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Bertrand Offsets of Slant Ruled Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space

Areej A. Almoneef
1,* and
Rashad A. Abdel-Baky
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Assiut, Assiut 71516, Egypt
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Symmetry 2024, 16(2), 235;
Submission received: 15 January 2024 / Revised: 5 February 2024 / Accepted: 11 February 2024 / Published: 15 February 2024


In this paper, we investigate and specify the Bertrand offsets of slant ruled and developable surfaces in Euclidean 3-space E 3 . This is accomplished by utilizing the symmetry of slant curves. As a consequence of this, we present the parameterization of the Bertrand offsets for any slant ruled and developable surfaces. In addition to this, we investigate the monarchies of these ruled surfaces and assign them their own unique classification. Also, we illustrate some examples of slant ruled surfaces.

1. Introduction

In the spatial kinematic, the locomotion of an oriented line embedded linked with a mobile solid body is mostly a ruled surface ( RS ). As it is a significant theme of research in vintage differential geometry, it has been appraised by numerous scholars; see [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. From the geometric point of view, the distinctive characteristics of ruled surfaces and their offset surfaces have been inspected in both Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces. In the context of line geometry, Ravani and Ku released the theory of Bertrand ( B ) curves for RS [8]. They showed that a RS can have an infinite number of Bertrand offsets ( BO ), much as a plane curve can have an infinite number of B matches. Küçük and Gürsoy have specified some descriptions of BO of trajectory RS in view of the connections through the projection areas for the spherical curves of BO and their integral invariants [9]. In [10], Kasap and Kuruoglu obtained the interrelations through integral invariants of the couple of the RS in Euclidean 3-space E 3 . In [11], Kasap and Kuruoglu actuated the research of BO of RS in Minkowski 3-space. The involute–evolute offsets of RS were located by Kasap et al. in [12]. Orbay et al. [13] instigated the search of Mannheim offsets of the RS . Onder and Ugurlu obtained the relationships through invariants of Mannheim offsets of timelike RS , and they presented the issues for these surface offsets to be developable [14]. In view of the involute–evolute offsets of ruled surfaces, in [7], Senturk and Yuce designed integral invariants of these offsets via the geodesic Frenet frame [15]. More recently, Yoon explored evolute offsets of the RS in Minkowski 3-space E 1 3 with stationary Gaussian curvature and mean curvature [16]. Also, Ref. [17] introduced some characterizations for a non-null RS to be a slant RS in E 1 3 , and described the relationships between a non-null slant RS and its striction line. M. Onder and O. Kaya in [18] obtained new characterizations for slant RS in the Euclidean 3-space. There exist a considerable number of written works on the topic of comprehensive diverse treatises; for instance, [19,20,21,22,23,24]. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, there is no work related to creating BO of slant RS via the geometrical properties of the striction curve ( SC ) . This paper is suggested to assist with such a requirement.
In this paper, a generalization of the helical curves is offered for ruled developable surfaces. Interestingly, the consequences slightly clarify the symmetry among point geometry of helical curves and line geometry of ruled surfaces. If all the rulings of a ruled surface have a stationary angle with a definite line then the ruled surface is a slant ruled surface. Consequently, we defined the BO of slant ruled and developable surfaces. As administrations of our central repercussions, we used some models to demonstrate the procedure.
Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between spatial movements and ruled surface, with potential applications in fields such as robotics and mechanical engineering.

