follows:
We prefer to use this formula of a determinant of a matrix throughout the paper.
Erişir and Güngör [
32] gave the Fibonacci spinor matrix for Fibonacci spinors, helping to obtain the Simson’s identity. Now, we will present the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor matrix in the next theorem and we will denote this matrix with
. Then, we will use the matrix
to find several identities such as Simson’s identity, and so on.
Theorem 2. Let be the generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomial matrix. Then, the following equality holds from quaternion products via spinors:wherewithand Proof. Let the
nth generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor
correspond to the
nth generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomial
Given a generalized Fibonacci quaternion polynomial matrix
, we obtain by (
36) that
Hence, we can write the generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor matrix corresponding to its quaternion version by using the formula of the determinant as follows:
, and
are given in (
99) and (
100). Thus, we have the following matrix:
From Theorem 2, we can present the Simson’s identity in two different forms in the next theorem.
Theorem 3. (Simson’s Identity) For all integers we have Proof. For
, using (82), the Binet’s formula of
, and (13) we obtain the following identities:
. On the other hand,
From (
105) and (
106), we have the required identity:
Now, let us see when the roots are equal, i.e., for
, that (
104) holds for all integers
n. Using (
83), we obtain that
On the other hand,
From (
107), (
108) and (16) we obtain the required identity as follows:
The previous theorem gives the following results as particular examples.
Corollary 3. For all integers Simson’s formula of -Fibonacci, -Lucas, Fibonacci, and Lucas polynomial spinors is given as
If one compares results (i) and (ii) in Corollary 3, the result presenting the relation between Simson’s identities for and can quickly be seen as follows:
Corollary 4. For all integers the next identities hold:
The next theorem exhibits the relation of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinor transforms with different terms.
Theorem 4. For all integers n, the following identities hold:
Proof. - (i)
, using (82) and (13) we obtain the following identities:
. On the other hand,
Now, let us see when the roots are equal, i.e., for
, that (
115) holds for all integers
n. Using (
83), we obtain that
. On the other hand,
Therefore, (
122) and (
123) give us the next required equality:
- (ii)
, since
we can immediately obtain the following identity using (
120) and taking
Hence, the product
in (
120) equals
by (
12) and (13) and by comparing the identities (
120) and (
125) we have the desired identity:
We now prove the identity holds for all integers
n for equal roots, i.e, for
. By taking
in (
122), since
we arrive at the following identity.
Therefore, the product
in (
122) equals
by (
15) and (16) and by comparing the identities (
122) and (
126), we have the desired identity.
- (iii)
It is clear from (i) and (ii).
- (iv)
for all integers
n and setting the value of
in (ii) from
Table 1, we reach the desired identity.
- (v)
It is obvious from (i) and (iii).
Through Theorem 4, by taking and , we can see a more general formula of -Fibonacci polynomial spinors and -Lucas polynomial spinors in the next corollary.
Corollary 5. For all integers n, the following equalities hold:
The next corollary is the result of Corollary 5 for special cases.
Corollary 6. For all integers n, the following equalities hold:
We can rewrite the Simson’s formula in five different ways using the previous corollaries and theorem.
Remark 2. (Simson’s Identity) For all integers n, Simson’s identity of generalized Fibonacci polynomial spinors can be given by the next five different formulas:and