2. Basic Concepts

In this section, we provide some connotations, including for RS in Euclidean 3-space E 3 that can be found in the textbooks of differential geometry [1,2,3].
A represented surface
M : x ( u , v ) = c ( u ) + v e ( u ) , u I , v R ,
such that
< e , e > = < e , e > = 1 , < c , e > = 0 ,   = d d u ,
is coined a RS ; c ( u ) is the SC and the variable u is the arc length of the spherical image e = e ( u ) S 2 . This parametrization provides an opportunity to check the kinematic geometry and pertinent geometric diagnostics. For the geometrical ownerships of M , we set up t ( u ) = e , f ( u ) = e × t . Then, the set { e ( u ) , t ( u ) , f ( u ) } is the movable Blaschke frame of e ( u ) S 2 and the vectors t and f are designated as the central normal and the asymptotic normal of M , respectively. Thus, the Blaschke formula is
e t f = 0 1 0 1 0 χ 0 χ 0 e t f = ω × e t f ,
where ω ( u ) = χ ( u ) e ( u ) + f ( u ) is the Darboux vector, and χ ( u ) is the geodesic curvature of e ( u ) S 2 . The tangent of the SC is
c ( u ) = λ ( u ) e ( u ) + μ ( u ) f ( u ) .
χ ( u ) , λ ( u ) and μ ( u ) are referred to as the structure elements of the ruled surface. The geometric ownerships of λ ( u ) and μ ( u ) are demonstrated as follows: λ ( u ) narrates the angle through the tangent to the SC and the ruling of the surface and μ ( u ) is the distribution parameter of M . By the differential organization (2)—a non-developable RS can be realized as follows:
M : x ( u , v ) = 0 u ( λ ( u ) e ( u ) + μ ( u ) f ( u ) ) d u + v e ( u ) , u I , v R .
The unit normal vector n ( u , v ) of M is
n ( u , v ) = x u × x v x u × x v = v f + μ t μ 2 + v 2 ,
which is the central normal t at the striction point ( v = 0 ). The curvature center of e ( u ) S 2 is qualified by
b ( u ) = ω ω = χ 1 + χ 2 e + 1 1 + χ 2 f .
Let α be the radii of curvature through b and e . Then,
b ( u ) = cos α e + sin α f , with cot α = χ ( u ) .
The geodesic curvature χ ( u ) , the curvature κ ( u ) and the torsion τ ( u ) of e ( u ) S 2 fulfil that
κ ( u ) = 1 + χ 2 = 1 sin α = 1 ρ ( u ) , τ ( u ) : = ± α = ± χ 1 + χ 2 ,
where 0 < α π 2 .
Corollary 1.
If χ ( u ) is a steady, then e ( u ) S 2 is a circle.
Via Equation (8) we can figure out that χ is steady yields that τ ( u ) = 0 , and κ ( u ) is steady straight away, which reveals e ( u ) S 2 is a circle (If χ ( u ) 0 ) or a great circle (when χ ( u ) = 0 ). □
Let us have a mobile frame { c ( u ) ; a 1 , a 2 , a 3 } ; c ( u ) c ( u ) 1 = a 1 ( u ) be the tangent unit vector to c ( u ) , a 3 ( u ) = t ( u ) is the surface unit normal united with c ( u ) , and a 2 ( u ) = a 3 × a 1 be the tangent unit to M . Thus, we have the following Darboux formulae
a 1 a 2 a 3 = λ λ 2 + μ 2 0 μ λ 2 + μ 2 μ λ 2 + μ 2 0 λ λ 2 + μ 2 0 1 0 e t f .
Let ϑ be the arc length of c ( u ) , that is, d ϑ = λ 2 + μ 2 d u . Then,
d d ϑ a 1 a 2 a 3 = 0 κ g κ n κ g 0 τ g κ n τ g 0 a 1 a 2 a 3 ,
κ g ( ϑ ) = 1 λ 2 + μ 2 d d ϑ ( μ d λ d ϑ λ d μ d ϑ ) , κ n ( ϑ ) = λ χ μ λ 2 + μ 2 , τ g ( ϑ ) = μ + χ λ λ 2 + μ 2 .
κ g ( ϑ ) , κ n ( ϑ ) , and τ g ( ϑ ) are the geodesic curvature, the normal curvature, and the geodesic torsion of c ( ϑ ) , respectively. Thus,
(1) c ( ϑ ) is a geodesic curve if κ g ( ϑ ) = 0 .
(2) c ( ϑ ) is an asymptotic curve if κ n ( ϑ ) = 0 .
(3) c ( ϑ ) is a curvature line if τ g ( ϑ ) = 0 .
Definition 1.
A ruled surface is named a slant ruled surface if all its rulings have a stationary angle with a stationary definite line.

3. Bertrand Offsets of Slant Ruled Surfaces

In this section, we contemplate and discuss BO of slant ruled surfaces. Then, a theory approximate to the theory of offset curves can be expanded for such surfaces.

3.1. Height Functions

In approximate with [25], a point b 0 S 2 will be coined a b k curvature-center of the curve e ( u ) S 2 ; for all u such that < b 0 , e ( u ) > = 0 , but < b 0 , e 1 k + 1 ( s ) > 0 . Here e k + 1 signalizes the k-th derivation of e ( u ) with regard to u. For the first curvature-center b of e ( u ) , we find < b , e > = ± < b , t > = 0 , and < b , e > = ± < b , e + χ f > 0 . So, b is at least a b 2 curvature-center of e ( u ) S 2 . We now mark a height function a : I × S 2 R , by a ( s , b 0 ) = < b 0 , e > . We engage the notation a ( u ) = a ( u , b 0 ) for any steady point b 0 S 2 . Hence, we state the following:
Proposition 1.
Under the above assumptions, we find that:
i—a will be steady in the first estimation if b 0 S p { e , f } , that is,
a = 0 < e , b 0 > = 0 < t , b 0 > = 0 b 0 = c 1 e + c 3 f ;
for real numbers c 1 , c 3 R , and c 1 2 + c 3 2 = 1 .
ii—a will be steady in the second estimation if b 0 is b 2 for the curvature axis of b 0 S 2 , that is,
a = a = 0 b 0 = ± b .
iii—a will be steady in the third estimation if b 0 is b 3 curvature axis of b 0 S 2 , that is,
a = a = a = 0 b 0 = ± b , and χ 0 .
iv—a will be steady in the fourth estimation if b 0 is b 4 curvature axis of b 0 S 2 , that is,
a = a = a = a i v = 0 b 0 = ± b , χ = 0 , and χ 0 .
1— For the first derivation of a we find
a = < e , b 0 > .
So, we acquire
a = 0 < t , b 0 > = 0 b 0 = c 1 e + c 3 f ;
for real numbers c 1 , c 3 R , and c 1 2 + c 3 2 = 1 , the consequence is evident.
2—Derivation of Equation (12) show that:
a = < e , b 0 > = < e + χ f , b 0 > .
Based on the Equations (13) and (14) we have:
a = a = 0 < x , b 0 > = < x , b 0 > = 0 b 0 = ± e × e e × e = ± b .
3—Derivation of Equation (13) offers that:
a = < e , b 0 > = 1 + χ 2 < t , b 0 > + χ < f , b 0 >
Hence, we have:
a = a = a = 0 b 0 = ± b , and χ 0 .
4—Based on the identical arguments, we can also have:
a = a = a = a = 0 b 0 = ± b , χ = 0 , and χ 0 .
The proof is complete. □
In view of Proposition 1, we have:
The osculating circle S ( ρ , b 0 ) of e ( u ) S 2 is displayed by
< b 0 , e > = ρ ( u ) , < e , b 0 > = 0 , < e , b 0 > = 0 ,
which are indicated based on the condition that the osculating circle must have a touch of at least the third order at e ( u 0 ) if χ 0 .
The curve e ( u ) S 2 and the osculating circle S ( ρ , b 0 ) have a touch of at least the fourth order at e ( u 0 ) if χ = 0 , and χ 0 .
In this vein, by mediating the curvature centers of e ( u ) S 2 , we can obtain a sequence of curvature axes b 2 , b 3 , …, b n . The ownerships and the mutual links among these curvature centers are highly enjoyable issues. For instance, it is easy to see that if b 0 = ± b , χ = 0 , e ( u ) is locating at α is steady relative to b 0 . In this situation, the curvature center is steady up to the second order, and M is described as a slant ruled surface. As a result, we have following theorem:
Theorem 1.
A non-developable RS is deemed a slant RS if its geodesic curvature χ ( u ) is stationary.
Definition 2.
Let M and M * be two non-developable ruled surfaces in E 3 . M is defined as an offset of M * if there exists a bijection through their rulings, such that M and M * have a mutual central normal at the analogical striction points.
Let M * be a B offset of M * and { c * ( u * ) ; e ( u * ) , t ( u * ) , f ( u * ) } is the Blaschke frame of M * as in Equations (2)–(4). Then, the surface M * can be written as
M * : r * ( u * , v ) = c * ( u * ) + v e * ( u * ) , v R ,
c * ( u * ) = c ( u ) + ϕ * ( u ) t ( u ) .
Here, ϕ * ( u ) is the distance function among the analogical striction points of M and M * . By the derivation of the Equation (16) via u, we gain
t * u * = ( λ ϕ * ) t + ϕ * t + ( μ + χ ϕ * ) f .
Since t *   =   t at the congruent striction points of M and M * with u * 0 we gain ϕ * = 0 . This occurs when ϕ * is steady. Moreover, if ϕ is the angle among the rulings of M and M * at the analogical striction points, that is,
< e * , e > = cos ϕ .
By derivation of Equation (18), we obtain
< t * , e > u * + < e * , t > = ϕ sin ϕ .
Since M and M * are BO each other’s ( t *   =   t ) , then we have ϕ = 0 , so that ϕ is steady. Since t *   =   t at the analogical striction points of M and M * , it follows that the asymptotic normals of M and M * also have the same steady angle at the matching striction points. Thus, the correlation amidst their Blaschke frames can be written as:
e * t * f * = cos ϕ 0 sin ϕ 0 1 0 sin ϕ 0 cos ϕ e t f .
If ϕ = π / 2 and ϕ = 0 , then the BO are coined to be right offsets and oriented offsets, respectively [8]. The major point to note here is the technique we have applied (compared with [8]). In conclusion, we find that:
Theorem 2.
The offset angle ϕ and the offset distance ϕ * at the analogical striction points of M and M * are constants.
It is evident from Theorem 2 that a non-developable RS commonly has a double infinity of BO . Each BO can be traced by a steady linear offset ϕ * R and a steady angle offset ϕ [ 0 , 2 π ] . Any two surfaces of this pencil of ruled surfaces are alternates of one another; if M * is a BO of M , then M is likewise a BO of M * .
Let n * ( u * , v ) be the unit normal of M * . Then, as in Equation (6), we have:
n * ( u * , v ) = x u * × x v * x u * × x v * = v f * + μ * t * μ * 2 + v 2 ,
where μ * is the distribution parameter of M * . It is evident from Equations (5) and (21) that the normal state of RS and its BO are not the same. This signifies that the BO of a RS are, commonly, not parallel offsets. Therefore, the parallel conditions among M * in terms of M can be described by the next theorem:
Theorem 3.
M and M * are parallel offsets if ( 1 )   μ = μ ¯ , ( 2 ) their Blaschke frames are collinear.
Let n * ( u * , v ) × n ( u , v ) = 0 , that is, M and M * are parallel offsets. Then, based on Equations (5) and (21), we have
v ( μ cos ϕ μ * ) e + v 2 sin ϕ t + v μ sin ϕ f = 0 ,
which is hold true for any value v 0 , that is, ϕ = 0 and μ = μ * .
Let the two situations of Theorem 2 hold true, that is, ϕ = 0 , μ = μ * , and then use them in n * ( u * , v ) × n ( u , v ) . Then, we have
n * ( u * , v ) × n ( u , v ) = v f * + μ * t * μ * 2 + v 2 × v f + μ t μ 2 + v 2 ,
which is zero vector, that is, M and M * are parallel offsets. □
Using this method again in the same fashion, but now for developable surface μ = 0 , we have:
Corollary 2.
A developable RS and its developable BO are parallel offsets if their Blaschke frames are collinear.
Corollary 3.
A developable RS and its non-developable BO cannot be parallel offsets.
Furthermore, we also have
d d u * e * t * f * = 0 1 0 1 0 χ * 0 χ * 0 e * t * f * ,
d u * = ( cos ϕ + χ sin ϕ ) d u , χ * d u * = ( χ cos ϕ sin ϕ ) d u .
By eliminating d u * / d u , we acquire
( χ * χ ) cos ϕ + ( 1 + χ * χ ) sin ϕ = 0 .
This is a neoteric version of BO of ruled surfaces in terms of their geodesic curvatures.
Theorem 4.
M and M * are BO if the Equation (24) is fulfilled.
Corollary 4.
The BO of a slant RS is also a slant RS .
Corollary 5.
M and M * are parallel offsets if χ * χ = 0 .
Corollary 6.
M and M * are oriented offsets if 1 + χ * χ = 0 .

3.2. Construction of Slant Ruled Surface and Its BO

In this subsection, we describe the construction of slant ruled surface and its BO .
When χ ( u ) is stationary, from the Equations (2) and (7), we have the ODE, e + κ 2 e = 0 . After numerous algebraic manipulations, the solution to this equation is
e ( φ ) = sin α sin φ , sin α cos φ , cos α ,
where φ = 1 + γ 2 u . Thus, we immediately find that
t ( φ ) = d e d φ d e d φ 1 = cos φ , sin φ , 0 , f ( φ ) = e × t = cos α sin φ , cos α cos φ , sin α .
Therefore, based on Equations (3), (25) and (26), the SC c ( φ ) is:
c ( φ ) = ( 0 φ λ sin φ d φ ) sin α + ( 0 φ μ sin φ d φ ) cos α ( 0 φ λ cos φ d φ ) sin α + ( 0 φ μ cos φ d φ ) cos α ( 0 φ λ d φ ) cos α ( 0 φ μ d φ ) sin α
Based on Equations (4), (25)–(27) the slant ruled surface M has the form
r ( φ , v ) = ( 0 φ λ sin φ d φ ) sin α + ( 0 φ μ sin φ d φ ) cos α + v sin α sin φ ( 0 φ λ cos φ d φ ) sin α + ( 0 φ μ cos φ d φ ) cos α + v sin α cos φ ( 0 φ λ d φ ) cos α ( 0 φ μ d φ ) sin α + v cos α
According to the Equations (15), (20) and (27) the BO surface M * can be inferred as
r * ( φ , v ) = ( 0 φ λ sin φ d φ ) sin α + ( 0 φ μ sin φ d φ ) cos α + ϕ * cos φ + v sin Θ sin φ ( 0 φ λ cos φ d φ ) sin α + ( 0 φ μ cos φ d φ ) cos α ϕ * sin φ + v sin Θ cos φ ( 0 φ λ d φ ) cos α ( 0 φ μ d φ ) sin α + v cos Θ ,
where Θ = α + ϕ .

3.3. Classification of the Slant Ruled Surfaces

Based on the Equations (28) and (29), and via the shape of the striction curves, the slant RS and its BO can be classified into three kinds, as follows; we will consider ϕ * = 1 .
Case 1. If the striction curve is an asymptotic curve, κ n = λ χ μ = 0 , there are two potential issues:
(a). In the issue of α = π / 4 ( λ = μ ) , then we have
r ( φ , v ) = ( 2 0 φ μ sin φ d φ + v 2 sin φ , 2 0 φ μ cos φ d φ + v 2 cos φ , v 2 ) ,
r * ( φ , v ) = 2 0 φ μ sin φ d φ + cos φ + v 2 ( cos ϕ + sin ϕ ) sin φ 2 0 φ μ cos φ d φ sin φ + v 2 ( cos ϕ + sin ϕ ) cos φ v 2 ( cos ϕ sin ϕ ) .
For μ ( φ ) = φ , 30 v 30 , and 0 φ 2 π . The slant RS and its parallel offset are shown in Figure 1. The slant RS and its oriented offset are shown in Figure 2.
(b). In the issue of α = π / 2 ( λ = 0 ) , then we have
r ( φ , v ) = ( v sin φ , v cos φ , 0 φ μ d φ ) ,
r * ( φ , v ) = ( cos φ + v cos ϕ sin φ , sin φ + v cos ϕ cos φ , 0 φ μ d φ v sin ϕ )
For μ ( φ ) = 1 , 1.5 v 1.5 , and 0 φ 2 π , the slant RS and its parallel offset are shown in Figure 3. The slant RS and its oriented offset are shown in Figure 4.
Case 2. If the striction curve is a geodesic curve, we may write
κ g = 1 λ 2 + μ 2 d d φ ( μ d λ d φ λ d μ d φ ) = 0 λ / μ = c ,
where c is an arbitrary constant. Thus, we may have two different cases:
(a). In the issue of α = π / 4 , we have
r ( φ , v ) = c 2 ( 0 φ μ sin φ d φ ) + 1 2 ( 0 φ μ sin φ d φ ) + v 2 sin φ c 2 ( 0 φ μ cos φ d φ ) + 1 2 ( 0 φ μ cos φ d φ ) + v 2 cos φ c 2 ( 0 φ μ d φ ) 1 2 ( 0 φ μ d φ ) + v 2
r * ( φ , v ) = c 2 0 φ μ sin φ d φ + 1 2 0 φ μ sin φ d φ + cos φ + v cos ϕ sin φ c 2 0 φ μ cos φ d φ + 1 2 0 φ μ cos φ d φ sin φ + v cos ϕ cos φ c 2 0 φ μ d φ 1 2 0 φ μ d φ v sin ϕ .
For μ ( φ ) = c = 1 , 3 v 3 , and 0 φ 2 π . The slant RS and its parallel offset are shown in Figure 5. The slant RS and its oriented offset are shown in Figure 6.
(b). For the issue of α = π / 2 , we have
r ( φ , v ) = ( c 0 φ μ sin φ d φ + v sin φ , c 0 φ μ cos φ d φ + v cos φ , 0 φ μ d φ ) ,
r * ( φ , v ) = c 0 φ μ sin φ d φ + cos φ + v cos ϕ sin φ c 0 φ μ cos φ d φ sin φ + v cos ϕ cos φ 0 φ μ d φ v sin ϕ
For μ ( φ ) = c = 1 , 1.5 v 1.5 , and 0 φ 2 π . The slant RS and its parallel offset are shown Figure 7. The slant RS and its oriented offset are shown in Figure 8.
Case 3. If the striction curve is a curvature line, we may write μ + χ λ = 0 , and we may have two different cases:
(a). In the issue of α = π / 4 ( λ = μ ) , then we have
r ( φ , v ) = ( v 2 sin φ , v 2 cos φ , 2 0 φ μ d φ + v 2 ) ,
r * ( φ , v ) = ( cos φ + v cos ϕ sin φ , sin φ + v cos ϕ cos φ , 2 0 φ μ d φ v sin ϕ ) .
For μ ( φ ) = 1 , 2 v 2 , and 0 φ 2 π . The slant RS and its parallel offset are shown in Figure 9. The slant RS and its oriented offset are shown in Figure 10.
(b). For the issue of α = π / 2 ( μ = 0 ) , we have
r ( φ , v ) = ( 0 φ λ sin φ d φ + v sin φ , 0 φ λ cos φ d φ + v cos φ , 0 ) ,
r * ( φ , v ) = 0 φ λ sin φ d φ + cos φ + v cos ϕ sin φ 0 φ λ cos φ d φ sin φ + v cos ϕ cos φ v sin ϕ
For λ ( φ ) = 1 , 2 v 2 , and 0 φ 2 π . The slant RS and its parallel offset are shown in Figure 11. The slant RS and its oriented offset are shown in Figure 12.

4. Conclusions

This paper develops a theory regarding BO of slant ruled surfaces analogous to the slant curve theory. In this paper, we legalize the general parameterization of a slant ruled surface in the Euclidean 3-space E 3 . In terms of this, we discuss the properties of the position vectors of the BO for slant ruled and developable surfaces. Hopefully, these scores will be useful in the field of model-based manufacturing of mechanical products, as well as in geometric modeling. The authors plan to apply this work in diverse spaces and discuss the categorization of singularities as they are pointed out in [26,27].

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; methodology, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; software, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; validation, R.A.A.-B.; formal analysis, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; investigation, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; resources, R.A.A.-B.; data curation, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; writing—original draft preparation, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; writing—review and editing, A.A.A.; visualization, R.A.A.-B. and A.A.A.; supervision, R.A.A.-B.; project administration, R.A.A.-B.; funding acquisition, A.A.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R337).

Data Availability Statement

Our manuscript has no associate data.


The authors would like to acknowledge the Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R337), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Also, we would like to thank the reviewers for taking the necessary time and effort to review the manuscript. We sincerely appreciate all your valuable comments and suggestions, which helped us improve the quality of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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Figure 1. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Figure 1. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Symmetry 16 00235 g001
Figure 2. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Figure 2. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Symmetry 16 00235 g002
Figure 3. Slant ruled surface (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Figure 3. Slant ruled surface (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Symmetry 16 00235 g003
Figure 4. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Figure 4. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Symmetry 16 00235 g004
Figure 5. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Figure 5. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Symmetry 16 00235 g005
Figure 6. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Figure 6. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Symmetry 16 00235 g006
Figure 7. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Figure 7. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
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Figure 8. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Figure 8. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
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Figure 9. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Figure 9. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
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Figure 10. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Figure 10. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
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Figure 11. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
Figure 11. Slant RS (left) and its parallel offset (right).
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Figure 12. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
Figure 12. Slant RS (left) and its oriented offset (right).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Almoneef, A.A.; Abdel-Baky, R.A. Bertrand Offsets of Slant Ruled Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space. Symmetry 2024, 16, 235.

AMA Style

Almoneef AA, Abdel-Baky RA. Bertrand Offsets of Slant Ruled Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space. Symmetry. 2024; 16(2):235.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Almoneef, Areej A., and Rashad A. Abdel-Baky. 2024. "Bertrand Offsets of Slant Ruled Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space" Symmetry 16, no. 2: 235.

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